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While recent CSWE standards focus on the need for including more relevant technological content in social work curricula, they do not offer guidance regarding how it is to be assessed and selected. Social work educators are in need of an analytic model of computerization to help them understand which technologies are most appropriate and relevant to the professional development of social work students. This article develops a flexible model that can be used by faculty to assess, develop, and evaluate computer content in their curricula. The model presents a cost-effective approach that takes into account the enormous flux and pace of change in the computer industry.  相似文献   


Research courses are associated with performance anxiety and educational insecurity for many social work students. This paper makes the case that student anxiety associated with research courses is rooted in the history of the social work profession, and this history sheds light on the present day climate of research in social work education. The authors suggest that improvement to the research climate in social work education requires an “institutional” response. To that end, this paper describes a committee process that resulted in changes to one school's curriculum policy by revamping student learning objectives for a sequence of five research courses that spanned BSW and MSW programs. The committee produced a continuum of student learning expectations based on Bloom's taxonomy, which represents a logical progression of knowledge and skill competencies as students advance through their course work.  相似文献   

This article takes stock of research methods employed in the study of racial and ethnic identity with ethnic minority populations. The article is presented in three parts. The first section reviews theories, conceptualizations, and measurement of ethnic and racial identity (ERI) development. The second section reviews theories, conceptualizations, and measurement of ERI content. The final section reviews key methodological and analytic principles that are important to consider for both ERI development and content. The article concludes with suggestions for future research addressing key methodological limitations when studying ERI.  相似文献   

我国是多民族共存的国家,民族问题在客观上是一种长期的社会存在。在处理民族关系时,应该强化作为中华人民共和国公民的国家归属的政治认同和作为中华民族大家庭一员的中华民族的认同,强化公民的意识和公民的权利义务,从而促进民族团结融合,共同维护国家的统一和完整。  相似文献   

关于中国少数民族教育的几点思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在思考和规划新世纪中我国少数民族教育事业的发展时,需要从国家现代化和少数民族长远发展的角度和立场来分析当前教育体系中存在的问题,研究必要的调整与改进措施。少数民族教育事业如何发展,关系到少教民族新一代在高级人才和劳动力市场上的竞争能力,关系到各民族在未来中华民族大家庭政治结构、经济体系、文化生活中的相对地位。当我们考虑“保护少数民族的传统文化”与“实现少数民族现代化”之间的关系时,要看到传统文化中包含着有生命力和缺乏生命力的两部分。既包含具有生命力的文化精华成分,也包含一些缺乏生命力的文化内容..在现代学校制度与传统文化之间,应当可以找到沟通、互客的方法。从语言作为传统文化载体和交流学习工具的双重性这一角度出发,我们可以探索语言工具性程度的衡量指标和语言应用的市场选择机制,同时必须关注语言运行的经济效益问题.需要把学习语言的选择与民族一国家的长远发展潜力二者结合起来考虑,并在此基础上.探讨在社会发展进程中是否存在一个语言依赖的层级结构。  相似文献   

民族教育特殊性的表现之一便是民族学校的课程。民族学校的课程除了具有普通学校课程的共性之外,还在民族学校教育中发挥了特殊的职能和作用,对此可以作多维解读。一是从少数民族学生发展的角度而言,民族学校课程发挥了"先行组织者"的职能;二是从"多元文化整合教育"的角度而言,民族地区学校的课程发挥了不同民族学生相互交流中介的职能;三是从民族文化传承的角度而言,民族学校的课程又是民族文化的浓缩和整合的体现。  相似文献   

文章以社会发展为视角,在具体分析民族地区经济社会发展状况、社会学的功能及其与社会发展的关系的基础上,从理论型教学、实践型教学、研究型教学等方面论述了高等学校社会学教学服务、促进民族地区社会发展的具体途径。同时,强调在其中要认真贯彻党的教育方针,加强社会学学科建设,全面提升师资素质并注重学校教育与社会发展的相互影响和相互促进。  相似文献   

"劳动歌"是产生最早的语言艺术之一,是所有民歌的源流。现行羌族民歌音乐方面的研究成果中,对"劳动歌"所包含的范畴有足够的理论研究,但是在全面收集整理羌族"劳动歌"以及对它详细完整的分类却少有前辈完成。因此,笔者针对羌族"劳动歌"进行收集整理与分类,认为分析与归纳"劳动歌"的分类有利于挖掘和保护羌族民歌,从而更好地开发和研究羌族音乐。  相似文献   

民族地区多元文化课程:问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理性地检视我国民族地区(包括少数民族地区和多民族地区)的多元文化课程,可以发现其存在着偏狭的课程目标、汉化的课程内容、功利化的课程实施以及师资力量不足等问题。要解决这些问题.必须树立多元文化的课程理念,复归课程民族文化的品性,加强课程实施环节,重视师资培训。  相似文献   

畲族研究是我国东南民族史研究中的一个重要课题,但畲族教育史研究是畲族研究中的一个极其薄弱的环节,畲族古代社会教育研究更是鲜有涉足者。本文主要是通过对畲族生存的自然环境和人文环境的分析,指出社会教育是古代畲族教育的主要方式。其社会教育内容丰富,教育形式多样,对于畲族文化的延续和传承起着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

广西边境民族地区有着历史悠久并独具特色的民族文化和边境文化,由于历史的原因在教育的发展上远远落后于其他地区,普遍意义的科学文化教育水平不高,民族文化的教育开展也面临诸多困难。随着民族教育的发展,中小学校园成了广西边境少数民族文化传播最主要的阵地,民族文化课程的开设成为当地民族文化的传承最有效的途径。广西边境民族地区的教育工作者克服困难,将当地民族文化融入以民族团结教育为重点的边境民族文化课程,将它们渗透在主流文化课程之中,创造独具特色的校园文化氛围,实现了民族文化与校园文化的积极互动。这种互动实践,为当地民族文化的传承带来了重要的机遇。  相似文献   

多民族是我国基本国情,利用信息技术发展民族教育是实现教育公平的重要措施,更是国家教育信息化战略的重要部署。民族教育现代化的发展关键在于提升少数民族教师队伍,特别是少数民族师范生整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)水平。研究以1050名南方少数民族师范生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法,辅之以访谈法,展开了针对少数民族师范生TPACK水平的调查与研究。通过描述统计分析,阐明了少数民族师范生TPACK水平的差异;通过多元回归分析,探讨了TPACK水平发展的影响因素以及相互关系。结果表明:(1)少数民族师范生TPACK知识总体水平偏低,专业学科知识有待加强;(2)少数民族师范生倾向于重视学科知识,对教学法的重要性认识不足,对信息素养缺乏信心;(3)少数民族师范生TPACK水平受到民族地区教育境脉、生源基础、课程体系等因素的影响。最后,从构建合理的少数民族师范生TPACK课程体系、改革少数民族师范生TPACK教学模式以及完善少数民族师范生TPACK发展辅助支撑系统等方面,发掘提升少数民族师范生TPACK水平的途径与策略。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的快速发展,散杂居少数民族工作出现了民族政策不易普及、优惠政策过时、民族习俗得不到充分尊重等问题。要大力推进民族工作就必须强化民族团结宣传教育、完善民族权益保障立法、创新民族工作体制、健全民族工作监督机制。  相似文献   

随着中国经济和社会的发展,城乡人口结构发生了巨大的变化,作为基础教育的载体--学校布局也出现了新的变化.合作市位于青藏高原的边缘,由于传统游牧经济和深厚藏传佛教文化的影响,致使人口和居民点具有高度的离散性,导致广大牧区中小学分布极不均匀,城乡之间、乡村之间教育发展差异大,办学条件有限,教师整体素质低.而牧区中小学整合必须密切结合城镇化建设、“异地搬迁工程”、“游牧民定居工程”和人口分布与变化趋势,按照“合理化、规模化、效益化”的思路,分步实施,实现教育资源优化配置,促进新增教育资源向城区和乡所在地集中.  相似文献   

章从教育人类学的视角探讨民族教育的理论问题。作认为,民族地区教育的本质问题之一是多元化环境中的教育,多元化因素的存在是影响民族教育发展的重要因素,民族教育理论应该研究教育在多元化语境中的特点,也应该研究多元化在民族教育中的地位和功能,在此基础上,作提出了跨化交际教育的观点。  相似文献   

文章从教育人类学的视角探讨民族教育的理论问题。作者认为,民族地区教育的本质问题之一是多元文化环境中的教育,多元文化因素的存在是影响民族教育发展的重要因素,民族教育理论应该研究教育在多元文化语境中的特点,也应该研究多元文化在民族教育中的地位和功能,在此基础上,作者提出了跨文化交际教育的观点。  相似文献   

Minority language literacy is an important issue in national education policy for any multi-nationality country. China sticks to the policy of safeguarding the rights and interests of ethnic minority groups to use their own languages and writing systems. In education, considering communications among different nationalities and the development of minority ethnic groups, a bilingual education policy is being implemented by insisting on teaching students in their own ethnic languages; when the mastery of their own languages has been achieved, bilingual teaching will be employed. There are three types of bilingual teaching for minority ethnic groups: teaching in their own languages, with Mandarin Chinese added; teaching in Mandarin Chinese, with minority languages added; teaching both in Mandarin Chinese and in minority languages. The biggest problems to be solved in implementing bilingual education in ethnic minority regions are the editing of language textbooks and supporting materials for minority ethnic groups and the training of ethnic minority teachers.  相似文献   

Bilingual educational research is a comprehensive, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and borderline disciplinary domain that studies the phenomena and regularities of bilingual and bicultural education (including those of multilingual and multicultural education). As well as being a branch discipline of ethnic pedagogy, it is at the same time a branch discipline of ethnic linguistics. Since the 1950s and in the wake of the deepening and popularization of research into bilingualism and biculruralism on the international scene, research has rapidly advanced into the theory and practice of bilingual education. All multinational countries in the world and a number of international organizations have successively set up bilingual educational research institutions, initiated research into bilingual education, and published large numbers of academic treatises and books, results of experiments, and investigative reports. Worth mentioning is that the world-renowned Canadian scholar, Professor W. F. Mackey, and Professor Migual Siguán of Spain accepted a research project on "bilingualism and education" from the International Bureau of Education (IBE), the final result of which was a book entitled Education and Bilingualism. This achievement marked the fact that bilingual education had initially become an independent discipline. Although this research was not all-inclusive, it delineated at least a rough framework for disciplinary research into bilingual education and laid a preliminary foundation for the development of future research in bilingualism. Its main content included bilingual individuals, bilingual societies, bilingual education, the psycho-sociological basis of bilingual education, organization and implementation of bilingual education, and assessment of research into, and results of, bilingual education.1 In this project, the authors gathered and studied facts related to bilingual education in some of the main multiethnic and multilingual countries and regions, as well as the circumstances of research into such education. However, they did not touch on bilingual education or bilingual educational research in China. Thus, by developing research into the bilingual education conducted among China's ethnic minorities, we will not only be promoting the smooth advance of the practice of China's bilingual education and realize mutual linguistic communication, political equality, common cultural prosperity, common economic development, and, ultimately, the great unity of all China's ethnic peoples, we will certainly enrich the world's treasury of bilingual educational research and make China's due contribution toward promoting the development and practice of international bilingual education.  相似文献   

民族问题是社会发展总问题的一部分。这一理论的形成、发展与一定时期社会主要矛盾或中心任务相联系。它受社会主要矛盾的支配,与不同历史阶段社会的主要问题或中心任务在性质上是根本一致的。民族问题与社会发展总问题之间在性质和内容方面都存在从属与包含关系。对民族问题实质的理解很大程度上决定着对民族问题与社会发展总问题之间关系的认识。  相似文献   


CSWE established a variety of standards regarding minority populations and diversity (CSWE, 1992). Some minority groups, although covered by CSWE standards, in practice are not dealt with in social work education. One in particular, Jewish students, is recommended for attention. This article focuses on what students of all backgrounds need for working effectively with Jewish clients, coverage of Jewish topics in the curriculum, and students' level of comfort in expressing their religion within the context of social work education.  相似文献   

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