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近年来,一些女性高等教育研究者借助社会性别的视角,对女性特色的认知和追求形成了不同的目标指向,提出了女子高校的办学特色.然而这种盲目以适应市场需要为特色的办学形式造成了女校特色的雷同和迷失,对特色的认知应具体到不同的办学理念、办学形式、专业课程设置等方面.  相似文献   

As it is not generally understood, radical feminism is first defined in terms of the concept of patriarchy. Feminists themselves now characterize radical feminism as involving sexism, views of the superiority of women over men, and the goal to establish a separate world without men, a gynocracy. Radical feminism is then contrasted with humanism and seen to be antihumanistic. Feminists themselves further claim that Women's Studies in universities and colleges is basically radical feminism. Thus, ironically, such studies which are supported for the purpose of ending sexism are, in fact, creating it. One solution is to establish Women's Studies on the philosophies of the feminists, who are moving toward what I term humanistic feminism.The author has published over twenty books (in numerous languages), ninety-five professional journal articles, regularly lectures in English, German and French at European and American universities. His special areas of research are emotion, philosophical psychology, philosophy of language and philosophy of education (specifically, teaching young people to be critical—five books—on philosophy for children).I wish to thank the following for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper: Dr. Carol McMillan (England), Dr. Ann Johnson (University of Wisconsin), Dr. Karen Kirst-Ashman (University of Wisconsin), Gisa Bohlen (Germany), and Carolyn Lesley Shibles (Wisconsin).  相似文献   

教师是人类灵魂的工程师,担负教书育人、为人师表的神圣职责。在传承文明的同时,自己的言行也于无形中影响、熏陶着学生,成为为学生传道、授业、解惑的楷模。认真组织全体教师学习教师基本礼仪规范,端正教师的教学态度,提升教师的文明礼仪水平,让教师用自己的人格魅力去感染学生,让学生从中汲取文明礼仪的养分,使教师在校园内成为学生学习的榜样,真正达到教书育人的良好效果。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对广东省12个地级市的24所大中专院校的1086名大中专女生参加课余体育锻炼的状况进行了有效的抽样调研。结果表明:大中专女生对体育锻炼的态度积极肯定,但体育锻炼行为普遍不足,存在较严重的"知行冲突"现象,而且呈现非常明显的学段差异。  相似文献   

Women's and gender studies (WGS) classes and programmes have been developed on many university and college campuses around the world. Despite some success in the establishment of WGS in higher education, WGS has been the target of significant criticism. Detractors of WGS have charged that WGS is intellectually frivolous and that WGS teachers focus excessively on students' personal thoughts and experiences, are intolerant of differing opinions, present a narrow political ideology and, in many cases, cause distress to students. In contrast, WGS pedagogists have emphasized the importance of allowing students to express their thoughts and opinions and of developing open‐mindedness and scholarly, critical thinking. Further, they have asserted that WGS courses promote important educational goals, including increased awareness of sexism and other social inequities, more egalitarian attitudes toward women and other traditionally oppressed groups, and active community involvement to promote social equality. This review considers the empirical evidence for these competing opinions of the value and impact of WGS.  相似文献   

This article grows directly from a collaborative project on the pedagogies of women's studies at the College of Ripon and York, and the University of York, and from the presentation given at the Gender and Education conference at the University of Warwick in April 1999. It is presented as a dialogue which polarises two voices considering a variety of positions adopted by tutors of women's studies in relation to their students, and, in particular, the ways in which the personhood of the tutor is implicit - or implicated - in the praxis of feminist teaching. Rather than moving to any synthesis or resolution of the apparently binary positions voiced, the article goes on to question the notion that the personal is always necessarily good and beneficial within feminist pedagogy, and to posit the liberatory potential of the impersonal for our teaching and our feminism.  相似文献   

作为兴起于20世纪60、70年代的跨学科领域,妇女学的历史与高等教育学有许多相似之处。二者的兴起均得益于高等教育的发展与改革,以多学科研究起家,进而强调一种跨学科的研究,并最终凭借不懈的努力在大学里成功获得建制。不过,比较吊诡的是,高等教育学虽然是源于"大学研究它自己"而诞生的一门新学科,但在今天妇女学对于整个大学改革的影响却远比高等教育学的影响要大。究其根本,妇女学在学术目标设定、制度基础构建等方面都较高等教育学要略胜一筹。  相似文献   

Is it desirable and practicable that certain types of higher education should be directed towards particular groups in society and not others? This fundamental issue is considered here by John Anwyl and Margaret Powles of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. The authors' particular concern is with External Studies in Australia, but similar arguments could be (and have been) made in respect of other kinds of part‐time provision in other countries. This is a revised version of a paper presented to the 8th Biennial Forum of the Australian and South Pacific External Studies Association, held at the University of New England in July 1987.  相似文献   

The contemporary women's movement in India (1975–present) has played an important role in bringing gender issues to the forefront of development planning and defining feminist politics. This paper examines how this movement has addressed the issue of women's education. The first section highlights contributions of the social reformist movement in the 19th century and the nationalist movement in promoting women's education. The role of the contemporary women's movement in changing school curricula is examined in the second section, followed by discussion on how women's studies has contributed to redefining knowledge. The fourth section discusses women's empowerment and education from the perspective of the women's movement. The article concludes by highlighting challenges facing the women's movement in promoting women's education for equality and empowerment.  相似文献   

论独立学院的学科专业建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院创建初期,学科专业基本上是"带土移植",从申办高校直接移植过来。随着独立学院的发展,其学科专业建设必须"去土留根",建立具有自己特色的学科专业体系。加强独立学院学科专业建设,必须明确其意义、内涵和原则。在学科专业建设中,了解社会对人才的需求是前提,完善学科专业结构是基础,课程建设是核心,师资队伍建设是关键,实验、实训基地建设是依托。  相似文献   

在卷帙浩瀚的世界文学艺术史册中,妙笔生辉的大家们塑造出了许许多多馥如兰麝、洁如水晶而坚似美玉的女性形象。其中德莱塞《珍妮姑娘》中的珍妮和路遥《人生》中的巧珍便是两个美丽娟秀,柔情似水,令人掩卷难忘的女性形象。  相似文献   

1902年5月8日,陈撷芬在上海创办了《女报》,从1903年第1期起《女报》改名为《女学报》。《女报》(《女学报》)积极宣传妇女解放思想,认为妇女要争取女权就必须首先争取民权;提倡女子教育,尤其提倡发展女子体育。  相似文献   

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