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This study compared the relationships of self‐efficacy and reasoning ability to achievement in introductory college biology. Based on the hypothesis that developing formal and postformal reasoning ability is a primary factor influencing self‐efficacy, a significant positive correlation was predicted between reasoning ability and degree of self‐efficacy to complete biological tasks. Further, reasoning ability was predicted to be more highly correlated with course achievement than self‐efficacy. The study involved pre‐ and posttesting 459 introductory biology students. Both self‐efficacy and reasoning ability increased during the semester. As predicted, self‐efficacy and reasoning ability were positively correlated. Depending on the nature of the achievement measure, reasoning ability accounted for some 15 to 30 times more variance in achievement than self‐efficacy. Also, as predicted, reasoning ability was a strong predictor of self‐efficacy, but self‐efficacy was not a strong predictor of reasoning ability. Self‐efficacy estimates and achievement were higher for the concrete tasks than for the formal tasks and higher for the formal tasks than for the postformal tasks. In general, students tended to overestimate their abilities to carry out the concrete, formal, and postformal tasks. Results support the study's working hypothesis that intellectual development continues for some students during the college years, that a postformal level of intellectual development exists, and that reasoning ability is a primary factor influencing both self‐efficacy and achievement. Student overestimation of their abilities may contribute to complacency, lack of effort, and to less than optimal achievement. Consequently, it may be advantageous early in the semester to provide students with particularly challenging tasks that “shock” them out of their complacency and perhaps increase their effort, their reasoning skills, and their achievement. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 706–724, 2007  相似文献   

Adults are capable of cognitive development beyond formal operations. The concept of the global village and its attendant social complexity will challenge individuals with anomalous events and issues that do not conform to our current systems thinking structures. Because such events and problems exist outside our traditional and familiar models of problem structuring, they appear ill-defined. Advanced modes of thought will be required to solve these types of ill-structured problems that real life will present. Failure to facilitate the development of postformal reasoning skills in organizations may manifest itself in an unacceptable difference in problem-solving behavior between those with postformal cognition and those reasoning at less cognitively dynamic levels.  相似文献   

本文通过对教育实践美的理性分析,认为教师独特风格是教育实践美的形式,流畅体验是教育实践美的主体感受,自由创造是教育实践美的智慧,实践伦理是教育实践美的理性升华,教育生态是教育实践美的生命关照,教师合宜的行为是教育实践美的形象,身处同一心境是教育实践美的最高境界。  相似文献   


Interest in the topic of wisdom-focused education has so far not resulted in empirically validated programs for teaching wisdom. To start filling this void, we explore the emerging empirical evidence concerning the fundamental elements required for understanding how one can foster wisdom, with a particular focus on wise reasoning. We define wise reasoning through a combination of intellectual humility, recognition of world in flux/change, open-mindedness to diverse viewpoints, and search for compromise/integration of diverse perspectives. In this article, we review evidence concerning how wise reasoning can be facilitated through experiences, teaching materials, environments and cognitive strategies. We also focus on educators, reviewing emerging evidence on how the process of explaining and guiding others impacts one’s wisdom. We conclude by discussing the development of wisdom-focused education, proposing that greater attention to the situational demands and the variability in wisdom-related characteristics across social contexts should play a critical role in its development.  相似文献   

多元智能理论倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手,以学生为主体,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。面对当前社会日趋剧烈的竞争,已经不能单纯地传授课本上的知识,更需要在教学中开发和培养学生的多种智能。本文就在食品生物化学教学中如何培养学生的视觉空间智能、语言智能、数理逻辑智能、人际-交往智能和内省智能等进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对教育实践美的理性分析,认为教师独特风格是教育实践关的形式,流畅体验是教育实践美的主体感受,自由创造是教育实践美的智慧,实践伦理是教育实践美的理性升华.教育生态是教育实践美的生命关照,教师合宜的行为是教育实践关的形象.身处“同一心境”是教育实践美的最高境界。  相似文献   

Six sequences in the development of hypothesis-testing conceptions are proposed, involving (a) interpretation of the hypothesis; (b) the distinction between using theories and testing theories; (c) the consideration of multiple possibilities; (d) the relation of theory and data; (e) the nature of verification and falsification; and (f) the relation of truth and falsity. An alternative account is then provided involving three global stages: concrete operations, formal operations, and a postformal “metaconstructive”stage. Relative advantages and difficulties of the stage and sequence conceptualizations are discussed. Finally, three families of teaching strategy are distinguished, which emphasize, respectively: (a) social transmission of knowledge; (b) carefully sequenced empirical experience by the student; and (c) self-regulated cognitive activity of the student. It is argued on the basis of Piaget's theory that the last of these plays a crucial role in the construction of such logical reasoning strategies as those involved in testing hypotheses.  相似文献   

从佛学"不二法门"的视角思考"因材施教"中所蕴含的智慧可以为教学方法的优化获得一些启发。"不二法门"可理解为认识、看清千差万别的事物所达到的一种万事万物皆可归一、一切平等的证悟或境界。孔子"因材施教"的思想自古至今对教育的发展起到重要而深远的影响,它承认与尊重个体差异,展现了一颗发现差异的智慧之心。不二法门与因材施教二者都尊重差异,都强调平等,都具有教育性,都属方法论范畴。  相似文献   

培养准教师的实践智慧是职前教师教育应追求的重要目标之一。教师实践智慧具有个体性、情境性、生成性、缄默性、综合性等特点。其培养策略主要有:准教师要有自主发展的意识,主动建构合理的个人教育理论,自觉地在课堂教学中学习教师的实践智慧;职前教师教育要设置教育实践课程,切实进行教学改革;加强教育见习、模拟教学、教育实习等实践环节;发挥专家型教师的实践引领作用。  相似文献   

To explore the assessment challenge related to case based learning we study how experienced clinical teachers—i.e., those who regularly teach and assess case-based learning—conceptualize the notion of competent reasoning performance for specific teaching cases. Through an in-depth qualitative case study of five expert teachers, we investigate whether they share a common concept of what constitutes a good reasoning performance for a set of three teaching cases. We ask expert teachers to reflect on their problem-solving performances to extract specific expectations regarding the assessment of learners. Using visual representations of their performance, experts inspect and identify whether key elements are considered critical, necessary, and useful for the assessment of learners’ performance. Findings indicate that despite solving cases differently, expert teachers share a common concept regarding the key elements that demonstrate good clinical reasoning for specific cases. These results and methods used to trigger assessment criteria from expert clinical teachers show potential for the development of process measures in the assessment of clinical reasoning.  相似文献   

从教者有三重境界,即教者、教育者和教育家。教者,主要是教书,有能教和善教两层次。教育者,是体现教育性的教者,需要更多优秀的个人品质。教育家,是具备教育精神和教育智慧的教育者,是从教者的最高境界。  相似文献   

Does one need to think like a scientist to learn science? To what extent can examining the cognitive activities of scientists provide insights for developing effective pedagogical practices? The cognition and instruction literature has focused on providing a model of expert knowledge structures. To answer these questions, what is needed is a model of expert reasoning practices. This analysis is a step in that direction. It focuses on a tacit dimension of the thinking practices of expert physicists, “constructive modeling”. Drawing on studies of historical cases and protocol accounts of expert reasoning in scientific problem solving, it is argued that having expertise in physics requires facility with the practice of “constructive modeling” that includes the ability to reason with models viewed generically. Issues pertaining to why and how this practice of experts might be incorporated into teaching are explored.  相似文献   

语文教学的根在哪里?如何让学生爱学语文、会学语文、学好语文?文章从孔子教育思想中汲取智慧,回归语文教学的本质与核心,提出了追求乐学境界的教学主张,强调教学中以儿童为主体、以学习为核心、以课程为载体、以解决问题为方式、以激励为动力、以快乐为价值,采用循循善诱、因材施教、学思行结合、循序渐进、教学相长等教学方法,引导学生切问、近思、明辨、践行,使他们享受学习的快乐、获得审美的满足、体验成长的幸福。  相似文献   

论教学智慧   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教学活动是一种复杂的、人为的和为人的实践活动,“为人”表明教学活动应具有确定性;“人为”表明教学活动具有不确定性;“复杂”表明教学活动必须在不确定性中寻求确定性。而这个过程则意味着教学活动开展必须具有实践智慧,亦即教学智慧。教学智慧生成于具体教学情景,同时表征于具体教学行为,它与教学方法和教学艺术具有某种共同性,但更多的则是它们之间的差异性。课堂教学的复杂性和创造性使得教学智慧成为教学活动的必然要求。教学智慧是“教学经验”、“理论修养”(包括“学科修养”)和“德性”的整合结果。  相似文献   

A bstract .  The Schefflerian notion that teaching intentionally tries to bring about knowledge has been spiritedly challenged by Catherine Elgin. Perhaps, in light of our enlightened understanding of the limits of our claims to knowledge in the scientific realm, knowledge emerges as too ambitious a goal for teaching to set itself. In this essay, George Pollack explores the maneuvers Israel Scheffler employs to deflect the onslaught of this challenge. Pollack addresses this issue by examining the so-called rationality constraints on teaching championed by Scheffler. The thesis that these constraints are definitive of teaching is, the author argues, not arrived at on conceptual grounds, but draws for its support on the several strands of epistemological reasoning woven together in Scheffler's celebrated work, Conditions of Knowledge . The notion of a dynamically engaged-in teacher-pupil interaction, harnessed to a mutually shared system of beliefs, is shown to take on a heightened prominence.  相似文献   

Recent work in case-based reasoning (CBR) reinforces the importance of situated learning, expert cases, and authentic tasks and activities for novice learners. As novices engage CBR environments, they apprentice in the experts’ practices while developing the understanding, knowledge and skill of a given community. This study examined how prospective teachers, as novices in a semester-long course, engaged and developed expert-like practices using the case knowledge of experienced teachers who teach with technology. By engaging experienced teachers’ knowledge and skill via Web-enhanced cases, prospective teachers refined their understanding of teaching culture and teaching with technology as they transitioned to the teaching community.  相似文献   


Evidence is presented indicating that spontaneously generated analogies can play a significant role in expert problem solving. Since not all analogies are valid, it is important for the subject to have a way to evaluate their validity. In particular, this paper focuses on an evaluation strategy called bridging that has been observed in solutions to both science and mathematics problems. Spontaneous analogies have also been documented in the problem solving of students. The shared natural use of analogies for unfamiliar problems is an expert‐novice similarity.

Some of the strategies observed in experts were incorporated in a teaching technique for dealing with students’ preconceptions in mechanics. Students taught via these units achieved large gain differences over control groups. Thus non‐deductive reasoning strategies used by experts can give us valuable clues concerning instructional strategies for science students. This complements the prior focus in the literature on expert novice differences with a focus on expert novice similarities.  相似文献   

大学教师爱的智慧是教师在一定文化环境下,在其智力与知识的基础上,经由"爱"的经验与实践而习得的一种"爱"的综合心理素质、文化品性、思想观念及其行为倾向。主要包括爱的认知、爱的情感、爱的意向,以及在遵守爱的伦理道德和社会规范过程中所形成的爱的思想和境界。建构大学教师爱的智慧,为完善情感教育学的学科体系并推动其发展发挥了积极的作用,有利于丰富教师发展的内涵,提高教师发展能力,更深入地开发教师与学生的非智力因素,促进教学过程中情感与认知的高质量融合,提升课堂教学效率与育人质量。  相似文献   

教育智慧属于思维领域,是教育情感和教育思维融合的产物,是具有爱的教育思维,表现为具有爱的教育观及具有爱的教育操作思路。具有爱的教育观,是形成教育智慧的前提,只有以爱的视野理解了教育是什么,才能以爱的情怀设计教育怎么做;具有爱的教育操作思路,是教育智慧的核心,只有形成具有爱的教育操作思路,我们才能达到形成教育智慧的目标。教育智慧的形成,最终体现为教育者遵循具有爱的教育原则。  相似文献   

以《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的实施为背景,运用文献资料法、逻辑论证法、专家座谈法等方法,结合现阶段体育教学改革的诸多热点问题,对课内外一体化体育课程的教学目标、教学组织形式、教学管理、教学内容、教学评价等方面进行探讨分析,旨在为体育教学改革提供参考依据.  相似文献   

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