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企业控制机制是旨在规范和激励企业员工行为、提高服务质量及生产率的制度规范体系,其理论依据是委托代理理论;此理论从理性因素、环境因素、激励因素三方面揭示了国有企业控制机制运行失效的根由;通过正确认识国有企业公职人员的人格特性,注意国有企业所处外部环境的变换,走出激励误区,发挥激励作用,可优化国有企业控制机制,促进国有企业健康稳步发展。  相似文献   

学科竞赛是高校提升学生创新能力的有效方式之一。文章通过问卷调查方式,对数据进行因子分析,研究发现学科竞赛影响因素可以降维成6个主因子,分别是学院支持力度、激励制度、主动型人格、指导老师专业素养、宣传力度以及个人学科素养。进一步通过logistic模型预测大学生对学科竞赛的积极参与度,发现激励制度、主动型人格、宣传力度和个人学科素养是影响学生参与度的主要原因。最后在实证分析的基础上,提出提升大学生学科竞赛参与度应该从激励政策、宣传力度、主动型人格和个人学科素养四个方面入手。  相似文献   

企业控制机制是旨在规范和激励企业员工行为、提高服务质量及生产率的制度规范体系,其理论依据是委托代理理论;此理论从理性因素、环境因素、激励因素三方面揭示了国有企业控制机制运行失效的根由;通过正确认识国有企业公职人员的人格特性,注意国有企业所处外部环境的变换,走出激励误区,发挥激励作用,可优化国有企业控制机制,促进国有企业健康稳步发展。  相似文献   

采用随机抽样的方法,运用自编问卷、艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版及社会观察方法,运用t检验和F检验对数据进行分析,旨在了解医生职业人格的特点,探讨不同因素对医生职业人格的影响。研究结果表明:医生职业人格与人格常模有差异,职称和年龄因素对医生职业人格影响不显著,但医生职业人格中的精神质和神经质在性别、科室、工作年限、收入、自我职业认同度上有显著差异。此研究结果有助于对医学专业学生进行有针对性的教育。  相似文献   

道德人格是引导和激励人全面发展的重要因素。当前大学生道德人格呈现出不平衡的双重性,如不及时进行调整和引导,势必影响其健康发展。市场经济的影响、现有教育模式的局限性和流行文化的冲击是导致大学生道德人格双重性的主要原因。必须积极探索引导措施,倡导大学生理想的道德人格。  相似文献   

教师的非智力因素即人格形象、气质修养、心理素质和人际关系将对学生起着潜移默化的影响。所以广大教师要自觉发挥非智力因素的优势,在教育教学中激励学生、感染学生、推动学生,达到教书育人的目的。  相似文献   

理想是写作主体"人格意识"的核心,也是激励写作主体投入精神创造的动力.写作是写作主体以"人格意识"去统摄其他写作因素的综合性"创化"活动.写作主体的人格理想对其他因素具有"辐射"的功能,既制约和影响其他因素,又吸附、化合和重塑其他因素,从而产生写作活动的意向性与向心力,使写作活动闪烁着作者的人格魅力.  相似文献   

教师的人格发展特点及影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过自编的《教师人格调查问卷》,对211名小学教师进行了测查。目的是考察教师的人格发展特点及影响因素。结果表明:教师的人格发展在成年期基本趋于稳定。教师的人格心理结构由自信型、思考型、安静型、严肃型、谨慎型、活泼型、自我型等七个维度组成。教师的不同特质人格发展特点表现出显著的年龄特点:教师的自信型人格特质和思考型人格特质随着年龄的增长而呈上升的趋势;教师的自我型人格特质也有随年龄增长而加强的趋势。这种特点主要是受社会地位等因素的影响。  相似文献   

文章探讨了非智力因素中的学习动机与兴趣、人格特征及年龄差异对个体学习第二语言的影响  相似文献   

高校教师的人格魅力论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师的灵魂是师德,而师德的魅力主要从人格特征中表现出来.人们常说的"人格力量",就是指人的内在精神因素在实践中产生的效应,它是一种非权力的影响力、号召力,它对人的影响和激励作用,比那种带有强制性并由传统、职位、资历等因素构成的外加力而使人产生的敬畏来得长久.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of the motivational self-regulation in academic procrastination under the personality framework. Therefore, the aims of the study were to investigate: (a) the role of personality dimensions in the self-regulation of motivation; (b) the role of self-regulation of motivation in procrastination; and (c) the mediating role of the self-regulation of motivation. The participants were 274 university students (M?=?21 years). The Big Five traits explained from 6% to 17% variance of the individual motivational regulation strategies (MRSs). Both personality (conscientiousness) and the MRS (environmental control) were significant predictors of academic procrastination. Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and intellect showed an indirect effect on reducing academic procrastination, mediated through the strategy of environmental control, thus additionally suggesting the important role of this motivational strategy. Since this strategy can be taught, these findings have a strong practical value.  相似文献   

In the present study, we propose a model describing how motivational beliefs and strategies influence study performance of students at three different school levels: elementary (age 8-10), middle (11-14), and first year high school (15). Participants were administered the AMOS 8-15 instrument (Cornoldi et al. 2005) designed for measuring the influence of motivational beliefs and strategies on recall task performance. Results of multigroup analysis confirmed the relations proposed in our model between motivational beliefs and strategies for all three groups, the largest difference being in how these aspects influenced performance on recall tasks: in elementary and middle school, motivational beliefs have direct influence on performance, whereas in high school they influence performance through strategy use.  相似文献   

What makes a good educator? The relevance of meta programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the results of a qualitative study which explores the relevance of meta programmes to students' perceptions of teaching quality. Meta programmes are a model of personality preferences from the discipline of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Research into teaching effectiveness indicates that students rate as important ‘hygiene factors’ such as the teacher's ‘knowledge of the subject’ as well as less tangible qualities including ‘ability to communicate’ and ‘student–teacher rapport’. This study reveals the need for similar qualities but, in some cases, presence of these ‘hygiene factors’ was insufficient; students cited other factors related to personality. Some students were found to like the approach of certain teachers whilst other students rated the same teachers less favourably. When questioned as to why, factors emerged that relate to the distinct teaching style adopted by these teachers that appeared to suit particular students and not others. This study suggests that a teacher's meta programmes influence the approaches adopted in their teaching and these styles suit students with matching meta programme preferences. Where students have different meta programme preferences from the teacher, then, even where the ‘hygiene factors’ are met, this leaves the student dissatisfied. There is potential for teachers to adopt teaching approaches more appropriate for the meta programme profiles of their students. Also, on the part of the students, an increased awareness of their meta programme preferences offers the potential to improve their learning experience.  相似文献   

Research suggests that children's motivation to read is influenced by their level of reading skill and reading self-concept. However, it is possible that characteristics unrelated to reading, such as underlying personality characteristics, may also influence children's motivation to read. The current study examined the extent to which children's intrinsic reading motivation was predicted by their reading skill, reading self-concept, and personality characteristics. Two hundred and ninety five children (aged 10–11) completed questionnaires measuring reading motivation, reading self-concept, personality characteristics, and also completed a reading assessment. It was found that personality explained significant variance in intrinsic reading motivation after accounting for reading skill and reading self-concept. Furthermore, personality factors accounted for similar amounts of variance in intrinsic reading motivation as reading self-concept and skill. The implications for improving children's motivation to read are discussed, in addition to the importance of tailoring educational and motivational strategies to individuals.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - In this study, we examined the mediating role of academic self-efficacy and motivational learning strategies in the relationship between personality...  相似文献   

本文运用实验研究的方法,通过利益相关者和旁观者游戏,对小学、初中和高中不同年龄阶段的667名学生的公平偏好进行实验研究,探索学生眼中的公平观,分析学生公平偏好的影响因素。研究发现,中小学不同年龄学生的公平偏好是发展性的,学生最初倾向于均等主义的公平观,随着年龄的增长以及受到同伴关系、认知发展、社会经验等因素的影响,学生越来越倾向于接受由运气、绩效和效率导致的不平等,体现了差异化的公平观。家庭背景与学校教育在塑造儿童公平偏好过程中均起到重要的作用。家长的学历和教育水平会影响儿童的公平偏好,父母学历越高,学生越容易接受由运气导致的不平等分配。中国比较独特的班干部制度的育人价值不仅体现在班级管理与领导力提升等方面,也体现在塑造儿童不同的公平偏好上。因此教育者在不同的年级针对不同年龄的学生要考虑到不同的公平策略。  相似文献   

关于宽恕的人格因素的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宽恕(forgiveness)是在一个人遭受了侵犯之后发生的一系列亲社会的动机变化。宽恕者往往更具有宜人性、情绪稳定性、宗教性和精神性的人格特质。宽恕的过程包括时犯错者的移情,时侵犯行为和犯错者的慷慨归因和评价,反思侵犯行为。本文采用现代特质理论解释了影响宽恕的人格因素以及人格时宽恕的影响机制。  相似文献   

陈峥嵘 《六安师专学报》2013,(6):113-118,122
动机被视为影响二语学习成效的一个重要的情感因素。本文用定量研究方法对62位高校英语教师进行了调查,旨在研究动机策略重要性的认识程度以及具体运用程度,并探讨两者之间是否存在显著差异。研究结果表明:教师总体上在动机策略的重要性认识程度和实际课堂运用频率上保持很高的一致性,但在实际教学中也存在策略运用不足,主要体现在学生自主能力、课堂任务及教师层面等策略上。传统的以教师为中心的教学方法、应试教育、基础差和大班教学很大程度上影响和制约了教师的动机策略,并限制了学生动机的形成与维持。  相似文献   

The importance of developing effective learning strategies and motivational beliefs has been widely acknowledged as a way of meeting the demand to acquire lifelong learning capabilities for successful functioning as professionals in the ‘information age’. The study reported in this paper examined the learning orientations and strategies of prospective teachers as well as their assessment preferences and compared them with those of in‐service teachers. The Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Assessment Preferences Inventory (API) were used to test the hypothesis that in‐service teachers will exhibit a deeper approach to learning and assessment due to their constant engagement in meaningful learning experiences. The results confirmed the hypothesis and their implications for teacher education programmes were then discussed.  相似文献   

It is widely postulated that school context characteristics and sex may influence students' motivational orientations. However, relatively little empirical evidence exists to support this postulate. Hence the present study sought to examine both the individual and interactive effects of school and sex differences on students' motivational goals. Participants were 602 middle school students. The effects of school and sex on three academic and five social goals were examined. Results suggest that school and (to a lesser extent) sex differences, as well as the interaction between the two, significantly influence students' motivational orientations. Results are discussed and interpreted within the framework of motivation psychology.  相似文献   

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