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Journal writing is a way to encourage process writing which promotes a sense of story. Written interactions or dialogues between the child and the teacher can support the story as children are involved in the writing process. The article describes one way to support the development of a story through journal writing. Children begin the story on their first page of the journal. The teacher responds in writing and the child subsequently converses with the teacher to produce stories and personal narratives. The written conversation helps children produce a story with a sense of meaning. Suggestions for kindergarten teachers and teacher education students include how to create the journal, what the writing center looks like, the necessity for a long-term commitment to writing, the importance of verbal and written interactions, and directions for beginning the interactive journal writing experience.  相似文献   

抓好集中实践性教学环节特别是抓好毕业论的指导,是提升开放教育质量的重要环节。首先必须解决指导教师和学生的思想认识问题。同时把握好开放教育毕业论定位,毕业论必须符合培养“高等应用型专门人才”的需要。由于毕业论是在教师指导下由学生自主完成的,因此,学校有必要强化对论指导流程和写作过程的监控,建立相关的管理制度。毕业论的指导和写作的质量控制,要把握三个环节,即精心挑选指导教师、对写作过程全程监控、着重培养良好的学风和较强的科研能力。在具体指导过程中要紧扣专业要求激发创新能力,引导学生联系实际拓宽选题思路,按照科研规范独立完成写作任务,确保毕业论的真实性和水准。  相似文献   

Existing research identifies that students’ approaches to assignments are related to their general approaches to study. It is suggested that students need to better understand the requirements of assignments and acquire new concepts such as ‘argument’. This fine-grained study proposes four qualitatively distinct assignment pathways: gathering, connecting, minimalist and performing. Students negotiate assignment pathways to sustain a sense of control, confidence and connection. Making changes to their approaches to assignments is not straightforward. Suggestions are made for using insights from the research to more effectively support assignments as vehicles for learning.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):50-54

Inviting students to take an active role in planning writing assignments and developing grading criteria opens the lines of communication between instructors and students, leading to a nurturing collaborative learning environment. This article explores the stages of the writing assignment and offers suggestions for making each step purposeful and successful. Student feedback allows instructors to improve the course and instructor guidance allows students to improve their coursework. Although it does take time and effort, a collaborative atmosphere provides support to both groups so that common goals can be met.  相似文献   

语文写作教学可以提高学生的语言表达能力、语言交际能力和文字表达能力,能够为提高学生的语文素养打下坚实基础。教师要针对写作教学中存在的问题,不断完善写作教学策略。教师应做到以下几点:根据学生的个性,布置写作作业;重视阅读,以读促写;引导学生关注生活,注重写作素材的积累;让作文评价更加多元化。  相似文献   

21世纪高职应用写作教学刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入新世纪,作为信息载体的应用写作越来越受到社会重视。然而目前高职院校中的应用写作教学现状却与这种重视不相适应。为此,作为一名应用写作教师,本文试就目前高职教学中普遍存在的教材和教法问题以及如何转变自己的教学观念和教学思想等谈一点个人的看法,以期有助于提高学生的应用写作理论水平和写作能力,最终达到提高学生综合素质,为现代化建设培养各类应用型人才的目的。  相似文献   

通常,计划写作过程中文种、结构形式、表达、写作行为四方面存在误区,应采取相应的对策来解决:理清文种外延,注重方案与安排相结合的计划写作;正文部分按"目的+目标+措施"内容模块展开;语义上区分清楚目的与目标的混淆,用行文层次序码标清措施与目标的关系;端正认识,预留足够的时间准备与写作。  相似文献   

应用写作课的根本目标是培养和提高学生对各种实用文种的实际运用和写作技能,这就必须落实并加强写作训练,而这正是该课程教学中较普遍存在的薄弱环节。为此,应该从教材体例、课堂教学模式以及教师素质等方面进行相应改革和提高,旨在加强教学的针对性、实用性和写作训练的可操作性,提高教学效能。  相似文献   

英语专业本科生毕业论文的调查与思考   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本研究对英语专业本科生毕业论文的现状作了初步调查,探索了学生和导师对做论文的认识,了解了论文辅导和评判的常用方法。在调查的基础上,本文就学生毕业论文的目的、意义、辅导方式、评判标准进行了思考并提出了建议,强调本科生论文写作的意义在于提高本科生的综合能力,目的是让学生学习科学研究的态度、方法,同时强调,在论文的辅导和评判中,通过分解的手段做到注重做论文的过程。  相似文献   

中国学者在撰写英文科技论文时常会碰到一些困难,可能是由于中西思维和表达方式的不同引起的.本文作者介绍了英文科技论文的一般结构,并引用剑桥大学阿什彼教授的用来规划文章的“概念图”,图示该结构.同时,作者概括了英文科技论文各基本组成部分的写作方法和要点,并有针对性地介绍作者英语写作的需求及一些写作规律和技巧.  相似文献   

语言在犯罪中起着至关重要的作用。犯罪过程中言语行为运行包括言语产生、言语传递和言语反应三个阶段。三个阶段中,以言指事通过图像显示提供犯罪逻辑方向,以言行事通过语力效应提供犯罪反应动力,最终通过意向的中介作用产生行为或情绪反应实现以言取效。三者相互作用,有机联系,共同导致犯罪结果的发生。  相似文献   


The authors investigated the effects of guided journal writing on students' understanding of themes and main characters in a complex novel. Three English 12 classes were randomly assigned to 1 no-writing condition and 2 writing conditions—character clues and general-response questions. The results from 2 posttests consistently indicated that students who wrote significantly surpassed students who did not write. Student self-ratings data indicated that the students believed that the writing activities helped them with story understanding. Student interview data indicated that students believed that the writing made them think more deeply about the story. The results support the contributions of writing to student literary learning and the research of J. Marshall (1987) and G. E. Newell (1994, 1996).  相似文献   

This paper describes some aspects of a student mental health service as a place to work as well as a brief discussion of the interrelationship between a service and the parent university. The author retired recently after spending his entire professional life in a college mental health clinic, and the content is a retrospective view of his experience. It was prepared for a symposium which took place at the Tavistock Clinic in London during July, 1989.  相似文献   

通过参与大学英语四级考试作文题的阅卷,发现考生英语写作水平低下与大学英语课堂教学有着直接的关联。从考生应试中反映出的写作问题,容易看出大学英语课堂教学中未能充分注重英语写作的科学性和系统性,也未能给予学生充分的写作训练机会。因此,要从根本上提高学生英语写作水平,应结合四、六级作文考试题的评分标准来有效地改进大学英语写作课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

文章以写作教学中的过程写作法为理论基础,并将21世纪英文报论坛版应用于写作教学当中,通过阅读和写作任务相关的语篇来增加学生的语言输入,培养学生的英语思维能力及语感,并提高学生的实际写作水平。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):231-236
Abstract. This study investigated whether a reflective journal writing assignment would improve students' course performance. A total of 166 students from undergraduate sections of a course taught by the same instructor over three semesters completed the assignment as part of their requirements. Students (N = 317) from five previous semesters of the same course taught by the same instructor, who were not required to complete the assignment, served as a comparison group. Intervention and comparison groups were comparable on a variety of variables including all assignments, excepting the journal assignment. The findings are interpreted within the context of factors such as students' study habits and motivation.  相似文献   

论文的写作讲究一定的艺术。作者论述了期刊论文的写作要素和基本格式。认为论文的选题要独特化,格式要规范化,语言学术化。论文写作中如何运用互联网技术搜集资料和考量资料。本文还从大学学报编辑部的角度,谈到了作者投稿需要的一些技巧。  相似文献   

结合数学建模课程教学和指导学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛,讨论了在数学建模竞赛论文写作中要注意的几个重要环节,从而培养和提高参赛学生的论文写作能力.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的秘书写作教学是一种融教学过程和写作过程于一体的新型秘书写作教学方法。它要求按秘书成长规律和工作实际确定教学内容,按工作过程设计、组织情境教学,并构建与之一致的教学评价体系。  相似文献   

中国大学英语教学将写作单纯地视为一项技巧,忽略了其重要的表义功能,至使学生为了写作而写作。为了改善这种现象,笔者在介绍过程性写作以及过程性写作教学法的基础上,提出来新的见解,认为写作本身就是英语学习的一个过程。写作是学会的而非是教会的,学生才应该是写作课的主体。教师应该培养学生写作的兴趣,以写促学,以学促写从而提高英语水平。  相似文献   

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