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面试作为一种常用的人事选拔技术正受到研究者的日益关注。本研究考察了面试前有关被试的测验信息对考官面试评价的影响,结果表明,这种影响是存在的,特别是消极的测验信息对面试评价的影响更大,同时测验信息对面试新手评价的影响比对有经验的人事工作者来说更大。不同种类的测验信息对面试评价的影响不同,能力测验的信息对面试评价的影响比个性测验大,同时能力测验信息并不是只对与其相关的能力维度的面试评价有影响,而是对各个维度的面试评价产生广泛的影响。  相似文献   

情景测验是指预先布置一种情景,主试观察被试者在这些情景中的行为表现,从而判定其人格.随着情景测验逐步被应用到面试技术中,也就产生了情景模拟面试[1](165-166).情景模拟面试是指将被试者置于事先设计好的特定情景中,让被试者去处理各种事物,由主试者观察记录和分析被试者的行为表现及相关图文信息,以评价其工作胜任能力的一种方法.笔者就情景模拟面试在人员选拔中的具体应用作简要介绍,期望为企事业单位人员选拔提供借鉴.  相似文献   

面试是过程评价和综合评价特别是高水平大学选拔拔尖创新人才的重要手段.但目前常用的面试质量评价方法,如评分者信度或概化系数估计方法,并不能快捷评估每个评分者的工作表现,影响了面试的质量.借助经典测验理论和概化理论,通过逐一核查各评分者评分信息缺失条件下的信度估计值变化情况,构造了一个评分者贡献度指数,并举例展示其使用方法和注意事项,为实时监控评分者的表现、保障和提高面试质量提供了新的方法.  相似文献   

结构化面试是目前使用最为广泛的人事评价工具之一.在研究生复试中引入结构化面试,不仅可以更加客观、公正地考察考生的综合素质和能力,提高面试的科学性和有效性,而且可以据此指导研究生入学以后的管理与培养,甚至可以进一步促进研究生选拔机制的发展和完善.  相似文献   

从社会心理学的视角来看,选拔面试实际上是一个社会影响的过程。应聘者为了获取更大的录用几率,会主动、有选择地呈现有关自我的信息,以期在评分者心中构建理想的形象。以往研究更多站在评分者角度关注这种自我呈现对面试评分和决策的影响。近年来,越来越多的研究开始尝试从应聘者角度出发探讨自我呈现行为,包括从概念上对自我呈现与印象管理、作假等相近构念进行区分,探讨情境需求识别能力、行为技巧、自我呈现动机以及自我调节等因素如何影响应聘者在面试中的自我呈现行为,并进一步探讨这些因素之间的相互影响。大量研究发现,应聘者在面试中展现有效的自我呈现行为的确能够带来更高的面试评价,允许应聘者进行适当自我呈现还能够在一定程度上加强面试测评结果对应聘者未来工作绩效的预测作用;同时,应聘者自我呈现行为的存在从直接和间接两个角度影响了面试的构想效度。鉴于应聘者自我呈现在面试测评中的重要性,未来研究还应从概念界定、本土化工具开发以及影响因素三个方面对其进行更为深入的探索。  相似文献   

研究生招生面试评分信度模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究生招生面试中,考官评分是否客观、公正,是决定面试结果是否公平、合理的最主要因素.通过采用肯德尔和谐系数W值和方差差异性分析方法对某高校2008年教育经济与管理专业研究生面试的考官评分信度进行分析.总体上来说,考官的评分具有较高的一致性,但考官的面试技能、考生的面试表现以及评分的维度对考官的评分一致性有不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

结构化面试作为一种测评工具在人事决策中发挥着重要作用。应控制主观人为因素的影响,加强结构化面试的理论研究,结构化与非结构化面试相结合,以有利于人员的招聘与选拔。  相似文献   

随着机关事业单位招录(聘)工作人员“凡进必考”制度的推行,人事考试特别是面试工作越来越受到广泛的关注,成为了人们(特别是考生)普遍关心的热点话题。文中分析了现行人事考试制度下面试工作的不足之处,并提出了对加强人事考试面试工作的对策。  相似文献   

毕业生面试的技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在毕业生应聘过程中,面试无疑是最具有决定性意义的一环。同时,面试也是求职者全面展示自身素质、能力、品质的最好时机。面试发挥出色,可以弥补笔试或学历、专业上的一些不足。一、面试前的准备面试的第一关是精心准备一份简历。一般情况下,可以按照不同的部门准备不同的简历。因为不同部门对应聘者的要求不同。那么作为一名刚出校门的毕业生,简历中应突出哪些内容呢?一般说来,面试考官最关心的是简历中的获奖项目、担任的职务、社会实践活动和各种技能证书等。因此,在准备材料时,要把这些作为重点,甚至还可以把有关的旁证材料也一同带上。…  相似文献   

几位经常主持面试的人事经理列举了面试中应试者种种糟糕的表现:   ◆面试过程中,一个应聘公差部职员的大学毕业生的手机响了,更为糟糕的是,他竟然还旁若无人地接了电话.   ……  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine if levels of accurate empathy, nonpossessive warmth, and genuineness provided by counselors in the initial counseling interview had continuing or terminating effects for normal persons, compared to the effects found with severe chronic schizophrenics. The results indicated that empathy ratings for continuing clients was significantly higher than for those who left.  相似文献   


The responses of three groups of teachers to a rating task in which they were asked to indicate how many of their pupils were “bright”, “above average”, “below average” and “dull” were compared. In two of the groups, teachers had been provided with test information based on performance on nationally standardized ability and attainment tests. In the third group tests had been administered but no results were provided.

No differences between the groups were found in terms of the extent to which teacher ratings of ability levels correspond with mean ability test scores. In addition, teachers, irrespective of the group to which they belonged, were found to display a tendency to place more pupils in the above average categories than the below average categories. Finally, no support was found for an hypothesis which suggested that test information would differentially affect the ratings of teachers of classes with pupils who were typical and untypical with respect to age.

The fact that the correlation between mean ratings and mean test scores were found to be fairly high in all three groups (they ranged from .51 to .60) suggests a reason for the failure of test information to impact on teachers’ judgements. The degree of agreement between teachers and tests that the correlations reveal means that there is less scope for a convergence of ratings on tests to occur than might otherwise be the case.  相似文献   

“三农”问题是国家发展战略中的重难点,培育新型职业农民是中国实现农业现代化的必然选择。基于行为事件访谈法对样本区域的35名“生产经营型”新型职业农民进行研究,在此基础上建构其胜任素质的要素构成。结果表明,“生产经营型”新型职业农民的胜任素质包括“从农动机、职业承诺、团队建设与领导力、市场信息搜集与获取、成本收益评估能力、模式创新力、关系资本积累能力、农人新思维”等17项要素。新型职业农民胜任特征编码具有较高信度,胜任特征能对绩优组和绩平组进行有效鉴别与区分,具有较高效度。因此,采用行为事件访谈法对“生产经营型”新型职业农民胜任素质要素构成进行研究也是有效的。  相似文献   

采访是新闻活动的起点,是新闻事实通向新闻报道的唯一桥梁,语言交谈是公关活动中传播信息的重要手段。如果在新闻采访中运用公关语言艺术,将大大弥补采访不足的遗憾,可以使我们的新闻采访达到预期的目标,达到好的宣传效果。  相似文献   

Verbal and nonverbal responses by alleged victims of child sexual abuse were coded for length, amount of information, and the manner in which they were elicited by the interviewer. In 16 of the interviews, anatomical dolls were employed for the purposes of demonstration, whereas they were not used in another eight cases matched with respect to other characteristics of the children and the alleged events. Children interviewed with dolls provided an equivalent number of details and spoke as many words in the substantive portion of the interview as did children interviewed without dolls, and interviewers in the two groups used similar probes to elicit information. However, the average responses by the children were significantly longer and more detailed when dolls were not used. Children gave longer and more detailed responses to open-ended invitations when dolls were not used. Caution is necessary when interpreting these findings.  相似文献   

通过对某重点大学外国语言文学学院的6名优秀研究生及4名普通研究生的行为事件访谈,探讨并初步构建了外国语言文学专业研究生的胜任特征模型。研究结果表明:(1)优秀组和普通组在访谈时长和访谈文本字数上无显著差异;胜任特征的平均等级分与访谈长度的相关不显著;与胜任特征的发生频次和最高等级分等指标相比,平均等级分是最为稳定的指标。(2)外国语言文学专业研究生的鉴别性胜任特征模型包括:成就导向、专业知识、目标、主动性、跨文化意识、计划执行、自信、自我控制和学习策略9项胜任特征。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2007,17(2):172-183
Educational films for children aim to impart knowledge about a certain topic. In the present paper, it is investigated how much and what kind of information children can remember from educational films and how knowledge acquisition through films could be enhanced. The studies described here were designed to test the hypothesis that children's memory for an educational film, especially their memory for important aspects, can be enhanced by providing domain-specific prior knowledge in a School Lesson, compared to repeated watching and to single watching. In a pilot study, importance ratings were gathered from adults for the questions used in children's memory interview in order to define central and non-central questions. A total of 175 8- and 10-year-old children participated and were randomly assigned to a Film once condition, a Film Repetition condition, a School Lesson once condition or a School Lesson plus Film condition. Results showed that important information was generally better remembered than unimportant information. Participants in the Film Repetition condition and in the School Lesson plus Film condition performed equally well and significantly better than those in the Film once condition and School Lesson once condition. Poor performance in the Film once condition does not seem to be due to a lack of domain-specific knowledge, because the Film Repetition had the same beneficial effects as the School Lesson plus Film condition. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

随着出版行业的飞速发展,地方文献的来源日益丰富,给图书馆地方文献采访工作带来了新课题,做好地方文献收藏工作,采访工作至关重要。本文从地方文献类别、地方文献采访原则及地方文献采访方法三个方面,论述了公共图书馆的地方文献采访工作。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis discussion paper adds to the recent critical debate concerning retrospective measurement of childhood abuse and adverse experiences. A series of recent articles found only modest overlap of prospective informant-based records with retrospective self-report questionnaires, with biases evident in the latter. However, this literature has omitted the use of investigator-based interviews as an alternative retrospective tool for triangulation of measurement. Validated interview approaches can ascertain accurate data using expert scoring that can be used to test both dose-effect and specificity analyses for further research and treatment purposes.ObjectiveArguments for the retention and further promotion of intensive interview measures for retrospective assessment of childhood neglect and abuse in relation to lifetime clinical outcomes are presented, with illustrative analyses.Method and resultsA network analytic approach is outlined, with six types of childhood abuse or neglect experiences scored via a well-validated interview (the Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse). This indicates distinct pathways between types of neglect and abuse, but also from more common emotional abuse (antipathy, critical parenting) through to more pernicious psychological abuse (coercive, sadistic control) involving physical abuse or sexual abuse pathways. This is supplemented by a case vignette to illustrate the different pathways indicated.ConclusionsThe interview approach gives victims a voice with their narrative (chance to talk) needed for better understanding of the specific dynamics of child abuse and neglect and for an entry into psychotherapeutic work. We need to ensure that such methods are retained in the research and practitioner portfolio of measurement tools.  相似文献   

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