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Teacher professional development variously supports ongoing skill development, new knowledge, and systems change. In New Zealand, the implementation of major assessment reforms in senior secondary schools provided opportunity to investigate teacher professional development as a function of the particular stage of an educational reform. Multi-method data sources including teacher surveys and school case studies were employed to evaluate professional development during the embedding stage of a standards-based assessment system, revealing a positive relationship between professional satisfaction and teacher involvement in setting priorities for the professional development. Other positive features were networking, personalized learning, and facilitator expertise. This research illustrates the importance of tailoring professional learning to implementation phase of an organizational change.  相似文献   

Issue is taken with Benton and Hoyt's (1990) study of three groups as to their agreement or disagreement with the Holmes Group report Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), and the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy's Report, A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986). The three groups studied were volunteer respondents from the initial Holmes Group, Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, and the Teacher Education Council for State Colleges and Universities. Questions are raised regarding the Benton and Hoyt study's general assumptions, selection of documents for study, selection of and generalization about group responses, and general implications for all educationists as well as educational psychologists.  相似文献   

论述了在教学中落实科学发展观的现实意义,通过对体育课程目标、内容、实施和评价体系的分析,指出体育教学也要遵循科学的发展规律,使受教育的个体能够在离开体育课堂之后仍能坚持进行体育锻炼,以达到增进健康,发展身心的目的.  相似文献   

适应现代园林建设发展的园林工程教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据园林工程课程的特点,从两方面对现有的教学方式进行了分析。并以此为出发点结合实际问题提出园林工程教学改革的策略,以适应不断发展的现代园林建设的需求,为培养学生的专业综合素质起到一定推动作用。  相似文献   

在科学发展观的指导下,教育改革与发展要以学生、教师为本,尊重教育的内在规律,做好教育宏观调控,做好五个统筹,以实现教育促进人的全面发展的目标。  相似文献   

知识经济代表着世界经济的发展方向,人才开发培养是知识经济时代赋予教育的神圣使命,教育必须加大改革力度,加快发展步伐,才能为我国21世纪经济起飞和民族复兴、为迎接知识经济的挑战提供人才支持和知识贡献。  相似文献   

In responding to the work of Benton and Hoyt, Kowalski argues that an adequate analysis of reform efforts is incomplete without an examination of underlying purposes. Questions are raised regarding the motives of those who promote extended teacher education programs and the Carnegie Forum proposal for national certification. The author suggests that educational psychologists can contribute to reform efforts by helping to explore values, beliefs, motivations, and needs as they relate to change proposals in teacher education.  相似文献   

本文分析、总结了重庆警官职业学院成立二年多来,大力进行教学改革所做的一些探讨性工作.  相似文献   

The design of Benton and Hoyt's study is discussed, as well as their data analysis. The limitations of the study, including the possible bias toward economic issues of the items and of data interpretation and nonrandom sampling of the subjects, are noted. Benton and Hoyt's discussion of how educational psychologists are affected by the educational reform movement is considered within the larger framework of the shift in educational research from a static normative to a dynamic interactionist approach. This shift has not only affected specific reform proposals, but also shows promise of resolving perceived conflicts in the proposals between excellence and equity and educational psychologists and teacher educators.  相似文献   

The Holmes Group report, titled Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), and the report of the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, titled A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986), contain major reform proposals that have implications for educational psychologists. To understand the nature of these proposals, we performed a content analysis of the Holmes and Carnegie documents and constructed a 149-item survey instrument. Three separate mailings were conducted to solicit volunteer respondents from the initial Holmes Group, Division 15 of APA, and the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU). A principal components analysis with varimax rotation was performed on data collected from 1039 respondents, and three factors were found to underlie the survey instrument: Incremental Changes, Sweeping Changes, and Financial Changes. A multivariate analysis of variance on the three factor scores revealed that the Holmes Group more strongly supported Incremental and Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU respondents, and that Division 15 members more strongly endorsed Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU. Recommendations are made for involving educational psychologists in the reform process.  相似文献   

邓小平作为中国改革开放的总设计师,高度关注教育事业的改革和发展,他不仅深刻论述了教育改革的意义,而且对教育观念、教育体制、教育结构、教师队伍建设、学校教学等方面的改革也作了全面系统而精辟的论述,从而构成了他的教育改革思想。这一思想是邓小平教育思想的有机组成部分,是我国当前乃至21世纪教育事业改革与发展的指导思想。  相似文献   

教育史学科应受到重视,教育史工作应努力为现代教育改革提供借鉴,并应积极直接参与到教育改革之中去,而不要封闭长城民为历史陈迹后才去研究它。  相似文献   

高等职业教育要如何深化改革、稳步发展是必须探讨的课题.职教部作为宁德师专高等职业教育的一个窗口,十几年来,正不断地深入开展教学改革,更新教育理念,提高教学质量和学生的综合素质,在闽东的经济建设和社会发展中发挥着重要的作用.  相似文献   

在高职体育中,游泳教学在各个专项中相对落后,不会游泳的学生比例之高和其受到喜爱的程度形成强烈的反差。结合多年较为成功的游泳教学改革实践,认为只有同时从游泳教学的观念、模式、方法和内容着手进行改革,才能在较短的时间里有效提高游泳的教学质量和水平。  相似文献   

As the industrialised world shifted to an interdependent and global society, formal schooling was quickly recognised as a major factor in achieving a knowledge society of lifelong learners capable of transforming and revitalising organisations. Teachers were encouraged to engage in learning together to improve teaching and, by extension, improve learning for the children in their care. This article identifies three emerging trends intended to broaden teachers' learning and enhance their practices through continuous professional development: glocalisation, mentoring, and re‐thinking teacher evaluation. The body of the article indicates how these three trends are unfolding in Australia, England, Latvia, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Taiwan, and the USA.

However, teachers cannot bring about necessary changes without organisational and systemic change; namely, collaboration with governmental agencies and other institutions. The authors suggest that transforming schooling in the twenty‐first century depends on education policies being supported by expanded teacher participation in education policy‐making, more coherent governmental policies across agencies, and collaborative, differentiated models for career‐long continuing professional development.  相似文献   

为使澳门的教育改革能适应21世纪的教育发展,教育必须改革,探索适合于本校教育教学发展之路。生本教育为我们开启了一扇改革之门。本文旨在阐述我校实施生本教育的情况,分析生本教育实验取得初步成效的原因,探讨实施过程中所遇到的困难和问题,并提出建议、今后努力之方向。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the relationship between educational psychology research and educational reform, this essay reviews the development of educational psychology studies in the last 20 years in China. The study shows that: (1) Rapid development has been made in the areas of establishing discipline systems; (2) Research fields have been expanded and research directions have been localized; (3) The theoretical basis for quality education has been derived from education psychology studies; (4) The psychological foundation for curriculum reform and instruction has been implemented, and (5) China has committed to serve and expand current educational practices. __________ Translated from Psychological Science, 2005, 28(6)  相似文献   

通过开展基于网络资源利用的《经济法》课程教学改革试验,探索和建立该课程网络环境下的以教师为主导,学生为主体的自主协作学习教学模式。获得第一手试验资料,为深入研究相关问题积累素材和经验。  相似文献   


Many educational reform initiatives worldwide do not result in deep and sustainable change. Limited studies have looked at reform initiatives in countries like Egypt. The purpose of this mixed methods study is to examine educational reform initiatives in Egypt throughout modern history using a transformative leadership lens, and to explore the perceptions of educational leaders regarding the more contemporary reform initiatives. The findings show that historically, large-scale reform initiatives in Egypt, which had transformative and sustainable results, were typically associated with a more comprehensive ideological inclination. More contemporary educational reform attempts were not transformative because these were perceived to be top-down reforms that were driven by foreign-aid agencies, and had no support from stakeholders.  相似文献   

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