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郭小川是一个率直的人,是一个谦虚的人,是一个实事求是的人,是一个思想超前的人.是一个热情似火的人。  相似文献   

一个好教师,他应该是一个天生不安分有着自己梦想的教师,是一个具有学生立场的教师,是一个唤醒学生智慧的教师,是一个通过自己的研究、阅读、写作来寻找成功的教师。  相似文献   

一位印度哲人在《播种》中写道:把一个信念播种下去,收获的将是一个行动;把一个行动播种下去,收获的将是一个习惯;把一个习惯播种下去,收获的将是一个性格;把一个性格播种下去,收获的将是一个人生。学生的读书也是一个播种的过程,收获的是知识的芬芳,酝酿的是美好的未来。小学语文教材内容丰富、风格各异、体裁多样,蕴含着丰富的人文内涵。可以这么说,入选小语教材的每一篇课  相似文献   

一个教师的成长是一个漫长的过程,而能成为一个优秀的教师学会听课是必备的素质,也是一个优秀的教师的基本技能,它能让一个教师更优秀。  相似文献   

刘莉 《家教世界》2012,(14):114
在人生的舞台上我们每个人都扮演着不同的角色,有着多重的身份。我是一个教师,同时也是一个家长,我是一个母亲,同时也是一个女儿。多年的教学生涯,多重的社会角色,加上自身的成长经历使我深深地体会到了家教对于一个人成长的意义。学校对于一个孩子的教育是阶段性的,而家庭对一个孩子  相似文献   

很多年以后,李树林一定记得曾这样评价自己:"我是一个特别容易被学生感动的人,我是一个听到上课铃声就兴奋的人,我是一个水平有限但能执著、用心做事的人,我是一个特别在意他人评价的人,我是一个看似成熟却亟待成长的人,我是一个给点阳光就努力灿烂的人."  相似文献   

有些数学名词,前一个字是成语的后一个字,后一个字是成语的前一个字,如"重心"分别是"德高望重""心安理得"两成语的后一个字和前一个字。下面是一些成语,请同学们在中间填上数学名词,使它们成为完整的成语:  相似文献   

梦是心灵的思想,是隐秘的真情。梦想是石,梦想是火,梦想是灯,敲出星星之火点燃希望之灯,引我们走向成功。中国有一个和平梦,那是一个绿色的梦,绿色的橄榄枝是和平的象征:中国有一个航天梦,那是一个蓝色的梦,蓝色的天空是我们航天梦的寄托:中国有一个奥运梦,那是一个红色的梦,红色,是火炬。是熊熊燃烧的奥运圣火。  相似文献   

一、勒夏特列原理含义的理解勒夏特列原理是中学化学中的一个重点,也是一个难点,更是高考的一个热点.它是研究可逆反应平衡移动原理的一个规律,当一个可逆反应  相似文献   

教师是一个特殊的职业,尤其需要时时反思自己的言行,正确恰当的自我评价是一个教师必需的职业素养,是一个教师专业化发展的必要保证和有效途径,它决定着一个教师自我教育的走向,也是一个教师自我完善的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

本文针对学校电教中心演播室的噪声控制问题,分析噪声产生的原因并提出相应的噪声控制的办法.  相似文献   

如何处理孩子成长过程中的“问题行为”已成为许多父母最感棘手的问题。本文作者就什么是问题孩子、问题孩子与家庭的关系、问题孩子的家庭教育对策等问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

学术研究的问题意识包括理论问题意识和实践问题意识两个部分,其中理论问题意识又分为对学科理论问题的意识和对学科理论研究中的问题的意识。当代学术研究过分注重理论问题意识,而忽视实践问题意识,马克思哲学研究按照学术传统把理论问题意识与实践问题意识统一起来。  相似文献   

教育理论研究必须首先解决的问题是教育问题本身,教育问题的本质是教育实践活动中的矛盾。对教育问题的判定需要理论前提的支撑,教育理论与教育问题互为前提和结果,而教育研究者的教育观则是发现教育问题的关键前提。当前,教育问题研究中需明确三个意识:研究教育问题,应确立教育意识;研究中国教育问题,要确立中国意识;学术研究,需确立研究意识。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明,学业问题、情绪问题、人际关系问题、焦虑问题、情感问题、性健康问题和大学生活适应问题是目前大学生中普遍存在的心理健康问题。只有充分认清这些问题,才有可能在大学生心理健康教育中有的放矢,收到实效。  相似文献   

本研究主要以问卷法调查了南京市某小学中高年级儿童的问题意识 ,总体推断了其发展的一般状况 ,并就年龄差异、性别差异和影响因素进行了简单分析 ,认为 :问题意识在儿童的认识活动主要指实际的课堂学习中具有重要作用 ,提出 :(1)丰富儿童的知识贮备 ,进行学法指导和学习策略训练 ,培养儿童的问题意识 ;(2 )提高教师素质 ,创设问题情境 ,激发儿童的问题意识。  相似文献   

Research and theory on problem finding are scarce. This can be ascribed to difficulties in the operationalisation of the concept and to neglect of the importance of this essential link in the problem solving cycle. A similar lacuna, however, is not found in early research in the field of problem solving. In problem solving four components can be distinguished: cognitive (sensitivity to problems and formulating the problem), motivational (effectance motivation and curiosity), emotional (wonder and surprise) and, finally, personality components (tolerance for ambiguity, stimulus reduction and self‐confidence). Selective encoding, combining and comparing can be regarded as essential elements of the cognitive component. With respect to the developmental aspects of problem finding, emphasis is laid on the importance of competence motivation and the quality of attachment as determinants. The educational implications are unequivocal: problem solving and problem finding must have equal positions in curricula. For the time being this means that education will have to pay more attention to problem finding.  相似文献   

Metacognitive monitoring and regulation play an essential role in mathematical problem solving. Therefore, it is important for researchers and practitioners to assess students?? metacognition. One proven valid, but time consuming, method to assess metacognition is by using think-aloud protocols. Although valuable, practical drawbacks of this method necessitate a search for more convenient measurement instruments. Less valid methods that are easy to use are self-report questionnaires on metacognitive activities. In an empirical study in grade five (n?=?39), the accuracy of students?? performance judgments and problem visualizations are combined into a new instrument for the assessment of metacognition in word problem solving. The instrument was administered to groups of students. The predictive validity of this instrument in problem solving is compared to a well-known think-aloud measure and a self-report questionnaire. The results first indicate that the questionnaire has no relationship with word problem solving performance, nor the other two instruments. Further analyses show that the new instrument does overlap with the think-aloud measure and both predict problem solving. But, both instruments also have their own unique contribution to predicting word problem solving. The results are discussed and recommendations are made to further complete the practical measurement instrument.  相似文献   

有Neumann边界条件的抛物型方程的初边值问题是偏微分方程研究领域的一类经典的问题。这是由已知的边界条件和初始条件来求区域温度场的问题。若所给边界是固定区域的称为定边界问题,而现实中又有一类问题其边界随时间变化,这样的问题称为动边界问题。文章对于时动边界上的热传导问题的求解提出人工边界的方法,并在人工边界的基础上采用了差分方法求解此定解问题。为了检验方法的可行性,给出了数值模拟。  相似文献   

The cognitive processes used by children during problem solving have received considerable attention in recent years. The identification of the processes used by both successful and unsuccessful problem solvers has been hampered by the difficulties involved in making accurate observations of mental processes which may or may not have physical manifestations during problem solving. In addition, problem solvers themselves often are unaware of many of the thought processes they use while attempting to solve problems. The most popularly used methods for studying problem solving processes are not sufficiently reliable or valid. This study explored the potential effectiveness of a new procedure for identifying and studying certain of the cognitive processes used during problem solving. In addition, the procedure was used to categorize the types of conceptual thinking problem solvers employ, to study the use of trial and error behavior, and to investigate problem solvers’ abilities to coordinate multiple bits of information. It appears that the procedure has application for generating hypotheses about cognitive processes problem solvers use.  相似文献   

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