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Several tests in special education are used as a basis for describing education treatment. When tests are used in this fashion, it is necessary to assess their treatment validity, i.e., to assess the degree to which they enable educators to accurately prescribe an effective treatment. This article outlines a procedure for estimating the treatment validity of a test and uses two tests as examples.  相似文献   

胃癌的免疫治疗是近年胃癌治疗的研究热点,传统的手术治疗和术后化疗对部分患者治疗效果欠佳,免疫治疗作为一种新的治疗与传统的治疗相配合,对于提高患者生存率和生存质量有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

浅谈我院山坡地建筑的基础处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该院建于山坡地的建筑物 ,由于山坡地地质情况复杂 ,基础处理相对复杂 ,宜根据实际情况确定采用直接浅基础、人工处理地基浅基础、深浅基础相结合或者单独深基础等处理方案 ,以达到安全、经济、方便施工的目的  相似文献   

The authors present the University of Florida treatment program which is the result of cooperative efforts by the Psychological and Vocational Counseling Center and the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center. This program includes outreach programs and a Student Assistance Program as well as individual and group treatment for ACOA and substance abusing students. Illustrative case material is presented. Some general principles drawn from the development of a university based substance abuse counseling program are presented as well. The importance of understanding the social context of a student substance abuse, psychological awareness, and the need for multidisciplinary cooperation in the treatment and prevention of student substance abuse are emphasized.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤的治疗发展到今天,越来越趋向于在整体观念基础上进行合理、有计划、多学科参与的综合治疗。湖北省肿瘤医院陈延昌主任医师临证凡四十年,在这方面积累了丰富经验。概括起来即:同中求异,诊断注重辨病与辨证相结合;虚实夹杂,治疗不舍扶正与祛邪相结合;点面一体,用药讲究一般与特殊相结合;善守贵变,疗程坚持长期与临时应变相结合。以上四个结合,对于指导恶性肿瘤的临床具有实用价值。  相似文献   

某高层住宅生活水泵房噪音较大,严重影响居民日常生活。经分析,水泵房噪音主要源于水泵联轴器振动、电机及管道振动。采用基础减振、管道柔性连接及弹性支架等处理措施,达到了良好的效果。噪音治理为设备噪音治理和工程管理提供经验和建议。  相似文献   

系统性血管炎是以血管壁炎症和纤维素样坏死为病理特征,具有多种临床表现的一组疾病。可分为原发性和继发性,常见原发性血管炎有巨细胞动脉炎、大动脉炎、结节性多动脉炎、川崎病、变应性肉芽肿性血管炎、韦格纳肿、显微镜下多血管炎等。近几年,有关原发性系统性血管炎的诊断标准和治疗方面已取得不少的进展,本文综述了诊断与治疗该病的最新进展,有一定临床参考价值。  相似文献   

The present paper reviews critical issues involved in the learning and supervision of Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP). Though interest and demand for brief treatment formats has burgeoned, systematic instruction in these modalities is seen as minimal. While a college counseling center setting is particularly well suited for implementing brief dynamic therapy, there are a variety of training issues which must be addressed when learning this treatment modality. Aspects of STPP most commonly causing treatment dilemmas are highlighted.  相似文献   

通过杨凌示范区田园居内高层建筑地基处理方案的设计实例分析,对所选定的灰土垫层地基的计算方法作了简明的阐述。通过沉降观测,验证建筑物地基方案设计的正确性,为灰土垫层的进一步推广提供了一定的依据,为同条件工程确定一个比较具体的标准及作为条件相似工地的施工经验参考,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Treatment fidelity refers to the extent to which an intervention is implemented as planned. If researchers do not assess and report treatment fidelity, or if treatment fidelity is shown to be low, findings from intervention studies are difficult to interpret, because the intervention may not have been implemented as planned. In this article, our aim is to inform research consumers by discussing treatment fidelity and its primary dimensions, providing guidelines for interpreting treatment fidelity, considering implications of treatment fidelity for research and practice, and illustrating how fidelity is reported in two recent studies. Our take‐home message is that when one is interpreting intervention studies, it is important to consider whether the interventions were applied as planned, or with fidelity.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the developmental nature of sexually abusive behaviors as they apply to juvenile male sexual offenders. Socialization and sexual victimization are discussed. Three case histories elucidate and support the discussion of the development of victim offending. Significant treatment issues of juvenile male sexual offenders center around the sexual assault cycle which provides a framework for sexual offenders to conceptualize and understand the cognitive, behavioral, psychological, and situational factors which have resulted in their offense(s). Although sexual offenders and sexual offenses are each unique, the sexual assault cycle offers a means of addressing essential commonalities in the treatment of juvenile sexual offenders. Sexual offender specific treatment is viewed as essential for decreasing the risk of further sexual offenses, and thus decreasing the incidence of sexual victimization.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to confirm chronic mesenteric ischemia (CMI) as a cause of gastrointestinal (Gl) symptoms such as postprandial epigastric bloating,anorexia,and debilitating weight loss.Endovascular intervention for CMI has been gaining popularity because of the high morbidity associated with surgical revascularization.However,in EVI for superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion,the transfemoral approach is limited by difficulty in coaxial alignment of the guiding catheter,which leads to insufficient back-up support.Herein,we report on a 58-year-old male patient with chronic total occlusion of the SMA,which was successfully revascularized by endovascular intervention via the left radial artery.Transradial endovascutar therapy may be another treatment option for the treatment of CMI.  相似文献   

The present article provides a brief overview of the clinical use of two of the most commonly used and effective therapies for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children: stimulant medication treatment and training parents in child behavior management skills. The clinical issues involved in the use of each treatment, as well as their limitations, are reviewed, along with evidence for their efficacy. It is concluded that ADHD is a developmental disorder of attention, impulse control, and regulation of activity level that requires multiple treatment methods, which must be applied over long time intervals if they are to produce an impact on the outcome of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The interaction between dyslexia and its secondary emotional problems, especially those arising from unproductive defenses, is illustrated in the history and successful treatment of an adult dyslexic male. At the start of treatment, the 33-year-old subject was illiterate, despite an average IQ and a history of many previous educational and therapeutic interventions. Psychological problems, including low self-esteem, alcohol abuse, temper outbursts, and poor relationships with women were seen as largely secondary to the subject’s learning problem. A review of the treatment, consisting of remediation concurrent with psychodynamic psychotherapy, reveals specific ways in which these emotional problems hindered educational efforts, as well as ways in which their exploration and resolution in psychotherapy helped the remediation. Similarly, ways in which the subject’s learning problem contributed to the development of his emotional problems are discussed. Finally, with reference to the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation, the relationship between improvement in the subject’s reading skill and improvement in his impulse control is described.  相似文献   

减法工程疗法与清理内环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用十五年医疗实践,初步总结出“减法工程”疗法,是在针刺经络、断食辟谷后通过清除体内非实体性物质而使代谢障碍消失,以证明它和治理物质实体性毒物同样重要。  相似文献   

涉众型经济犯罪是近年来危害突出的一类犯罪,它极大地侵害了群众的经济利益,扰乱了正常的社会秩序。因其具有涉及面广、潜伏期长、涉案金额大等特点,所以在治理上需多措并举,完善经济行政法规,抓住重点环节查处重点案件,进一步完善善后处理机制,做好广大群众的宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

保外就医是司法人员、鉴定人员共同进行的一项刑罚执行活动。鉴定人员保外就医疾病鉴定在保外就医中处于核心地位、关键环节 (是否可保外就医实质取决于是否患有保外就医疾病的鉴定 )。为确保保外就医的准确进行 ,防止非法保外就医 ,堵塞漏洞 ,必须将鉴定人员虚假鉴定保外就医疾病规定为犯罪。  相似文献   

口吃的诊断与矫治   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
口吃是一种通常产生于儿童期的言语流畅性障碍。口吃的平均人口流行率(prevalence)大约1%,儿童口吃的发生率约为5%,几乎80%的口吃儿童到16岁时自发地恢复了流畅性。口吃的病因是有争论的。当前主流的理论认为口吃主要是一种神经生理功能障碍,这种障碍干扰了言语产生所要求的精确的时间进程,但生理障碍本身受多种因素的影响。言语治疗是当前口吃治疗的主流,本文也介绍了一些口吃治疗方法,例如:延迟听觉反馈、计算机辅助训练、药物治疗等有助于放慢言语速度和控制其它的言语机制。  相似文献   

志愿失灵是自非营利组织产生伊始就始终困扰并阻碍其发展的"瓶颈"问题.然而汶川地震以来,中国NPO所展示出的强大治理能力完全超出了学者们对其可能出现的失灵预想.这一超乎学界"应然"设想的"实然",正向学者们启示着一条有效治理中国NPO志愿失灵的殊途:以计划体制下的公共执行部门--事业部门为雏形,重构为社会发展之"第四域",并将其作为向NPO有效转移社会治理权力的"缓冲区".通过与"第四域"的相互融合转化,在合理维护NPO独立性的前提下,充分利用政府权力的溢出效应,探索一个符合中国NPO组织殊性的志愿失灵治理良方.  相似文献   

One of the most serious problems facing families and care staff concerns the treatment of extremely behaviourally disturbed individuals with an intellectual disability. Frequently these people are termed "dual-diagnosed" or with "challenging behaviour." The kinds of behaviour which present in this group can be broadly described as extremely aggressive either in their environment, to others (parents, staff, and other residents), to themselves (self-injurious behaviour which in its extreme forms are life threatening), or who are so withdrawn that living with others is unbearable. Treatment is often only possible in closed facilities and with special medication, as the prognosis for community living and social acceptance is extremely poor. In this article some theoretical material on a psychodynamic orientation concerning the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in this group is presented. Four cases concerning long term treatment are then described--an extremely aggressive young man with a mild intellectual disability, a young man with multiple disabilities whose behaviour is destructive, a very withdrawn young woman with life threatening self-destructive behaviour, and a young autistic man with a broad spectrum of extremely uncontrollable behaviour. Finally, the success and limitations of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

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