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出版自由的争取和获得是一个漫长而又艰苦的过程,其中,强制性的法律管制手段的失效,知识税的征收以及后来的被废除具有里程碑式的意义。但是,传播政治经济学者通过对英国历史上激进主义报刊兴衰的解读,却发现19世纪英国社会最终所获得的完全的出版自由,是以代表工人阶级的激进报业的衰亡为代价的,这种以"自由"为名而实施的控制力量远大于政府的强制性管制措施;而20世纪以来世界范围内对广播电视行业"解除管制"的呼声和发生的大规模媒体并购浪潮已经极大地侵蚀了传媒公共领域的存在,从而使现代出版自由本身也面临着深刻的合法性危机。  相似文献   

李颖 《新闻通讯》2010,(12):29-30
追溯报业渠道变革历程,就会发现,争夺话语权的斗争贯穿始终,报业一直在话语权和赢利发展目标之间踩着平衡木。实际上,这两者本没有什么矛盾,而是如何在两者之间找到平衡的问题。为此,报业一直在艰难的斗争中进行着探索。  相似文献   

王展 《青年记者》2009,(18):86-87
“报纸消亡论”并非新鲜话题,美国的一位教授菲利普迈尔在《正在消失的报纸:在信息时代拯救记者》一书中说:“到2044年,确切地说,是到2044年10月,最后一位日报读者将结账走人。”我国一些学者也有这样类似的观点:中国报纸可能在30~35年内消亡。  相似文献   

作为知识主体的个体,在所有生产要素中是最主动、最活跃、最富有创造力与价值增值动力的因素,我们认为,知识价值的回报也是知识价值的增值过程,而知识的增值程度是与知识主体所获得的激励程度成正比例的.因此本文提出三种知识资本增值的方式:以学习力主导的内生式增值、以利益共事倡导的外生式增值,以公平过程管理的终极实现求增值,以期对厘清报业知识资本管理的路径提供思考.  相似文献   

"报纸消亡论"并非新鲜话题,美国的一位教授菲利普迈尔在<正在消失的报纸:在信息时代拯救记者>一书中说:"到2044年,确切地说,是到2044年10月,最后一位日报读者将结账走人."我国一些学者也有这样类似的观点:中国报纸可能在30~35年内消亡.  相似文献   

赵彦华 《传媒》2013,(1):73-75
本文基于《2012年中国新闻出版统计资料汇编》中报纸出版的统计数据,对2011年我国报纸出版业各项指标进行深度解读分析,目的是让报业管理者和从业者准确地了解报纸产业发展情况,科学把握报纸产业发展趋势,为进行科学管理打下决策基础.  相似文献   

资讯类网站虽然是互联网产品,但其提供信息服务的定位与报纸并无本质差别。因此,资讯类网站的运营方式,应该能够为报业的转型提供较好的借鉴。笔者总结了资讯类网站运营的三个关键,分别是:平台化、数据化及纵向扩展。报业的确在朝着这三个方向进行尝试,而资讯网站的做法及遇到的困难,可以为报业的前进提供具体的参考。  相似文献   

从《北京青年报》的办报实践看报业最需要的三种人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是《北京青年报》总编辑张延平在“2 1世纪新闻学教育峰会”上的即兴演讲 ,其观点令人耳目一新。他提出目前中国报业最需要的三种人才 :一是既能跑动又有学问的人才 ;二是既会管版又会管人的人才 ;三是既懂媒体又懂经营的人才。作者同时还就媒体与高校的联合提出独到见解。  相似文献   

2005年以京城报纸媒体为代表,中国都市报广告经营额出现了急剧的下滑。面对这种情况,业界、学界不仅为其原因争论不休,更有人对报纸的前景作出了极其悲观的预测。本文试图探析导致2005年报业“拐点”的原因,阐述此“拐点”对于传统报业经营策略变革的重要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

复办一年多的印尼泗水《龙阳日报》因经费拮据已停刊。印尼华人从 2 0世纪初办华文报 ,1 958年达 1 8家 ,此后在当地政府干预下日趋式微 ,1 966年被全部取缔。 1 999年才开始复苏 ,目前有近 1 0家 ,它们的生存发展仍受经费、读者和编辑记者短缺等条件的制约。  相似文献   

付邦 《北京档案》2019,(1):50-54
什刹海是北京著名的历史名胜,其与前海、后海等本同为积水潭,是坐落在北京西城的一片汪汪大湖。随着水体的自然变化,加之历史上长期的人为开发,湖泊被陆地分割,逐渐破碎。考其开发之年代,可追溯至金代营建万宁宫起,故而一向有“先有什刹海,后有北京城”之说。但什刹海真正繁荣起来,则是在元置大都于北京以后了。  相似文献   

本文先介绍了蒋氏传书堂的历史背景,次叙述了传书堂传至蒋汝藻后,蒋汝藻倾其所有,广泛收集其祖先遗籍,使传书堂渐渐地走向辉煌的过程,最后交待了因战争等原因使传书堂由鼎盛时期而走向衰亡的历史事实.  相似文献   

This article explores communication conglomerates and argues that communication empires must be understood within the context of the growth and development and decline and fall of political and other business empires. I argue that media empires are not permanent and omnipotent but rather are subject to the internal needs of organizations and bureaucracies, as well as external economic, financial, and regulatory forces. I assert that those who wish to control or reduce the harmful effect of empires must understand the capitalist environment, as well as the forces driving empires and their leaders. This article explores how empires develop from leaders' egos, needs to acquire resources and promote internal stability, and through unanticipated opportunities. It reveals how communication empires decline due to limitations on growth, bureaucratic problems, loss of leadership, external disruption, corruption, and errors in judgment.  相似文献   

This article provides a history of the American Bar Association (ABA) Accreditation Standards for law library collection development from a simple standard, “adequate for the use of the students,” to a more detailed list of requirements, and back again to simpler mandates. ABA standards are currently under review, and the author argues it is time to end the collection requirements in the ABA standards.  相似文献   

鸿都门学之兴衰及其历史启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸿都门学作为东汉后期重要的艺文机构,它的建立主要是灵帝个人意志的体现。由于艺术水平低下,偏离于主流的士大夫文学传统,鸿都门学迅速兴起又迅速衰落,这说明仅凭帝王个人偏执的喜好与扶植,是不可能造就文学之新局面的。鸿都文学的后代卻正自动选择张衡、蔡邕作为学习的对象,说明经过时间的检验,张衡、蔡邕的文学成就与地位是鸿都文学所无法匹敌的。鸿都门学虽然最终衰落了,但书法、绘画艺术的兴盛却是大势所趋。鸿都文学以书画、辞赋受到重用,为后代的诗赋取士提供了一个重要的历史参照。  相似文献   

This paper examines and portrays the production side of the custom publishing field with a primary focus on the UK, especially Greater London. Despite its prevalence, custom publishing has not received the same attention from media scholars, which is mirrored by the sometimes inappropriate, and even confusing terminologies attached to it. Hence, this paper aims to offer definitions characterizing the custom publishing branch whilst assessing the weaknesses and ambiguities in current definitions used in marketing and communications literature. Whereas a number of themes emerge from the study, the main focus is to locate the industry within the broader field of cultural production. Based on sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, the study looks at the heteronomous—and hence externally determined—principle inherent in the relationship between the contracting companies and the contracted writers. Furthermore, the research details the resources or capital, which form the basis of the publishers’ work, and how the struggle between the economic and symbolic capitals is manifested in the three pillars (the account managers, the editorial, and the design teams). Finally, it is argued that despite displaying many of the traits Bourdieu’s associates with a heteronomous field, custom publishers rely on an important degree of autonomy, which is institutionalized within the field itself.  相似文献   

The article documents the editorial relationship between Peter Carey and his New York based editor for Knopf, Gary Fisketjon, who worked with Carey on his True History of the Kelly Gang. This account provides the basis for a discussion of how globalised publishing, while promising unity—a single text across all territories—has instead introduced a tension into the previously cohesive triad of author, editor, and the single authorized text. As Fisketjon’s experience lays bare, major contemporary texts that are published in multiple editions in different global centers may well proceed through competing or at least parallel editing processes with different presses, different editors, and in different publishing territories. The authorized single edition, even of major literary texts, has been replaced by competing editions. The single edit and editor have been replaced by competing “servant[s] of the writer” (to use Fisketjon’s phrase). Cohesion, while not quite giving way to disunity, gives way to multiplicity and plurality. The experience of the Kelly Gang book is cast against a longer narrative of Carey’s interactions with editors including the University of Queensland Press (UQP) from the 1970s and Faber from the 1980s.  相似文献   

<正>一我对赵树理没有研究,但我的藏书中有两本赵树理作品值得一说。这就是香港海洋书屋印行的《李有才板话》和华东新华书店印行的《李家庄的变迁》。《李有才板话》是由作家周而复主编的"北方文丛"第二辑之一,初版于中华民国三十五年(1946年)十二月,我手里的这本是第三版,印于1947年10月,印了一千册,连同前两版不到一年之间共印了四千册。里面共收赵树理小说四篇:《孟祥英翻身》《地板》《小二黑结  相似文献   

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