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The purpose of this article is to bring to the fore a topic that has received little mention in the college student literature: conducting psychotherapy with survivors of war and political trauma who seek treatment at college and university counseling centers. Following a discussion of political trauma in relation to typical developmental challenges of the college years, several case examples illustrate clinical issues for these students. In addition, personal and professional issues faced by the counselors who work with this population will be addressed. Psychotherapy with these clients has demonstrated the potential of resiliency in the aftermath of political trauma.  相似文献   


This article explores the need for university counseling centers (UCCs) to implement brief therapies and describes one such treatment, intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP), as a particularly viable therapeutic approach in this setting. Because ISTDP is not appropriate for all students seeking therapy, a careful assessment of the client is conducted prior to deciding which treatment approach is best suited for the client. The different restructuring techniques that comprise ISTDP are discussed. The article ends with a brief vignette from a therapy session with a student involving ISTDP techniques.  相似文献   

叙事治疗与人本—存在治疗运用于不同的临床理论、治疗策略和技术,在意义的社会性和意义的生成及治疗关系等方面有所差异和侧重,在人的处境、个人自由和责任等元理论层面具有相似之处,为心理治疗理论与方法的整合提供了基础和空间。  相似文献   


The current study assessed how previous experience with therapy impacted college students' perception of a clinician displaying symptoms of burnout. One hundred forty-seven undergraduate students viewed a videotaped therapy vignette depicting segments of three consecutive psychotherapy sessions. The therapist displayed symptoms of burnout (e.g., fatigue, clock watching) in one of the sessions. Participants rated the therapist on the following variables: liking, competence, level of concern, dedication to the field, and whether the client should continue to be treated by that therapist. As predicted, participants who indicated that they had been in therapy in the past rated the therapist significantly lower on four of these dimensions compared with subjects who had no prior experience in therapy. The results suggest that students who have previously been in therapy are more critical of a fatigued and distracted therapist.  相似文献   

从20世纪70年代后,人们开始探讨心理疗法的整合问题.它表现为三种类型:技术上的折衷主义,综合的折衷主义,非理论的折衷主义.现今,后现代主义心理学为心理治疗和咨询的整合提供了一种全新的框架.心理疗法整合的目的是让人们以更为开放的态度和更为开阔的眼光,多维度、多视角地探索各方法间相得益彰的方式.  相似文献   

校医工作中的心理治疗,主要是解释性心理治疗,学会倾听、支持、保证三原则的简易心理治疗手段,并将临床治疗与心理治疗有机地结合在一起,易于被学生接受,也易于建立良好的医患关系,从而提高临床工作质量。  相似文献   

心理治疗家和研究者发现,不同的致幻剂会产生不同的效果,因而具有不同的治疗意义。致幻剂虽然在当代的心理治疗中的应用已不如20世纪六、七十年代普遍,但这种应用还在继续,有关这方面的知识和理论也得到发展。但将致幻剂用于心理治疗,应十分谨慎,并严格遵循一些原则,同时要注意致幻剂治疗有其局限性。  相似文献   

The present study examined differences in college students' preferences for processes of change across four kinds of problems: academic, relationship, depression, and anxiety. Two hundred eighteen undergraduates were randomly assigned to complete either an academic problems, relationship problems, depression, or anxiety Processes of Change Questionnaire along with the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Services Scale. Results revealed significant differences for preferred processes of change as a function of problem type. Generally, processes of change were more preferred for depression, anxiety, and relationship problems than for academic problems. Results may assist clinicians in selecting psychotherapeutic interventions to which college students will be most receptive.  相似文献   

在不同的心理治疗理论中,自我概念具有各自特殊的含义和意义。弗洛伊德将自我视作人格中唯一能行使认识功能的部分,也是心理问题的主要责任者;伯恩将自我视作人格的主体,并将其分为父母自我、成人自我、儿童自我三部分,提出三者关系状况决定了心理健康的状况;罗杰斯将自我放在人的主观经验世界的核心地位,提出自发、自由的自我是健康的自我;皮尔斯提出了心理界限和自我觉察力概念,为健康自我增加了自觉之内涵。  相似文献   

积极心理治疗作为心理治疗中的一个新生事物,它从人发展的可能性和能力出发,以积极的认知方式探讨冲突与苦恼,以跨文化的观点评估心理问题,以独到新颖的治疗思想反对传统的学术主张,已经发展为既有较完整的理论基础又有明确治疗方法的治疗模式.然而,这一较符合人性特点的心理治疗模式并不是全新的内容,它深深扎根于传统心理治疗特别是人本主义心理治疗的土壤之中,并在治疗目标、治疗方法等方面实现了超越.  相似文献   

叙事心理治疗是叙事理论、后现代思潮与临床心理学相结合的产物。文章重点阐述了叙事心理治疗的主要方法和技术。  相似文献   

积极心理治疗作为心理治疗中的一个新生事物,它从人发展的可能性和能力出发,在治疗中强调当事人积极的基本能力,关注当事人积极的人格特质,借助讲故事的形式提供跨文化的研究视野。这一较为符合人性特点的心理治疗模式,推动了心理治疗理论的变革,展示了理解人性的积极角度,开创了构建和谐社会的新途径。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了精神取向的心理治疗家特别是Kenneth Ring和Bruce Greyson等人有关濒死经验(near death experiench NDF)及相关的心理治疗问题的理论与实践,主要包括以下内容:对濒死经验的描述、对濒死经验的意义的揭示、与濒死经验有关的临床问题、濒死经验治疗的目标和治疗策略等。  相似文献   

心理咨询与治疗流派体系的方法学研究有待加强。心理咨询与治疗流派体系研究应该注意从心理咨询与治疗理论的历史背景出发,疏通心理咨询与治疗理论的发展源流,探寻心理咨询与治疗方法的理论依据,扣住心理咨询与治疗方法的内在体系,做到心理咨询与治疗理论和方法之间的融会贯通,从而系统构建心理咨询与治疗理论的流派体系。  相似文献   

德国积极心理治疗范式的特点与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
积极心理治疗由德国著名心理治疗专家诺斯拉特·佩塞施基安教授创立,已经发展成为既有较为完整的理论基础又有明确治疗方法的范式.与传统心理治疗相比,积极心理治疗具有鲜明的个性特色,表现出跨文化研究、积极型视角、整合化理念,人性化原则、自助式疗法和社会化效应等特点.积极心理治疗范式具有反传统的学科发展意义、实践创新意义和社会建构意义,为当今心理治疗发展开辟了新的方向和途径.  相似文献   

The expertise literature within cognitive science has provided a rich series of ideas which can be used to improve applied practice. The authors of the articles in this special issue have taken many of these ideas and made useful elaborations and extensions. In reaction to the articles, we suggest five blocks to a full utilization of the expertise literature and other constructs in practitioner development. These blocks are: (a) the need to go beyond the cognitive realm to the working alliance for the fundamental construct in the domain; (b) the need to realize that the novice-to-expert path takes a long time—perhaps 15 years—to travel; (c) the inappropriate use of a short experience differential in comparative studies of novices and experts; (d) the importance of reflection for development; and (e) the need for professors, in order to be experts, to also be practitioners in the domain.  相似文献   

从经典精神分析到后现代主义心理治疗,每一个心理治疗模式都蕴涵着一个独特的心理隐喻。心理隐喻经历了由物到人、由被动到主动、由消极到积极、由个体到社会的历史变迁,心理治疗模式经历了一个由客观主义到主观主义,由反映论到建构论的转换,这种变迁和转换促进了心理治疗方法的进步,推动了心理治疗过程中医患关系的改善,为心理治疗模式的整合提供了新的框架。  相似文献   

自弗洛伊德开始,童话在心理治疗中沿用已久.精神分析学派是把童话应用到心理学研究中最多的心理学流派.近年来童话的心理治疗作用再一次得到重视.童话是适合儿童心理治疗的有效工具.童话在心理治疗中的作用具体表现为:童话具备投射测验的功能,能够投射出儿童自己无法说清的情绪和内心困惑;童话能够处理儿童的心理情结,帮助儿童整合与理清混乱的情结,并且促成儿童的心理成长;童话中还隐藏着为人处世的经验和与人交往的典范,儿童通过对童话的阅读能够潜移默化地吸收成人世界的经验,由此促进了儿童的社会化.  相似文献   

高职院校已成为我国高等教育的“半壁江山”,然而,在高职教育中却存在着这样一个难题,这就是学生厌学情绪。这是一种不良的学习情感的意识倾向,它会严重影响学生学习能力的培养。造成厌学情绪的原因很多,但最主要是高职学生存在着诸多的心理问题。心理的问题,需要用心理的办法来诱导和治疗,主要有系统脱敏疗法、存在分析疗法、生活分析疗法、团体咨询疗法等心理疗法。  相似文献   

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