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While recent CSWE standards focus on the need for including more relevant technological content in social work curricula, they do not offer guidance regarding how it is to be assessed and selected. Social work educators are in need of an analytic model of computerization to help them understand which technologies are most appropriate and relevant to the professional development of social work students. This article develops a flexible model that can be used by faculty to assess, develop, and evaluate computer content in their curricula. The model presents a cost-effective approach that takes into account the enormous flux and pace of change in the computer industry.  相似文献   

There is growing consensus among baccalaureate program directors on the importance of the research curriculum in undergraduate social work education. This consensus, however, is not reflected in the practices of many baccalaureate programs which often are characterized by lack of integratino of practice and research content, and isolation between research and other segments of the curriculum. The seriousness of this problem is reflected in the frequency with which social work programs are cited by the CSWE Commission on Accreditation for concerns about, or noncompliance with, the research requirements of the Curriculum Policy Statement. This paper presents one model for integrating research in the social work curriculum. Research content is broadly identified and suggestions provided on how to incorporate that content across all curriculum areas.  相似文献   

质的研究(qualitative research)方法以其独特的研究角度和理念越来越受到社会科学研究领域的重视。作为一种方法,质的研究具有一定的跨学科性。本文从质的研究方法的理论基础和操作方法上分析,力求指出其对社会工作研究和实践所具有的重要指导意义。  相似文献   


This paper describes an internal evaluation performed on the BSW curriculum of the School of Social Work of Tel Aviv University, Israel. It focuses on the inductive, participatory method by which the evaluation was designed, and on the measure that was developed. The aim of the paper is to encourage internal evaluation of social work curricula and to provide a model for doing so that others can adopt.  相似文献   


The value of partnership and participation for human empowerment is routinely stressed in today's social work practice literature, in which scholars emphasize the need for consumer participation, co-inquiry, and client collaboration. Because research is recognized to be a crucial element in such collaborations, one would expect that, alongside traditional research topics, the goal of empowerment would likewise be recommended in current social work research literature and curricula. One might further expect that the curricula, as part of the menu of research methods, would espouse specific kinds of participative inquiry available in the social work and social science literature.

The purpose of this study is to explore to what extent social work research methodology courses offered through social work MSW graduate programs in the USA include content that encourages active involvement in the process of research by the people whose lives are being studied. In other words, the question put to test has been how much emphasis (or how little) is placed on a relationship of partnership between “inside” and “outside” participants in the design, implementation, and analysis of the research activity? Utilizing a content analysis research design, the study posed and addressed three exploratory hypotheses in an attempt to answer this question.  相似文献   

游戏是人类一种极具魅力的活动形态,是人类一种美好的存在。游戏有着非常丰富的内涵,其所蕴含的自由、愉悦、专一的游戏精神契合了"游戏如教学"的学校教育精神。社会工作专业教育是社会工作专业体系的重要组成部分,在社会工作专业化的过程中,专业教育发挥着关键的作用。将游戏引入到社会工作专业教育的课堂教学活动中,对学生建立与培养(理解)社会工作价值观、掌握社会工作理论知识、提升社会工作方法技巧的能力发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

在大学新生适应性教育中引入社会工作的理念与方法,能弥补新生教育工作形式单一、缺乏互动交流等缺陷,创新大学新生适应性教育的理念和方法,促进大学新生尽快度过适应期,为过好大学生活打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

通过对珠江三角洲社会工作机构的调查,发现广东高校社会工作专业毕业生在技术教育、价值教育、个人素养等方面存在一些问题;为了更好地回应社会需求,推动整个广东社会工作教育,作为高校应该以技术教育为本位,加强实践教学;以价值教育为核心,彰显专业特色;以课程改革为突破口,增强师资力量。  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of assessment in social work education programs throughout the United States. Following the guidelines of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS), social work education has switched from student learning outcomes to competency-based measures. Included in this study is a literature review on current assessment practices and results of a research project on assessment practices in social work education programs nationwide. The findings may be useful to social work educators in addressing programmatic changes and revisions based on the 2015 EPAS.  相似文献   

社会工作历经发展已凸现专业性 ;社会工作一开始就与社会问题密切相关 ;社会工作学与相关学科难以分割 ;社会工作者在职业倾向上应崇尚马克思主义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose an elective social work course as a means of better preparing social workers entering practice in healthcare to meet the challenges of promoting health and reducing health disparities in minority and underserved communities. Course offerings specifically targeting health or medical social work training vary widely. The additional training provided at places of employment and through continuing education after the master's degree is often inadequate for competently addressing the issues clinicians face in practice.  相似文献   

Economic success is an aim of governments around the world. Their ‘human capital’ stance towards higher education implies the need to develop graduates’ capabilities to the full. The concept of graduate ‘employability’, currently being developed in the light of theory and empirical data, is beginning to find acceptance in the UK. One of the keys to its acceptability in higher education has been the alignment of employability with good learning – that is, learning that is manifested in complex outcomes. However, the achievement of complex outcomes requires a programme-level focus, rather than a focus on individual study units. This article reports on the way such a programme-level approach was adopted in four different universities in the UK, and how relatively small-scale actions have the potential to augment students’ employability. The implications for policy at the levels of the system, the higher education institution and the academic department are discussed.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to present the case for social work, the case that the old truths and fighting spirit of an earlier day-our social work imagination-live on, even in the face of uncaring economic forces and resurrected punitiveness. Sustained by an idealism as old as humankind, members of the profession continue to advocate for the poor, the sick, and the oppressed.  相似文献   

本文采用了文献研究法归纳概括了质性研究发展历史以及各个历史阶段的特征,从其历史发展的规律中探索社会工作初学者作质性研究的过程。  相似文献   


This report describes using a student portfolio approach to the structure and conduct of doctoral-level comprehensive examinations in the field of social work. Portfolios have been used as the primary method (one exception in over 40 students) to conducting social work comprehensive examinations at the author's former university, and this doctoral program appears to be unique in this regard among North American social work programs. The approach to organizing the written and oral components of comprehensive examinations using a portfolio is described, along with some of the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Other doctoral programs are encouraged to include this method as one option in evaluating student readiness to conduct dissertation research and attainment of pedagogical objectives.  相似文献   


In light of a rapidly changing educational landscape, this paper will discuss the implications of online education for the teacher–learner relationship, which is a critical aspect of academic and professional development for the social work student. As technology revolutionizes relationships, how will we ensure the intra-and interpersonal nature of social work education? The pursuit of accessible and flexible educational opportunities presently driving social work education threatens to undermine this important alliance. The centrality of relationship is discussed here in the context of current trends in distance learning. Relational-Cultural Theory and Transactional Distance Theory are posited to provide evidence for the significance of relationship in learning.  相似文献   

心理学是研究人的心理现象及其活动规律的一门科学。社会工作作为一门新兴的学科,和心理学有着同样的目标:帮助人类有效地适应社会生活,促进个人、家庭与社区生活进步和社会变迁。而心理学作为一门基础性学科,为社会工作的实施提供了很多理论与实践的支持。本文将从心理学与社会工作的关系出发,通过案例分析论证心理学在促进社会工作服务质量中的作用。  相似文献   

Given that social work research courses are typically built on modernist principles of teaching and content, it is not surprising that the majority of social work students dread these courses. Few attempts have been made to better align the modernist content of quantitative research with the postmodern philosophy and values inherent in current social work. This article presents a decision-making flow chart in conjunction with a problem-based learning framework so that students can be self-directed in the process of determining which inferential statistic to use when given a case example.  相似文献   

高等职业教育科研管理工作应有其特有的规律和特色。如何确立适应高等职业教育特点的科研管理指导思想、管理机制和运行模式,如何在高等职业院校中实施“科研兴校”战略,这是高等职业教育在当前的发展新形势下应着重关注和探讨的重要课题。  相似文献   


The focus on competency in social work education makes the development of a competency-based curriculum critical. This article describes an approach to curriculum building taking into account the integration, coherency, and integrity of such a curriculum. A presentation of how performance outcomes are fundamental to the relationship between the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standard competencies and the assignments designed to assess their attainment is presented. A demonstration of how the alignment of the components of a course reveals integrity in the curriculum is portrayed. How these aspects coalesce to build a competency-based curriculum is illustrated, and how this curriculum fulfills accreditation requirements is presented. The article concludes with the benefits and a cautionary note on this approach to curriculum building in social work education.  相似文献   

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