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儿童说谎行为的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童说谎行为是道德发展和社会认知发展的重要研究课题。对说谎概念的界定,对相关理论的研究都是存在争议较多的方面。系统地研究儿童说谎行为的发生发展,有助于我们更好地理解儿童社会化的过程。  相似文献   

This study examines children's abilities to take other people's personality traits into account when predicting their future emotional and behavioral reactions to events. Kindergarten, second-grade, fourth-grade, and college students listened to a series of stories. Each story described 3 examples of a child's past behavior from which a personality trait could be inferred. Subjects were asked to predict and explain the story character's behavioral or emotional reaction to a new event. Their responses were compared to those of subjects who were not given any information about the protagonist's past behavior, and to those of subjects who received prompts. There was an increase with age in the use of personality attributions to predict and explain future reactions. Subjects were more influenced by the trait information when predicting behavior than when predicting emotion. Understanding emotion may be more difficult in that it requires a conceptualization of personality traits as implying thoughts and feelings, as well as behavioral dispositions.  相似文献   

This microgenetic study examined social influences on children's development of analogical reasoning during peer-led small-group discussions of stories about controversial issues. A total of 277 analogies were identified among 7,215 child turns for speaking during 54 discussions from 18 discussion groups in 6 fourth-grade classrooms (N = 120; age M=10.0, SD=0.6). Use of analogy was found to spread among the children in discussion groups and occur at an accelerating rate, primarily because of the increasing use of novel analogies. Relational analogies with shared surface features triggered purely relational analogies during the next 2 speaking turns, showing a trend of relational shift. These results provide distinctive new evidence for the importance of social interaction in an aspect of cognitive development.  相似文献   

作为语用学中两个重要的原则,合作原则和礼貌原则是人们在社会语言行为领域研究出来的重大成果。在理论化的合作原则和礼貌原则与现实文化背景相结合后就会碰撞出新的火花。本文通过介绍中西方人们在交流中所运用的合作原则和礼貌原则的不同来探讨中西方文化上的差异。  相似文献   

庆祝《实验技术与管理》创刊50周年,回顾历史,总结经验。坚持服务至上,坚持质量第一,坚持求真务实,坚持奉献合作,敬业进取,不断提高期刊质量和水平,创建精品期刊。  相似文献   

教育研究必须坚持实事求是的方法论原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“实事求是”是当代中国教育科学研究所应坚持的方法论原则。坚持这一方法论原则,要求我们 在教育研究中处理好批判与继承、借鉴与发展、基础研究与应用研究、马克思主义哲学方法论指导与具体研究 方法灵活应用的关系。  相似文献   

Young (mean age = 3-9) and old (mean age = 5-0) nursery school children were tested on their ability to infer spatial relationships in a large, familiar environment. Each child in the younger group was matched to a child of the same sex in the older group who had been attending the nursery school for the same number of months. Subjects were taken to 3 different locations in their nursery school and were asked to point to 5 targets on the school grounds. Older children were more accurate than younger children on nursery school targets, but children's spatial representations were relatively nonintegrated at both age levels. Consistent sex differences in favor of males were discussed in the context of a new framework that could potentially explain the appearance of sex differences on spatial tasks conducted in large-scale environments. It was concluded that very young children have difficulty inferring spatial relationships, even in a large, familiar environment. This difficulty seems to be due to a relative lack of symbolic capacity.  相似文献   

Dimensional adjectives are inherently relative in meaning, and so provide a test of children's ability to apply nonegocentric standards. The present research investigates children's ability to apply one kind of relative standard assessing the size of an object with regard to its intended use (a functional interpretation). In 3 experiments, children 3-5 years of age were asked to judge objects as "big" or "little" according to their function (e.g., a hat for a doll; a key for a door). Contrary to previous claims, the ability to use nonegocentric functional standards was present by age 3. However, 3-year-olds performed above chance only when their attention was directed to the relevant function, either by means of action (when actually shown how the objects fit together) or by means of language. In contrast, 4-year-olds performed well without additional action-based or linguistic cues. It is suggested that children have an implicit ordering in their interpretations of big and little, such that functional judgments are lower in priority than 2 other standards: normative (the size of an object is compared to a stored mental standard, e.g., a chihuahua is small for a dog) and perceptual (the size of an object is compared to another physically present object of the same type, e.g., a chihuahua 6 inches tall is big compared to a chihuahua 4 inches tall). Even 3-year-olds can make nonegocentric functional judgments of relative size, but the basis of the judgment must be unambiguous.  相似文献   

Preschool, second-, and fifth-grade children watched films and heard stories which portrayed an actor who intentionally or accidentally injured another for either good or bad motives. After each film or story, children were interviewed to determine their understanding of the actor motives and the intentionality of his act and their moral judgements. The results suggest that children of all ages understood the concepts of motive and intentionality, but that the ability to make accurate inferences about motives and intentionality develops with age. Motives affected children's evaluations at all ages, but intentionality affected only grade school children's evaluations. The results for moral judgment were discussed in terms of a theory which included features of both cognitive-developmental and social learning explanations of moral development.  相似文献   

Third, fifth, and seventh graders, most of them Mexican-American, were exposed to an empirically based and culturally sensitive AIDS curriculum designed to replace their intuitive theories with a coherent, scientific account of the causal processes that lead from risk behavior to AIDS symptomatology. Compared to students in control classes, experimental students knew more about AIDS risk factors and AIDS generally, displayed more conceptual understanding of the causes of AIDS and flu, and were more willing to interact with people who have AIDS (although not less worried about AIDS) at posttest and typically at follow-up 10–11 months later. The findings point to the potential value of adopting an intuitive theories approach in assessing and modifying children's concepts of health and illness and suggest, contrary to Piagetian formulations, that even relatively young children can, with appropriate instruction, grasp scientific theories of disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations of mothers' and fathers' reported emotion-related practices to parents' and teachers' reports of third-to sixth-grade children's social skills, popularity, and coping, as well as the quantity and quality of children's comforting of an infant. Mothers' problem-focused reactions tended to be positively associated with children's social functioning and coping, whereas maternal minimizing reactions tended to be linked to lower levels of social competence and high levels of avoidant coping. There were few findings for fathers' reactions, although fathers reported fewer problem-focused reactions with socially competent, in contrast to less competent, daughters. Emotion-focused and problem-focused maternal reactions, as well as encouragement of the expression of emotion, were associated with boys' children's comforting behavior, although a moderate level of maternal encouragement of the expression of emotion was associated with quality of girls' comforting.  相似文献   

Children's use of frames of reference in communication of spatial location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The frames of reference used by 4-, 6-, and 8-year-old children were studied in a spatial direction-giving task. Children were asked to specify verbally the location of a toy hidden under one of several identical cups. The child and listener sat facing each other at opposite ends of a room that had distinctive or nondistinctive landmarks proximal and distal to the hiding location. Location needed to be specified with respect to either the left-right dimension, the front-back dimension, or both. The results indicated that (1) although children's overall performance improved with age, communication about the left-right dimension was particularly difficult for 4-year-old children and showed a higher rate of improvement with age than communication about the front-back dimension; and (2) the frames of reference that children incorporated into their directions changed with age and differed for directions about the front-back and left-right dimensions. Both 4- and 6-year-old children used person references (themselves or the listener) to specify front-back relations, but only the 6-year-olds were able to compensate for their apparent difficulty in using the terms left and right by using landmarks to specify the left-right dimension. Eight-year-olds used a combination of person and landmark references in directions about both dimensions. Discrepancies between the frames of reference children used to communicate spatial location and those typically used in other spatial cognition tasks are discussed in terms of developmental and task constraints.  相似文献   

In Study 1, English-speaking 3- and 4-year-olds heard a novel adjective used to label one of two objects and were asked for the referent of a different novel adjective. Children were more likely to select the unlabeled object if the two adjectives appeared prenominally (e.g., "a very DAXY dog") than as predicates (e.g., "a dog that is very DAXY"). Study 2 revealed that this response occurred only when both adjectives were prenominal. Study 3 replicated Study 1 with Hebrew-speaking 3- and 4-year-olds, even though in Hebrew both types of adjectives appear postnominally. Preschoolers understand that prenominal adjectives imply a restriction of the reference of nouns, and this knowledge motivates a contrastive pragmatic inference regarding the referents of different prenominal adjectives.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the effects of parents' control and autonomy support on low- and high-achieving children. In Study 1, mothers' (N=110) involvement with children (7 to 10 years old) in the context of a challenging task was observed. During this interaction, mothers' control predicted diminished engagement and their autonomy support predicted enhanced performance for low-achieving children more than for high-achieving children. In Study 2, mothers' (N=121) responses to children's (9 to 12 years old) failure were assessed with a daily checklist. Children's grades were obtained at this time and 6 months later. Mothers' controlling responses predicted decreased performance and their autonomy-supportive responses predicted increased performance over time for low achievers more than for high achievers.  相似文献   

Grice的合作原则和Leech的礼貌原则为如何推断人们在语言交际过程中的隐含意思确定了理论基础。把这一理论用于英语篇章教学中,可以正确理解篇章内涵,提高学生的语言运用能力。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present study was to extend a model of instructional feedback (Kulhavy & Stock, 1989) to elementary school children. Forty-five third and fifth graders (third graders, N = 21; fifth graders, N = 24) read text passages, answered questions, and either rated response confidences for each question or used an imagery strategy. Although differences were not found between treatment groups, analyses of response patterns revealed differential age effects. Response patterns for fifth graders were similar to those of college populations; however, these patterns did not emerge for third graders.  相似文献   

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