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A psychotherapist in a college setting must act in different contexts and constantly be aware of boundary issues. There are times when our various roles, or voices, conflict, and times when our work may suffer from a lack of clarity about what voice we are speaking in. This paper attempts to make some initial distinctions between the Psychotherapeutic, the Medical, the Counseling and the Administrative voices. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and each has its proper function, but confusion may result from, for instance, translatin administrative issues too readily into medical langauge. The underlying notion here, which I try to spell out through examples from the literature of college metnal health and from clinical and adminsitrative experience in college psychotherapy services, is that the "voice" we use, the political and geographical location of the service, and our policies about such matters as medical leaves and readmission-that all these matters have implications for the functioning of a psychotherapy service in a college (and that, in fact, one of the defining aspects of college work is the struggle with these very issues). Going a step further, the paper is a beginning reflection on whether the requirements of providing psychotherapy for students impel us, logically and practically, toward certain policies in regard to boundaries.  相似文献   

意大利精神医学家阿萨鸠里创建的心理综合是与弗洛伊德的心理分析相对的一种人格理论和心理治疗方法,但人们对它的了解远不及对心理分析了解。阿萨鸠里倡导一种与深度心理学相对的高度心理学,主张心理治疗的目标在于使当事人的人格内部各种构成或力量之间的整合与和谐互动。阿萨鸠里的精神取向的人格理论和心理治疗技术,为超个人心理学的创建和发展奠定了基础。随着当代心理学的发展,他对心理学的贡献日益彰显出来。  相似文献   

The authors offer reflections on what seems to work in individual psychotherapy with university students. Discussion centers around the topics of triage and disposition, referral, crisis intervention, stress management, open-ended psychotherapy, extratherapeutic factors, and the psychotherapy relationship. These observations are not intended to be a comprehensive review; rather, the effort is to stimulate interest and dialogue on this important subject. The authors draw on their experience in working in a university counseling service, psychotherapy research literature, and what has been learned from students served.  相似文献   

The decision to "hold" these students in a long-term on-campus psychotherapy may be a function not only of the psychological vulnerability of the students themselves, but also of the counselor's ambivalence toward the institution's role in raising unrealistic expectations in these students. Despite these students very real need for psychotherapy, the college counseling center may not provide the most workable setting because of the specialness of long-term psychotherapy in this context and because of the scarcity of counseling time. The possible alternative of a transitional "holding" followed by referral is suggested.  相似文献   

One-hundred-ninety-nine adult mental health service users were interviewed with a protocol that included the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Structured Clinical Interviews for Axis I and II DSM-IV disorders, the Global Assessment of Functioning scale, the SCORE family assessment measure, the Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Schedule, and the Readiness for Psychotherapy Index. Compared to a U.S. normative sample, Irish clinical cases had higher levels of maltreatment. Cases with comorbid axis I and II disorders reported more child maltreatment than those with axis I disorders only. There was no association between types of CM and types of psychopathology. Current family adjustment and service needs (but not global functioning and motivation for psychotherapy) were correlated with a CM history. It was concluded that child maltreatment may contribute to the development of adult psychopathology, and higher levels of trauma are associated with co-morbid personality disorder, greater service needs and poorer family adjustment. A history of child maltreatment should routinely be determined when assessing adult mental health service users, especially those with personality disorders and where appropriate evidence-based psychotherapy which addresses childhood trauma should be offered.  相似文献   

Psychotherapists in a university setting face a unique set of losses and limits that must be understood in order to provide effective service. The limits are defined by a setting which calls for short-term interventions. The loss results from multiple endings and the difficulties for therapist and students when intensive attachments are formed. The primary task is not one of providing ongoing intensive psychotherapy, but more often is based on an assessment and counseling model with the necessity of making referrals for more intensive psychotherapy. The pscyhotherapist must come to terms with the dilemma of loss and learn to become aware of defensive reactions which may develop to protect against the loss.  相似文献   

The way students use psychotherapy in their undergraduate years is reminiscent of the image of the "refueling toddler." Developmental factors lead students in late adolescence to seek exploratory therapy and then to step away from the therapy. Three clinical examples help to illuminate this observation. The authors use this developmental observation to argue against policies for time-limited psychotherapy in college years.  相似文献   

以西方意义治疗学作引,围绕新儒家唐君毅先生的<立志之道及我与世界>,本文试图阐析儒学中的一种意义治疗的向度.首先,唐氏认为儒学对于人生意义的解读集中于"志"的概念;其次,在对此概念澄清的基础上,本文着重分析了唐氏"立志之道"的基本途径和原则;最后,本文认为,迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学强调的是人的心性修养.这构成了对西方心理治疗的超越.  相似文献   

任云良 《高教论坛》2012,(2):104-106
高校后勤管理服务在量的扩张、质的提升、服务手段等方面呈现出新特点,而后勤管理队伍却存在人员结构复杂、专业程度与文化素质不高、培养与使用不相协调等问题,针对上述问题就如何进行后勤队伍的"人本发展",更好地推进以师生为本的"人本服务",提出了相应的措施,并对两者之间的辩证关系展开论述。  相似文献   

以西方意义治疗学作引,围绕新儒家唐君毅先生的《立志之道及我与世界》,本文试图阐析儒学中的一种意义治疗的向度。首先,唐氏认为儒学对于人生意义的解读集中于"志"的概念;其次,在对此概念澄清的基础上,本文着重分析了唐氏"立志之道"的基本途径和原则;最后,本文认为,迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学强调的是人的心性修养,这构成了对西方心理治疗的超越。  相似文献   

以西方意义治疗学作引,围绕新儒家唐君毅先生的《立志之道及我与世界》,本文试图阐析儒学中的一种意义治疗的向度。首先,唐氏认为儒学对于人生意义的解读集中于“志”的概念;其次,在对此概念澄清的基础上,本文着重分析了唐氏“立志之道”的基本途径和原则;最后,本文认为,迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学强调的是人的心性修养,这构成了对西方心理治疗的超越。  相似文献   

高校科研期刊的文献信息服务工作需要充分利用网络技术,广开情报信息源,拓宽多种信息咨询服务的渠道,并开展多种综合性的科研期刊信息服务,由"藏"转为"用",才能把文献信息服务工作推上新的台阶.由于教学、科研既要获得全局的信息,又要获得局部的信息,这就要求科研期刊工作者必须以广泛和专指相结合,以综合服务与定题、定向服务相结合,才能实现其应有的效应.  相似文献   

This article is a further elaboration on an earlier article by Webb and Widseth (1988). We offer (1) numerical date on three classes of graduating seniors and their use of our counseling service and (2) clinical material from two clients to support out thesis that undergraduate students will pursue inner exploration in psychotherapy and then step away from that pursuit.  相似文献   

自组织视野下的社区志愿服务及其发展路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区志愿服务起源于19世纪西方国家宗教性的慈善服务,其核心精神是"自愿、利他、不计报酬".改革开放以来,中国社区志愿服务呈现"自上而下的他组织"和"自下而上的自组织"的发展模式.笔者借助自组织视角来探讨了中国社区志愿服务发展的新路径:必须转变社区建设的思想观念,基于"自组织"理论开展志愿服务;必须搞好基层社区的调查研究,基于"自组织"程度开展志愿服务;必须实现规则体系的有效创新,基于"自组织"机制开展志愿服务.  相似文献   

Men in our society, including college student men, both need and fear personal psychological services more than women. For example, twice as many women as men seek counseling an psychotherapy but young men commit suicide at a rate nearly four times that of their female counterparts. Man are also more severely destructive in other ways, including most self-imposed illnesses and injuries, drug abuse, murder and other crimes, though women are now more destructive in "macho ways" than they were fifteen years ago. The thesis is advanced that when emotional needs and asking for help are severly stigmatized by the machismo orientation, unbalanced by personal sensitivity and insight, the macho dynamic is inherently morbid in the sense that it is destructive both to the self and others. This thesis is documented by statistics, highly expressive and influential literary portrayals, movies and sports phenomena. Implications for college and university psychotherapists are noted, and basic re-educative "outreach" approaches are suggested both to make psychotherapy more accessible and to foster more constructive role models for men.  相似文献   

宣泄心理是一种特殊的审美心理形态,一种复杂的心理机制,在艺术创作和接受过程中发挥着不可忽视的重要作用。它具体表征为“激起”和“净化”两个基本特征,使艺术作品产生出“心理治疗”的效果。  相似文献   

文化心理学视野下的心理咨询与治疗的本土化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化心理学注重社会文化对个体心理与行为的影响。从文化心理学的视角看,在咨询动机、咨询效果、咨询关系上,西方的心理咨询与治疗理论都不适合东方人的性格与心理问题。文化心理学启示我们,推进心理咨询与治疗的本土化应从对西方心理咨询和治疗理论进行改造与吸收、加强对中国古代、近现代心理学和哲学思想的研究等五个方面进行。  相似文献   

建立以社区为基础的0~3岁早期教育服务网络,是我国学前教育发展的必然走向和总体目标。但在我国社区构建与发展刚起步阶段,社区这一"基础"还很不完善,建立和运行这一基础的学前教育服务网络需要理顺关系、规范各种行为。在建设和运行以社区为基础的0~3岁儿童早期教育服务中,可以将示范性幼儿园培育成为核心的实体单位、重要的推动力量,以发挥其研究基地、社区早教服务枢纽和示范辐射作用。  相似文献   

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