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※真题重现※看看下面几个高考题是怎样考查动名词的用法的。这些技巧你都掌握了吗?【例1】The managers discussed theplan that they would like to see______thenext year.(2000全国卷)A.carry out B.carrying outC.carried out D.to carry out【解析】C。that they would like tosee_____the next year是the plan的定语,that代替the plan在从句中作see的宾语,而所需填入空格内的应为the plan的补足语,the plan是carry out的承受者,故应用过去分词。故正确答案为C。【注意点】carry out a plan(order,duty,policy,promise)完成计划(执…  相似文献   

高考单项选择题句式通常是由疑问句、倒装句、强调句等非正常语序的形式出现的。考生选择答案时多由于理不清句子结构选错答案。例如高考题:The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see__thenext year.A.carried out B.carrying out C.carry out D.to carry out 句子较长,迅速抓住句子结构才能化难为易。选项位于定语从句中,因此应从定语从句入手,并根据句意,试将定语从句结构转换成正  相似文献   

A:Paul,we haven′t gone out for over amonth.Let′s go somewhere thisevening.B:Fine.Where would you like to go? Lookin the newspaper to get informationabout the movies or the theater.A:I see that a new play opened thisweek.  相似文献   

1.After a long match,the Young Pioneers____. A.worn out B.tired out C.gave out D.played out 解析:play out/wear out/tire out可表达“筋疲力尽”,是及物动词,give out=become very tired是不及物动词。2.I____live in a quiet village than in a noisy city. A.like to B.had better C.would like to D.Would rather解析:would rather…than…“宁愿……而不……”,固定搭配。  相似文献   

在NMET’95单项填空中有两个重点考查不定式中原形动词的省略的考题。 30、——I’ll be away On a business trip Would you mind looking after my cat?—Not at all____. A.I've no time B.I'd rather not C. I'd like it D.I’d be happy to 答案为D。 35、The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,out his mother told him A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to 答案为A。 以上两题的正确答案均为省略了动词不定式中的原形动词而保留不定式符号to的形式。如果没有很好地掌握不定式中原形动词的省略并熟炼地运用它是不易选对正确答案的。 下面就不定式中原形动词的省略浅谈如下:  相似文献   

非谓语动词包括动词不定式、动词的-ing形式和过去分词。为了帮助同学们认真复习,现将其考查热点总结如下: 一、非谓语动词作宾语1.They decided______the science museum after school. A.visit B.visited C.to visit D.visiting 简析:want,wish,hope,decide,learn,choose,plan,would like/love等动词后,一般只能跟不定式作宾语,而不能用动词的ing形式作宾语。答案是C。2.Lin Tao doesn't know________it.  相似文献   

1.His new novel刃。ade址m the右rst 500_U幼5 pdze恤As抽· A。to初n C。初n B.初切山巨g D。Won 分析:此题答案选A,但很容易误选C,因为受 句中使役动词make的影响,容易误认为其后的win this prize为宾语补足语。其实使役动词的宾语补足 概卿洲 徽倒瀚撇 语应是thefi岛t Person,其后的to物面5 prize为 修饰the first person的定语,故用不定式。 2.n 15 the proteCUou for the tr曰暇_reaUy .latters,rather than how 双.目y tr曰比.rePI曲ted. A.what B.that C.不填D.which 分析:此题答案选B,句子其实是一个强调句,强调…  相似文献   

表示“过去未曾实现的愿望或计划”的方式比较多。现将这些表达方式归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。1.“should/would like 动词不定式的完成式”表示“本来想……(而实际却未……)”之意。例如:We should like to have gone with you.我们本想和你们一道去的。I would like to have listened to the teacher attentively.我本想认真听老师讲课的。2.intend,mean,plan,hope,want,expect等动词的过去完成式加动词不定式,或者这些动词的过去式加动词不定式的完成式,都可以表示“过去本来想……(而实际却未……)”的意思。例如:They had m ean…  相似文献   

1.It's a good idea.But who's going to the plan? I think Tom and Greg will. A.set aside B.carry out C.take in D.get through 2.Happily for John's mother,he is working harder to his lost time. A.make up for B.keep up with C.catch up with D.make use of 3.If you had your test paper carefully be- fore handing it in,you would have made fewer mistakes. A.looked up B.thought about C.gone over D.gone round  相似文献   

1.Mooncakes,the moon,are round. A.look like B.looks like C.like D.likes 本题易误选A。 正确答案为C。 要点解析:要在空白处填入正确选项,首先必须搞清楚本句的主谓语结构。从主谓语的先后关系看,似乎应选填“look like”。但是,在“the moon”后面还有“are round”,说明句子的谓语动词不在前面。选填 like后,句子的意思是:月饼,像月亮一样,是圆形的。若“are round”前面有and或and they,则应选填A。其句式为:  相似文献   

编辑先生,我在学习过程中碰到如下问题,敬请回答。问1:Don’t you remember——? A.seeing the man before B.to see the man before C.saw the man before D.to have seen the man before 这道题所给的标准答案是A,但我认为应该选D,对吗? 答:A和D均对。remember这个动词既可接动名词也可接不定式。接动名词时意为“记得”已经做了的事或已经发生的事。例如: Do you remember meeting me at a partylast year?你去年在一次聚会中见过我的,记得吗?  相似文献   

虚拟语气是一种表示假设、愿望、建议、请求、命令、猜测、可能或主观打算等的一种语气,是每年高考必考的一个语法项目.本文结合历届高考英语试题及高中英语课本中出现的虚拟语气,对这一语法作重点归纳.一、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用1.动词wish后的宾语从句中表示:(1)现在的愿望用动词的过去式;(2)过去的愿望用过去完成式;(3)将来的愿望用would或could加动词原形.例如:①I wish I were a singer.②I wish I___ you yesterday.A.seen B.did see C.had seen D.were to see(答案为C,MET88)③I wish I could fly to the moon one day.2.在动词insist,order,command,suggest,avoid,demand,request,require,ask等后面的宾语从句中,从句形式为that 主语 (Should) 动词原形.例如:The soldiers insisted that they(Should)be sent to the front.二、某些形容词后常用虚拟语气necessaryIt is important that 主语 (should) 动词原形  相似文献   

1995年高考试题中有这么一道单项选择题:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother toldhim__.A.not to B.not to do C.not to do it D.do not to其正确答案为 A,但不少考生误选答案 B 和 C。这是考生对起动词替代作用的 do 和 to 用法陌生或模糊不清所至。为了避免动词使用重复,  相似文献   

胡扬朋 《初中生》2015,(6):44-45
Q:下面这道选择填空题多数同学都选C,可所给答案为A,请问need to do与need doing有何区别? Don't throw away the waste paper.It needs____so that it can be reused. A.collect B.collected C.to collect D.collecting A:考查非谓语动词的用法.动词need意为“需要”,后跟动词不定式to do,意为“需要去做某事”.如: 例1:There is something wrong with my car,I need to repair it.我的车出问题了,需要修理. 例2:I don't need to see the doctor.我不需要看病. 动词need后跟doing,意为“需要被做某事”,含有被动的意思,相当于need to be done.如: 例3:My hair needs washing.我的头发需要洗一洗.  相似文献   

一、考点分析情态动词should的用法是近年高考的一大考查热点,请大家看一组高考试题:1)(N M E T1997)—W hen can I com e for the photos?I need themtom orrow afternoon.—They be ready by12:00.A.can B.should C.m ight D.need分析:在此题中,should表示义务、责任,意为“应该”。这句话的意思是“它们应该在12点以前准备好”,故答案为B。2)(2001上海)Y ou can t im agine that a well-behaved gentlem anbe so rude to a lady.A.m ight B.need C.should D.would分析:对此题,很多考生都误选了D项,而正确答案应该是C项。此句意为…  相似文献   

1.Neither you nor she ______ hard at English. A.workB.worksC.are workingD.to work分析:答案选“B”。neither与nor连接两名词或代词作主语,谓语动词的数与靠近的那个人称或名词的数相一致。当neither在句子中作主语或用作形容词修饰作主语用的名词,谓语动词用单数。例如:Neither sentence is correct.两个句子哪个都不对。Neither you nor I am going to see the film.你和我都不打算去看电影。2.The water must be ________ too hot ________ too cold. A.both , andB.not , andC.not , orD.either , or分析:答案选“C”…  相似文献   

关系代词作主语能省略吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先请看几道题:①仆e home improvements have欧en what utue there 15-my sPare time. A.五℃m B.in C.。f D.at(2 001年高考)答案:C②ean you see some山ing mo血g一一一x believe 15 ad昭?Choose the侧ng answer. A.that B./C.whieh D.what答案:D③No one wo耐have time to resd or to listen toan account of everything一一一名田ng on in this world. A.it丘。B.asi。C.therei:what 15答案:C不难看出,以上几道题都考查或涉及到了关系代词作主语时省略的知识。诚然,在英语里,关系代词作宾语的省略情况已是司空见惯,但作主语…  相似文献   

Napoleon Was Ⅲ     
于振兴 《英语辅导》2001,(12):31-31
Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge him to let Jack continue his studies the following year.  相似文献   

1.问:No matter what you say,I will__my own opinion.A.carry out B.keep up C.insist on D.stick to我选C,而答案却是D,请问insist on和stick to有什么区别? (河南新安县三高陈江)答:insist on指在思想上或语言上“坚持认为,坚持说”。例如:  相似文献   

2006年高考英语试题全国卷I第29题是: The water—eool when 1 jtun伴d into the pool for morning exerclse·A .was feh B.15 felt C.felt D.介e卜该题很显然考查丘犯1作连系动词时的用法,答案为C。这不禁使我们想起了1994年和19%年的两道有关几el的高考题。一Do you like thelnaterial?一Yes,it_very soft. A .15 feeling B.felt C.众咒15 D.15 fel- 1 love to即to the seaside in sununer.lr_g以xlto lie in the sun or swim in the eool sea. A .d能5 B.feels C.gets D.malCes答案分别为C和B。这三道高考题均是考查feel作连…  相似文献   

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