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The present study indicates that prenatal/birth complications, developmental delays, head injury history and family histry of learning disabilities occur at higher frequencies among college students with learning disabilities, but a family history of diabetes or hypoglycemia, and chronic ear infection history do not occur more often among students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This study considers how the psychological adjustment of ethnic minority college students may be linked to a sense of school belonging and ethnic identity, two constructs related to individuals feeling like they belong to a larger group. Using self-reports from 311 undergraduates from ethnic minority backgrounds, school belonging was found to be negatively associated with depressive symptoms, and positively associated with perceived self-worth, scholastic competence, and social acceptance, while ethnic identity was only found to be positively associated with self-worth. Furthermore, the interaction between ethnic identity and school belonging was significantly associated with self-worth, suggesting that in the absence of a sense of belonging at school, stronger ethnic identity was linked to higher self-worth. College students reported the lowest levels of self-worth when they were neither connected to their college nor connected to their ethnic group.  相似文献   

Using survey data from a large, public university, the authors examined the relationships of precollege sexual violence experience to revictimization and disclosure. Among victims of campus sexual violence, those with prior sexual victimization were no more or less likely to disclose to campus resources and were less likely to disclose to peers. Results suggest that institutions need to be prepared to support students with a range of victimization experiences. There is also a need for earlier and expanded sexual violence education and awareness efforts.  相似文献   

Career identity development is salient in adolescence and young adulthood, but little research has assessed career identity in populations other than four-year college students. Context should be considered when examining career identity, and to address this gap in the literature, the current study examined the extent to which parental support for career, work experience, and career decision self-efficacy (CDSE) influenced career identity evaluation (i.e., engaging in in-depth career exploration and identification with one's career) in a sample of community college students. Results showed that parental support for career was predictive of CDSE, and CDSE was predictive of career identity evaluation, which suggests parental support for career indirectly affects career identity evaluation through CDSE. In contrast to expectations, work experience was not associated with CDSE or career identity evaluation. Findings suggest differences in career identity development for two-year community college and four-year university students.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the complexities of working with clients with dual minority status (i.e., sexual orientation and ethnicity). The authors explore the multiple contexts that influence ethnic and sexual minority clients' self‐concept. A case illustration of a Puerto Rican lesbian college student is presented, and suggestions for implementing multiple lenses in counseling dual minority clients are offered.  相似文献   

This article reviews the statistical evidence of LGBT violence in the United States and in the world. In the United States the statistics are from Amnesty International and the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project. Statistics and other information about LGBT violence in other countries of the world come from many different sources. Reasons why this violence exists and international human rights responses are reviewed. The authors argue for a greater role for mental health organizations in the amelioration of prejudice against LGBT people and for more involvement of these organizations in social justice issues around the world. The article concludes with recommendations for future directions.  相似文献   

大学生性观念及其性教育的缺失   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新时期当代大学生的性观念、性道德发生了巨大变化,因此,在中国正处于一个传统与现代交织更替的特殊时期,重视和开展有中国特色的大学生性教育非常重要,且意义深远。  相似文献   

越来越多的新疆少数民族学生进入普通高校学习,成为高校的“特殊”群体,他们的风俗传统、生活习惯、学习方式等都与汉族学生有着较大的差别,导致高校对他们的教育存在一些不足。为探究起因,调查组以某学院为例,围绕近年来新疆少数民族学生学业、教育管理、受资助、心理状况等方面进行深入调研,通过问卷调查、部门走访、个别访谈、小组对话、个案研究等方式,全面了解新疆少数民族学生在校学习、生活、成长方面的现状及困惑,找到成因,并在此基础上探寻新疆少数民族学生教育管理和促进少数民族学生良好发展的对策。  相似文献   

当代大学生的性道德存在着性观念过分开放、缺乏性知识和获取性知识的正确途径以及性行为较随意等问题。大学生自己、家长、学校和社会都对这些问题负有责任。为此,我们应该提高大学生的认知能力,充分发挥家庭的第一教师作用和学校的教育基地作用,净化社会大环境,以此来解决大学生性道德存在的问题,加强大学生性道德建设。  相似文献   

探讨了当前大学生常见抑郁症的类型及表现 ,介绍了有关对大学生抑郁症进行早期检测和预防的研究 ,提出了有针对性的防治举措  相似文献   

文章对新疆少数民族学生在英语学习过程中补偿策略的使用状况及其不同性别的使用差异进行了调查分析,并针对少数民族英语教学和英语学习补偿策略的使用提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

通过对德宏地区少数民族大学生民族认同现状的调查分析,认为德宏地区少数民族大学生总体表现出积极的民族认同,但也存在对本民族传统文化认识不足和民族认同观念弱化的倾向。这些问题可尝试通过拓展历史文化课程、加强思想政治教育、积极开展实践活动等途径来改善和提高。  相似文献   

加强性道德教育是促进大学生身心健康发展的内在要求。也是防范其性失误、性罪错的重要手段。为此应当遵循性道德教育与性知识教育相结合的原则。着重对大学生进行性责任感的教育,引导大学生掌握性道德规范、增强性道德意识、提高性道德能力,最终树立正确的性价值观。  相似文献   

The practice of sexting is becoming increasingly common among college students but has the potential to both initiate productive interactions with others and interfere with relationship development. The purpose of this paper is to report on the findings of a study on sexting among college students and to provide a framework through which practitioners working with this population would be able to effectively intervene. Implications for clinical practice include more specific assessment questions for practitioners, focus on better managing riskier behavior, and guidance toward using technology in relationally responsible and supportive ways.  相似文献   

对当代大学生审美素质教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美育作为素质教育的主要内容和基本任务之一,对当代大学生的成长具有重要意义,当前大学生审美素质因为种种原因遭受冷落,加强大学生审美素质教育要充分认识审美素质教育在人才培养目标中的地位,建立完整开放的审美素质教育体系,积极建设校园文化,创造健康高雅的美育氛围。  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of alcohol and other drugs among 193 Taiwanese female college students currently attending Tainan Women's College of Arts and Technology. Using the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, participants were asked to identify: (1) which substances they have used in the last year and during the past 30 days, (2) the frequency of substance use, and (3) the consequences associated with the use of alcohol and other substances. Results indicated that alcohol and tobacco were the most commonly used substances. Compared to a similar study, alcohol use in the last year was considerably higher among the participants in this study and tobacco use was considerably lower. During the past 30 days, the use of both alcohol and tobacco were relatively low. Implications for college counselors and college officials are discussed.  相似文献   

少数民族预科大学生人格特征差异的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查和了解少数民族大学生以及不同民族之间的人格特征和性别差异,为民族个性心理研究及少数民族大学生心理健康教育提供参考依据。采用16PF对来自全国48个少数民族2891名大学生进行统一心理测试。得出①少数民族大学生与全国常模比较,在兴奋性、敢为性、幻想性、忧郁性方面普遍高于常模,而在聪慧性、恃强性、有恒性、怀疑性、世故性、实验性方面低于常模,差异性很显著。②少数民族大学生在人格因素上存在性别差异,男性比女性更稳定、怀疑、独立,女性则比男性更乐群、兴奋、敏感、幻想、忧郁。③在不同少数民族大学生之间存在着人格和性别差异。  相似文献   


First-year undergraduate students in the United Kingdom undergo significant change in their lives as they embark upon their university experience. They may be exposed to various social and psychological factors that increase their risk of poor sexual health. Indeed, epidemiological data suggest that young people (including students) face sexual health inequalities compared to the general population. People’s perceptions are key to understanding their behavior. This study explores the sexual health perceptions of a group of first-year students at a British university. Sixteen heterosexual students were interviewed, and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis revealed three content categories: (1) sexual freedom and exploration at university, (2) university environmental sexual risk factors, and (3) stigma as a barrier to sexual health. These risk factors can undermine sexual health outcomes in students in the long term and should, therefore, be considered in sexual health education programs for university students in the United Kingdom. It is argued that the incorporation of social and psychological factors into such programs will lead to more effective sexual health promotion in this high-risk population.  相似文献   

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