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This article analyzes the use and effectiveness of marketing techniques in the higher education environment, concentrating specifically on the lack of consistency in the application of different techniques. Questionnaires were sent to the 2,039 members of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AA-CRAO). The admissions officers were asked to report the use and perceived effectiveness of the following fifteen marketing techniques: publicity, target marketing, market segmentation, advertising, program development, market positioning, market research, access, marketing plan, pricing, marketing committee, advertising research, consultants, marketing audit, and marketing director. The results clearly indicate an increase in the acceptance, use and perceived effectiveness of the fifteen techniques. However, the data also indicate that many institutions are not consistent in their use of the marketing techniques. For example, many institutions use target marketing without first applying market segmentation, and then neglect to develop a positioning strategy vis-a-vis their competition. The very low use rate of developing marketing plans, using marketing directors, committees, or consultants points to a lack of integration of marketing throughout the organization as well as a lack of a strategic marketing focus. While marketing certainly has become more accepted, it is still in its infancy at many institutions. Marketing is viewed as an excellent way to attract students and yet is not commonly seen as a way to increase student satisfaction, lower attrition, and develop strategic and competitive advantages in the marketplace. For many institutions it remains caught in the admissions office, and fulfills strictly a sales and promotional function.  相似文献   

区域营销理论是在一般性的营销战略层面上研究市场细分、目标定位、沟通等区域形象营销问题,对发展我国区域经济有特别的意义。区域形象营销框架的构建也必须在市场细分及其目标选择、定位、营销目标协同等方面进行思考。  相似文献   

This article suggests that low endowment private institutions must apply better marketing techniques in strategic planning to ensure long term survival. Given current financial pressures due to the shrinking pool of high school graduates, marketing is particularly crucial in the 1990's. Furthermore, the low endowment private institution is vulnerable since its primary source of funds is tuition. Recommendations are offered to enable such institutions to use market research effectively, identify new markets and direct media communication accurately. The role of the student as customer forms the starting point for the development of both product and promotion strategy.  相似文献   

通过对贵州省黎从榕综合旅游区旅游资源品质特点、开发条件、旅游市场发展趋势的综合分析,提出了开发区域旅游的目标市场定位,并提出了具有针对性的分层推进的市场营销策略。  相似文献   

2001年9月,中国开放医疗市场,鼓励发展民营医疗机构,民营医院开始大规模发展。最初,民营医院营销的主要内容就是广告,但多年的广告鏖战之后,出于对广告边际效益的考虑,铺天盖地的广告宣传时代渐进尾声。当人们开始重新思考民营医院营销的出路时,却又面对着严峻的行业信用问题。本文试从传播角度出发,分析通过品牌化的方式解决民营医院信用危机的策略,以寻求民营医院营销的出路。  相似文献   

根据不断变化的市场环境,正确认识企业的性质、地位、功能和目标,并进行科学的定位,是促进企业不断发展的关键。海螺型材通过行业和产品分析,战略性的提出了企业经营定位,以经营定位为指导,制订了符合行业和产品特点的营销策略,从而促进了企业飞速发展。  相似文献   

通过对贵州省黎从榕综合旅游区旅游资源品质特点、开发条件、旅游市场发展趋势的综合分析,提出了开发区域旅游的目标市场定位,并提出了具有针对性的分层推进的市场营销策略。  相似文献   

This paper presnts a data based marketing model of effective enrollment management based on the relationships between changes in the macro environment, changes in target market student preferences, changes in college marketing mix, and changes in enrollment. An enrollment pay off matrix illustrates how institutions have been able to offset, enhance, or neutralize the potential enrollment effects of changes in the job market for college graduates through appropriate changes in academic portfolio strategies focused on curriculum mix and admissions selectivity.  相似文献   

As the current college admissions situation becomes more competitive, college and universities have discovered they must aggressively market themselves to prospective students. Most institutions use marketing within the admissions office to plan recruitment strategies, yet overlook one of its most important applications- admissions publications. The presentation will seek to: (1) Introduce the concept of marketing and the role it plays in recruitment materials. (2) Show publications managers where to find market research, both on their campuses as well as from secondary sources. (3) Demonstrate methods publications managers can use to collect their own research. (4) Demonstrate how this research can be applies to their situation, both in the preparation and evaluation of recruitment material.  相似文献   

The declining number of university age students, and decreases in state and federal funding for higher education contributed to the need for many institutions of higher education to create and maintain a distinctive image (a niche) in the marketplace. New trends already evident, as higher education copes with these changes, include the increasing use of advertising, promotion and other strategic marketing tools which are applied to position or reposition institutions. This article investigates the formation of university images by applying information processing theories in relation to consumer decision-making. The study takes the perspective reflecting interests of students whose major concern is their employability after graduation. It examines the number of attributes on which graduates are evaluated, composition of these attributes, the method of attribute processing, and the effect of the university overall image on the evaluation of its graduates.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of full-cost fees for overseas students in 1980 there has been a marked increase in marketing activities in British universities, polytechnics and in some other institutions of higher education. A survey of 33 universities and public sector higher education institutions in 1985 showed that 90 per cent undertook some form of marketing to attract overseas students, and 70 per cent reported that they had intensified their recruitment and marketing efforts since 1980. The British Council's Education Counselling Service, established in 1984, is now extremely active in certain countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. As well as increasing their publicity, many institutions have also strengthened their support services for overseas students and have developed new courses for the overseas market, particularly short courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Although there have been some instances of institutions adopting a 'hard sell' approach, most recognise the need for 'responsible recruitment' policies, and many are now developing comprehensive strategies covering admissions, financial support, the structure and content of courses for overseas students and academic and pastoral support services, as well as marketing. Partly as a result of increased marketing activities, the number of overseas students, which fell sharply after 1980, has been rising steadily since 1983, and the number in universities is higher now than before the introduction of full-cost fees. It is estimated that spending by overseas students now exceeds £1 billion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use the marketing concept of segmentation in a post-secondary context in order to gain a better understanding of undergraduate students. Most post-secondary institutions segment their learners in traditional ways based on demographic characteristics such as age, year of program, gender, special needs, and grade point average. The establishment of identifiable learner-based segments is a unique, and arguably a critical, first step which can be of benefit to institutions as they develop recruitment strategies and academic programs that best serve the needs of their unique mix of undergraduate learners.Partners in Planning and focuses upon strategic development and transformation in the public and not-for-profit sectors, marketing, and product introduction  相似文献   

Changes in the environment of postsecondary institutions in the Western World have necessitated the adoption of strategies that were once thought to be incompatible with academic pursuit. Among these, is the increasing application of marketing techniques to attract vital resources in postsecondary institutions. This study investigated administrators' perceptions of various aspects of postsecondary institutional marketing in Alberta. Also, perceived problems and benefits of marketing practices in postsecondary institutions were investigated. Data were collected form 96 administrators of higher education in Alberta using both structured and unstructured interview methods. The study concluded that administrators in the Province generally considered marketing to be activities used in attracting resources. Only a few institutions in Alberta engaged in marketing research or used a comprehensive marketing plan. Shortage of funds was considered to be the major constraint on institutional marketing initiatives. Respondents predicted that more institutions would adopt marketing techniques in the near future.  相似文献   

高校广告学教学必须正视市场的发展趋势及其特殊性,以学生为本,以社会需求和学生的毕业去向为导向,以培养高素质、高技能应用型专业人才为目标。广告学作为一门实践性很强的应用性学科,存在教学理念模糊、实践教学平台缺失、教师实战经验不足、教学方法落后、实践教学监管不力等问题。必须以服务社会为目的,明确教学定位;以能力培养为主线,构建教学体系;以灵活多样为手段,创新教学模式;以内涵建设为抓手,完善保障体系,在演示教学、案例教学、项目教学、研讨教学等模式上不断创新。  相似文献   

In the current context, the need for marketing in institutions of higher education is undeniable. The specification of the student not merely as a ‘customer’ means that traditional marketing no longer has sufficient capacity to explain the behavior of the student body. In this study, a four-level relationship marketing model is tested to check the influence of perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived employability on identification with the institution and the perceived price-quality ratio and how these influence student satisfaction. In addition, the constructs prior to POS and perceived employability are identified, which are explicit enough to enable specific marketing actions to be carried out. As POS is a construct defined for the labor market, its use applied to relational marketing comes up as something innovative.

To this end, Likert scales have been designed and validated to measure these constructs. The results of this test show how the perception of organizational support depends on the relationship of the student body with the administration and management of the center. Likewise, the perception of employability depends on the perceived reputation and the perception of the promotion of employability. Furthermore, it is confirmed that satisfaction is positively related to identification and the perceived price-quality ratio, which in turn are positively related to organizational support and perceived employability.  相似文献   

成熟的网络技术,使得许多企业和个人以网络来生存和发展,但成功的企业和个人并不是很多,其重要的原因之一就是市场定位混乱或不明确.着重阐述网络营销中典型定位策略及其运用,旨在帮助他们正确定位决策,实现企业和个人的财务目标,并能够持续发展.  相似文献   

二十一世纪企业的营消活动只有适应社会文化的需要,随着文化的发展而变化,并积极创造新文化才能在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   


Many post-secondary institutions utilize the mission statement as the key tool for positioning and marketing their strategic direction. Unfortunately, most mission statements found in higher education are far too simplistic and general to give substance and direction to differentiation and positioning of universities. This paper presents findings from a three-month participatory action research process at a large urban Canadian university seeking to establish a marketing mind set. Five possible futures reflecting the range of thinking regarding the role of universities emerged from the research process. Each alternative represents separate and different possible directions, the implications of which become more evident by contrast.  相似文献   

近年来,<湖南日报>的广告经营管理在科学发展观的指导下,在体制机制上有创新,在市场定位上找差异,在广告营销上强策划.通过盘活体制机制,搭好经营平台;找准广告定位,开辟市场"蓝海";强化营销策划,跳出广告做广告,从而在全国省级党报中广告利润增幅连续两年名列前茅.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the key role of public relations in increasing the competitive advantages of higher education institutions. It identifies and describes the mechanism of the shift in interest from advertising to public relations that results from the increasing complexity of the environment of a private higher education institution. Moreover, the authors conduct an analysis of the main target groups of public relations activities, referring to the conceptual model of the “two markets” according to which a private higher education institution “sells” access to education to potential candidates and then “sells” its graduates on the labour market. The practical example of the marketing and public relations activities undertaken by the authors at the School of Banking in Poznan´ since 1994 are presented and elucidated.  相似文献   

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