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A leading community-based film program, the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital, is described and lessons relevant to practitioners who wish to develop similar programs in other cities are presented.  相似文献   

透过沐浴风俗看日本的社会变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本人喜爱沐浴,古来有之。从远古把河流、温泉作为洗浴场所到佛家寺院中的浴堂,从城乡中的公共浴场到家家都有的家庭浴室,日本人的沐浴形式发生了巨大的变迁。而贯穿其中的沐浴心理的变化更是值得研究的一个方面。引起这一系列变迁的原因是多方面的。日本的地理位置,使其拥有星棋布的温泉与众多的河流;日本民族对其他文化的包容,尤其是佛教的兴盛对日本沐浴风俗的形起了极大的推动作用;新生的阶级力量的发展,使日本人沐浴的场所等发生了很大的变化,近代工业化的成功,使沐浴成为日本人人人都可享受的娱乐、休憩的形式。日本社会每一次政治、经济、文化的变革,都给日本人沐浴的动机与形式带来了影响。  相似文献   

公民参与是公共危机管理的一个重要问题。社会资本是分析社会发展的一个重要理论,对公民参与具有较强的解释力。梳理了公民参与、公共危机管理和社会资本的相关概念和内涵,以社会资本为中介和基础分析了公共危机管理中公民参与的价值;在社会资本缺失和负外部性下讨论了公民参与公共危机管理的困境;并通过社会资本的投资和自我完善分析了公民参与公共危机管理的路径选择。  相似文献   

The article reports results from a Human Early Learning Partnership initiative that aims to address limitations within the literature concerning neighborhood effects on child development. Problems include the tendency for studies to (a) rely on small samples of children, (b) focus on high-risk populations, (c) define neighborhood by Census boundaries, (d) attend only to 1 or 2 developmental domains, and (e) adhere to a narrow understanding of socioeconomic status. By collecting data from a near-census of kindergarten children in British Columbia, Canada, using the Early Development Instrument, our research addresses all 5 problems. Findings reported in this article lay the groundwork for the Human Early Learning Partnership's much more ambitious program of social care research that aims to measure directly the processes by which physical and social settings influence human development in the formative early years, rather than to infer them from data routinely collected for other purposes. The article concludes by inviting international colleagues to critically evaluate our program of research in its early days of implementation.  相似文献   

从社会资本理论视角出发,结合公共行政学的相关基础理论,来考察社会资本与政府绩效管理之间的关系,至今还是一个理论界较少涉足的领域。社会资本提高了公众参与政治的能力,增加对政府的信任,建立互惠规范的沟通渠道,这些都有助于政府制定合理、公平、高效的政府绩效管理方案,提升政府绩效管理能力,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

廖桂莲  何静 《高教论坛》2007,(6):189-192
本文通过对以社区为基础的资源管理研究进行综述,阐释其概念,并对其研究的现状及意义进行了探讨,着重就社区为基础的人力资源培养、森林及土地资源持续利用管理、社区生物资源、旅游资源以及持续利用管理机制、冲突管理、权属管理等方面的内容进行了详细阐述.以社区为基础的资源管理具有参与的广泛性、发展的可持续性、激励的有力性、权属的明确性、冲突调解的及时性等特点.  相似文献   

Older persons receiving services in community settings, rather than Nursing Homes, are at risk of social isolation. Computer mediated communication offers technological resources that recipients of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) might use to reduce their social isolation. The present study involved personal interviews with 40 HCBS clients regarding their interest in communicating with members of their social networks and using computers. At the time of the interview, 30 of the 40 participants did not use computers and reported cost, lack of training, physical limitations, lack of interest and access, and fraud as the reasons for not using computers. After watching a videotape illustrating an easy-to-use computer interface that allows older persons to communicate with families and friends, 90% reported that it would be helpful for people like them. Participants said such a computer would be helpful because it would make communication with friends and family easy, it could accommodate visual and manual disabilities, and would be interesting. Eighty-five percent said they would use a system like the one they were shown if it were available to them.  相似文献   

Based on the several surveys conducted since the 1990s onward, this paper aims to demonstrate that in terms of the access to higher education, social class differentiation is far starker than that of urban/rural income in contemporary China. According to the investigation that focused on students enrolled in 37 universities, the chance of farmers children to have a higher education is 5.6 times lower than that of nonfarmers. If we compare the chance of government and party officials children with that of farmers children, the ratio will rise to nearly 18:1. More seriously, the recent boom in higher education has not lessened but, in fact, worsened the structural factors of this inequality. The skyrocketing tuition fee constitutes an escalating fence that keeps the children from low-income, marginalized families away from acquiring higher education. Translated by Chen Xinqin from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), 2005, 3  相似文献   

教师作为内嵌于学校社会网络中的个体,其行为受到社会关系、网络结构位置以及网络结构特性的影响与塑造。以北京市5所小学全体教师为对象,采用社会网络分析方法对学校教师的工作网络、咨询网络与情感网络进行分析发现:1)教师的工作与咨询关系更为密切,情感关系相对淡薄;2)校长处于三种社会网络的顶端,具有很高的正式与非正式权力,但是大部分校长较少对外寻求咨询与情感支持;3)中层领导在三种社会网络中处于"桥"的结构位置,具有重要的中介作用;4)校长与中层领导之间工作关系最为密切,其次是咨询关系,最后为情感关系,并且咨询与情感关系具有明显的等级性;5)三种社会网络中均存在着具有很高威望的普通教师,他们多数是有着丰富教学或班级管理经验的成熟教师;6)学校内部存在着规模、数量不等的非正式小群体,校长并非其内部成员,中层领导在其中扮演不同的角色。对此,学校应该积极培养教师之间情感关系,促进教师进行良好的情感互动;加强校长权力监督机制建设,确保校长合理利用正式与非正式权力;重视核心教师的社会威望,发挥中层领导的桥梁作用;合理引导非正式小群体,避免资源垄断或权力冲突。  相似文献   

关于人力资本与社会资本在个体求职中作用的已有研究充分表明,人力资本在个体求职中起着非常重要的作用,已成为个体求职成功的关键因素。然而,不管个体运用人力资本求职怎么成功,都不能掩盖社会资本在个体求职中的效用。已有研究都在劳动力市场是一元而不是二元的、求职行为是静态行为而不是一个动态过程的隐藏错误假设下进行,并在一定程度上都犯了“方法学上的个人主义”错误,导致研究结论缺乏普遍解释力与适用性,由此,在一个二元、动态的分析框架内进行研究,可以克服以往的研究缺陷。  相似文献   

现代学校制度在西方建立以来,一直遭受人们的批判,其中以"非学校化运动"为代表的教育思潮打破了制度化价值的神化,促使人们以理性的眼光重新审视现代学校制度.近年来,西方学校制度进行了一系列的变革,从社会资本的角度而言,其共同特征就是试图重建制度社会资本.良好的学校制度应该是正式制度和制度社会资本的有机统一,过分强化正式制度的作用,忽视制度社会资本的价值,只会导致现代学校制度的危机.  相似文献   

While Tinto’s (1975, 1987, 1993) Interactionalist Model has reached near paradigmatic status, and introduced the construct of social integration, the research has been inconsistent when applied to community college student retention. This has led Maxwell (2000) and Deil-Amen (2011) to suggest that a different construct of social integration exists in community colleges. This construct focuses less on purely social activities and more on both peer groups centered on academically related activities, along with interactions with faculty and students inside the classroom. While previous research found that these two constructs of social integration were highly related (Mertes, 2015), differences were found when investigating gender. But the previous research did not consider the impact of program of study and potential interactions with other variables including gender, race, and age. The current study sought to investigate the impact of program of study (i.e., occupational vs. transfer) on both constructs, as well as the impact of the interaction of program of study and additional variables including gender, race, and age. After conducting the analysis, it was found that while overall program of study did not significantly impact either construct of social integration, a significant gender difference was found on the alternative construct of social integration as suggested by Maxwell and Deil-Amen. Future research strategies including utilizing campus ecology theory are then discussed.  相似文献   

在当前的社会结构和制度环境中,社会资本的动员和民办学校的运营是否存在必然的逻辑联系,二者之间以怎样的关系存在,二者关系的强弱程度如何,这些问题并无实证考量,因此也没有形成定论。本文尝试借用社会资本理论范式,分析一所民办外语培训学校在当前的制度环境中如何动员社会资本寻求自我发展,厘清关系社会资本在该校组建、日常管理和长远发展中的运作逻辑,借以探讨小型民办学校的盈利性与公益性问题,以促进教育资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

Despite wide agreement on the goals of environmental education (EE), the promotion of action is still considered contentious. Critical environmental education (critical EE) teaches students to combine critical reflection with the ability to engage in local action to address social/environmental problems. This article examines a critical urban farming school in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward for how student action is addressed. Results found that critical learning within an egalitarian, youth-centered community located in a disadvantaged area produces students who are more enlightened and empowered to create change. However, concerns regarding funding and safety led staff to not adhere to maintaining an egalitarian ethic, undermining the individualism and unpredictability that critical EE thrives upon and producing “disconnects” in students’ education.  相似文献   

社会网络分析在班级管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在班级管理中,学生座位安排的得当与否对班主任今后的班级管理工作、学生学习氛围的营造以及教师的教学活动都有重要的影响。该研究运用社会网络分析法与问卷调查的方法,探索了江苏省无锡市某高中201班全体学生的整体网络结构情况,通过个案展开对班级学生间的调查了解,为新手班主任在安排学生座位问题上提供了科学依据,也对新手班主任的成长起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The goal of this study was to determine the efficacy of an educational intervention program to improve emotion knowledge, emotion regulation, and social competence in 2-year-old Spanish children. This study makes two original contributions because there are no validated education programs for such young children and because it aims to show how an intervention focused on emotion-related aspects affects children’s social competence. The pilot study was conducted on 57 Spanish 2-year-olds divided into an experimental group (n = 38) and a control group (n = 19). The children were assessed for overall development, emotion knowledge, emotion regulation, and social competence before and after the intervention. The program was carried out in the classroom in 30-min weekly sessions over a 6-month period. The findings showed significant progress in emotion knowledge and social competence as well as slight progress in emotion regulation. Practice or Policy: Our results show that emotions should be part of the curriculum starting in early childhood. On the one hand, 2-year-olds can benefit from planned interventions that improve social competence through emotion knowledge. On the other hand, 24 months is developmentally speaking the perfect age to start acquiring emotion knowledge through the simplest components.  相似文献   

在社交网络中进行意见领袖的挖掘对信息传播与演化的深度分析、舆情监控和引导具有重要意义。结合情感分析,挖掘在专业知识领域受到大众支持的正面意见领袖是本项目研究重点。实验对比发现,Leader-Page Rank算法能够结合社交网络的用户交互,更有效客观地识别在专业领域中的正面意见领袖。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of social capital in raising research productivity in academic institutions. Social capital as a strategic resource embedded in social relationships can be utilised towards decreasing pressures from external environmental conditions, such as the global financial crisis. A survey was sent to academic staff in five universities in Victoria, to collect data regarding their frequency of communications and research productivity. The findings indicated that there is a significant and positive correlation between social interactions and research productivity. Regression analysis demonstrated that social interactions as an independent variable predict research productivity of academics.  相似文献   

比较与借鉴:国外社会保障管理体制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制.政府直接管理体制是由政府直接统管各项社会保障事务,以英国为代表;半官方自治管理体制是政府和非营利组织共同管理社会保障事务,以法国为代表;商业保险管理体制是具有独立性的基金会管理社会保障事务,以新加坡为代表.比较研究国外社会保障管理体制,对于完善我国社会保障管理体制有四点启示:一是建立统一的社会保障管理机构,二是加快社会保障法制建设,三是健全社会保障监督机制,四是完善社会保障基金管理.  相似文献   

Generalist practice social workers need to master group leadership and facilitation skills, and the best way to achieve this goal is through actual practice. An innovative teaching approach used to engage undergraduate social work majors in developing group facilitation skills is a “hands-on” service-learning experience leading social skills groups with middle school children. Students have the opportunity for a meaningful educational experience while working with children in a school setting. A four-session social skills curriculum is provided.  相似文献   

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