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在对出行目的地空间分布特点进行分析的基础上,提出了减少选择枝个数的目的地小区分段抽样策略,该策略的应用减少了仿真的计算量.采用该抽样策略建立了基于贝叶斯理论的出行者出行方式和目的地联合选择模型.通过对该模型进行仿真计算,结果表明出行方式和目的地的联合选择模型能够有效地模拟出行者的行为选择.而且,联合选择模型的预测精度明显高于重力模型.因此,在分析出行者行为选择方面采用出行方式和目的地的联合选择模型是一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

对投资对象进行了选择,提出了投资对象选择模型,并研究了在投资对象选择模型下组合证券的有效边界,发现其有效边界是由N种投资对象选择模型的有效边界上的点组成的抛物线段。  相似文献   

为了更加有效地提高软件测试的效率,将故障树分析法引人软件测试中,提出了建模的基本思想和方法,给出了软件测试故障树最小割集的算法,对故障树模型进行了定性和定量的分析,并将分析结果指导和应用于软件测试实践中。  相似文献   

Single‐best answers to multiple‐choice items are commonly dichotomized into correct and incorrect responses, and modeled using either a dichotomous item response theory (IRT) model or a polytomous one if differences among all response options are to be retained. The current study presents an alternative IRT‐based modeling approach to multiple‐choice items administered with the procedure of elimination testing, which asks test‐takers to eliminate all the response options they consider to be incorrect. The partial credit model is derived for the obtained responses. By extracting more information pertaining to test‐takers’ partial knowledge on the items, the proposed approach has the advantage of providing more accurate estimation of the latent ability. In addition, it may shed some light on the possible answering processes of test‐takers on the items. As an illustration, the proposed approach is applied to a classroom examination of an undergraduate course in engineering science.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that almost 20 years after the 1988 Education Act, top‐down, large‐scale reform has stalled. The policy mix of choice, competition, markets, regulation, accountability and leadership seems not to have closed the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged areas and individuals, while most variations in school performance can be explained in terms of intake differences. This paper reviews policy and progress since 1988 and assesses the extent to which central government has achieved its educational aims. Unacknowledged tensions and contradictions are identified in structures and practices that are supposed to constitute a reliable framework for sustainable improvement. The conclusion is drawn that since 1988 the national government apparatus has itself become an important obstacle to further progress. An independent review of policy‐making and implementation is recommended so that schools and colleges are enabled to contribute more effectively to improvements in the quality of education.  相似文献   

英语测试是教师了解学生个体发展和教学反馈的重要手段。为探求具有高职高专特色的校内英语测试模式,笔者对云南省八所高职高专院校校内英语测试模式一教学形式,测试类型,测试形式,试题类型,命题阅卷及反馈等方面进行了调查,分析了存在的问题,并提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

软件测试的研究与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件测试是一种重要的软件质量保证活动.通过对软件测试的内涵、关键问题进行分析,指出软件测试的误区、对策以及应遵守的原则,以便更好的保证软件质量.  相似文献   

从词源学角度探讨了我国传统文化中的诚信思想以及当代人对诚信的认识。关于诚信的理论还存在争议,非理性选择模型将诚信视为为减少交往复杂性而采取的一种冒险行为;理性选择模型则认为它是一种基于认知上的理性算计。诚信是一种具有复杂结构的人格特质,个体作出诚信行为还受交往对象、情境特点等诸多因素影响。未来的研究应结合我国文化来考察诚信的概念结构、建立过程以及在促进人际和谐中的应用。  相似文献   

交际语言测试己成为当今的主流测试方法。文章论述了交际语言测试的理论模式、优缺点及其展望。同时提出我们要形成中国特色的外语交际测试。  相似文献   

文章在新古典框架内 ,以贝克尔教授的个人及家庭理性行为、市场均衡和偏好稳定的综合假定为前提 ,在简单讨论了离散选择模型的基础上 ,建立了一个关于农村家庭劳动力配置的离散选择模型 (二元态 L ogit模型 )。在经济学意义上确立了农户劳动力配置决策的理性选择 ,在政策层面上提出了消除城乡之间的市场和制度歧视、从根本上减少农村人口等政策建议。最后提出了农户劳动力配置研究中一些尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   

职业经理人行为直接影响着企业绩效。要采用合理的激励和约束机制,调节职业经理人行为,使所有者和经理人的利益统一起来,成为利益共同体,形成合作博弈,取得共赢。  相似文献   

商会是完善的现代市场体系中不可缺少的重要组成部分,在市场经济中发挥着重要作用。它不仅是会员企业发展规模经济、代表并维护会员企业权益的好帮手,又是承接政府与企业的桥梁,发挥着沟通、协调宏观与微观的作用。改革开放以来,我国商会经历了从无到有的发展过程,现已建成以全国工商联、贸促会、企业联合会、商业联合会等大型全国性商会,多家地方商会、多种行业协会并存的商会体系,而且在经济发展中不断壮大队伍,拓展活动领域。但随着我国商会组织的发展壮大,也凸显出了不少问题。到目前为止,虽然有一些有关商会的政策性文件和地方法规,却始终没有出台一部商会基本法来规范商会组织,解决出现的问题。笔者试图通过比较研究外国商会法律制度,探讨适合于我国商会发展的法律制度。  相似文献   

理论与实践的疏离是高校思政课现行考核模式的突出问题。在教学与考核中坚持理论与实践一体化,既是思政课课程本身的内在要求,也是思想政治教育规律的客观要求。构建思政课理论与实践一体化考核模式,必须转变考核理念,坚持理论和实践的相互对接;改进考核目标,坚持理论和实践的相互匹配;完善考核内容,坚持理论和实践的相互渗透;优化考核方法,坚持理论和实践的相互促进。  相似文献   

玛格丽特·阿特伍德《可以吃的女人》是一部关于选择的小说。书中三位女性的选择因其高度的概括性和广泛的代表性将促使作为读者的当代女性思考自己的处境 ,并且有可能成为当代女性回归自我、选择生活时可堪借鉴的三种模式  相似文献   

提出了带隶属度及权重的粗糙集模型。在这种模型中,给出带隶属度及权重的信息系统,进行噪音的处理.这种粗糙集的拓广模型克服经典粗糙集分类过于严格、对噪音过于敏感、某些隐藏在边界中的规则丢失等缺陷,并用算例验证了该模型是可行的。  相似文献   

随着教育现代化的深入,结合公修计算机基础的课程特点,通过比较传统考试模式与无纸化考试系统模式,剖析两种考试模式优点以及存在的问题,力求在公修计算机基础考试方式改革方面有所进步。  相似文献   

提出了带隶属度及权重的粗糙集模型。在这种模型中,给出带隶属度及权重的信息系统,进行噪音的处理。这种粗糙集的拓广模型克服经典粗糙集分类过于严格、对噪音过于敏感、某些隐藏在边界中的规则丢失等缺陷,并用算例验证了该模型是可行的。  相似文献   

利用函数S-粗集,给出了函数S-粗集的副集生成和副集弱生成的概念,讨论了副集生成及弱生成的特性,分析了函数S-粗集的副集生成与S-粗集副集生成的关系.  相似文献   

Capital‐embedded parental involvement in education is essential in enhancing university enrolment and maximising the educational potentials for equality and excellence. Previous studies in this field have mainly utilised Perna's ( 2000 , 2006 ) model, which defines parental involvement as social capital and identifies the additive influences of different types of capital (including social, economic and cultural capital) on university access and choice. Yet, little research to date theorises and disaggregates the interplay among various types of capital as well as the multiplicative capital effects on enrolment. This study addressed this gap. We proposed an ‘interacting multiple capitals’ (IMC) model and hypothesised that parental social capital could moderate the effects of cultural and economic capital on entry to university. To validate the model, a pilot survey was administered to 216 university students of Korean ethnicity in China and investigated the models of involvement adopted by Korean parents in the context of the increasing labour mobility of the Korean adult population. Moderated multiple regression analysis was employed and the results confirmed the hypothesis that capital effects upon university access and choice were multiplicative in nature, with social capital moderating the cultural capital influence on students’ educational aspirations. The study findings show that the interaction of various types of capital variables is sufficiently statistically significant to warrant future research and policy and practical discussion of how to promote parental involvement in university preparation and planning.  相似文献   

利用计量经济模型分析了我国对外直接投资的区位选择。分析指出,影响我国对外直接投资的主要因素有东道国的经济发展水平和市场潜力、东道国与我国的贸易关系。目前我国对外直接投资的主要区域应选择东南亚地区,发达国家周边的发展中国家和非洲及拉美国家。  相似文献   

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