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[目的/意义]学术交流是研究工作的一个重要环节,高校图书馆有必要将学术交流服务作为科研支撑服务的重要内容。[方法/过程]以香港科技大学图书馆、香港浸会大学图书馆、香港岭南大学图书馆3所高校图书馆开展的学术交流服务为例进行分析,对香港高校图书馆的学术交流服务进行研究。[结果/结论]我国高校图书馆应厘清学术交流的概念及学术交流服务范畴,关注国内外高校图书馆开展学术交流服务的相关理论与实践,在图书馆培养和选聘有能力的馆员逐步开展学术交流服务。  相似文献   

In the current information environment, libraries need to leverage on the latest digital technologies as well as the traditional paper technologies towards building practical digital libraries and electronic information systems. Digital libraries built exclusively out of nascent electronic publications such as e-journals, e-books, e-reference works (Web-based training programs, computer-based training programs, etc.), digital scholarly works (monographs, etc. in the public domain) and digitized documents conforming to standard digital formats are proving to be an uphill and unfinished task. Perhaps this could be the major reason why the start-success-finish ratio of most of the digital library initiatives, particularly initiated by isolated/individual libraries, is still left at alarmingly low numbers. We find the motivational and emotional bonding among the stakeholders melting down eventually as the digital library development process gets fired up. There are a host of problems the enthusiastic library fraternity face in their digital library development endeavours starting from copyright issues, technology complexities, infrastructure threats, diverse publication types, multiplicity of digital object formats and above all the publishers’ stringent policies and monopolies. It is therefore essential that the libraries adopt necessary strategies towards developing digital libraries from the lessons learnt. The monolithic and all-in-one-container approach is no longer feasible and no more advocated. It is imperative on the part of the information professional to have a componentized and a multi-system approach to knowledge technologies and information management. Seamless aggregation and meticulous integration of diverse datastreams, embracing the print as well as the electronic information, is the most appropriate strategy to be adopted and applied. This paper shares Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode's experience in creating a state-of-art digital library information system by seamlessly integrating and aggregating the print as well as the diverse and distributed digital content penetrating into its knowledge domain. The paper highlights significant features of IIMK's digital information system—the content aggregation and the content integration strategies we adopted for designing a scholarship Web portal and developing a digital library using the ‘Greenstone’ open source digital library software. The paper also highlights the role of libraries in promoting open access by setting up scholarly institutional repositories (IR). In summary, today's digital library information system is to be seen from a much wider and more holistic perspective, and provided with a much broadened meaning to hold and put together all the print, digital and electronic information available and accessible to the library.  相似文献   

学术出版物价格的攀升和学术传播电子化发展趋势促使美国大学出版社与图书馆开展合作,共同促进学术传播。双方合作方式灵活多样,主要涉及:图书馆帮助出版社进行印刷版图书的电子化;合作建立电子出版平台或合作出版学术期刊;图书馆帮助出版社建设有关图书、编辑等的论坛;共同举办学术活动;出版社帮助图书馆销售电子产品或与图书馆共同出版学术著作等。  相似文献   

四川省公共图书馆面临社会转型和技术转型双重的挑战和机遇。政府要重视公共图书馆在构建公共文化服务体系中的作用,加大投入。公共图书馆则要明确目标,在人事体制、创新机制、业务工作、业务培训和学术研究交流等各个方面锐意改革,争取发展,并以公共图书馆立法予以保证。  相似文献   

国外大学图书馆开放获取实践概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学是学术交流中的一支活跃力量,随着开放获取影响的日益扩大,大学图书馆与开放获取的关系更加紧密。国外大学图书馆在推动开放获取发展,应对学术交流变革的进程中,在大学校园内创新性地采取了一系列举措。这些成功举措包括图书馆员积极推动校园开放获取政策出台,并为政策的顺利推行提供不可替代的服务;图书馆摈弃信息看门人的信息交流末端角色,直接参与到学术出版环节;图书馆员重视加强自我教育;图书馆有很好的组织性,图书馆联盟机制为图书馆高效运作和开辟未来发展空间发挥了巨大作用;大学图书馆面对学术交流体系的巨大变革,也清醒地认识到大学图书馆未来发展战略需要做出重要调整。  相似文献   

This article describes a half-day preconference that focused on the library as publisher. It examined how the movement from print to online publication has impacted the roles of libraries and their ability to take on new roles as publishers. The session explored the benefits of libraries becoming publishers, and discussed Open Access, what it is and is not and its importance to libraries and scholarly communication. A detailed case study of the publishing operations of the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh was presented as an example of a successful library publishing program. The session provided an opportunity for participants to discover ways that libraries can be involved in publishing.  相似文献   

What is the future for libraries and their librarians? In trying to give an answer to this pressing question we do not deal with utopian libraries of the next century, but with the library and the librarian of the next decade. The emphasis is on libraries within educational and research institutions, especially university libraries. We examine the changes confronting the library of the future and identify four key aspects of the library of the future. It will be (i) a gateway to information, whatever format this information comes in and wherever it is located; (ii) an expertise centre; (iii) a physical entity, not only in the sense of being a social meeting place and place of scholarly interaction, but also as a place where students and other users are provided with modern study facilities and adequate user support; and (iv) a collection centre of printed material. Such libraries can only take on an appropriate shape and will only survive if the institutions that librarians serve in meet the four criteria outlined above. We look at the demands that will be made on professional library knowledge and skills and the new job responsibilities and job attitudes required.  相似文献   

国外大学图书馆学术出版服务实践进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]对国外高校图书馆的学术出版模式进行调研分析,为国内高校图书馆出版服务提供指导和借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献回顾的方法,对国外大学图书馆出版服务理论与实践进行系统梳理,然后在调研图书馆出版联盟发布的2014-2016年《图书馆出版指南》基础上,阐述国外高校图书馆的学术出版服务的实践进展,对图书馆出版的组织形式、经费来源及服务内容等进行深入剖析与总结。[结果/结论]总结图书馆出版服务的特点,并对我国图书馆界开展出版服务提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the use of mobile technology among students of University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, in order to improve academic library services. We focused on the use of mobile library services of academic libraries in general and students' reading of full text resources on mobile devices in particular. A questionnaire was administered online to collect data from students within all faculties of University of Ljubljana. Assuming that the attitude towards using mobile devices to read scholarly e-resources is also affected by students' perception of mobile devices, we researched this in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). UL students perceive mobile devices as generally useful for reading scholarly e-resources, but with shortcomings. They perceive mobile devices as practical for easy access to e-resources while they do not see them as appropriate for reading. Given the low mobile use of library online resources, UL libraries should develop a plan for the development of attractive mobile services and their effective promotion.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在学术出版与传播机制日益复杂的背景下,学术出版素养成为研究人员不可或缺的技能。美国高校图书馆的学术出版素养教育有一定成功经验,能够为中国的学术出版素养教育提供指导。[方法/过程] 以美国排名前10位的高校图书馆和中国40所"双一流"高校图书馆为调查对象,对这些图书馆开展的学术出版素养教育实践进行调查,主要从教育形式与教育内容方面进行比较,分析中美学术出版素养教育的异同。[结果/结论] 对我国高校图书馆学术出版素养教育的启示是:深化教育合作,促进学术出版素养教育的不断完善;选择适当的教育形式,兼顾教育的系统性与针对性;针对学术出版需求,构建全方位的教育内容体系。  相似文献   

介绍ACRL发布的学术型图书馆十大发展趋势调研报告,以美国康奈尔大学图书馆为例,解读美国学术型图书馆在在预算压力下发生的变化以及图书馆员多样的技能发展需要、独特馆藏数字化增加、移动设备的应用及信息技术的推动、对学术交流和知识产权服务的引领作用、图书馆定义的扩展等发展趋势,并就此提出对我国学术型图书馆发展的一些思考,如需要注重对图书馆“软件”的建设。  相似文献   

在概览文献的基础上,用归纳分析的方法总结发现,2009年图书馆学研究热点主要集中在下述九个方面:基础理论与方法研究、图书馆定位及战略研究、信息资源建设策略、" 云"计算等新技术的应用、图书馆服务质量评价、公共图书馆参与政府信息服务、阅读文化与阅读推广、图书馆危机管理与灾后反思,以及图书馆学情报学教育研究等方面.  相似文献   

Academic librarians engage students in the learning management system to provide information literacy instruction and answer individual reference questions related to scholarly research. When collaborating with faculty, embedded librarians deliver the library’s authoritative electronic resources to students working on research projects. Trends in academic publishing and technological innovations make possible online search for a generation reliant on mobile devices. Although students are able to access much digital content available through academic libraries and open access initiatives, they still appreciate guidance from embedded librarians who visit their learning management system courses to explain the complexities of scholarly research and suggest solutions.  相似文献   


The continual escalation in academic journal prices threatens the quality and future of academic library collections. This situation arises from market forces that react to, and take advantage of, the unique characteristics of academic libraries and scholarly publishing. These characteristics include the unique role of academic libraries, in their mission of serving as accessible repositories of knowledge, and the unique activity of scholarly publishing, in which every journal title is unique without a close substitute. The combination of these of factors leads to the lowest price elasticity of demand for the libraries and the highest degree of product differentiation for each journal title. While some solutions being offered to alter the dilemma hold promise, the unique characteristics of the market appear to discourage more equitable pricing without a radical restructuring of the industry or of the relationships between the consumers and the producers of academic journals.  相似文献   

The levels and patterns of periodicals mutilation occurring at three academic libraries located in northcentral Texas were investigated by means of a page-by-page examination of the 1981 and 1988 issues of seven popular and seven scholarly periodicals. Findings revealed that significantly greater proportions (p = .02) of popular issues were mutilated compared to scholarly issues. No significant differences were found between the proportions of 1981 and 1988 popular issues which were mutilated or in the proportions of popular issues which were mutilated at each library. The findings revealed a strong consistency in mutilation patterns across libraries.  相似文献   

2005—2009年我国数字图书馆发展综述   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
文章从研究和实践两个层面对2005-2009年我国数字图书馆的发展情况进行了全面的回顾与总结。在研究方面,从学术论文、学术专著、科研项目和学术会议四个方面对五年来我国数字图书馆领域的研究进展进行了综述,并对数字图书馆资源建设研究、数字图书馆服务研究和知识产权问题研究等研究热点进行了分析;在实践方面,通过对国家层面、区域层面、商业层面数字图书馆建设情况的阐述,概述了我国数字图书馆五年来的实践进展,并对数字图书馆实践的未来发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

分报告五:哥伦比亚大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哥伦比亚大学图书馆是一个综合型的研究型图书馆。该馆收藏了丰富的数字化馆藏资源,并致力于为读者提供多种多样的数字化信息服务,旨在通过新的传媒方式和数字化技术帮助师生方便地进行学术交流,协同工作和共享新的知识。为了满足新的服务期望,该馆针对数字化信息服务制定了发展战略规划。  相似文献   

Professional literature about the assessment of digital libraries reflects a growing interest in both improving the user experience and in justifying the creation of digital collections to multiple stakeholders. This article explores some of the key themes in digital library assessment literature through a review of current literature (2004–14) gathered from both scholarly and popular resources online. The majority of scholarship about digital library assessment utilizes usability testing and Web statistics for data collection, while studies about altmetrics, the reuse of digital library materials, cost benefit analysis, and the holistic evaluation of digital libraries are also present in the literature. Exploring the literature about digital library assessment allows libraries to create effective and sustainable evaluation models based on the successes and shortcomings of previously completed projects.  相似文献   

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