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ABSTRACT:  This article explores the civic republican conception of citizenship underlying the Labour government's programme of civil renewal and the introduction of education for democratic citizenship. It considers the importance of the cultivation of civic virtue through political participation for such developments and it reviews the research into how service learning linked to character education can lead to the civic virtue of duty or social responsibility.  相似文献   

对于公民资格的概念涵义,围绕公民资格的主体、资格的内容和公民生活的政治体有多种不同的理解。公民资格议题成为当代西方政治哲学的主流话语,具有深刻的历史背景,也是其理论自身的魅力和逻辑演进的结果。公民资格理论研究的主要论题在论辩的两个阶段不同,从而形成自由主义、社群主义和多元主义、后现代公民资格理论等不同流派。  相似文献   

政治民主和政治稳定之间存在既一致又相互排斥的关系。现代化进程中政治参与扩大,常常会导致政治不稳定。推进政治民主制度化是完善政治体系和政治运行机制,规范政治参与,实现动态、持续政治稳定的必 由之路。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this review essay, Robert Rhoads and Shannon Calderone consider how liberalism, as a guiding principle for school practices and educational policy making, reinforces heteronormativity through a doctrine of professed neutrality that circumscribes sexual expression and subjectivity. Through an analysis of Carol Vincent's Social Justice, Education, and Identity ; Cris Mayo's Disputing the Subject of Sex: Sexuality and Public School Controversies ; and Susan Birden's Rethinking Sexual Identity in Education , Rhoads and Calderone argue that the form of liberalism espoused by schools operates in contradiction to any pluralistic democratic project emphasizing social justice and inclusion of the "other." By highlighting the discursive contradictions and structural conditions of schools that lead to the marginalization and disenfranchisement of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer students, each book proposes alternative forms of educational praxis that attempt to disrupt the liberal status quo of schools. Such praxis, Rhoads and Calderone argue, offers possibilities for new forms of democratic organization within schools that conform with a more robust and inclusive notion of citizenship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Over the last few years there has been a renewed interest in questions of citizenship and in particular its relation to young people. This has been allied to an educational discourse where the emphasis has been upon questions concerned with 'outcome' rather than with 'process'– with the curriculum and methods of teaching rather than questions of understanding and learning. This paper seeks to describe and illuminate the linkages within and between these related discourses. It advocates an inclusive and relational view of citizenship-as-practice within a distinctive socio-economic and political, and cultural milieu. Drawing upon some empirical insights from our research we conclude that an appropriate educational programme would respect the claim to citizenship status of everyone in society, including children and young people. It would work together with young people rather than on young people, and recognise that the actual practices of citizenship, and the ways in which these practices transform over time are educationally significant.  相似文献   

社会主义政治明是人类政治明发展的一个崭新阶段。它不仅是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标,而且也是“三个代表”重要思想的内在要求。政治明概念的提出,指明了社会主义民主政治建设的思想根源和理论脉络,开拓了我们党对社会主义明认识的新境界,是对邓小平理论的重大发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  We suggest that there is a need for those who seek to explore issues associated with the implementation of citizenship education in England to clarify its specific nature. This can be done, at least in part, through a process of comparison. To that end we review some of the connections and disjunctions between 'character education' and 'citizenship education'. We argue, drawing from US and UK literature but focusing our attention on contexts and issues in England, that there are indeed some broad areas of overlap between these two fields. Citizens should be of 'good' character and the educational initiatives that we consider both emerge from a concern about current trends in society. However, we suggest that the overlaps with citizenship education principally apply when character education is drawn very broadly. When we examine a particular approach to character education that is often US-based, and titled as 'citizenship', we note many contrasts with citizenship education as formulated in the National Curriculum for England. We suggest that citizenship educators in England need to interpret claims about the similarity between these two fields with caution, or meanings that apply to both character education and citizenship education will be distorted.  相似文献   

公民资格理念初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民资格(Citizenship)是一个历史范畴,随着它植根于其中的社会、政治条件的变化,“公民资格”的涵义及其背后蕴涵的政治价值理念都在不断地发生演变。但历史演变的背后,却是人类完善自身、追求自由和解放的永恒价值诉求。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper explores concepts of multiple and nested identities and how these relate to citizenship and rights, and the implications of identities and rights for active citizenship education. Various theoretical conceptions of identity are analysed, and in particular ideas concerning multiple identities that are used contingently, and about identities that do not necessarily include feeling a strong affinity with others in the group. The argument then moves to the relationship between identity and citizenship, and particularly citizenship and rights. Citizenship is treated non-legalistically, as one of the locations of belonging. The paper draws on three successive categorisations of citizenship rights: by T.H. Marshall in the 1950s, Karel Vasak in the late 1970s and John Urry in the 1990s, and is illustrated in part by the development of European citizenship in parallel to national identity. This is then linked to how contemporary citizenship education might use the exploration of contested rights as a way of developing practical enactive skills of citizenship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  One problem faced by teachers of citizenship is that 'politics' is negatively valued. The concept is actually ambiguous in value. The paper sets out a neutral, a negative, and a positive meaning of the term. It then goes on to explore the way that even on the positive construction there can seem to be ethical problems with politics. This explains both aspects of numerous projects to 'depoliticise' society and government, and to depoliticise citizenship education. But, the alternatives mean that we lose important political values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  'Active citizenship' is currently a popular term in citizenship education policy discourse. Despite this policy interest, there is no agreement about the meaning of 'active citizenship'. This article draws on data from the IEA Civic Education Study to explore how students themselves construct 'active citizenship'. The results show that students have quite sophisticated conceptions of citizenship responsibilities although their attitudes are gendered. They seem committed to political obligations rather than social obligations and they do not seem inclined to take advantage of their political rights or become involved in protest activities of any kind.  相似文献   

政治文明是人类为协调不同利益主体之间的利益关系和利益冲突,建立公正合理秩序而对政治生活进行设计、组织和安排所形成的一切积极成果的总和,反映了人类社会在不同历史阶段的各种有效的治理理念、方式和形态,体现了人类政治生活的进步和发展状态.它包括政治意识文明、政治制度文明和政治行为文明三个层面.衡量政治文明的标尺主要有政治制度的合理化程度、治理的方式、公民的参与程度和人权的保障程度.当代中国的政治文明发展程度和水平与现代政治文明的要求还有较大差距,因此必须按现代政治文明的民主、法治和保障人权的要求,积极推进我国的政治文明建设.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Citizenship education in established democracies is challenged by declining youth participation in democracy. Youth disenchantment and disengagement in democracy is primarily evident in formal political behaviour, especially through voting, declining membership of political parties, assisting at elections, contacting politicians, and the like. If citizenship education is to play a major role in addressing these concerns it will need to review the impact it is making on young people in schools.
  This paper reviews a major national project on youth participation in democracy in Australia set in the context of a national citizenship education programme. The Youth Electoral Study found that citizenship education in Australian schools has at best been marginally successful and substantially more is required to raise levels of democratic engagement. The paper explores many opportunities available to education systems and schools to address these issues through reconceptualising aspects of the formal and the informal curriculum.  相似文献   

马克思主义灌输论是以反对自发倾向为前提提出来的,其实质是工人阶级不可能自发产生社会主义意识,必须从外面灌输进去。作为一种实践活动,思想政治教育也不是自发的,它具有目的性、实践性、规律性等本质特征,并与灌输教育形成互动关系。否定灌输,就等于否定思想政治教育。在市场经济条件下,灌输论仍然具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   


A student led Iraq war protest in a Fresh Start school provides a case study for examining the relationship between political literacy and institutional change. Pragmatic and creative management of the protest encourages a democratic problem-solving process, which contributes to mutual respect and sustained trust between pupils, and staff and pupils. There is evidence to suggest that this democratic experience within the school has the potential to bring a democratic problem solving ethos into the classroom, where learning may increasingly become characterized by individuals achieving autonomy with and for each other.  相似文献   

中国传统文化是高校思想政治理论课教学不可或缺的重要资源。传统文化融入高校思想政治理论课应遵循批判继承、古为今用、综合创新的基本原则。当前,高校思想政治工作者要充分挖掘和利用传统文化资源,积极探索传统文化融入高校思想政治理论课的有效策略与路径。  相似文献   

智能手机的普及运用,对高校大学生的学习、生活产生了重大而深刻的影响,也为高校思想政治教育带来了重大机遇和挑战。面对时代发展要求、大学生现实需求,必须充分发挥智能手机优势,创新教育方法手段,主动占领思想政治教育新阵地,不断提升高校思想政治教育的时代性和感染力。  相似文献   

政治哲学相对于作为一般世界观和方法论的哲学来说,它是关于局部世界即政治领域的世界观和方法论.人类政治活动本身内含着真善美的有机统一.因而,政治哲学理论体系的建构,应当沿着求善-求真-求美这样的思维路径来展开,主要包括政治价值论证(求善)、政治理论基础(求真)、政治理想追求(求美)等三个方面的内容,即从关于政治的价值论证出发,进而阐明其政治理论基础,然后形成关于政治发展的理想追求,三者之间的有机联系便构成了整个政治哲学的理论体系.  相似文献   

晏阳初对共和主义的理解是公民都担负起国家社会的各种责任,共同民主治理国家社会,这可谓之公民共和主义。中华平民教育促进会总会在定县的公民教育研究与实验是以这种公民共和主义理念为指导的。对责任意识与能力培养的强调是定县公民教育实验的核心。坚持以人为本原则的公民教育自我创造是其富有成效的根本原因。  相似文献   

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