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There is a rich body of research devoted to the causes and remedies of social loafing in workplace teams. However, the social loafing phenomenon remains underinvestigated from the perspective of students in undergraduate business classroom teams. In particular, how they define and respond to loafing remains unknown. This article reports findings from a two-stage study that shows social loafing as a more complex construct than current conceptions suggest. Moreover, students avoid confronting loafers and prefer to have instructors administer postpriori justice based on their self-report of individual contributions. Based on the findings and recent writings, the article speculates on the causes of these student responses to social loafing in classroom teams.  相似文献   

The main concern is a longstanding one in classroom instruction—the determinants of effective team performance. The paper explicitly examines the effect of teacher‐controlled factors on the use and functioning of student teams. From a sample of 500 undergraduate students, data are obtained on aptitude, diversity, instability, motivation, personality style, size, and performance. The regression results suggest that team motivation and instability, which are both partly controlled by the instructor, are particularly important in determining a team's performance. An implication is that instructor decisions about team make‐up and incentives can have a significant impact on student achievement.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on equity research in order to describe a perspective on the mathematics classroom as a non-neutral place where issues of power and identity play out in teaching and learning processes. This view of the mathematics classroom takes seriously issues of equity in the form of power and what becomes constituted as legitimate mathematics while attending to the out-of-school practices in which students engage. This orientation and its related issues are significant in that they provide an alternative perspective on investigating equity in mathematics classrooms that is in contrast to efforts that focus specifically on comparing standardized test scores of specific groups based solely upon racial classifications.Lynn Liao Hodge is an assistant professor in mathematics education. Her research interests include issues of equity and identity in mathematics education and how classroom practices create opportunities for students to develop both an appreciation and a deep understanding of mathematics. Additionally, she is interested in investigating experiences that support the increased participation of women and minorities in mathematics, science, and engineering related professions. Address correspondence to Lynn Liao Hodge, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-3442, USA; e-mail: lhodge4@utk.edu  相似文献   

大学校园是一个各种思潮文化交汇的地方,校园出现的流行语,是校园文化的一种载体,它反映了现代校园生活的新特点.反映了当今大学生的某种生活状态、学习态度以及价值观念和文化心态的取向与动态,是特定时期大学生思想多元化的具体表现。研究大学生的校园用语,有助于了解大学生的思想状态,了解大学生与社会的互动性,从而关注大学生群体的生存状况和心理困惑。  相似文献   

党的十六大报告提出:"坚持效率优先,兼顾公平,既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对平均主义,又要防止收入悬殊."在社会主义和谐社会的建设中,我们的目标是追求体现效率的公平和体现公平的效率.只要我们坚持社会主义公有制的主导地位,遵循科学的发展观,充分发挥市场机制的积极作用,不断发展生产力,就可以提高效率、促进公平,实现二者的和谐统一.  相似文献   

中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,党内民主是体制内民主。发展党内民主,有利于引导人民民主,有利于促进社会和谐,有利于坚持改革开放,有利于维护民主集中制。要发展党内民主,就必须理解党内民主的内涵,把握发展党内民主的新举措。同时,还要认识到发展党内民主应注意的事项。  相似文献   

反思性教学的认识与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反思性教学是以不断反思教学过程为主要手段,探究教与学过程的合理性与可行性的教学。要求教师不断学习教学理论,提高学术素养,树立研究和成就意识,成为学者型、研究型教师。  相似文献   

课后练习是教材编写者以自己设计教材的目的为引导编排出来的题目。它帮助教师体会编者意图,帮助学生深化对文章的理解,并对他们进行有针对性的语文技能方面的训练。主题单元是以生活或文化的某一内容为依据进行的单元编排方式。其优点在于可以培养学生的文学比较能力、容易激起学生们阅读和学习的兴趣、利于教师借助其整体性、融合性和连贯性在课堂上进行授课。北师大版中学语文教材也采用“主题单元”的编写方式,篇章的选人均与主题有着明确且紧密的联系,其课后练习的设计也体现出了单元主题化的整体性。本文以北师大版语文教材七年级上册第三单元的篇目的课后练习为研究对象,从其设计与编排中分析主题单元的功能。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,由于市场化的推动、大众文化的兴起以及知识界的分化,在其时的文学领域,80年代所提出的“大写的人”的意识形态,“文学是人学”的“人的文学”观出现危机,表现为以“大写的人”为表现对象的文化、文学制度的危机,而只有在这种抽象的自我、抽象的人的话语面临危机的时刻,我们才能发现作为“类本质的人”,正在分化为不同的区域和阶层的人。  相似文献   

少数民族地区开发社区旅游的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从社区旅游的基本概念入手,分析了当前少数民族地区开展社区旅游过程中所存在的正、负面效应。针对社区旅游给少数民族地区带来的负面效应,本认为少数民族地区开展社区旅游应从以下几个方面着手:(1)强调当地居民参与社区旅游;(2)树立鲜明的社区旅游形象;(3)建立民俗化村和民俗风情区;(4)正确地对待异地化;(5)协调旅游开发与生态环境保护的关系;(6)提高居民素质,加强旅游管理,培养旅游人才。  相似文献   

教育评价中技术主义的核心是弱化了人在教育中存在的完整性和复杂性,其表现在注重即时性的评价,不注重终身性的评价;注重确定性的评价,而不注重模糊性的评价;注重共性的评价,而不注重学生的个性评价。以对人性的卓越追求来超越当下教育评价中的技术主义取向是对其反思的核心路径。  相似文献   

人道主义及其相关问题的探求对先锋文学的出现起了不可置换的诱导和催生作用.先锋文学对人道主义的观照,是通过一些奇异的主题以及杰出的形式改造等策略实现的,人道主义的观照潜隐在创作主体写作姿态、写作立场和文本背后.  相似文献   

This paper demystifies reflective practice on teaching by focusing on the idea of reflection itself and how it has been conceived by two philosophers, Plato and Irigaray. It argues that reflective practice has become a standardized method of defining the teacher in teacher education and teacher accreditation systems. It explores how practices of reflection themselves can suggest ways out of dictated pathways of reflection in teaching. Drawing on Luce Irigaray's and Plato's ideas on reflection, the paper includes a critical overview of how reflective practice can contradict its own aims and become non‐reflective, shutting off possibilities for transformations and educational differences that it has set out to achieve. Keeping up the deconstructive mood, the paper draws on Irigaray's re‐reading of Plato's parable of the cave to argue that reflective teaching that merely reflects phallogocentric educational systems and that attempts to universally reproduce standardized forms of reflective practice can never be conducive to the diversification of educational spaces.

The paper seeks to re‐think Plato's idea of reflection as mere copying and takes up Irigaray's strategic mimesis to explore ways through which reflective practice can regain its critical edge and reactivate teachers' reflective voices. It argues for the repetition of the practice of reflection by drawing on a feminist critique that challenges phallogocentric reflective tendencies in education and for mimetic strategies that engender difference.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,由于市场化的推动、大众文化的兴起以及知识界的分化,在其时的文学领域,80年代所提出的"大写的人"的意识形态,"文学是人学"的"人的文学"观出现危机,表现为以"大写的人"为表现对象的文化、文学制度的危机,而只有在这种抽象的自我、抽象的人的话语面临危机的时刻,我们才能发现作为"类本质的人",正在分化为不同的区域和阶层的人。  相似文献   

开放教育中实施素质教育的认识与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在开放教育中实施素质教育不是针对应试教育的应急性改革,而是一种教育的“战略转移”,有其特定的目标和新的参照系。实施素质教育的目的是提高人的再学习能力、实践能力和创新能力,开发人的潜能。要形成终身学习机制和知识更新机制,塑造受教育者良好的心理素质,以适应知识经济社会对人的素质的要求。  相似文献   

The article presents findings from a two‐stage study that examined student perceptions of peer evaluations (PEs) conducted in undergraduate business classroom teams. In stage 1, we used qualitative research to identify constructs focal in students’ PE‐related cognitive schemas and developed grounded measurement scales and hypotheses about their relationships. Then, we implemented PEs in 17 sections of undergraduate business courses taught over seven semesters. The PEs were highly consequential; i.e., they entirely determined the grade each student received on her/his team project. At the end of each semester, we surveyed student perceptions and behaviors using measurement scales we developed after stage 1 of the study. We find that the knowledge of impending PEs leads students to exercise a great deal of care in terms of what they say and do while working with others. The higher levels of care trigger both impression management behaviors and perceptions that others are contributing more. The perceptions that others are contributing more seem instrumental in shaping students’ decision to contribute more themselves. Implications for instructors and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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