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This article examines early childhood educationin Hong Kong from three perspectives: historical, socio-economic, and educational development. Each perspective highlights different issues and problems in the development of early childhood education. The historical perspective identifies some major events and their influence on the formulation of educational policies particularly at pre-school level. The social-economicperspective considers education as the means toachieve economic development, which is whythe amount of resources allocated is closelylinked with the future needs of the economy;therefore preschool education has long beenneglected in Hong Kong. The educationaldevelopment perspective reflects the Hong Konggovernment's expectations for education, and thereview of the educational policies helpsunderstand the development of pre-schooleducation. Analysis of some historicalbackground and current trends of early childhoodeducation development, highlight possible future developments of early childhood education in Hong Kong, particularly after the reunification with her motherland, China, in 1997.  相似文献   

Famously, Walter Benjamin once wrote that behind historical materialism lies a disavowed theological “hunchback.” More importantly, it is only through a rejuvenated relation with this theological hunchback that historical materialism can ultimately realize its own revolutionary possibilities. While the theological dimension of critical theory has been explored in a variety of disciplines and for a variety of political and philosophical purposes, the same cannot be said for the field of critical pedagogy. In this essay, Tyson Lewis addresses this gap by focusing on mystical traditions of messianism that haunt certain strains of critical pedagogy. He contends that critical pedagogy cannot overcome certain limitations within its own project without unlocking the radical kernel of the messianic. In brief, messianism offers a potential moment for rethinking education outside of a sovereign decision over and against student life by reuniting educational time with the creative time of the now, kairos. In developing a genealogical rethinking of the messianic within critical pedagogy, Lewis focuses on the work of Paulo Freire. By articulating Freire with current theorists of the messianic, including Giorgio Agamben, we can see how the time of the messianic moment is educational time and how educational time, in its most radical formulation, is a messianic opening. Lewis concludes that a resolution of the question of authority as well as a new notion of educational time help to situate the emphasis of critical pedagogy toward a new appreciation of and respect for the theme of potentiality.  相似文献   


The notion of historical thinking has in recent years become popular in research on history education, particularly so in North America, the UK and Australia. The aim of this paper is to discuss the cognitive competencies related to historical thinking, as expressed by some influential Canadian researchers, as an history educational notion from two aspects: what is historical thinking and what does it mean in an educational context, and what are the consequences of historical thinking for history education? Our discussion will focus on possible implications of this approach to history education regarding what should be taught in history classrooms and why. By focusing on the notion of historicity, we want to argue that while a focus on a more disciplinary approach to history education is welcome, we think that more attention should be given to what could qualify as a disciplinary approach. We further argue historical thinking and the history educational challenge should be understood as wider and more complex than what history education informed by historical thinking entails.  相似文献   

教师专业发展课题是国际师范教育领域的热门课题,已经普遍引起各国的关注。回顾日本师范教育从近代创立到现代教师教育的发展历程,再现了日本教师专业发展的4个阶段及其发展特征,为我国教师教育改革提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

Theoretically informed by the sociological work of Pierre Bourdieu, this analysis represents an initial attempt to examine what it would mean to analyse educational policy as a social field. By employing such a frame, two main claims are addressed: (1) that the sociological perspective of Bourdieu offers valuable potential for understanding both educational policy, per se, and what it means to analyse educational policy; and (2) that there is good reason to question claims about shifts in power relations in US educational policy. Where other contemporary analyses of educational policy draw on some of Bourdieu's conceptual framework, in this paper I hope to more systematically elaborate methodological concerns raised when applying a Bourdieuian framework to educational policy. Further, I argue the perspective developed here suggests that in the 1980s US educational policy reforms reveal the historical maturation of a social field which has developed its own autonomy and its own rewards.  相似文献   

The authors in this special issue focus on race focusing and reimaging research. In this commentary, I acknowledge the importance of their contributions to the field of educational psychology by highlighting the authors; 1) creative focus on important problems, 2) thoughtful use of research methods and methodologies with attention to rigor, and 3) acknowledgement of the importance of social historical contexts for researchers. In addition, I present my thoughts on some of the challenges moving forward for researchers who focus on race focusing and reimaging inquiry in educational psychology.  相似文献   

基于系统论,以2003-2020年为研究时段,采用系统动力学的研究方法,运用Vensim PLE软件,建立了专业技术人员社会成层教育机制的系统动力学模型。研究发现,影响专业技术人员社会成层的教育机制因素包括内隐的阶层特征因素、外显的教育地位因素、经济发展的动力因素、政府高等教育经费投入助推因素、家庭经济收入制约因素。模型仿真结果表明我国专业技术人员阶层规模不断扩大,2020年占中间阶层总人数的比例将增长至40%。  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of recent theoretical work on ‘critical pedagogy’, focusing particularly on its relationship with media education. The first part of the paper questions critical pedagogy on several grounds: its synthesizing political and theoretical ambitions; its neglect of educational practice; and its evasion of questions of power and authority. It concludes by considering the implications of recent criticisms of this approach in terms of classroom practice. The second part of the paper considers the ways in which critical pedagogy theorists have sought to engage with media education. It questions the pedagogical relations which are established by such writers’ critical practice, and the theories of the media and of learning on which they are based. It contrasts these arguments with approaches to media education developed in the UK and elsewhere, focusing particularly on the relationships between pleasure and ideology and between theory and practice.  相似文献   

从20世纪70年代至21世纪初这40年间对郭秉文教育思想的研究主要集中于郭秉文创建东南大学的办学理念和具体的实施方针领域,呈现出由理论探讨走向实践总结,由史实叙述走向史论结合,由思想研究走向原因探析的趋势以及历史研究与现实启示有机结合、相互促进的局面。但同时亦有研究中的不足和未涉领域的空缺,引发当代研究者的深层思考。  相似文献   

教育机器人具有教学适用性、开放性、可扩展性和人机交互友好性等特点,在优化教与学方面具有很大潜能,但目前对教育机器人的功能分析仍不系统。为此,文章从用户体验视角,提出了包含表情动作、感知输入、机器人智能、社会互动等四个维度的教育机器人产品的功能分析框架,并在此基础上对国内外40个教育机器人产品进行了评测与分析。此外,文章还结合教学适用性和技术成熟度两个因素,从推动拟人发展、提升感知智能、聚焦真人智能、实现文化互动等角度对未来我国教育机器人产品的研发提出建议,以期为基于教育机器人的学习支持服务提供参考。  相似文献   

科学素养是培养促进社会和谐发展的高素质国民的重要基础,是个人发展核心素养的关键成分。本文以我国学生发展核心素养框架为指导,通过对科学素养内涵与结构的历史梳理及国际比较研究,提炼出核心素养视域下科学素养内涵的整体性、发展性、情境性、时代性等四大特征,并在此基础上进一步揭示出科学素养结构中理性思维、批判质疑能力、科学探究三大关键成分。在我国核心素养课程改革中,科学素养的培养应从系统把握科学素养内涵与结构入手,高度重视批判质疑能力的培养,积极寻求有效的科学探究教育模式,同时完善适合我国国情与文化的科学素养评价机制。  相似文献   

教育学理论的开放性品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学理论的开放性品质是教育学理论品质的核心。历史上的教育学理论都坚持了开放性的理论品质,不断丰富、发展和完善自己。教育学的研究对象决定了教育学的开放性品质,教育学的开放性理论品质随着教育学的研究对象——教育问题的变迁而发展。坚持教育学理论的开放性品质是建设具有中国特色的教育学体系的根本要求。  相似文献   

教育技术学之传记研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育技术学是否有或者应该有自己的研究方法?这是教育技术学研究领域一直存在的一个争议问题。任何一个领域或者学科都没有必要强求专属于本领域或本学科的研究方法。选择恰当和合理的研究方法才是科学研究最为重要的问题。在以往的研究中,我们更多关注教育技术学学科本身,却忽视教育技术学发展过程中人的作用与价值。回顾教育技术学发展历史,关键人物是推动这一学科本土化发展的原动力。传记研究对于关注社会发展过程中个人历史的作用以及个人与文化群体、个人与社会变迁的研究来说,有明显的优势。因为它的架构是历史的,背景是社会学的,目的是文化人类学的。它以生命经验为研究核心,重视个人主体性的表达和过程资料的提供,重视叙述性、脉络性和历史性等方面的价值,能够克服量化与质性研究方法的对立,避免理论探究与实证经验的分离,因此可以作为一种有效的沟通工具,了解个人及其所处的时代背景。在教育技术研究领域运用传记研究方法,可以将技术促进与改善教育作为联系的焦点,审视"人"通过技术在教育领域中的种种自我表演,为梳理教育技术基本思想和发展历程提供方法和途径。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a shift in popular thinking and government policy on education in Australia, away from the social democratic consensus of the Karmel era, towards a Rightist perception. While a number of sources of this movement may be identified, in this paper I will focus on the politics of discourse. Drawing on Laclau's and Mouffe's developments of Gramsci's theory of hegemony, I will explore the ways in which various educational lobby groups have sought to produce a ‘common‐sense’ concerning Australian schooling. The examination of a critical historical incident is a useful way of illustrating the strategies employed by these groups, as their political efforts are particularly concentrated at such times.

In its 1983 Education Guidelines the federal Labour government announced, amongst many things, that it intended to reduce funds to Australia's ‘best resourced’ private schools. A bitter debate between supporters of private schools and state schools ensued. On the surface each party sought merely to influence the 1984 Guidelines which would determine funding policies for some time to come. At the debates centre, however, were issues to do with the nature and purpose of schooling and what and whose interests it should serve.

This historical incident exemplifies the politics of the contending parties particularly well. Private schooling was used as a symbolic rallying point around which particular definitions of education were constructed. This paper will focus first on the discursive strategies of the private school lobby and its allies, the educational Right, then on those of the state school lobby and the Left. My contention is that the private school lobby and its allies have achieved a discursive ascendency and my intention is to suggest some reasons why this is so and how it was achieved.  相似文献   

Following the exponential rise in publications on mindfulness in education and the emergence of some critical perspectives on this field, this paper articulates three roles of mindfulness practice in education: Mindfulness in, as and of education. The three are developed based on an examination of the practice as it is shaped by two different socio‐historical narratives, which in turn manifest in different modalities of implementation and aims in the contemporary educational field. While much of the field is governed by ‘mindfulness in education’ within economic‐therapeutic interventions, equal attention is given to ‘mindfulness as education’ as reflected in a whole school approach and to ‘mindfulness of education’ in which the practice radicalises the ethos of critical pedagogy. Describing these three roles, the paper introduces readers to the practice itself, offers a framework for understanding its associations with a variety of educational aims, and critically discusses these associations as well as the diverse pedagogical possibilities that this practice brings to contemporary and future education.  相似文献   

教育电影作为"五四"运动时期兴起的一种教育工具文体和教育实施方式,在"开民智"的时代主题之下,以其"寓教于乐"的教育形式与先进的技术手段,成为社会教育的一大利器,催生了早期电化教育的萌生和发展。文章通过检索查阅相关研究文献,挖掘整理散落的零星史料,去伪存真,鉴别求证,进而形成较为清晰、完整的历史图景,以佐证江苏是我国电化教育的发源地、江苏在我国电化教育发展史上贡献了多个"第一"、江苏在教育电影的创立和推进方面做出了创造性的贡献,从而继承和发扬我国电教先驱的历史智慧,为当下教育技术的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

教学环境对于学生的学业成就和智力发展有着至关重要的影响。教学环境可分为教育环境与学习环境。本文将从教育心理学针对教学环境的新进展入手,探讨教育环境、教学环境对学生学业成就、学业自我概念的影响,以针对课堂情感氛围和Marsh的I\E模型与大鱼小池效应的组合模型为重点,探讨其对于教与学的启示。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的发展赋予了精准教学新的生命力,促进了精准教学的实践应用,但尚未普及,一些关键性问题亟待解决。基于此,研究从学校视角切入,聚焦智能技术发展的时代背景,采用实地调查法、访谈法对国内知名教育信息化企业及其实验学校进行调研,遵循设计重点、设计方法的思路对访谈文本进行内容分析,设计了数据层(三类数据支持)、技术层(三种技术支持)、方法层(一套教法支持)、管理层(四项管理支持)以及文化层(三大文化支持)的精准教学五维支持服务框架。依托课题项目,研究选取51所课题实验学校进行为期2年的实践应用,结果表明,精准教学五维支持服务框架在实验学校的整体应用效果良好,能够有效增强教师教学获得感、提升教学能力并转变教学观念,提高学生学习满意度、强化学习能力并提升学习成绩。  相似文献   

社会转型期的时代背景推动了智能时代的教育改革。如何系统化地认识与研究当下的教育改革,同时科学合理地设计教育实践的干预策略,是当下教育改革与发展面临的两个核心问题。本研究从历史学、社会学和教育学三个视角出发,通过探讨教育实践及其理论发展的历史背景,从认识论的角度梳理了教育社会实验生成演化的四个阶段,包括教育实践理论启蒙与初步探索的"前认识阶段"、教育实验形成与规范化的"前研究阶段"、从教育实践社会化到教育实验社会化的"后实践阶段",以及从关注教育实践到关注教育社会实验的"后研究阶段"。作为价值回应,"教育社会实验"在提升对教育改革的认识上起到了认识论的作用;"教育社会实验研究"在加深对当代教育改革认识的基础上,为实践干预提供了方法论指导。  相似文献   

“实施素质教育就是全面贯彻党的教育方针”。由“应试教育”向素质教育转轨提法有其合理成分 ,但更带来一系列令人困惑的问题。保证基础教育健康发展 ,要顺乎历史进程 ,端正方向 ,创造条件 ,提高质量。长达 1 0年围绕上述提法的讨论 ,其意义远远超出争论问题本身。它关涉到教育理论和实践的许多重大问题 ,引发、开阔了思路 ,进行了广泛探讨 ,获得了重要成果。我们能从中总结教育领导、教育改革和发展、教育科学研究等丰富的经验和教训 ,把我们教育思想理论水平提高一步  相似文献   

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