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In an effort to move the methodology of policy analysis beyond the traditional and artificial position of being objective and value-free, this article is a call to those working and teaching in social work to consider a feminist policy analysis lens. A review of standard policy analysis models is presented alongside feminist models. Such a comparison should help practitioners and educators work and train students to advance understandings of society beyond the androcentric norms. Of significance is how the inclusion of feminist policy analysis in social work curricula can assist with program accreditation.  相似文献   

大学生社会实践是高校学生思想政治工作的有效载体和重要环节,但目前还存在较多问题。为进一步解决这些问题,有必要按照"按需设项,据项组团,结合专业,服务就业"的原则,将社会实践与在校大学生的学习、成长、成才、就业等紧密结合起来。  相似文献   

Blended learning is a newly emerging trend in higher education and is defined as the purposeful integration of synchronous and asynchronous learning to provide educational activities that maximize the benefits of each. This paper describes the development of a graduate social work foundation-year practice class in a blended online environment in which both asynchronous and synchronous activities transpire online. The course's underlying pedagogical principles are illustrated, and the perceptions of instructional faculty are reported in key areas, including engagement and participation, activities, and the challenges of technology, socialization, etiquette, and nonverbal cues.  相似文献   

美国顶峰体验课程对社会工作专业实践教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顶峰体验课程作为美国高校在高年级开设的一种综合性课程,提升了人才培养质量,受到学生、学校和用人单位的好评.将顶峰体验课程引入社会工作专业实践教学,对学生主体意识的培养、专业认同的建立以及知识技能的整合都有重要意义.社会工作实践教学顶峰体验课程的设计应当以项目为核心,凝练教学目标、改革教学手段,重视学生非专业能力的培养.这一课程的引入,还需要完善在教育理念、项目来源、教学团队和评价体系等方面的配套改革.  相似文献   

简论大学生社会实践中的德育实效问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生社会实践中的德育是大学课堂德育的必要补充,是高校德育的重要途径,这已为绝大多数学者认同并被各高校普遍接受。但是,要推动大学生社会实践中德育的深入发展,让社会实践真正成为大学生德育的重要途径和方法,就必须要正确认识大学生社会实践中德育的重要地位,高度重视其德育实效,不断探索提高其德育实效的途径。  相似文献   


Changes in funding patterns and privatization of health and human services within government are prompting new forms of management and organizational structures creating challenges for service delivery and the education of social work managers. The profession's ability to provide leadership and respond to such rapidly changing environmental trends is grounded in the capability of field education to bridge the university and practice communities and provide flexible, innovative combinations of service programming and research partnerships. This article provides a framework for the development and operation of a unique type of field demonstration project. The article focuses on the methodology used to develop and operate the field projects in order to encourage replication among other schools of social work.  相似文献   


A large number of social work doctoral programs admit non-MSWs into their programs of study, and do not subsequently require the student to earn the MSW before receiving the Ph.DTDSW. In this debate-style article, Professor Barbara Shore argues that it is both acceptable and desirable for non-MSWs to earn the doctorate in social work, while Professor Bruce Thyer contends that the practice is harmful to the profession and should be discouraged. Each author provides an initial statement and responds to each others' position in a rebuttal.  相似文献   


This study explored the effects of an intensive, service learning course on the perceived self-efficacy of participating MSW students. A self-efficacy scale was developed following Bandura's (1977) model, based on the goals and objectives of the MSW program and was administered pre and post. The findings indicated a statistically significant increase in perceived self-efficacy (p< .001) following completion of the course. In addition, the students demonstrated significant increases in self-efficacy related to mezzo (p< .001) and macro-level skills (p< .001). These results suggest that service learning, underutilized in social work education, may be an effective learning approach in master's level programs.  相似文献   

社会工作在我国属于新兴学科,自开始招生至今仅20余年。这期间,社会工作教育者们从未停止对社会工作实务教学的探索,但至今依然是教学难点,社会工作的教师身兼督导和教学双重任务往往会顾此失彼。基于此,找到一个适合于目前社会工作实务教学的场所和模式便十分重要。本文将高校作为社会工作实务教学的场所,社会工作专业学生的实务课程在教师的指导下展开,提供适当的社会工作服务以解决学生群体中存在的诸多问题,同时实现实务教学的要求。在高校实施社会工作实务教学,"网格化"是一种比较理想的模式。  相似文献   

当前许多开办社会工作专业的高校存在实习专业化程度低、实习教育不规范、实习经费短缺等问题。文章针对这些问题提出了提高实习专业化水平、规范社会工作实习教学管理、多方筹措并合理使用经费的措施。  相似文献   

The professions of social work (SWK) and speech language pathology (SLP) often involve the provision of services to a diverse group of client populations in a variety of settings; this is particularly true when meeting the complex needs of children and their families. It is widely accepted that collaborative treatment approaches utilizing multidisciplinary teams is an effective method of practice when serving children who are developmentally delayed or challenged, yet there is little information in the literature regarding the quantity, quality, and efficacy of collaboration among professional disciplines serving child populations. This article addresses the identified gap in the pedagogical literature regarding collaborative case management approaches between social workers (SWKs) and speech language pathologists (SLPs) using a case example describing a child in need of early intervention services. Following the case study, sample assessment questions are provided (utilizing the professional standards from both SWK and SLP) as a measure of professional competency and practice behavior. Finally, a discussion of the practical ways SWKs and SLPs can be trained in order to be mutually supportive in meeting the needs of children requiring multidisciplinary services through a collaborative or trans-team approach is provided.  相似文献   

随着社区职能从行政管理向提供社会服务转变,村改居社区的建设和发展问题伴随着城市社区治理研究凸显出来。文章透过赋权理论的应用及实践,针对社会工作介入S市村改居社区居民身份认同、城市适应、居民参与公共事务管理机制和途径的建立等问题的研究进行探讨和反思,以期为当下村改居社区的治理模式提出有益参考。  相似文献   

Continuing moves towards more flexible approaches to the provision of higher education have been reflected in the increased provision of social work education through distance learning and the related increase in the use of online technologies for social work education. This article reports on the use of a wiki in a final year social work subject. Wiki technology was used to create a collaborative learning environment where on-campus and distance students were able to work together to produce assessable material. Drawing on student comments regarding the process and outcomes of the wiki assignment, a number of issues and benefits of the use of wikis in social work education are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,高校日益重视大学生心理健康问题,努力探索有效的办法和途径,积极开展心理健康教育。本文从学校社会工作这一新的视角出发,把社会工作的理念和方法介入大学生心理健康教育,提出改进和加强大学生心理健康教育的对策,为大学生心理健康教育提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

浅论高校大学生社会实践活动   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
社会实践活动是促进大学生健康成长的一条有效途径。因此,我们应切实组织好大学生的社会实践活动,并积极探讨大学生社会实践活动的管理措施。  相似文献   

Social work professors are frequently disappointed with the writing their students produce bumt feel unsure about how improvements can be made. Unfortunately, the social work literature does not shed much light on the problem of student writing. This exploratory study suggests a model that established a rationale for writing improvement, provides writing opportunities within non-threatening classroom environments, helps students during the writing process, and promotes explicit grading criteria. Preliminary findings suggest that with this model students may lower their writing anxiety, and professors could spend less time grading papers.  相似文献   

大学生社会实践活动初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会实践活动是高校德育的重要途径,有助于培养大学生的创新意识和实践能力。本文从大学生参加社会实践的必要性、内容、基本要求以及社会实践活动的作用等方面加以论述。  相似文献   

Teaching BSW and MSW students beginning interviewing and relationship-building skills is essential in order to prepare them for practice with clients. In social work methods courses, role plays are commonly-used instructional strategies for helping foundation-level students acquire these initial practice skills. Despite the popularity of this teaching method, the social work literature contains limited studies on the use of role play. In this study, 2 role-play methods are compared, a traditional one in which social work students act out the role of client and social worker and a nontraditional one where the only difference was that theater students role-played the client. Findings revealed that social work students perceived the nontraditional role play as providing a more realistic experience that more closely approximates actual work with clients. Many unanticipated benefits for both sets of students surfaced as a result of this research. Implications for ways to improve this pedagogical tool are discussed along with suggestions for further evaluating role-play methods.  相似文献   


The use of simulated instruction is a growing trend in social work education. This study examined the effectiveness of simulated instruction with undergraduate social work students. In this mixed methods study, the extent to which simulated instruction improved self-efficacy and practice readiness was assessed. Results of the study suggest that simulated instruction helps improve key practice skills and increases recognition of diversity in practice. Moreover, students self-reported increased mastery in interviewing, managing emotions, and engaging in culturally competent practice.  相似文献   

论大学生社会实践的教育功能   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
大学生社会实践作为高等教育的重要组成部分,是实施素质教育的主要途径,是课堂教育的补充和延伸,其拥有丰富的教育功能,主要表现为德育教育功能、社会化教育功能、创业教育功能、自我教育功能。  相似文献   

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