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The study focused on students’ perceptions in order to find out the study behavior put forward by them prior to and during the exam in each of both the open-book and the closed-book exam alternatives. Participants were 181 students, comprising a 72.8% response rate, who experienced both exam alternatives; they were asked to assess 39 statements referring to study behaviors on a 5-point scale (1 = not at all present to 5 = present to a very great extent) for both exam options. The results indicated that students preparing for a closed book examination tend to postpone their study at the end of the semester, focus on the assigned texts and memorize information. Students preparing for an open-book examination tend to consult various sources and interrelate the information acquired; when taking the exam, they work creatively while, at the same time, they probe deeply into the knowledge gained. When the 39 statements were factor-analyzed, four factors emerged having to do with (a) mastering the course content; (b) involvement in the learning process; (c) using the knowledge gained in a creative way; and (d) facing the exam with optimism. For all four factors, the composite score was higher for the open-book exam option than for the closed one. The implications of the study as well as its major flaws are also discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 232 college students in six different courses in three departments participated in a study to examine the effect of perceived course mean on course and instructor evaluations. Following a midsemester exam, students were given their actual earned exam scores and a manipulated class mean that was either ten percentage points higher or lower than the actual class average on the exam. Participants then completed an evaluation of the course and instructor. It was hypothesized that students scoring above the manipulated mean would rate the course and instructor more highly than students scoring below the manipulated mean. It was further hypothesized that students who were told that the class mean was higher would rate the course and instructor more highly than students who were told that the mean was lower. Results supported the first hypothesis. However, hypothesis two was not supported. Students receiving the lower manipulated class mean rated instructors more favorably. Results suggest the need to consider both individual exam scores and class averages in understanding the grade-teaching evaluation relationship.  相似文献   

The study addressed to what extent behavioral engagement and textual integration may differ when undergraduate readers work with identical printed versus digital texts in preparation for an exam versus for pleasure. We expected that working with printed texts would lead to greater engagement and better integration than working with digital texts, but that reading purpose would moderate this effect of reading medium because those reading in preparation for an exam would display greater engagement and better integration regardless of reading medium. Results showed interaction effects of reading medium with reading purpose on the behavioral engagement indicators of reading time and the length of the post-reading written products. For reading time, the interaction involved that students used longer time when reading digital and mixed texts for an exam, compared to reading for pleasure, whereas there were no difference between exam and pleasure oriented reading when reading printed texts. For the length of the written responses, students produced more text when reading printed texts for an exam than when reading printed texts for pleasure, whereas there were no differences in text production between reading for an exam and reading for pleasure when reading digital or mixed texts. Finally, there was an indirect effect of reading purpose on textual integration via text production when students read printed texts: students who read printed texts in preparation for an exam produced longer written responses compared to those who read for pleasure and, in turn, gained a more integrated understanding of the issue in question. These results are discussed in terms of the implications they offer and the avenues they suggest for future research.  相似文献   

Learning styles vary among individuals, and understanding which instructional tools certain learning styles prefer can be utilized to enhance student learning. Students in the introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition course (FSHN 101), taught at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, were asked to complete Gregorc's Learning Style DelineatorTM, which identifies dominant learning style(s). In addition, students were asked to complete a survey that asked them to identify which instructional tools used in FSHN 101 they preferred and which they did not. All students, regardless of learning style, preferred the in-class lecture, outlined lecture notes, the WebCT site as a whole, lecture study guide questions, and example exam questions.  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the effect of class attendance on exam performance by implementing a policy in three large economics classes that required students scoring below the median on the midterm exam to attend class. This policy generated a large discontinuity in the rate of post-midterm attendance at the median of the midterm score. We estimate that near the policy threshold, the post-midterm attendance rate was 36 percentage points higher for those students facing compulsory attendance. The discontinuous attendance policy is also associated with a significant difference in performance on the final exam. We estimate that a 10 percentage point increase in a student's overall attendance rate results in a 0.17 standard deviation increase in the final exam score without adversely affecting performance on other classes taken concurrently.  相似文献   

Research shows that students struggle to develop higher order thinking skills and effective study strategies during the transition from high school to college. Therefore, in addition to teaching course content, effective instructors should assist students in developing metacognitive skills, that is, the practice of thinking about their thinking. An effective assignment that assists students in thinking about their exam performance is the exam wrapper. The objectives of this study were to examine students’ metacognitive skills, evaluate the correlation between study behaviors and student performance, and assess student perception of exam wrappers. Exam wrapper assignments were offered as extra credit after the first 3 exams in a large introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition course, and student responses and exam performance were analyzed. Many students with poor exam performance overestimated their exam scores, indicating students’ self‐assessment skills could be sharpened. However, students demonstrated the ability to make and implement goals to improve study strategies throughout the semester. A modest relationship between use of study strategies and improved exam performance was observed, particularly for students with a B exam average, suggesting that students in the middle of the grade distribution may benefit most from this type of intervention. Finally, most students expressed a belief that exam wrappers helped them improve their study habits and exam scores, and that they planned to use the exam wrapper process in future classes. In summary, this study shows that the exam wrapper is a valued and effective postexam reflection tool for improving students’ self‐reported study habits.  相似文献   

包括写作在内的电脑施测已渐成语言水平考试的一个发展方向。该研究通过实验、问卷及访谈比较了来华留学生纸笔与电脑写作的态度、体验及成绩,并发现:多数留学生认为纸笔与电脑写作是两种不同的写作过程,其电脑写作的自我效能感更高,其电脑写作的成绩高于同等难度作文的得分,且两者成绩差距达到统计显著水平。由此,大规模或高风险作文测评或应尽量实现电脑作答。  相似文献   

Industry often complains that current academic curricula fail to address the practical issues of real software development. This paper outlines a proposal for an innovative core curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. The proposed core curriculum contains elements of traditional computer science programs combined with software engineering via a team-oriented, hands-on approach to large-scale software development. In addition to traditional lecture/ project/exam courses, students are required to take an eight-semester sequence of ‘Software Factory’ courses. Software Factory courses put the students' newly acquired skills to work in a real software organization staffed and managed by all students in the program. Students from all courses in the Software Factory sequence meet simultaneously to fulfill their roles in the software organization. We expect that the students will be better prepared software engineering practitioners after completing a curriculum that combines traditional courses with practical Software Factory experience.  相似文献   

Study Success     
The meaning of study success is crucial when investigating the validity of the admission system to higher education. A common measure of study success is grades. However, grades might be a measure of different kinds of success in different education programmes due to disciplinary differences. This article presents the results of a study carried out in the Departments of Business Administration and Social Welfare at a Swedish university. University teachers were interviewed about their views on study success in their freshmen and senior students of today and in the future. The results indicate that the teachers in the Department of Business Administration tend to choose cognitive criteria whereas the teachers in the Department of Social Welfare tend to choose non-cognitive criteria and criteria classified as both cognitive and non-cognitive, when asked about their present students. Regarding the success of future students, the tendency is similar but the differences between the two groups of teachers are smaller.  相似文献   

Effective reading strategies, including using graphic organizers, question answering, and considering story structures, can help students improve reading comprehension. However, these reading strategies are not fully supported by both printed books and e-books. Students who master these reading strategies can learn effectively. By contrast, students without effective reading strategies cannot grasp thinking contexts, which leads to unfavorable learning outcomes. This paper presents a novel e-book interface that features thinking maps and a question answering mechanism on the same page. The thinking maps and question answering mechanism can stimulate students to reflect on reading content, which in this study was college entrance exam compositions, and help students to more effectively understand the context of their reading content. After we developed our reading system, 61 participants were recruited for system evaluation. The results indicate that students in the treatment group acquired significantly more vocabulary and understood the story structure more competently than did students in the control group. Treatment group participants expressed that they were satisfied with the thinking maps and question answering mechanism.  相似文献   

中央民族大学数学与计算机科学学院从1999年开始招收的藏族班,为西藏培养专门的信息人才,取得了很大成绩,然而也有部分学生存在学业成绩欠佳的问题。问题归因主要有数学基础薄弱、语言障碍、竞争意识不强、生活不太适应等。对策建议是对新生进行知识摸底,进行必要的补习;以基础知识为核心重新修订教学大纲;以基本技能为核心加强实践教学;建立导师制,加强班主任工作,进一步完善学生咨询、辅导和管理机制。  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot study in which undergraduates in an active introductory biology class (Biol 100) used online, virtual study rooms to study together outside of class in small groups. The study was conducted (a) to determine whether students who had access to Internet study rooms would make use of them for out-of-class group study, and (b) to find out how students perceived their online group study experience in comparison with face-to-face group study. Self-reported data were obtained at the time that multiple-choice exams were administered in the large class of Biology 100. The survey was completed by 90 of the students who had signed up for online study rooms. The results indicated that 47 students used their online study rooms to study for the final exam together with other members of their in-class teams. More than half of the students who provided written comments were positive about their online experience. Even those who strongly preferred face-to-face meetings expressed willingness to use online study rooms in a pinch.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate students’ perceptions of clickers as an instructional tool to promote active learning in a Physical Geography undergraduate class. A convenience sample of 24 undergraduate students registered in a physical geography course was assigned clickers to answer chapter quizzes in class for 15 weeks during the semester. Data from student interviews, student surveys, and exam grades were used to analyze the findings. Overall, students were satisfied and gave high approval ratings for the use of clickers, particularly for enhancing their participation and engagement in class lectures. The study findings show that clickers promote student engagement in the teaching and learning process. However, students did not find clickers to be a motivating factor to study more for the course. The implications for the use of clickers as instructional tools to improve active teaching and learning in technology-rich classrooms are also discussed.  相似文献   

Collaborative testing has been shown to improve performance but not always content retention. In this study, we investigated whether collaborative testing could improve both performance and content retention in a large, introductory biology course. Students were semirandomly divided into two groups based on their performances on exam 1. Each group contained equal numbers of students scoring in each grade category (“A”–“F”) on exam 1. All students completed each of the four exams of the semester as individuals. For exam 2, one group took the exam a second time in small groups immediately following the individually administered test. The other group followed this same format for exam 3. Individual and group exam scores were compared to determine differences in performance. All but exam 1 contained a subset of cumulative questions from the previous exam. Performances on the cumulative questions for exams 3 and 4 were compared for the two groups to determine whether there were significant differences in content retention. Even though group test scores were significantly higher than individual test scores, students who participated in collaborative testing performed no differently on cumulative questions than students who took the previous exam as individuals.  相似文献   

根据高职院校及我校计算机专业新的人才培养方案为目标,从课程设置和教学内容、教学手段、教学方法等方面探讨在新时期下高职高专计算机专业教学的改革.使计算机专业教学既能适应现代科技发展的需要,又能使所培养的学生能够适应社会对人才的需求.  相似文献   

Learning science requires higher-level (critical) thinking skills that need to be practiced in science classes. This study tested the effect of exam format on critical-thinking skills. Multiple-choice (MC) testing is common in introductory science courses, and students in these classes tend to associate memorization with MC questions and may not see the need to modify their study strategies for critical thinking, because the MC exam format has not changed. To test the effect of exam format, I used two sections of an introductory biology class. One section was assessed with exams in the traditional MC format, the other section was assessed with both MC and constructed-response (CR) questions. The mixed exam format was correlated with significantly more cognitively active study behaviors and a significantly better performance on the cumulative final exam (after accounting for grade point average and gender). There was also less gender-bias in the CR answers. This suggests that the MC-only exam format indeed hinders critical thinking in introductory science classes. Introducing CR questions encouraged students to learn more and to be better critical thinkers and reduced gender bias. However, student resistance increased as students adjusted their perceptions of their own critical-thinking abilities.  相似文献   

Interest in the use of technology in the classroom continues to grow. The current study included 100 students who registered for a 200 level child development class at a private university in Northern Virginia. Students were from 4 different sections taught by the same professor in different semesters. Two of the sections used a textbook. The other two used an online virtual simulation program. Results revealed that students using the simulation program had exam scores that were significantly higher than those for the sections that used a textbook. Students using the program reported that it helped them relate to class material, was more engaging and interactive than a textbook, and helped them connect class material to the real world.  相似文献   

在高职英语课堂上,对教师的提问,学生往往以沉默来应对,它困扰着教师,对学生的学习也十分不利。文章从学生和教师两方面分析了高职英语课堂教学中沉默现象形成的原因,并对此提出了相关的应对措施,以促进师生交流,提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

考研情况是学科教学质量和学风状况的一个反映。宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院2002年以来的考研录取率、考研成绩、报考的院校和专业的分析显示:该院新专业的教学质量逐年提高,显示出新设专业的发展潜力;学院的学风建设已呈现出明显的成效;研究型教学对培养学生学习能力和创新素质发挥了很大作用;学科的发展为培养高素质的人才奠定了基础。  相似文献   

章着重指出,我国传统的高等教育体制,包括考核制度,不利于学生素质的提高,需要下决心对旧的教育体制,包括考核制度改革,基本思路是将过去对学生成绩的静态考核,转变为一种能够激励学生努力学习,不断提高其素质的动态考核机制,并且提出了要重建考核成绩的指标体系。  相似文献   

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