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Substance abuse is a a problem among college student populations. In spite of continued efforts to educate students about the dangers of substance abuse, preventive measures have been met with resistance. Reluctance to respond to these messages may arise from psychological defense mechanisms. However, the unique properties of university life and the student role are seen to contribute more significantly to this resistance. The processes of individuation, emotional development, socialization, and group membership appear to be significantly stabilized by the use of drugs and alcohol. These dimensions of student life are basic maturation processes. Successful campaigns for substance abuse prevention must consider the depth of these issues. Medical education in this area is complicated when these unresolved issues are confronted by the medical student in the classroom and clinical settings. More holistic approaches towards the personal and social dynamics of substance abuse must be developed to promote prevention among college youth. Alternative methods which incorporate these needs are mentioned.  相似文献   

The college student population is at high risk to develop substance use disorder. A sizable minority of students will manifest addictions of major severity. Lacking sophistication in the process of substance use disorder assessment precludes objective identification of students requiring intensive precludes objective identification of students requiring intensive inpatient treatment. A multivariate model of alcohol and other drug addiction is proposed. A multidimensional comprehensive assessment and treatment matching instrument is presented. A working inpatient addictions treatment unit is outlined to demonstrate intensity of tertiary intervention.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of alcohol and other drugs among 193 Taiwanese female college students currently attending Tainan Women's College of Arts and Technology. Using the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, participants were asked to identify: (1) which substances they have used in the last year and during the past 30 days, (2) the frequency of substance use, and (3) the consequences associated with the use of alcohol and other substances. Results indicated that alcohol and tobacco were the most commonly used substances. Compared to a similar study, alcohol use in the last year was considerably higher among the participants in this study and tobacco use was considerably lower. During the past 30 days, the use of both alcohol and tobacco were relatively low. Implications for college counselors and college officials are discussed.  相似文献   

Adolescent Perceptions of Help-Seeking Resources for Substance Abuse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adolescent perceptions of help-seeking social resources (e.g., parents, friends, school counselor, clergyman) they would utilize if they were having substance abuse difficulties were investigated for samples of early and middle adolescents. 8 different perceived help-seeking categories were identified, and intergroup comparisons were made with regard to gender and ethnic/racial group and with regard to alcohol consumption, substance-related problems, and school misconduct. 2 perceived help-seeking categories had the highest levels of problem behaviors. The first category consisted of adolescents who identified friends as the only social resource they would utilize if they were having substance abuse problems. The second category, referred to as social isolates, indicated that they would not utilize any social resource if they were having substance abuse problems. There were approximately twice as many male social isolates as female social isolates, and blacks and Hispanics were highly overrepresented in the social isolate category.  相似文献   

对高校学生管理法律问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,频频发生的学生告母校诉讼,给高校学生管理带来全新的思考。高校学生工作应摒弃传统的思维模式,注入法治精神,建立尊重学生权益的管理制度,完善救济途径,遵循德法并蓄的管理原则,创造一个宽松、稳定和具有亲和力的校园环境。  相似文献   

高校经济困难学生心理问题探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经济困难学生是当前高校收费制度改革过程中出现的一个特殊群体,比较突出的心理问题有自卑心理、无奈心理、封闭心理、粉饰心理、依赖心理等。对经济困难学生的心理问题,应针对实际情况进行具体分析,多角度、多途径地予以解决,如建立完善的学生资助体系、采取有效的教育措施、建立健全的咨询体系、落实具体的解决办法等。  相似文献   


Research indicates that many college students report posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or substance use disorder (SUD), yet there has been scant attention paid to the co-occurrence of these disorders in college students. This review examines the co-occurrence of PTSD and SUD in college students. Recommendations for counseling centers are provided regarding the assessment of this population, an overview of treatment issues, and three areas of clinical importance when working with this population: risk behaviors, interpersonal violence, and social isolation. Future directions for research are also suggested.  相似文献   

物质滥用已日益成为严重的国际性社会问题。青少年时期是滥用物质的危险期,也是滥用物质有可能引发一系列负性结果的初始阶段。如何有效地对青少年物质滥用进行防治是当务之急。近年来,有关物质滥用的外显认知研究受到了挑战,内隐认知开始逐渐引起学者的关注。内隐认知的测量方法源于内隐联想学习的原则,强调对物质使用行为偏好自发激活的认知过程,从而有效地避免了自我矫饰的影响。因而,内隐认知研究为物质滥用防治开启了新的思路,其应用领域包括对物质滥用的预测,改变个体内部的认知结构以促使个体向正性行为转变,以及对干预效果的评估等。  相似文献   

在地方高校中开展创业教育是知识经济时代培养学生创新精神和创造能力的需要,是推进大学生素质教育的需要,是增强自身核心竞争力和可持续发展后劲力的需要,是地方社会经济结构调整时期人才需求变化的需要。地方高校要坚持系统性、长远性、重点性和创新性原则。以更新观念为先导,树立正确的创业教育目标;以教学模式改革为核心,形成创业教育的有效途径;以实践平台搭建为重点,开辟创业教育实践基地;以师资队伍建设为抓手,做好创业教育保障工作;以校园文化建设为依托,营造创业教育氛围。  相似文献   

从1997年高等教育全面收费,1999年全国高校扩招以来,到现在我国高等教育已跨入大众化阶段,但随之而来的是高校贫困生数量也日益增加。我们发现绝大部分贫困生既物质贫困,又心理贫困。怎样使他们的身心健康发展,顺利完成大学学业,已刻不容缓地摆在我们面前。笔者经长期研究,结合对某大学贫困生的调查、分析,就目前贫困大学生心理状况进行了分析并提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

师范大学生择业心理困惑及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因受诸多因素的影响,近年来师范大学生的就业压力日趋加大,择业困惑也越来越明显,这既不利于师范大学生的心理健康,也对师范大学的可持续发展构成威胁。针对师范大学生客观存在的不良择业认知、消极情绪体验和择业行为偏差,教师应着力实施认知干预,切实开展择业心理素质训练。  相似文献   

搞好大学生心理辅导工作的两个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心理辅导与思想政治教育同为大学生成长教育不可或缺的重要方面,二者不能互相代替,但能相辅相成。高校的学生工作,既要有政治辅导员,也应有心理辅导员。在大学生的心理辅导中,应以心理健康教育和成长性的心理咨询为主,心理治疗宜由社会医疗机构来完成。  相似文献   

我国广播电视大学经过30多年的发展,目前遇到了发展瓶颈,在普通高校、高职院校和社会办学力量的多重夹击下,生源数量和质量明显下滑。本文对广播电视大学与社会经济的互动关系的探讨,并通过对湖北近年来生源信息的定量分析,指出一方面要抓住富余劳动力从第一产业向第二产业迁移,农村劳动力向第二产业和第三产业转移的机遇,为大力发展成人教育提供了生源保障;另一方面,需要积极探索广播电视大学转型为开放大学的新途径。  相似文献   

外国留学生学历教育过程中的若干问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从外国留学生学历教育的现状和问题入手,探讨留学生教育中存在的缺乏统一的入学标准、管理体制不健全、课程缺乏国际竞争力等问题,借鉴国内外的先进经验,结合自己的工作体会,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

关于大学生心理健康教育的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从社会变革、传统学校教育的定位、思想教育的滞后、家庭生活经历的失范、个性特征的缺陷等方面分析导致大学生心理问题产生的原因,并据此提出了从净化校园环境、开展心理健康教育工作、加强教师心理健康指导、建立“一体化”工作格局以及增强大学生自我心理调适能力这些方面来提高大学生的心理健康教育水平的建议。  相似文献   

大学生交往中的安全问题 ,一直是影响高校内部稳定的重要因素之一。本文通过分析学生交往中的主观特征、存在的主要问题 ,并针对这些问题提出了加强教育和管理的一些措施  相似文献   

学生评教的问题与对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生评教是高校教师评价系统中的一个不可或缺的子系统,也在现代高校教学评价中被广泛使用。本文结合北京市高校学生评教现状,分析并研究了学生评教在评价主体、客体以及学生评教制度安排存在的问题,并提出改进策略。  相似文献   

大学生恋爱已经成为大学校园的普遍现象,然而由于大学生的心理、生理没有完全成熟,对恋爱问题的处理能力等还不够健全,导致大学生恋爱过程中会出现诸多问题。因此,高校要加强对大学生恋爱问题的正确引导,帮助大学生处理好爱情与学业的关系以及树立正确的恋爱观,让他们沿着正确的人生轨迹走下去,这对于构建和谐校园和文明社会有着重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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