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本文首先从学校教育教学活动的内在要求、教师自身专业全面发展的需要、构建高素质教师队伍的需要、课程资源开发的需要等四方面出发,论证了教师合作的重要性;接着,从表面虚假的合作、趋于形式的合作、受于被动的合作三个方面分析了现存问题;最后,从教师和学校两个主体出发提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

We use a unique longitudinal sample of student teachers (“interns”) from six Washington state teacher training institutions to investigate patterns of entry into the teaching workforce. We estimate split population models that simultaneously estimate the impact of individual characteristics and student teaching experiences on the timing and probability of initial hiring as a public school teacher. Not surprisingly, we find that interns endorsed to teach in “difficult-to-staff” areas are more likely to find employment as public school teachers than interns endorsed in other areas. Younger interns, white interns, and interns who completed their student teaching in suburban schools are also more likely to find a teaching job, all else equal. Prospective teachers who do their internships at schools that have more teacher turnover are more likely to find employment, often at those schools. On the other hand, few of the characteristics of an intern's cooperating teacher are predictive of workforce entry. Finally, interns with higher credential exam scores are more likely to be hired by the school where they did their student teaching.  相似文献   

教师职前培养是教师教育的核心组成部分,其发展状况直接影响着教师教育质量和教师专业化发展水平。在对当今世界发达国家教师职前培养入学条件、教师标准、课程体系、教育实践方式和教师资格制度等各方面特点进行总结和概括的基础上,结合中国教师职前培养现状,从中剥离出有益于中国教师教育改革的诸多经验,提出对教师教育的入学条件进行限制、确立专业化的教师标准体系、完善教师教育课程体系、加重实习的力度和完善教师资格制度等方面的改善措施,旨在借此启示中国教师职前培养的发展与完善。  相似文献   

农村教师专业发展:中国教师教育研究新动向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国目前有中小学教师1000多万人,其中80%多在县镇以下农村地区任教;广大农村教师支撑着中国教育的大半壁江山。直面这个十分重要而又独特的教师群体,近年来中国学界对农村教师教育及其专业发展问题逐日关注,呈现出一些值得透视的研究新动向,主要是:农村教师专业发展概念的提出与诠释;聚焦农村教师专业发展面临的问题与挑战,如农村地区"教师教育边缘化"问题;促进农村教师专业发展的对策与建议,旨在构建人民满意的农村教师队伍,提高农村教育质量。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷和访谈相结合的方法对平凉市崆峒区农村小学师资现状进行抽样调查与分析。结果表明,第一,教师学历和资格基本达标,达到基层学校对教师从教资格的基本要求,但是学历结构有待提升;从教龄和职称分布情况看,中青年教师比例偏少,出现两极化现象,优质教师资源流失情况较为严重。第二,教师普遍感觉工作压力大,身心俱疲,力不从心。第三,教师专业发展意识淡漠,对工作环境、工资待遇、专业发展模式、职业满意度较低。针对以上问题,本文从教师资源配置、管理理念转变、教育资源整合以及加大教育资金投入等几个方面提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

学前教育师资培训,是提高幼儿园教师综合素质,促进教师专业成长的有效途径。从目前的学前教育师资培训来看,还存在着不足。根据社会对学前教育师资的需求,笔者认为,在培训中要重视师资培养与师资培训的有机结合、师资培训与教学实践及科学研究的结合,同时师资培训要体现以人为本的理念,要灵活选择培训内容和方式,注重师德培养。  相似文献   

A role for practising teachers in initial teacher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the problems which can arise from the location of initial teacher education in two contexts, namely higher education and schools. An attempt to reduce the resulting dissonance by deploying practising teachers on an initial teacher education programme within higher education is described and the views of those teachers are presented. It is suggested that the use of practising teachers in higher education has a number of advantages, such as the presentation to students of situated and practical knowledge of teaching and the opportunity for more consistent quality assurance of professional inputs to the programme. But questions are raised about access to the craft knowledge of the teachers and the relationship between theoretical and practical components of the course. It is concluded that bringing practising teachers into the higher education contexts could act as a basis for the development of a more effective initial teacher education and for professional development of both teachers and lecturers working on initial teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

Teaching portfolios have been widely used in pre-service teacher education programs for approximately two decades and often constitute exit requirements and/or function as a requirement for entry to the teaching profession. Yet much has been written about teacher candidate confusion as to whether the portfolio's purpose is to document their learning and their identity formation as teachers or to serve as evidence of their teaching competence. This paper applies a sociocultural historical lens to this issue, exploring the possible role of teaching portfolios as an effective tool both for the negotiation of identity and for the demonstration of teaching competence. Through examining the perceptions of teachers who are in their first five years of teaching, we seek to re-frame the above issues in relation to repertoires of practice, a sociocultural historical phrase referring to shared competencies within a given community. We conclude that this re-framing enables novice teachers to understand competencies as the repertoires of the teaching profession and that they can enact these repertoires, or competencies, through a range of different practices. Through this re-framing, the purposes of the teaching portfolio may be more apparent and less contradictory.  相似文献   

This article discusses the lingering problem of poor and inappropriate preparation of professional teachers of reading and learning disabilities – why it exists and what we can do about it. Because most students classified as having learning disabilities experience primary difficulties with language-based learning, teachers must know how to teach the forms and processes of language on which literacy depends, but most teacher preparation programs fail to teach this content at a level that supports teachers' implementation of effective instruction. The evidence suggests that teachers may cling to unproductive philosophies of teaching not only because science-based instruction is neglected in many teacher training programs, but also because the requisite insights are elusive and the content is difficult for many to grasp, even with some exposure. While ideologies can be blamed for much resistance to explicit, systematic methodologies, we must ask why they develop in the first place. Although there is a substantial body of research on the relationship between teacher knowledge, practice, and student outcomes in reading on which to build reform in teacher training and mentoring, more thought should be given to how prospective teachers are taught. First, the disciplinary knowledge base required to teach students with reading and related difficulties must be unambiguously explained in the standards by which teachers are educated and evaluated, and then programs must be set up to build teachers' insight as well as their knowledge of basic reading psychology, language structure, and pedagogy. Those who teach teachers in university settings or who provide professional development must be included in a supportive educational process, as wars of ideology are having only limited positive effects.  相似文献   

高职院校的师资队伍是发展高职教育的关键,但当前师资队伍的建设还存在不足,要加强高职院校师资队伍的建设和管理,转变观念,以师为本,加大“双师型”师资的培养和引进,稳定专、兼职师资队伍,完善和改革各种用人制度,引进人才,提高高职院校的师资水平。  相似文献   

刘华 《教育发展研究》2012,(Z2):51-56,61
实习教师是学习"做教师"的特殊群体,其专业发展中存在一些深层次问题。导致这些问题的原因有:实习学校教师专业精神的消极影响、实习教师的基础性素养不高、实习期间的有效工作量不足、"经验-模仿"的实习指导模式、实习教师实践时对理论的疏离。为此,需要全面改革职前教师教育课程,以促进实习教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we challenge the current focus on ‘best practice’, graduate teacher tests, and student test scores as the panacea for ensuring teaching quality and argue for ways of thinking about evidence of quality beginning teaching outside and beyond the current neoliberal accountability discourses circulating in Australia and other countries. We suggest that teacher educators need to reinsert themselves as key players in the debates around quality beginning teaching, rather than being viewed as a source of the problem. To enable teacher educators to assume accountability for quality beginning teachers, we propose the framework of a capstone teacher performance assessment—a structured portfolio called the Authentic Teacher Assessment (ATA)—and examine examples of these assessments through the lens of critical discourse analysis. As a measure of ‘readiness to teach’, the ATA is compared with supervising teachers’ assessments of preservice teachers. We argue that structured portfolios that include artefacts derived from preservice teachers’ practice in classrooms along with graduate teacher self assessments provide a stronger accountability measure of effective beginning teaching and demonstrably address the current anxiety regarding ‘evidence’. We suggest that such an approach should be reliable enough to be ‘read’ by external assessors (and moderated across other teacher education institutions). Rigorous research on a national basis is called for in order to develop and implement a structured portfolio as rich evidence of graduates’ quality and readiness to teach.  相似文献   

特岗教师是"特岗计划"的主体,是一个特殊的教师群体:是受着与非特岗教师不一样待遇,面临许多专业发展问题,有强烈专业发展需求的农村初任教师。作为初任教师的特岗教师有教学和心理两方面的专业发展需求,通过充分利用教育资源和增强特岗教师自主发展意识可以满足特岗教师这两方面的专业发展需求,从而促进特岗教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

随班就读是具有典型中国特色的融合教育形式之一,师资是提高随班就读质量、保障残疾儿童少年公平受教育权利的重要保证。当前随班就读师资培训中存在的问题有:高等院校教师教育培养目标严重缺位;相关文件规定的培训目标模糊不清;职后培训模式单一,形式死板;师资培训的课程不完整,内容普教化、针对性不强。解决对策主要有:明确承担随班就读工作的师资条件,细化师资培训目标;结合实际,灵活拓展培训新模式;构建合理的师资培训课程内容。  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of teacher team composition on characteristics and attributes regarded as necessary for effective cooperative teaching. The study focused on potential differences between self-selected teacher teams and teams composed by the school administration. The central assumptions were that teachers working in self-selected teacher teams show more positive ratings of enjoyment, shared responsibility, job satisfaction and collective self-efficacy expectations than teachers who worked in institutionally composed teams. In order to investigate these hypotheses, an online survey was created. 321 language arts teachers participated in the survey. MANCOVA revealed significant differences in the dimensions ‘shared responsibility’ and ‘enjoyment with the co-teaching process’, where teachers from self-selected teaching teams showed significantly more positive ratings. These results support the assumption that self-selection of the team-mate is helpful for establishing compatible teaching teams, but does not necessarily lead to a higher quality of collaborative teaching.  相似文献   

教师资格考试分为笔试和面试,笔试合格者参加面试,面试是取得教师资格证的必备条件。教师资格面试内容有八项:职业认知、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质、教学设计、教学实施、教学评价。面试形式有三种:结构化问答、试讲和答辩。教师资格的面试步骤、训练原则、训练模式、注意事项等是考生比较关注的问题。这些内容对报考小学、初中、高中、中职和幼儿园教师资格证的考生和从事教师资格证面试培训的教师,很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This small‐scale study investigates the origins of parental disillusionment with school, with a focus on the extent to which disillusionment is related to the level and quality of partnership between parents and teachers. It also compares the reactions of parents when teachers take the initiative in contacting them about a child's learning or social problems with those of teachers when parents contact them. Sixteen pairs of parents and teachers who had met to discuss such problems agreed to take part in separate interviews. At least at the outset, partnership was consistently more effective when teachers initiated the contact than when parents initiated it. Initial tensions in the relationship could be reduced when either a parent or a teacher took action to improve the relationship. Parental disillusionment occurred in only three cases, where neither parent nor teacher could see their way to any compromise.  相似文献   

Teachers make a difference in student academic growth. Students from low-income, minority communities attend schools with less resources and less qualified teachers than students in wealthier communities. The Race to the Top (RTTT) policy by the U.S. Department of Education has attempted to address the achievement gap based on SES and the disparity in the quality of teachers between communities. The policy stipulates that teacher effectiveness be determined, in significant part, by student growth measures and supplemented with multiple observation-based assessments. The emphasis placed on student outcomes to indicate teacher effects has served to link teacher evaluations with teacher effectiveness. This review article examines the reported benefits and critical responses to the use of a prominent student growth measure, the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS), in terms of its implementation as an evaluation tool of teacher effectiveness in low-income, minority schools. Models of observational teacher evaluations, taking into consideration common attributes of effective teachers in low-income schools, are presented as supplemental measures to provide more in-depth information to interpret value-added analyses and to minimize possible misinterpretation of student growth data or the misclassification of teachers’ effectiveness for teachers in low-income schools. Information obtained from a combination of evaluation measures can be used to identify both effective and ineffective teachers, to target areas in need of improvement to increase teacher effectiveness, and to make decisions concerning the equitable distribution of effective teachers, especially for students who are most in need.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy is an important motivational construct for primary school teachers (teachers of children aged 5–12 years) within Australia. Teacher self-efficacy beliefs will determine the level of teacher confidence and competence to engage with a task. In this study, we explore engagement with digital technology and the associated learning and teaching of digital technology. Exploring the teacher self-efficacy beliefs towards technology of pre-service teachers, this study surveyed pre-service teachers studying to become primary teachers in two states within Australia (Victoria and Queensland). Findings are important as they provide insights into current levels of perceived competence and confidence towards engaging with digital technology as a future teacher. Findings highlight vast difference across a variety of teacher skills and actions. Given that beliefs are resistant to change after the beginning phase of teaching, it is important to understand the current beliefs of pre-service teachers who will soon be present in Australian classrooms.  相似文献   

在基础教育新课程改革的今天,为了适应教育信息化的新要求,农村小学英语教师已然开始尝试使用多媒体开展教学。研究表明,多媒体应用在基础教育教学中,可以使课堂教学效果和教学质量得到显著的提高,同时也使学生的主体作用得到更大程度的发挥。但在农村,一些小学英语教师因缺乏足够的理论和技术方面的指导,在优质课竞赛过程中仍然存在滥用多媒体等不容忽视、亟待解决的问题。结合教学实践,总结目前农村小学英语教师多媒体教学中存在的实际问题,并就如何更好地将多媒体应用于英语实践教学,增强教学效果和质量,进行探索。  相似文献   

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