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What Would I Do?     
鸟儿是人类的朋友。我们应该怎样对待这些可爱的朋友呢?看完下面许凡同学与她的小鸟之间的感人故事之后,我们就可以找到答案了。  相似文献   

有一天上午,我在办公室问一位高一学生,对话如下: T:What time is it now? S:It's ten.(他回到隔壁教室拿了手表,然后告诉我) T:还能用其它方法回答吗? S:It's ten o'clock.T:再想想,只要和这问句联系得上的都行. S:不能.(三分钟后,他无可奈何地摇了摇头说) 为什么这位学生只能用一种回答形式呢?他完全可以回答“I'm sorry.I have no watch”.为什么非要去拿表,然后再  相似文献   

彭荣华 《初中生》2002,(26):42-42
我的一天每一天,我必须刷牙,洗脸,刷洗和梳理我的头发;用餐前洗手,然后只享用自己的一份;玩过之后淋浴一番,谨遵母亲的话保持清洁;清洗双脚再把它们擦干;然后轻轻地走向床边,  相似文献   

冬天来了,我们可队和冰雪来个亲密接触。看看下面哪样运动最适合你!  相似文献   

Thelastpatientlefthisoffice.Mr.Southhadalookatthe1onthewall.Itwasaquartertosix.Itmeantthathehadtostaythereforfif-teen2.Afriendofhisaskedhimtodinnerthatevening.Ofcourseheshould3someflowersforher.Hebroughtoutthepurseand4themon-eyinit.Hehadsixtydollarsanditwasenoughtodothat.Andthenhe5heboughtanewspaperonhiswaytothe6afterlunch.Hewastoobusytoreadit.Nowhebroughtitout,butincameaman7fortyatthatmoment.Helookedathimcarefully.Themanlooked8.Hedidn'tknowwhathecamefor.“What…  相似文献   

飞轮海很红,到底有多红,没想到他们都已经红到了日本。所以他们也将全力进军日本市场,将于11月21日推出日本首张 CD《飞轮海~日本限定盘》及写真集《飞轮海 FahrenheitFirst》,四子还在日本首次举行Fans 聚会为 CD 造势。除此之外,现在他们四个人正在干什么呢?拍戏,唱歌,还是在做其他什么事情?  相似文献   

What Am I?     
Hello,boys and girls!My name is Mike.I'm tall and fat.I have a long nose and two big ears.My mouth is not too big.My teeth are very long.My  相似文献   

What Am I?     
一个连四肢、五官都没有的“人”,却能为你做许多意想不到的事,这“人”会是淮呢?一起来解开这个谜吧。  相似文献   

What Am I?     
I was born(出生) in a small river.When I was young,river was my home.I did not know my parents,but I had hundreds of brothers and sisters.I swam about(四处) and played all day with them.At that time I did not like(像) my parents.I had legs(腿),but I had a long tail(尾巴),So I looked like a fish.  相似文献   

What Am I?     
My first letter is in the word"tarm"but not in"arm" My second letter is in "live" but not in "love". You can find my third letter in"best"and "most".  相似文献   

What Am I?     
1.I’m a man,but I can't live inside a house.What amd I?2.I’m a star,but I can't be seen in the sky.What am I?3.The more you clean(清洁)me,the blacker(黑)I become.What am I?4.Though I'm black,I can enlighten(启发)people.What am  相似文献   

Howard Gardner, the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor in Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the "father" of multiple intelligences theory, weighs in on the issue of high-stakes testing in this commentary: "We must proceed cautiously before we place students' minds and hearts at risk with tests of dubious quality whose meaning can be over-interpreted and whose consequences can be devastating," writes Gardner.  相似文献   

A soldier is telling a story about the war. He asks Tom a question. Soldier: Tom, if the enemies want to use our railway, What should we do? Tom: Go to the ticket office, and destroy all tickets.  相似文献   

Andrew Johnson 《Literacy》1998,32(2):22-26
Students’ ability to comprehend expository text can be improved through the use of comprehension skills. In order to learn to use these skills, they need to be broken down into specific steps and taught explicitly. Nine comprehension skills are described here along with strategies for effective instruction.  相似文献   

Michael Rosenak uses the twin metaphors of “language” and “literature,” borrowed from Oakeshott and Peters, to argue that the goal of education is initiation into a language. This goal transcends the study of literature in that language. It includes, as well, the development of the capacity both to critique literature and to produce literature of one’s own. This article compares his use of the language-literature distinction to that of Oakeshott and Peters, revealing some inconsistencies that are driven by his desire to emphasize both autonomy and pluralism, on the one hand, and to maintain a residual essentialism on the other.  相似文献   

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