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教师在批判性教学反思中成长   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
教学反思主要是教师从自己的经历、学生的反馈、同事的评价和理论文献的解读中对自己的信念、知识、教学实践及其背景进行审视。然而,并非所有的反思都是批判性的,只有当反思关注教育权利的分配并从更广泛的视角审视各种教学假定、实践及其背景时才成为批判性反思。教师反思的方法和手段主要有撰写教学日志、建立档案袋、对话和阅读。教学反思的目的在于增加教师的理性自主,使教师对其实践信念和实践的因果决定因素有更多的自我意识,从而使教师处于更多的理性自我控制之下,摆脱外在无形有形的束缚,使教师的成长始终保持一种动态、开放、持续发展的状态。  相似文献   

‘Artist‐teacher’ is a conceptually rich term in the field of art and design education used to describe the professionally distinct roles of artist and teacher. George Wallis (1811–91), a nineteenth‐century artist and teacher, the subject of this article, first used the term ‘artist‐teacher’ to describe himself and his theories of art education. To better understand this new term, the researcher organised the diverse aspects of Wallis's life from 1811 to 1845 as a network of enterprises to track the streams of thinking that contributed to this professional statement. Through comparison, ordering and sequencing the various enterprises, a deeper and reflective understanding of Wallis's teaching developed. In fact, the network of enterprises displays the growth of Wallis's thought as a slow and evolving process, eventually highlighting the turbulent situation that provoked Wallis to defend his theories and practices when he conjured the new term.  相似文献   

后现代知识观对现代知识观进行了强烈的反思、批判与超越,强调知识的动态生成性、理解性、情境性、开放性和创造性.它为我们思考教师继续教育带来新的方法论并提供了新角度、新视野.  相似文献   

This article examines a case study of an A‐Level student's work and how the inclusion and integration of my own practice as artist‐teacher into the classroom has changed the teacher‐student relationship, resulting in a more collaborative environment. It investigates how the mutual sharing of practice supports opportunities for pupils to discuss and investigate socially provocative issues and raises the issues of censorship. Through the case study the following questions will be addressed: how a collaborative classroom environment impacts on process and outcomes; the effect of discussing social/ political/ cultural issues within the art and design classroom; and the issues of censorship and ownership within the environment of a comprehensive secondary school context.  相似文献   

Critical reflection is important to vital process issues within social work practice; thus, it warrants attention in teaching and supervisory contexts. Autoethnography is a newer qualitative research methodology that uses the experiences of the author/researcher to extend social science understanding (Sparkes, 2000). In this article, the authors use autoethnography to frame critical reflection as a process of exploring social work knowledge and its potential implications, given that such knowledge is situated within fragmented and diverse selves and identities. Thus, good autoethnography is a unique way of accessing knowledge within intersubjective realities, which simultaneously generates a form of critical reflection (the comparison and assessment of emergent knowledge situated within selves and identities). Purposely incorporating an autoethnographic strategy, the authors draw from their experiences to show how personal narratives, the core of autoethnography, might be used to infuse critical reflection into social work education and practice.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that teacher communities figure among the most vital factors for promoting educational change within schools. While there is widespread consensus on the idea of collegiality as an instrument for promoting and sustaining change, scholars are much less clear on the characteristics that teachers' professional communities within schools must possess in order to promote and sustain such change. This paper discusses the role of friendship and conflict in teacher communities and argues for a rethinking of the way the intermingling of professional and interpersonal ties in schools contributes to school change.  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育的重要性已被世界各国所公认。本文通过对美、日、英、法、俄等国家发展教师继续教育状况与我国目前该项工作发展情况的比较后得到启示,找出我们存在的问题,力求探索新的模式与机制,使远程开放教育在我国中小学教师继续教育中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research which examined how selected artist educators perceive themselves as arts practitioners and analysed how these constructions inform their pedagogy, this article proposes a framework of meaning making in the art gallery. Art practice is defined as a process of conceptual and experiential enquiry which embraces inspiration, looking, questioning, making, reflective thinking and the building of meanings. The pedagogic process instigated in the gallery resembles art practice in that artists seek to ‘teach’ skills including questioning and critical reflection and promote experiential learning. Hence artist educators function as facilitators enabling learners to engage directly with art works (which are seen to embody the knowledge of the artist creator and contribute actively to the construction of meaning), whilst sharing their knowledge through dialogic exchange. The devised Meaning Making in the Gallery (MMG) framework encapsulates the pedagogic relation‐ship between artist, learners and artworks in the gallery and proposes a model of creative teaching and learning which has potential application within cultural institutions and beyond.  相似文献   

由于学生个体的心理、生理的不同,成长环境的差异,以及受家庭教育和传统认知习俗的影响,高中男、女生的性别差异在学校教育教学中显而易见,表现在对不同学科的学习兴趣、学习成绩、信心和从知度等方面。就历史学科而言,多年的高中一线教学.给笔者留下这样一个印象,即总体而言,女生存学习历史特别是世界历史时,比男生有所逊色。而同时,高中文科班的女生所占比例又远远高于理科班,因此,提高文科班成绩,关注女生的成长,让女生接受良好的学科教育,就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This article offers a defence of critical realism in the face of objections Nash (2005) makes to it in a recent edition of this journal. It is argued that critical and scientific realisms are closely related and that both are opposed to statistical positivism. However, the suggestion is made that scientific realism retains (from statistical positivism) a number of elements that result in misleading accounts of social processes and events: indicators are used which do not reflect the close relationship between structure and agency; indicators refer to reified and not real properties of both structures and agents; and indicators do not refer to causal properties of objects and entities. In order to develop a narrative of causal processes, as Nash argues researchers should, then some adjustments need to be made to the principles that underpin scientific realism.  相似文献   

本文探究高校图书馆继续教育存在的问题及原因并提出了相应措施,试图通过对高校图书馆馆员的继续教育途径,使高校图书馆拥有一支高素质的专业队伍,以促进图书馆的事业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

关于高等院校师德建设问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业道德在教育事业发展中有着举足轻重的作用,是一种无形的但又是强大的力量;当前高等学校教师职业道德水平远不适应高教事业的发展;高校教师除了具备一般职业道德的共同属性外,还要有其自身特殊的规范要求;加强教师职业道德建设,是高教事业发展必不可少的条件之一。  相似文献   

A challenging projection of science education replete with heuristic content. Dare one be imaginative?  相似文献   

王全林 《教师教育研究》2007,19(5):31-34,50
兹纳涅茨基将知识人的社会角色划分为技术顾问、圣哲、学者、新知识探索者四大类型15种亚型。从知识人的社会角色来审视教师,则大学教学科研间冲突的根源在于教师轻视与放弃教育者角色;而中小学教师专业化的关键是把他们从单一化的教育者角色中解放出来。生存性→发展性→享受性→超越性角色的层进式推进,或许是一种理想的教师角色抉择模式。  相似文献   

This article reports the development, validation and use of an instrument designed to provide teachers with feedback information, based on students’ perceptions, about their classroom environments. The instrument was developed to provide teachers with feedback that they could use to reflect on their teaching practices and, in turn, guide the implementation of strategies to improve their learning environments. To determine the validity and reliability of the new instrument, data from 2043 grade 11 and 12 students from 147 classes in 9 schools were analysed. The Rasch model was used to convert data collected using a frequency response scale into interval data that are suitable for parametric analyses. During an action research process, reflective journals, written feedback, discussions at a forum and interviews with eight teachers helped to illuminate the processes used by teachers during action research. This article reports the views of these teachers in general and examines more closely how one of the teachers used student responses to the learning environment questionnaire as a tool for reflection and as a guide in transforming her classroom environment. This case study helped us to gauge the extent to which action research based on students’ perceptions of the learning environment was useful in guiding teachers’ improvements of their classroom learning environments.  相似文献   

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