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This paper examines the processes of regulation of student learning that are associated with formative assessment in the classroom. It discusses the concept of co-regulation and presents a model of co-regulation developed in a situated perspective on classroom learning. This model conceptualises co-regulated learning as resulting from the joint influence of student self-regulation and of sources of regulation in the learning environment: namely, the structure of the teaching/learning situation, the teacher’s interventions and interactions with students, the interactions between students, and the tools used for instruction and for assessment. Examples of research showing how co-regulation functions are discussed, in particular students’ use of tools for self-assessment and peer assessment, and the role of teacher–student interactions that encourage active student participation in formative assessment.  相似文献   

Advocates of ubiquitous computing have long been documenting classroom benefits of one-to-one ratios of students to handheld or laptop computers. The recent sophisticated capabilities of the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad have encouraged further speculation on exactly how K–12 teaching and learning might be energized by such devices. This paper summarizes the research-to-date on mobile learning for K–12 students, and then delineates specific features and applications available on the iPod Touch that might impact student learning across the curricula. Finally, caveats are offered regarding the introduction and assimilation of these handheld computers into K–12 schools.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):77-84
Tablet PCs have the potential to change the dynamics of classroom interaction through wireless communication coupled with pen-based computing technology that is suited for analyzing and solving engineering problems. This study focuses on how tablet PCs and wireless technology can be used during classroom instruction to create an Interactive Learning Network (ILN) that is designed to enhance the instructor's ability to solicit active participation from all students during lectures, to conduct immediate and meaningful assessment of student learning, and to provide needed real-time feedback and assistance to maximize student learning. This interactive classroom environment is created using wireless tablet PCs and a software application, NetSupport School. Results from two separate controlled studies of the implementation of this model of teaching and learning in a sophomore-level Introductory Circuit Analysis course show a statistically significant positive impact on student performance. Additionally, results of student surveys show overwhelmingly positive student perception of the effects of this classroom environment on their learning experience. These results indicate that the interactive classroom environment developed using wireless tablet PCs has the potential to be a more effective teaching pedagogy in problem-solving intensive courses compared with traditional instructor-centered teaching environments.  相似文献   

An increasing number of K‐12 school teachers have been using handheld, or palmtop, computers in the classroom as an integral means of facilitating education due to the flexibility, mobility, interactive learning capability, and comparatively inexpensive cost. This study involved two experiments in handheld computers: (a) a comparison of the process of learning English spelling in fourth grade students using handheld computers and fourth grade students who did not use handheld computers, and (b) a comparison between the test results of fifth grade students’ dividing fractions using handheld computers and fifth grade students dividing fractions using paper‐and‐pencil. The results revealed that fourth grade students who used handheld computers to learn spelling had significantly higher test scores than those students who learned spelling without handheld computers. Fifth grade students who used handheld computers when taking a dividing fractions test scored significantly higher than those students who used paper‐and‐pencil for the same test. This study concluded that handheld devices could be an addition to learning technologies in elementary schools.

Untersuchung der Einsatzmöglichkeit von Handheld‐Technologie beim Erreichen von akademischen Primarschul‐Lehrer‐Abschlüssen

Eine wachsende Zahl von K‐12 Schullehrern verwenden Handhelds oder Palmtop‐Computer im Unterricht als wesentliche erzieherische Hilfsmittel wegen ihrer Flexibilität Mobilität, interaktiven Kapazität und ihren vergleichsweise geringen Kosten. Diese Studie enthält zwei Experimente im Bereich “Handheld Computer”. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass fourth‐grade Studenten, die zum Erlernen der Rechtschreibung Handheld.‐Computer benutzten, signifikant bessere Testergebnisse erreichten als die, die keine Handhelds verwendeten. Fifth‐Grade Studenten, die Handhelds beim Lösen von Divisionsaufgaben benutzen haben beim Test signifikant besser abgeschnitten, als die, die nur Papier und Bleistift für den gleichen Test zur Verfügun hatten. Daraus folgt, dass Handheld Hilfsmittel eine zusätzliche Hilfe beim Lernen von Technologie in Grundschulen sein könnten.

Un examen du potentiel des technologies portables sur les résultats scolaires des élèves de l’école élémentaire

Un nombre croissant de professeurs des écoles utilisent les ordinateurs portables ou “palmtop” dans leurs classes comme outil intégré susceptible de faciliter l’enseignement, du fait de sa souplesse, de sa mobilité, de sa capacité à favoriser l’apprentissage interactif et de son prix relativement accessible. La présente étude a porté sur deux expériences impliquant des ordinateurs de poche. Les résultats ont révélé que les élèves de quatrième année qui utilisaient ces ordinateurs portables pour apprendre l’orthographe obtenaient aux tests des scores nettement plus élevés que les élèves qui apprenaient l’orthographe sans ordinateursde poche. Les élèves de cinquième année qui utilisaient des ordinateurs portables lorsqu’ils passaient un test sur la division des fractions obtenaient des résultats nettement plus élevés que les élèves qui utilisaient du papier et un crayon pour le même test. Cette étude a conclu que les technologies portables pouvaient apporter un plus aux technologies d’apprentissage dans les écoles élémentaires.

Un examen de las potencialides de las tecnologías portátilessobre los resultados académicos de los alumnos de primaria

Un número creciente de maestros de escuela usan ordenadores de tipo móvil o handheld en sus aulas como herramientas integradas para facilitar el aprendizaje, debido a su flexibilidad, movilidad, capacidad para facilitar el aprendizaje interactivo y su precio relativamente barato. El presente estudio incluye dos experimentos sobre los ordenadores de bolsillo. Los resultados han mostrado que los alumnos de cuarto año que habían usado esos ordenadores móviles para aprender la ortografía conseguían resultados claramente más altos que los alumnos que habían aprendido la ortografía sin ordenadores móviles. Los alumnos de quinto año que usaban los ordenadores móviles cuando pasaban un test de división de fracciones conseguían resultados claramente más altos que los de esos alumnos que habían usado papel y lápiz para el mismo test. La investigación concluyó que los aparatos portatiles podían constituir un valor agregado en las tecnologías de aprendizaje en las escuelas primarias.  相似文献   

The emphasis in classroom learning research has moved from process-product models to the mediating process paradigm. The stimulated-recall interview and thik aloud techniques are the two main processes that have been used in attempts to find out what goes on inside students' heads while they are learning. For example, this researcher has used the stimulated-recall interview technique to identify the workplace thinking of a marine science researcher, and the in-class thinking of a year eleven biology student. Such studies as these have produced findings with important implications for the classroom teacher in the role of action researcher. This paper describes how to conduct stimulated-recall interviews and discusses some classroom implications from the two studies. Specializations: secondary science teacher education, classroom thinking during instruction, direct teaching of thinking skills.  相似文献   


How can research findings from cognitive and learning sciences be meaningfully applied in authentic settings to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics? Decades of basic research on how people learn has implications for the design of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. However, bringing research to practice involves simultaneously applying multiple design principles and raises pragmatic challenges of classroom contexts. Our project used research-based recommendations to systematically revise a widely used middle school mathematics curriculum and investigated whether the revised curriculum improved student learning in mathematics. In this article, we detail a replicable process for operationalizing and implementing multiple research-based principles and report findings from a large-scale experimental evaluation of this approach to estimate the potential impact on student learning.  相似文献   


From its inception, social work education has consistently embraced the position that field learning is an essential element of professional education. It is through field work that the student has the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom and to learn the skills necessary for effective social work practice

A study conducted by Fortune et at. (1985) on student satisfaction with field placement revealed that the field instructor or supervisor was a link to student satisfaction with the field practicum. Much has been written on the concept and principles of field education, with discussions on the field instructor's functions in field instruction. However, it seems that such discussions vary greatly in their degree of specificity in spelling out the field instruction tasks. On the other hand, relatively little has been reported on how social work students perceive the roles and tasks of field instructors. It seems obvious that students, with first hand experiences in field work practice, can contribute much to the formulation of knowledge in field instruction

Hence, it is vital and essential to study what social work students actually expect of the roles and behaviors of field instructors as contrast to what is written in the theories of field instruction.

This paper attempts to identify the set of behaviours and tasks perceived by students as important to the work of a field instructor. In the process, it is also envisaged that the “anatomy of field instruction” can be better understood through a clear specification of the activities involved.  相似文献   

While we live in an Information Society, information technology has barely penetrated the classroom. Not only does it make no sense for every aspect of our lives save education to be enriched by appropriate technologies (e.g., computers, video discs, interactive systems), this technology has the potential to trigger an educational revolution much in the way that the Gutenberg press triggered a revolution 500 years ago. Technology alone cannot fix our ailing educational system. Yet it can be the thin edge of the wedge in giving us the capacity to provide an educational experience that stimulates the student (and the teacher), opens myriad worlds of information, and conforms to what we believe to be best teaching and learning practices.  相似文献   

文章提倡应用掌上电脑(Handheld Computers)作为认知工具(Cognitive Tools)来支持中小学生的科学探究(Inquiry)活动及认知发展。文章首先对计算机认知工具的内涵及相关界定进行了分析;探讨了掌上电脑在中小学生科学探究中的应用价值;并就计算机认知工具支持中小学生科学探究活动的国际和国内相关研究做了回顾;然后结合案例对国内外基于掌上电脑的科学探究及学生认知发展研究特点做了分析,为国内相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This research draws on a longitudinal study in which middle school math and science teachers enacted STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) teaching in their classroom after participating in intensive STEAM professional development aimed at increasing effective STEAM teaching. The authors address one important aspect in STEAM teaching, technology integration practices of teachers during instruction, and theorise their work using connected learning theory. Qualitative case study is used to identify and describe technology integration themes which emerged during STEAM instruction. Results suggest 17 of the 21 teachers participating in the study demonstrated technology integration involving one or more areas of instructional approaches, assessment and student use. The research expands what we know about how technology can be integrated in STEAM instruction and suggests ways to capitalise on technology to broaden access and appeal to all students during STEAM instruction.  相似文献   


Over the past decades, there has been a significant increase in the use of computers and mobile devices in schools as part of mathematics instruction for students with learning disabilities (LD). The purpose of this synthesis was to provide a systematic review of the research on the effects of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for both computers and mobile devices when teaching mathematics to students with LD. Twenty studies met the selection criteria that were published between 1980 and 2017. Findings revealed a wide range of effect sizes across the studies, but in general, the results represent a medium intervention effect and a large maintenance effect of using CAI for students with LD on their mathematics progress. In addition, findings revealed a relationship between the number of evidence-based instructional variables embedded in the CAI instruction and the effect on student performance. Overall, results indicated that well designed CAI with effective instructional variables should be considered as a promising intervention to support mathematics instruction for students with LD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore how technology can be used to teach technological skills and to determine what benefit flipping the classroom might have for students taking an introductory-level college course on spreadsheets in terms of student achievement and satisfaction with the class. A pretest posttest quasi-experimental mixed methods design was utilized to determine any differences in student achievement that might be associated with the instructional approach being used. In addition, the scalability of each approach was evaluated along with students’ perceptions of these approaches to determine the affect each intervention might have on a student’s motivation to learn. The simulation-based instruction tested in this study was found to be an extremely scalable solution but less effective than the regular classroom and flipped classroom approaches in terms of student learning. While students did demonstrate learning gains, the process focus of the simulation’s instruction and assessments frustrated students and decreased their motivation to learn. Students’ attitudes towards the topic, their willingness to refer the course to others, and the likelihood that they would take another course like this were considerably lower than those of students in the flipped or regular classroom situations. The results of this study support the conclusion that a technology enhanced flipped classroom was both effective and scalable; it better facilitated learning than the simulation-based training and students found this approach to be more motivating in that it allowed for greater differentiation of instruction.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is a teaching methodology that has gained recognition in primary, secondary and higher education settings. The flipped classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering lecture instruction outside class, and devoting class time to problem solving, with the teacher's role becoming that of a learning coach and facilitator. This methodology provides an avenue for more hands‐on and student‐driven learning during class time. The benefits of a flipped classroom include increased student motivation, differentiating instruction, self‐pacing lessons and mastery learning, increased collaboration and instant feedback for formative assessment. Although limited research has been conducted regarding students with learning difficulties in inclusive settings using a flipped learning model, initial research indicates flipping a classroom can be beneficial. Information is provided on inclusive practices from numerous countries that are beneficial to students with learning difficulties, as well as strategies and resources for individuals who may want to implement a flipped classroom.  相似文献   

Why should computers be used in primary schools and what roles have they come to play in the classroom? This paper describes an investigation into UK primary teachers' perceptions and use of computers in the classroom. The responses collected illustrate the existence of two broad groups of teachers. Those who adopt a computer awareness perspective and those who believe that the computer should be used as a means to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning. Furthermore, the responses suggest an association between teachers' beliefs about computer use and teachers' patterns of actual computer use and thus demonstrate that educational innovations are primarily and intrinsically realized in our way of thinking before they become practice. Yet, this way of thinking may be formed not only by teachers' interpretations of official orders and requirements but also by their knowledge of information technology (IT) and their comprehension of what teaching and learning is about.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the nature of reflective classroom practice in a setting where action research has been undertaken by both the student teachers and the teaching practice supervisor. It is based on a cross‐case study of the processes through which student teachers learn to teach. Specifically, the analysis focuses on how student teachers reflect on their experiences in learning to teach. The data are based on student teachers’ reported thoughts about their learning over a period of one year. The results contribute to the understanding of reflective classroom practice by highlighting first student teachers’ perceptions about learning to teach and second their reviews on classroom practice. The discussion also adds to the literature on teacher development taken from the novice‐expert research tradition. Accordingly, implications for curriculum development in teacher education are drawn.  相似文献   

The two research projects described and discussed in the special issue provided much needed longitudinal empirical data to show the curricular influence on classroom instruction and student learning outcomes. The findings have helped to advance our understanding of whether the reform curricula can bring about positive changes in classroom instruction and student learning outcomes and how such changes might be sustained. In this article we synthesize the results from the two studies and discuss several lessons learned from the projects about investigating and understanding curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics.  相似文献   


Many people remember their language lessons from their secondary schooldays as tedious and ineffective. Although the emphasis in language teaching has shifted from the passive skills (reading, listening) to the active skills of speaking and writing, the result after many years of hard work is often disappointing. Learning a language in a classroom environment is extremely difficult. There is no real need to speak or write. Teachers are not interested in the contents of what their students are saying or writing but in the correctness. There is not enough time for the individual student to manipulate and practise what he or she has learned. Motivation is low. Obviously, computers cannot solve these problems. However, they can be used to create a more stimulating environment in which students are given authentic tasks that require a real use of language. If computers are used for practice and drill only, we are missing out on a valuable contribution to language learning and teaching.  相似文献   


A dramatic shift in research priorities has recently produced a large number of ambitious randomized trials in K-12 education. In most cases, the aim is to improve student academic learning by improving classroom instruction. Embedded in these studies are theories about how the quality of classroom must improve if these interventions are to succeed. The problem of measuring classroom quality then emerges as a major concern. This article first considers how errors of measurement reduce statistical power in studies of the impact of interventions classroom quality. We show how to use information about reliability to compute power and plan new research. At the same time, errors of measurement introduce bias into estimates of the association between classroom quality and student outcomes. We show how to use knowledge about the magnitude of measurement error to eliminate or reduce this bias. We also briefly review research on the design of studies of the reliability of classroom measures. Such studies are essential to evaluate promising new classroom interventions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of computerassisted instruction on student problem-solving ability and student attitude toward computers and quantitative methods. This was done in conjunction with a traditional introductory management science course. Scores on a departmental group final and responses to pre- and post-course questionnaires were analyzed. The findings indicate that the use of computer-assisted instruction did affect student attitudes. The students who used the computer materials showed an overall increase in their appreciation of computers and quantitative methods. The students who did not use the computer-assisted instruction showed no overall change in their attitudes.  相似文献   


The flipped classroom model of teaching can be an ideal venue for turning a traditional classroom into an engaging, inquiry-based learning (IBL) environment. In this paper, we discuss how two instructors at different universities made their classrooms come to life by moving the acquisition of basic course concepts outside the classroom and using class time for active problem-based learning. Results from student surveys are presented to relate student perceptions of the flipped/IBL classroom model.  相似文献   

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