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In Finland, the National Core Curriculum for basic education from 2014 discusses holistic and multi‐material craft, which includes technical work and textile work aiming to break down the gender‐based tradition in craft education. However, teachers have been confused about the concept of multi‐materiality; it has raised tension between textile work and technical work, and teachers have not found practical pedagogical solutions for teaching these subjects. In this systematic literature review, the main aim is to open the concept of multi‐materiality and give examples to implement multi‐materiality in craft during basic education. Twenty articles dealing with craft, multi‐materiality, material or materialisation formed the basis of the analysis. According to the results, the concept of multi‐materiality is open, it does not define the means by which the design and making process is supposed to be implemented or who is the actor. However, the clear impetus is non‐gender‐based and material‐free knowledge‐building and learning activities in craft education. The pedagogical examples presented in this article indicate that multi‐materiality is not an end itself. In advancing creativity, critical thinking, discovering and understanding of the technological and cultural world through multi‐materiality, student learning can have different starting points and can be implemented in diverse ways.  相似文献   

The status, content, and social factors influencing craft education in Finland, a standard subject in comprehensive schools, were examined during interviews with craft teachers, craft teacher preparers, and educational administrators. In this paper, the following areas are examined: How are crafts defined? What rationales and cultural and social factors keep craft education robust and what factors threaten it? What is perceived as the future of craft education? The status, content, and social factors influencing craft education in Finland, a standard subject in comprehensive schools, were examined during interviews with craft teachers, craft teacher preparers, and educational administrators. In this paper, the following areas are examined: How are crafts defined? What rationales and cultural and social factors keep craft education robust and what factors threaten it? What is perceived as the future of craft education? interviewees for teaching craft in schools fell into five categories: craft provides 1) cognitive development in several dimensions, 2) learning about living in the world, 3) Finnish traditions and culture, 4) social and individual growth, and 5) a break from the demands of academic subjects. All interviewees seemed to agree that teaching crafts in Finland is changing in terms of how teachers are prepared, who writes curriculum, the content of the curriculum, and the configuration of craft in the comprehensive school curriculum. Some interviewees portended a decline in craft education in public schooling, while others embraced change as part of nation building.  相似文献   

This article suggests that educational psychology should pay more attention to the role of the curriculum when the optimal motivation to learn in school is considered. The curriculum frames the teaching‐studying‐learning process in school. This fact has several implications on the motivation to learn in school. After the child starts school, his or her motivation to learn seems to change from an intrinsic motivation to an extrinsic motivation. To develop pedagogical thinking in a student's mind means that the student must become acquainted with the aims and goals of the curriculum, assimilate them into his or her integrated sense of self and, thus, fully accept them as their own. If this succeeds, it will have positive effects on the student's motivation at school and especially on the motivation to study and learn. The concept of pedagogical thinking in a student's mind is analogous to the concept of teacher's pedagogical thinking. Based on previous studies, this article provides an example of how joint‐planning can offer a learning environment that promotes students' pedagogical thinking and the internalisation of the aims and goals of the curriculum in school. This article calls for new theoretical syntheses and research programmes that better take into account the normative nature of learning and teaching in school.  相似文献   

Interest in progressive education ideas has often been accompanied by advocacy for greater use of interdisciplinary and holistic learning approaches, as these are considered beneficial in conceptual, curriculum, and pedagogical terms. The paper reviews the possibilities for progress on this basis and contextualises the paper around three concurrent watershed moments in Scottish education: the end of the five-year programme implementation phase of a Curriculum for Excellence; the half-century anniversary of comprehensive schooling (1965–2015); and the centennial anniversary of the publication of Democracy in Education by John Dewey. Following a brief outlining of the Scottish policy context, the paper analyses the influence of Dewey on conceptions of curriculum integration and interdisciplinary learning and their connections with curriculum planning, effective pedagogical practices, and whole school reforms. Analysis describes the areas of conceptual clarity required and reviews how exactly versions of interdisciplinary learning might operate in practice. It is argued that the learner-led ideals championed by Dewey can still provide guidance and traction to help ensure that policy and practice gains are more than modest and variable. However, progress is likely to be greatest if school organisational changes accompany alterations to the curriculum and pedagogical culture in schools.  相似文献   

新课程理念的提出对传统的学校体育教师以及体育课堂产生了很大的冲击,结合当前国内外学校体育教育改革的趋势,对我国体育课程现状及新课程环境的基本理念进行了剖析,提出新课程环境下的体育教师,要以科学发展观为统领,不仅要不断更新教育教学观念、转变教学模式、加强学习和提高自身素质,而且要善于反思、注重科研。  相似文献   

五年制小教专科教育课程建设既要融入高等师范教育课程改革体系,又要从小学课程改革的实际出发,顺应义务教育新课程改革的新形势。构建“综合培养、文理渗透、四块结合、五年一贯、预专分段”的培养模式;突出学科思想和方法的教育;注重应用能力的培养;开发学生的学习、创造性潜能;大力推广现代网络、信息技术辅助教学;增加教育学科课程比例;提升学生教学能力的“大专性”和“学术性”。  相似文献   

Since the publication of A Nation at Risk, some scholars have argued that a national curriculum and national testing are necessary to hold school personnel accountable for student achievement and, ultimately, to raise educational standards. The idea of developing a nationwide curriculum has been widely debated in the United States, where the traditions of local control and state responsibility are dominant. Thus, this article examines the relevance and feasibility of a uniform curriculum in physical education. A core curriculum for physical education has the potential to provide clear goals, coherent instructional guidelines, and relevant assessments aligned with designated program outcomes. A more advanced curricula framework with clear guidance for P-12 curricula and pedagogical practices could promote system-wide changes in school-based physical education. In contrast, the adoption of an overly rigid national curriculum would create a stifling educational context where cultural differences and local flexibility are not allowed.  相似文献   

A Cloistered Virtue? Pedagogical Research and Policy in UK Higher Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Educational research is under challenge in the UK. Although the current focus of the challenge is school education, pedagogical research in higher education is not immune from collateral effects. This article examines the relevance of the 'educational research debate' to pedagogical research in UK higher education; outlines the conflicting pressures on pedagogical research; argues a case for an increase in the value placed on pedagogical research; and indicates some policy options through which the status of pedagogical research in higher education could be raised.  相似文献   

《Teaching Education》2013,24(3):353-361

Implementing meaningful educational change may be fostered by various types of institutions. One facet of current educational reform in the United States is focused on realignment of state and school district curriculum to reflect national academic standards. Graduate education courses bolster these initiatives by offering teachers opportunities to redesign curriculum in a supportive setting. Curriculum revision to meet new academic standards requires a comprehensive understanding of model design to facilitate emphasis on designing appropriate pedagogical approaches. This article describes utilizing web-based models in interdisciplinary curriculum to meet these goals as part of a graduate teacher education course.  相似文献   

In this article, we present insights from an ethnographic research that investigated the concept of citizenship in primary schools in Greece. We explored children’s experiences of citizenship in school approaching citizenship as a set of habits that prescribe what is considered ‘legitimate’ in the public sphere. We focused on structures and agents inside and outside the school classroom and the way they may interfere with pedagogical practices and relationships. This work reveals a vicious circle of asymmetrical relationships and hierarchical structures between the society and the school that entrap teachers in assessment-oriented pedagogical practices. We argue that the emergent loyalty of the educational system to traditional pedagogical approaches premised on competition fosters pupils’ incomprehension of the importance of social solidarity. It also contributes to their withdrawal from the public sphere, undermining the transformative potential of education. With the use of a diverse sample, we highlight the shortcomings of the integrated curriculum introduced in 2001, in successfully promoting critical thinking and participatory learner-centred pedagogy, and we discuss the implications for the transformative potential of education arising from the adherence to the implementation of European education policy that is discerned in the text of the newly introduced Curriculum of the ‘New School’.  相似文献   

新加坡中小学数学教师培养的特点是:采用先入职、后培养的公务员学习制度,定向与不定向培养模式相结合,按学段分别培养数学教师.课程设置呈系列化、综合化、专题化发展.内容建构上紧密围绕新加坡中小学数学内容及其认知规律、教育目标与教学要求等来建构教师教育类课程.教学上强化理论与实践的整合,注重合作学习与个人反思的作用.  相似文献   

During the last decade, entrepreneurship education has become a central curricular topic in many locations in the world. In Sweden, entrepreneurship education was implemented in the curriculum for the first time in 2011, as something that should be included in all upper secondary school programmes. In this article, we focus on one of these programmes, the handicraft programme, investigating how entrepreneurship education is formulated in the latest curriculum and how teachers understand and transform such content in their teaching. Drawing on Bernstein’s concepts of classification and framing, we illustrate how entrepreneurship education in the Swedish curriculum has a ‘dual definition’, representing very different framing and classification, but still clearly belongs in a ‘market relevance’ discourse. This is expressed through the way in which the concept is transformed by teachers in their teaching. We also find that entrepreneurship education has low legitimacy among teachers, particularly when it is classified weakly. The weak framing and classification, taken together with the low legitimacy among teachers, are likely to lead to very different transformations of entrepreneurship education in different educational contexts. In the long run, this could have a negative effect on the equivalence of teaching at upper secondary school.  相似文献   

Understanding how well teachers integrate digital technology in learning is the subject of considerable debate in education. High Possibility Classrooms (HPC) is a pedagogical framework drawn from research on exemplary teachers’ knowledge of technology integration in Australian school classrooms. The framework is being used to support teachers who teach various stages of schooling to take ‘pedagogical steps’ in their practice with technology. This article focuses on the use of the HPC conceptual framework in a study of seven teachers and their students at two secondary schools in New South Wales, Australia. Analysis confirms the practicality of this conceptual framework for technology integration in secondary school classrooms. This inquiry has implications for addressing the reluctance of teachers to integrate technology in curriculum. The article concludes by suggesting that more schools might consider using conceptual frameworks like HPC to support secondary school teachers to enhance student learning with technology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore day care attendants' comprehension of the concept of sustainable development (SD) and to analyse the associated pedagogical practices at their place of work in pre‐schools. The empirical data comprise written exam reports from 32 practising day care attendants attending an in‐service education course. The participants study early childhood education (ECE) part time at Mälardalen University, Sweden, and the rest of their time they work in their pre‐schools. The analysis was based on a qualitative content analysis approach, and the results show a multi‐faceted understanding of the concept. SD was seen as a holistic approach, an environmental issue or a democratic issue. The article explores how these different ways of approaching the concept relate to different attitudes and day‐to‐day practices in the pedagogical programme in the pre‐schools.  相似文献   

This article considers the curriculum reforms of outcomes-based education and the mechanism of a national qualifications framework in South Africa, also referring to New Zealand, in terms of the kind of learners they instantiate and therefore the kind of teachers needed for learners of that sort to be able to learn. Distinguishing between performance and competence models of pedagogy and analysing their implicit pedagogical logic, the article arrives at the conclusion that the curricular reforms initiated in South Africa embody incompatible logics, which can only lead to confusion. The article ends by reflecting on the ideal of the self-regulating learner pursued by much contemporary curriculum reform, concluding that there are distinct and different kinds of selfregulation fostered by different pedagogical models.  相似文献   

My interest in craft‐based activity in the home was aroused by research I carried out for the Crafts Council in the mid 1990s, which found that craft education in secondary schools was in serious decline. Paradoxically interest in amateur crafts was increasing and many teenagers claimed to be ‘making things’ at home. At the present time, culture and life‐long learning are priorities on the British government's agenda and craft‐based projects are being used in community, family and health education schemes targeted, for example, at quality of life enhancement, improving participation in schools and neighbourhood regeneration. However the majority of such schemes operate with a narrow conception of the nature and scope of craft and ignore how it is learned and practised in everyday life. This article reports the findings of a review of literature about social and emotional benefits of participation in home‐based crafts and argues this is a neglected area of art and design education theory and practice meriting increased attention and research.  相似文献   

Religious Education (RE) in Greece is a compulsory school subject according the 2011 new framework for compulsory education, entitled ‘New School’. This article focuses on two statutory documents for RE, ‘The Curriculum for RE’ and the ‘The Teacher’s Guide for RE’, and the pilot scheme of the new curriculum running in school years, 2011–2014, in 188 schools (primary and secondary education). Findings of the research demonstrate that, though the revision seems inevitable, the pedagogical and theological dimension of the RE curriculum is radical as it is based on contemporary theories and methodologies of the construction of the curriculum and RE approaches. However, the article indicates constructivist and critical approaches to RE that influenced the change to an actual non-confessional compulsory subject and also highlighted the tension between an overall constructivist approach to learning and the traditional orthodox content of much of the curriculum. The author opens a discussion on problematic aspects that need to be taken in to consideration when revising the curriculum.  相似文献   

Applying the concept of 'quality' to education has been controversial, making it difficult for educators to develop systems for sustainable quality development in schools that meet the needs of governmental accountability and pedagogical practice. The varying perspectives reflect conflicting views about what is quality and, morevoer, how quality can and should be measured. Over the last several decades, numerous programmes and strategies have been developed at the European level to assist schools in developing quality in education, as well as giving perspective to the underlying questions. In 2003, the European Education Quality Benchmark System (2EQBS) was designed with the intent to bridge the paradigmatic camps regarding quality in education, providing educators with a holistic framework to examine their practices in relation to the needs of their community, national curricula, pedagogical principles, and European partners. A formal content validation and usability study were conducted of the quality development tool to examine the degree to which the 2EQBS provides educators with a framework to facilitate school development through cross-cultural partnerships in an age of accountability. Findings from this study are presented in this article and contribute insight into the possibilities for creating a framework that facilitates school development through cross-cultural partnerships and provides teachers with a system for helping to sustain change.  相似文献   

The CinBA Live Project sought to engage students of contemporary craft courses in the UK with Bronze Age creativity. We aimed to explore the ways in which the creativity inherent in prehistoric craft may be used as inspiration in contemporary making. It simultaneously offered institutions a unique opportunity to offer a practice‐led, research‐based live project which was distinct to those generally known to be available to art and design institutions. It offered a different experience within this established pedagogical model in art and design education by using the Bronze Age as a source of inspiration for creative practice through practice‐based research in contemporary craft within the framework of an international academic research project, and suggesting new roles for the interpretation of the prehistoric past through creative work. This article reports on the CinBA Live Project. It outlines the context of the opportunity, details our methods of facilitation, describes the activities undertaken by the students and considers the outputs and post‐project impact of the activity.  相似文献   

This article builds on the growing literature on the Kyoto School of Philosophy and its influences on the field of Education. First, I argue that the influence of the Kyoto School of Philosophy is historically significant in Japan, and that the connection between this philosophical school and the philosophy of education is by no means superficial. Second, I suggest that this school contributes a unique view of ‘negative education’ founded in the philosophical idea of ‘nothingness’. I examine how this negative education is manifest both in religious cultivation and in more general views of education, and I develop these ideas through the models of self‐negation proposed by Nishitani Keiji and Hisamatsu Shin'ichi. Third, taking up the Herbartian idea of ‘pedagogical tact’, I analyse the characteristics of the I‐Thou relationship, in the vector of nothingness, implicit in the above‐mentioned view of education. I examine two approaches to this relationship—one of ‘sharing in nothingness’ as found in Nishitani and Hisamatsu, and one that goes beyond the idea of ‘sharing’ and accommodates alterity, as found in Nishida Kitarô and Nishihira Tadashi. By threshing out these three points, I hope to highlight the continued pedagogical relevance of the philosophical ideas of the Kyoto School.  相似文献   

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