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曹雪芹所塑造的贾母形象是一"真的人",其性格具有两重性既慈爱又冷漠;既仁慈又残忍;既世俗又风雅;既有福又可悲.其性格中的对抗元素,皆辨证地统一在她的思想、人生和行为方式之中,因而在艺术真实中显示出无穷的魅力和美学价值.同时,贾母形象又具有某种象征色彩,从她的人生使人联想到封建家族的荣枯盛衰乃至于封建社会制度由兴而衰的历史发展的必然规律,令人深思和探寻.  相似文献   

凌叔华是"五四"新文化运动之后中国文坛涌现出的众多女性作家之一。二十世纪二三十年代是凌叔华创作的高峰期与成熟期,她的创作以短篇小说为主,以描写女性形象与儿童形象见长。她的小说既受到西方小说创作技巧的影响,又完美地融入了自身的才情、生活经验与审美取向,使作品既得西方小说技法之妙,又具有浓郁的本土化风格。其代表作《酒后》鲜明地体现了她的这一创作特色。  相似文献   

繁漪是曹禺在《雷雨》剧中塑造最为成功的人物形象,她成为中国现代文学史上少有的、极富个性特征的文学形象之一,成为大家讨论的焦点。繁漪生长在封建大家庭,又在“五四”之后受过现代教育,她既有保守的一面,又具有叛逆性;她既是受害者,同时又伤害了他人;她在命运的压迫下,既有不正常的举动,又具有清醒的认识;她的生命中交织着“最残酷的爱”和“最不忍的恨”,也是剧中“最‘雷雨'”的女人。  相似文献   

孙犁先生《铁木前传》中塑造的小满儿,是这部小说中最光彩夺目的形象。她如花似玉,却又行为放荡;她聪明能干,却又厌恶劳动;她声名狼藉,却又用情专一;她我行我素,却又内心痛苦。人物性格复杂,形象丰满,情感丰富,多年来,招人爱,惹人恨,也让人怜,一直是一个耐人品读的文学人物。  相似文献   

《木兰诗》是我国南北朝时期北方的一首长篇叙事民歌,它记述了花木兰代父从军的故事,充满了瑰丽的传奇色彩。这首民歌塑造了木兰英姿飒爽的巾帼英雄形象:她既是娇美的女性又是矫健的勇士,她既勤劳善良又坚毅勇敢,既淳厚质朴又机敏活泼,既热爱亲人又勇于报效国家。当战争结束她得胜归来后,她不慕高官厚禄,甘愿回乡过普通人的生活。几千年来,木兰这一形象深受人们的喜爱。而这一形象的成功  相似文献   

王安忆在小说中塑造了形形色色的女性形象,这些女性形象都有其浓厚的个性特征。她擅长使用"鸽子视角",从故事中抽身而出,俯瞰全景,又使人物形象呈现出群像特征。她在创作上吸取了茹志鹃的很多技巧,又勇于探索,自辟蹊径,在塑造女性形象方面有较大的突破。  相似文献   

李清照词的语言富有与众不同的鲜明特色。既具有书面语雅致、简洁、含蓄之长,又具有口语形象、生动、平易、流畅的特点。她善于用非常新颖的、凝练的语言来表情达意,形象概括力、表现力都很高,而且不雕琢、不堆砌,流转如珠,声调美妙,具有很高的审美价值。  相似文献   

《陌上桑》与《孔雀东南飞》并称为东汉乐府民歌的双璧 ,它被流传下来并为人们所喜爱 ,不仅是因为它文笔流畅、韵律和谐 ,更主要是它塑造了罗敷形象。罗敷形象的艺术魅力在于她那外表与内在统一的美 ,也在于她质朴中透着高贵、淡雅中显露豪华 ,可谓是雅俗共赏。罗敷形象具有乡村妇女和上层贵族的两种特征 ,导致这种现象的原因是 ,诗歌原是由民间百姓所创作 ,后来又被文人重新加工 ,所以在罗敷形象中既表现出百姓的生活理想也体现出文人的审美情趣。  相似文献   

张倩 《现代语文》2013,(4):41-42
贾母是贾氏家族的"宝塔尖",她地位尊贵,身世显赫,并且对于所拥有的权威具有高度的自觉性;同时她又慈祥、通达、有远见、有理性。她是贾府这一封建家族的"龙头拐杖",既代表着家族的最高权力,也维护着家族的存亡发展,在贾府中起着极为重要的作用。刘姥姥是《红楼梦》中最引人注目的人物之一。她的形象特征可用  相似文献   

《田七郎》一文中,田七郎母亲虽着墨不多,但其形象非常丰富,具有深厚的意蕴。田母是一位识见高超、深明大义、知恩图报、舐犊情深而又充满悲剧性的贤母,她揭示出知恩图报和士为知己者死对于穷人的不公平性,田母形象的设置深化了小说的悲剧性。田母的原型是聂政之母及聂政之姊聂荣,是源自二人又不同于二人,类似二人又超越二人的一个新的、内涵丰富的人物形象。  相似文献   

采用量表法对115名学业成就中等生和108名学习优良学生的自我监控与语文、数学、英语成绩的关系进行了具体研究。结果发现,学业成就中等生的自我监控水平显著低于学习优良学生,主要体现在执行性、反馈性、补救性、总结性尤其是方法性等方面。不同学科与自我监控的关系有各自的特点。其中,自我监控与数学的关系最为密切,补救性和总结性的自我监控能力的差异是造成学业成就中等生和学习优良生数学成绩差异的重要原因。自我监控与语文、英语的关系则因学生类型而异:学业成就中等生的自我监控与语文、英语成绩无显著关系。而学习 自我监控则与英语成绩有显著的正相关,主要体现在意识性、方法性、反馈性等方面。此外,其自我监控中的意识性、方法性维度也与语文成绩有显著的正相关,这说明提高学业成就中等生的语文和英语成绩,应把自我监控的意识性和方法性的培养放在重要位置上。  相似文献   

This paper draws on a study of academic chairpersons’ experiences in one research‐intensive university in New Zealand. The research goal was see if there were recurring threads in chairpersons’ narratives about their experience and management of conflict and challenge. The research revealed that one of the most pervasive stories concerned a set of beliefs about the nature of academia. This tale that was interpreted in a variety of different even contradictory ways was the notion that academia was or should be based on collegiality. This idea was often presented in conjunction with other stories about academia such as autonomy and professionalism and in opposition to the concept of managerialism. A second significant thread was a range of perspectives about the expectation that chairpersons should be managers of resources. This paper discusses these findings in relation to the literature and argues that we need to find new ways of expressing and enacting the values that the term collegiality attempts to capture and a means of integrating them into the current demand for performance, stringent resource management and accountability.  相似文献   

This paper operationalized the notion of knowledge convergence and assessed quantitatively how much knowledge convergence occurred during collaborative learning. Knowledge convergence was defined as an increase in common knowledge where common knowledge referred to the knowledge that all collaborating partners had. Twenty pairs of college students collaborated to learn a science text about the human circulatory system. Comparisons of individual pre-test and post-test performance revealed that students shared more knowledge pieces and mental models after collaboration. Although the amount of convergence was modest, analyses showed that collaborative interaction was responsible for the increase in common knowledge. The increase in common knowledge was observed in knowledge that was never stated in the learning text as well as in knowledge that was explicitly presented in the text. The amount of convergence was related to interaction such that real pairs shared more knowledge than nominal pairs, and more interactive pairs shared more inferred knowledge than less interactive pairs. Collaborative dialogues and learning artifacts (e.g., drawings) also indicated that common knowledge was constructed during collaboration. Possible reasons for the discrepancy between the impression of strong convergence assumed in the literature and the results of this study are discussed along with the need to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the notion that includes its process, outcome, and sources of convergence.  相似文献   

通过露天水稻盆栽试验,模拟自然环境研究MTBE在水、土壤和水稻中的迁移转化规律及其对水稻性状影响。结果表明,MTBE在水中的溶解量远大于其在土壤中的吸附量,MTBE在水中的消失速率快于土壤中的消失速率;同时研究了水稻体内MTBE分布规律;另外研究了MTBE对水稻叶片中的光合色素、游离脯氨酸和丙二醛的含量的影响及对水稻籽粒质量的影响。  相似文献   

This research tested the hypothesis that in hyperactive and normal children a cognitive modelling treatment procedure would produce improved scores on the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF), a primary index of impulsivity. The hypothesis was based on earlier findings that modelling was found to be a successful treatment procedure for eliminating other behaviour disorders. The hypothesis was verified in that the cognitive modelling procedure reduced the number of errors on the MFF. Based on the present research, it was recommended that future studies evaluate the efficacy of modelling techniques to problem solving tasks utilized in the school setting.  相似文献   

This article reports results derived from the national study of Grade 5 in Vietnamese primary schools in which teachers and pupils took tests in reading and mathematics. The test data were calibrated so that teacher and pupil results could be mapped onto the same continuum. Results showed that the overlapping tests for teachers and pupils were appropriate for the pupils and easy for the teachers. Fit to the Rasch model indicated that the sets of items in both the reading and mathematics tests were each measuring a single domain. Teacher performances were predictably higher than those of the pupils. But there was a considerable overlap in scaled scores indicating that many Grade 5 pupils were out-performing a sub- sample of teachers. Of great concern were the analyses of aggregated results at provincial level. It was clear that the distribution of teacher competence in reading and mathematics was related to location of the provinces, and alarmingly so too was the distribution of pupil competence. The relationship between teacher and pupil competence was linear and indicated that pupil chances of improved learning were strongly linked to the competence of the teacher.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to use multivariate multilevel techniques to investigate whether it was possible to separate different dimensions in grades that relate to subject-matter achievement and to other factors. Data were derived from The Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database (GOLD), and the subjects were 99,070 ninth-grade students born in 1987. The analyses were based on subject grades and scores on national tests in Swedish, English, and mathematics. The results showed that, at both individual and school levels, the greatest part of the variance in grades was due to achievement in the different subject areas. At both levels, it was possible to identify a dimension that cut across the grades in all 3 subjects, which suggests that grading is influenced by factors other than achievement. One of the most interesting results concerns the relation between parental education and the common grade dimension at the school level.  相似文献   

探讨平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、α-羟丁酸脱氢酶(α-HBDH)联合检测在贫血诊断和疗效观察中的价值。对贫血患者的外周血标本检测MCV,MCH,RDW,α-HBDH,并进行分析。结果显示:①缺铁性贫血(IDA)、巨幼红细胞性贫血(MA)、骨髓增生异常综合症(MDS)患者的MCV与正常对照组比较差异有显著性,温抗体(型)自身免疫性溶血性贫血(WAIHA),MA,AA,MDS组的MCV比IDA组高,MA组的MCV还比AA组的高,(P〈0.05);②MA、IDA组与正常对照组的MCH比较时差异有显著性,MA,AA,WAIHA,MDS组的MCH比IDA组高,MA组的MCH还比AA、WAIHA组的高,(P〈0.05);③IDA,MA,WAIHA,MDS患者的RDW-CV与正常对照的差异有显著性,(均P〈0.05);④MA,WAIHA,MDS患者的α-HBDH与正常对照比较时差异有显著性,MA,WAIHA组的α—HBDH水平比IDA、AA组高,(P〈0.05);⑤MCV、α-HBDH在治疗前后的差异有显著性,两组MCV与α-HBDH均有相关性。四项参数的联合检测有助于常见贫血的鉴别诊断及疗效观察。  相似文献   

中国传统思想产生于春秋战国时代,儒家就是当时一个影响较大的学术团体,被称为“显学”。当时儒学只是理性的政治哲学,也可以说是政治智慧。汉代独尊儒术以后,儒学更受重视,在两汉之际就产生了迷信儒学的纬书,对孔子与儒学加进了一些神奇的内容。从那以后,历代当政者都要到孔子庙祭祀孔子,这就产生了信仰儒学的儒教。简单地说,历代书院是传承理性的政治智慧,各地的孔子庙则是出于信仰儒教,祭祀孔子的地方。这就可以明确了儒学在书院中传承,儒教在孔子庙中持续。儒学与儒教并存于世,可以相互配合,也可以各自发展,不必要求统一。  相似文献   

Three studies on the relationship between curiosity and interest are reported. The first study was a meta-analysis that examined the Pearson correlations between scales assessing curiosity and interest. Based on 24 studies (31 effect sizes), we found that the curiosity scales correlated with the interest scales at a moderate level (r = 0.53), but they had extremely high heterogeneity. The second and third studies applied network analyses (i.e., co-occurrence analysis and correlation-based analysis) to data that was collected using experience sampling method. Across the studies, we found that while the feelings of curiosity reflected feelings of inquisitiveness, the feelings of interest were aligned with positive affect such as enjoyment and happiness. Importantly, an asymmetrical pattern also was found in curiosity-interest co-occurrences: when feelings of curiosity occurred, the co-occurrence of feelings of interest was highly likely, but not so vice versa. Overall, our findings suggest that feelings of curiosity are special cases of feelings of interest that pertain to knowledge acquisition. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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