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领导干部,尤其是第一负责人在认识现状、预测未来、指导行动的过程中起着至关重要的作用。而在实际操作过程中决策失误时有发生。根据权利、义务、责任相统一的法制原则,针对产生决策失误的原因,建立领导干部决策失误责任追究机制,落实决策责任、决策失误追究责任,严格兑现奖惩,可以在很大程度上减少决策失误的发生。本文分析了决策失误的原因,建立领导决策失误责任追究机制的必要性以及构建领导决策失误责任追究机制的方式,最后指出了构建领导决策失误责任追究机制的路径选择。  相似文献   

对社会安全事件演进过程研究进行分类总结和评析,发现社会安全事件演化过程受众多因素的影响,下一步研究重点在于分析这些因素之间如何相互关联、互相影响。对社会安全事件应急决策理论模型进行梳理,发现社会安全事件过程的多阶段性及各个阶段关联关系是建立决策模型的基础,渐进式决策的系统模型是未来一个重要的研究目标。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展和高等教育的深化改革,摆在高等院校领导面前的决策问题已日趋复杂,智囊系统和组织效应的作用也在最大限度地发挥。因此,领导科学决策水平的高低,取决于领导者或领导者集体的素质。同时,作为学校智囊系统的一部分,中层干部及职能部门在领导决策中发挥着很重要的作用。领导决策的过程,特别是宏观决策的过程,一般都是由决策的提出、决策的运筹和决策的实施三个阶段组成。无论是种类决策或决策的各阶段中,中层干部和职能部门都将发挥其作用,主要包括决策的辅助作用、执行作用和反馈作用。1.决策的辅助作用。…  相似文献   

转型时期学校管理的复杂性需要领导有更为广阔的决策思维品质,而领导决策思维的品质又体现在决策思维的过程中,研究决策思维的原则能反映决策思维过程的特性,体现决策思维的规律。学校管理决策要达到科学、民主、规范、优化的程度,领导必须遵循决策思维的十大原则,如实事求是、有的放矢、信息流畅、三个有利、三个面向、科学民主、系统有序等。  相似文献   

校长领导工作的过程,就是不断决策和实施的过程。由于诸多因素的不确定性使得每一项决策都有失误的可能,而决策的失误直接影响学校的生存与发展。学校管理中决策的失误主要来源于领导者个人人格缺陷和决策机制不完善两方面因素的影响。减少决策失误需建立民主与集中相结合的决策机制,执行经验与理性相结合的决策程序,追求科学与人文相结合的决策情怀,拥有统筹主要矛盾与次要矛盾的决策能力。  相似文献   

学校领导首先应是学校师生思想上的领导,其次才是学校行政事务上的领导。一个卓有建树的学校领导面对纷繁的工作和复杂多变的局面,都应保持清醒的头脑,决策处理学校工作都应坚持“意识先于行动”。学校领导工作的大量实践证明:要能做好,必先想好。即学校领导定要明确多维管理思想、理清科学管理思路,实现学校工作全方位高效运作。  相似文献   

学校改进的路径分析:学校领导的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校改进已经成为我国新时期教育改革发展的一个重要主题.学校改进关注点也从资源投入、课程设计等方面逐渐转向学校领导的过程.尽管已经有研究成果表明学校领导在改进学校以及促进学生学业成绩提高方面具有显著作用,但如何改进以及怎样做的研究还不充分.本文从学校领导视角,通过分析已有的有效学校以及成功领导模型的研究成果,归纳出四个学校领导改进的路径,期冀对我国学校改进的研究与实践有所助益.  相似文献   

分析梯级期望理论中决策过程的一些模型并具体以时间泛化任务、不完全时间泛化任务以及时间二分任务为例,探讨在这些任务中被试的心理决策机制以及一些量化的决策模型,我们可以看到:三个量化的决策模型都有一个相似的模式,就是阈限-标准化差异模式。也就是说,它们都要用到两个时距之间的差异,这个差异要被某些量标准化,然后与一个阈限值相比较。最后,文章提到了在以往研究中发现的单独影响决策过程的两个因素。  相似文献   

对领导决策评价的优化,首先要明显决策目标,精心选择决策评价的对象、明晰价值主体;其次,对评价标准要尽量具体化、可操作化,增加结论的可靠性和准确程度,适当限制评价范围;同时,要建立决策追踪系统以及独立的决策评价机构,从根本上保证决策评价的科学性和客观性。  相似文献   

在西方的企业伦理研究中,企业伦理决策研究一直吸引着很多学者的注意,西方企业伦理决策研究的成果集中体现在两类不同的伦理决策模型(基于伦理原则的决策模型与基于决策心理过程的决策模型)的构建及其验证上。文章通过对基于伦理原则的企业伦理决策研究的介绍,讨论了国外企业伦理决策研究的主要成果、特点与不足,以及它们对于企业伦理的意义。  相似文献   

School leadership has been well researched in developed countries. However, in Asia, particularly in Indonesia, school leadership has not been well explored. Using survey data from a sample of 475 teachers in six Lampung school districts, this paper examines the relationships between school principal leadership styles and school principal decision-making styles in an Indonesian school context. Findings are that most of the relationships between school principal leadership styles and school principal decision-making styles are significant. These findings suggest that teachers perceive that principals should exhibit much more transformational leadership style and rational decision-making style but avoid laissez-faire leadership style and avoidant decision-making style.  相似文献   

School leadership is seen as important for both schools and for government and private policy-makers. The relationships between teacher-perceived principal leadership styles, teacher-perceived principal decision-making styles and teacher-perceived job satisfaction in schools in Lampung Province, Indonesia were examined. Data were collected by questionnaires from 475 teachers. This paper uses Indonesian data, but the relationships studied will be of wider interest to school stakeholders in Indonesia and to a wider global readership. Considerable effort was placed on the collection of robust data to address existing gaps in the literature about these relationships. The data are available to be shared with other interested parties. Findings suggest that five variables (of the nine variables that were studied) can significantly (p?相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine leadership practices in school systems that are implementing data-driven decision-making employing the theory of distributed leadership. With the advent of No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) in the US, educational leaders are now required to analyse, interpret and use data to make informed decisions in all areas of education, ranging from professional development to student learning. The emphasis on data-driven decision-making practices to bring about improved student outcomes is relatively a new feature of the education reform landscape and thus requires educators to learn and develop new competences. Leadership is one crucial bridge that can support and direct these new learning efforts. Using qualitative data from a case study of four urban school systems, the authors’ findings indicate that: (1) leaders at all levels co-constructed the vision and implementation of productive data-driven decision-making by creating an ethos of learning and continuous improvement rather than one of blame; (2) in order to give data relevance, leaders also distributed decision-making authority in a manner that empowered different staff members to utilise their expertise; and (3) the school systems directed their resources on building human and social capacity mainly by focusing on modelling and knowledge brokering amongst their staff. The paper concludes with a discussion of research and policy implications based on the findings.  相似文献   

分布式领导是教育管理中一个新兴的领导学研究领域。面对复杂多变的学校环境,分布式领导是优化组织决策、促进教师员工参与管理的重要领导模式。因此,当学校处于变革发展的条件下,面临加倍动荡的环境时,必须用新的思维整合分布式领导概念,将领导者、追随者和情境放在一起理解。以形成更有效的学校组织结构和流程。  相似文献   

This paper reports on qualitative research from an Australian, K-6, faith-based school about teachers’ experience of a job-embedded professional learning initiative (the Whole-School Benchmarking of Writing, WSBoW) that was designed to improve teachers’ capacity to apply data-driven decision-making to achieve improvements in student learning. Teacher interviews provided the data about experiences and influences on teching practice. The findings demonstrated that the professional learning initiative provided teachers with a supportive pedagogical tool for focusing their teaching practices on improving student learning. A research based evaluative framework was used as a heuristic to analyse the change initiative. This study used the framework and employed a social constructivist and sociocultural epistemology that recognised the importance of leadership and school context in the development of a culture focused on collaborative communities of practice and data-driven teacher decision-making. The study has significance for leaders, schools and systems that engage teachers in professional capacity building.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):584-613

This study investigates how decisions are made in Tunisian public higher education establishments. Some factors are identified as having a potentially significant impact on the odds that the decision-making process follows the characteristics of one of the most well known decision-making models: collegial, political, bureaucratic or anarchical model. For this, this investigation was based on some statistical methods related to qualitative variables and allowing to measure whether the hypotheses, identified through an inductive analysis, are expressible in the same terms and with the same acuteness in all Tunisian public higher education establishments. In particular, the results showed that how decisions are made is related to the nature of the decision itself: collegiality for pedagogic and scientific decisions, bureaucratic for decisions related to institutional management and politic for academic personnel decisions. This finding can help the university leadership to evaluate and improve the governance in the higher education establishment.  相似文献   

在高速发展的现代社会,组织规模日益庞大,领导者的决策在其间发挥着至关重要的作用,决策后果的影响也愈发广泛,对领导者决策的科学性要求逐渐提高。为此,了解科学领导决策的涵义尤其是明确科学领导决策的原则,并在科学的决策体制下,遵循科学的决策程序予以实施,具有很强的现实针对性。  相似文献   

This preliminary, exploratory study examines the impact of select social psychological phenomena on school-based ethical decision-making of school psychologists. Responses to vignettes and hypothetical statements reflecting several social psychological phenomena were collected from 106 practicing school psychologists. Participants were asked to respond by indicating the degree to which their actions in such a scenario would be influenced by the particular phenomenon being represented. Results indicate that some of these social psychological influences are present in the daily work of the school psychologist.  相似文献   

The purpose of this integrative literature review was to draw together recognised streams of knowledge to inform contemporary leadership of school systems in democratic societies. The article integrates scholarship in ethical leadership (EL) and social justice leadership (SJL). The resultant conceptualised model is an expanded version of a preliminary model included in a research brief of an empirical study. The Ethical Leadership Praxis in a Global Society model includes four interactive dimensions: (1) understanding social justice theory and leadership theory, (2) applying state, national and professional ethical/legal standards, (3) engaging in ethical leadership practice and role modelling for culturally responsive leadership (CRL), and (4) employing personal leadership ethics and core values as a cyclical process of self-reflection and decision-making. This article makes an original contribution for building leadership praxis centred on ethical leadership. The model applies ethical and social justice leadership theory and encourages leaders to self-reflect on their own values, practices of leadership and how their actions can create inclusivity. Empirical studies testing the model is recommended in a variety of international educational settings.  相似文献   

决策是领导工作的核心,也是一切管理活动的中心环节。进入"深水区"的改革需要更加科学的"顶层设计"——领导决策来打破改革僵局,开拓改革新局面。从马克思主义认识论的视角来看,领导的决策活动是一种认识活动,领导科学决策的前提是其能够形成正确的认识。领导决策还"自在自为"的存在主体性限阈、合理性限阈、现实可行性限阈、预期实效性限阈等规律性领域。在现实的改革决策制定过程中,领导需要在厘清决策与认识之间辩证关系的基础上,把准决策的认识限阈,方能作出科学决策。  相似文献   

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