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Five days a week Americans leave home early to go to work or school, often using two or three cars per family. They eat breakfast quickly or not at all. They have fast food for lunch or eat lunch at work, rarely at home. Some exercise at lunch time, but very few take naps(小睡) . In the evening some families have dinner together, but due to busy evening schedules(时刻表)  相似文献   

There's a dog in the house, in the house. There's a dog in the house, in the house. Are you sure it's not a mouse?  相似文献   

Launched in January 2010, the MySchool.edu.au website, which ranks and compares schools on the basis of standardised literacy and numeracy tests, has been the subject of intense media coverage. This article examines 34 editorials focused on MySchool, published from October 2009 to August 2010, and identifies three key narratives in operation, those of distrust, choice and performance. It argues that these narratives work together to reinforce and promote neoliberal educational discourses at the heart of what Michael Apple has termed the ‘conservative modernisation’ of education and other social services. Together, the dominant narratives position MySchool and the ensuing newspaper-generated and published league tables as the solution to problems of poor performance, ‘bad’ schools and ‘bad’ teachers in the face of times characterised by self-interested teachers and governments keen to shirk their responsibility in the education arena.  相似文献   


This review of literature includes recent studies of distance learning in military settings. Aspects of distance learning reviewed include 1) distance learning delivery systems, 2) effectiveness studies comparing distance learning and resident training, and 3) speculation as to the future of distance learning in military settings. Additionally, the results of interviews conducted at military sites and universities with experience in distance learning are reported.  相似文献   

牛津大学《Cherwell》兼职不利学业在英国,57%的大学生上学时兼职,其中,90%的人每周工作20个小时。然而,只有20%的牛津学子上学时兼职,且绝大多数的同学每周工作时间不N5个小时,众多牛津学子认为兼职会对学业产生负面影响。不过在假期,牛津学子的兼职比例与英国大学生的平均水平相当,为56%。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION It is well known that the physical properties, namely DNA strands interaction in promoter are connected with their activity. As it was established the two promoter regions ?35 and ?10 are the most important for the promoter functioning, all bases in the ?35 (TTGACA) and ?10 (TATAAT) hexamers were highly conserved (Harley and Reynolds, 1987; Hawley and McClure, 1983). The functional impor- tance of these sequences was proved in many inves- tigations (Record et al., 199…  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(6):204-206
T.S.Eliot,a great American poet in the twentieth century,is a spokesman of the Imagist Movement.He emphasizes describing the rotten Western civilization and the decayed morals after the First World War.Prufrock that T.S.Eliot described in his early poems is timid,hesitant,sensitive,anxious,lack of will and confidence;This paper will analyze the detailed behaviors of the characters in Eliot’s early poems and reveal the major image of modern men more clearly.  相似文献   

Only developing the students‘ interest in reading is not enough. If the students want to make rapid progress in reading and get a good result in the examinations, they must try to improve their reading skills. We all know that different aims need different methods, different materials need different methods, and different sorts of books need different methods. So, knowing the different types of the reading materials is the base of improving the students‘ skills in reading. Generally speaking,  相似文献   

VibriosisisacommonandseriousdiseasecausedbybacterialspeciesofthegenusVibrioinalargenumberofmarinefishes.Thediseaseischaracterisedbygeneralsepticaemia,superficialskinlesionsandextensivehaemorrhages[1].Upuntilaround1980,VibrioanguillarumwastheonlyVibriospecieswhichhadbeenshowntobethecausativeagentofvibriosis.However,recentstudieshaverevealedthatseveralotherVibriospeciessuchasV.alginolyticus,V.ordalli,V.damsela,andV.salmonicchwerealsoPOtentialfishpathogens.V.alginolyticus,V.porahaemolyticusa…  相似文献   

The enthusiasm regarding the school as a place for mental health promotion is powered by a large body of research demonstrating the links between mental health and well-being, academic success and future life opportunities. Despite on-going commitment to mental well-being in the U.K., statistics suggest mental health issues are increasing among children and young people. This small-scale qualitative-exploratory study, undertaken in two primary schools in North Wales, reports on how school practitioners perceive, promote and support the mental health and well-being of pupils. The paper highlights a reluctance by practitioners to address mental health topics due to fear of stigma and a desire to protect children. Issues linked to funding, skills and training, together with over-stretched specialist agencies, are making it difficult for school practitioners to support pupils. There is a pressing need for appropriate training opportunities in order for practitioners to be knowledgeable and to feel confident to discuss mental health with children and young people. Schools have a significant role in supporting children’s mental well-being and reducing the stigma attached to mental illness but only if this important topic is not regarded as an ‘elephant in the room’.  相似文献   

The revolution and changes that the New Information and Communication Technologies have caused in all social sectors, including education, demand schools to make an important effort to adapt to the new reality. If in the past we defended the introduction of media education in the classroom as a teaching tool and a cross‐curricular subject, we should now consider that studying the new technologies, Internet and the digital world is essential. A digital newspaper is one of the many paths teachers can use in media education and the new technologies. It can combine media education with using the techniques, and it implies a commitment to improve the quality of teaching, and to prepare students for today's society. It also develops new communicative skills and, given its attraction for young people, it is an excellent resource against school failure.Les médias dans la classe : proposition d'un journal digital www.parainfo.com. La révolution et les changements par de nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC) qui ont été causés dans tous les secteurs sociaux, y compris l'éducation, exigent que les écoles fassent des efforts importants pour s'adapter à la nouvelle réalité. Si dans le passé nous avons défendu l'introduction de l'éducation aux médias dans la classe comme un outil d'enseignement et un sujet qui couvre tout le curriculum, il faudrait maintenant considérer que l'étude des nouvelles technologies, internet et le monde digital est essentielle. Un journal digital est un des nombreux sentiers que les enseignants peuvent utiliser pour l'éducation aux médias et aux nouvelles technologies. Elle peut combiner l'éducation aux médias en utilisant les techniques et elle implique une volonté d'améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et de préparer les étudiants à la sociétié d'aujourd'hui. Elle développe aussi de nouvelles attitudes à la communication et étant donné son attrait pour les jeunes c'est une excellente ressource contre les échecs scolaires.Die Medien im Klassenzimmer: Ein Vorschlag für eine digitale Zeitung www.paraninfo.com. Die Revolution und die Änderungen, die die neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in allen sozialen Sektoren - einschließlich der Bildung - verursacht haben, zwingen Schulen, ernsthafte Anstrengung zu unternehmen, sich der neuen Realität anzupassen. Wenn wir in der Vergangenheit die Einführung der Medienbildung im Klassenzimmer (nur) als ein Lehrwerkzeug und als Fach übergreifendes Thema verteidigten, sollten wir jetzt daran denken, dass es wesentlich ist, jetzt die neuen Technologien, das Internet und die digitale Welt selbst zu studieren. Eine digitale Zeitung ist einer von vielen Wegen, die Lehrer in der Medienbildung und bei der Hinführung zu den Neuen Technologien gehen können. Sie kann Medienbildung mit dem Gebrauch von Technik verbinden und impliziert eine Verpflichtung, die Qualität des Lehrens zu verbessern und die Studenten auf die heutige Gesellschaft vorzubereiten. Es entwickeln sich auch neue kommunikative Fertigkeiten und, eine Anziehung für junge Leute unterstellt, ist sie eine ausgezeichnete Ressource gegen Schulversagen.  相似文献   

Life is exciting and convenient in the city.People can enjoy all sorts of services and entertainments such as restaurants,shopping centers,hospitals,cinemas and so on.  相似文献   

This article refers to a study on how the school principal engaged in the process after a school self-evaluation. The study examined how two primary schools followed up the evaluation. Although they both used the same evaluation tool, the schools’ understanding and application of results differed greatly. This paper describes and discusses the post evaluation process based on Erik Johnsen’s ideal leadership model (2002). It argues that formal leadership makes a difference in the use of the school evaluation for development by providing a proper context for knowledge sharing and reflection. This involves the prioritization and facilitation of individual and organisational reflection for learning, as well as transformation of knowledge through interaction across the whole school.  相似文献   

Students’ affective domain has been popular in the mathematics education community in an ongoing attempt to understand students’ learning behavior. Specifically, enhancing students’ motivation in the mathematics classroom is an important issue for teachers and researchers, due to its relation to students’ behavior and achievement. This paper utilized achievement goal theory—an important theoretical prospect on students’ motivation in school settings—to investigate the existence of a model presenting the relation between motivation and other affective constructs and students’ performance in mathematics. In this regard, two types of tests were administered to 321 sixth grade students measuring their motivation and other affective constructs and their performance in mathematics. Using structural equation modeling, we examined the associations among the affective constructs, motivation, and the extent to which these constructs influence students’ performance and interest in mathematics. The data revealed that students’ performance and their interest in mathematics were influenced by fear of failure, self-efficacy beliefs, and achievement goals. We discuss these findings in terms of teaching implications in the mathematics classroom.  相似文献   

KEY: FL=foreign language LT=language teaching LL=language learning TL=target language *=ungrammatical, unacceptable, incorrect cf.=compare 1. Accuracy Pronouncing a language and using its grammar and idioms in a manner acceptable to, and judged correct by, native speakers of the language; ability to use language in accordance with accepted norms. 'Accuracy' contrasts generally  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - This study considers whether performance funding policies systematically tend to harm some types of institutions of higher education while helping others. Building on...  相似文献   

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