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This article explores the ‘ontological rift’ between the digital and the material archive of political broadside ballads. It outlines the ways in which the ballad’s original diversity has been eroded and homogenised by multiple processes of remediation, including digitisation over time, and investigates the limitations of digitisation projects in delivering the multifarious and widely scattered broadside ballad archive online. Finally, it considers how far digitisation projects have unintentionally ‘concretised’ not only older interpretive practices in relation to the ballad as genre, but also outdated narratives regarding the ballad’s place in the news networks and political culture of seventeenth-century England.  相似文献   

新一代可扩展置标语言XML具有面向文档、面向数据和面向语义的功能,能够很好地保证文档一体化过程所产生的电子文件的凭证价值,因此,XML已经成为文档一体化过程中不可或缺的工具.本文从多层次、多角度对文档一体化领域中XML的研究现状进行了统计,并对统计的结果进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Inaugural Essay     
New to the Journal of Archival Organization, the “Technology matters in archives” column examines how technology affects archives and archivists. This inaugural column explains the nature of the column and sets the stage for topics and issues that it will address. It examines the meaning of the term technology. Further, the column explores the notion of technological dependence-- not just dependence on digital or electronic systems--as a lens in which to examine the archival enterprise in grappling with twenty-first century issues. Concluding with the suggestion that technology can be considered from three categorical points of view: soft (philosophical approaches and practices), medium (codified processes, guidelines and standards) and hard technology (hardware and software).  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和档案信息化建设的不断深入,我国数字档案馆建设方兴未艾。但处于异构系统环境下的电子档案在接收和长期保存工作中所凸显的凭证性作用保护和在复杂网络环境下的安全保管等问题,一直未得到有效解决。北京市档案局在"十二五"期间立项建设基于"云计算"技术的区域性数字档案馆,从北京市档案信息化应用现状出发,分析存在问题,探索"云计算"环境下区域性数字档案馆的若干关键技术以解决电子档案的凭证性保护和安全保管等关键性问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the archives of a major Catholic order, the Society of Jesus. The quality and amount of Jesuit sources allows a very detailed reconstruction not only of how the archives were meant to function, but also of how they were used in daily life. While the Jesuits and their archives resemble many other early modern institutions, the wealth of documentation nevertheless makes them particularly suitable for a case study of early modern archival practice. The paper argues that the order consciously developed a network of archives that closely mirrored the institutional framework of the Jesuit bureaucracy. Ideally, smooth and swift movement of papers within this network was meant to provide easy access to relevant documents for users at all hierarchical levels. In reality, however, Jesuit record keeping remained far from this ideal. Papers were misplaced or simply got lost in the maze of archives.  相似文献   

从历史的观点和发展的眼光看,未来数字档案馆将蕴藏大量的数字资源,如何将这些数字馆藏最大限度地进行开发和服务大众,档案工作者应未雨绸缪。大量优质、富有文化特色的数字馆藏资源可为社会提供文化、数字内容、教育等相关产业所需要的素材。本文介绍和分析了台湾数位学习与数位典藏计划(TEDAP,以下简称数位典藏计划)的产业发展经验,以期对未来我国数字档案馆的产业发展模式提供可能的解决方式和建议。  相似文献   

红色档案作为传承弘扬红色精神的重要载体,其建设向来为社会各界所重视,然而当前传统红色档案资源建设已经陷入了瓶颈期:新形势下档案开发转型困难、开发模式饱和、开发人员思维固化等问题紧紧束缚着它的发展,而数字人文这一新方法的引入则为红色档案资源建设提供了崭新的模式和广阔的思路。笔者将以沂蒙红嫂档案建设为例从数字化存储、数字化挖掘、数字化呈现着手进行新形势下红色档案资源建设方法的探析。  相似文献   

Digitised versions of archival fonds with micro or regional significance daily join mass digitisation projects of books and documents in the global digital space. For historians, the exponential expansion of searchable digital archival material has required the revision of traditional research methods. The digital age has also shifted disciplinary boundaries such as the distinction between historian and archivist. This article concerns a micro digitisation involving collaboration between historian and archivist, not in archive access as is usually the case, but in archive creation. The experience of this collaboration is generalisable to other micro-scale uploads of scanned material enabled by digital technologies. This article is a case study of this experience. It uses autoethnography to explore the practicalities and ethical processes of decision-making to create a new digital archive of wine history during the pilot stage of an Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grant. The decision-making process that transformed a historian as traditional archive end-user to archive creator highlights the challenges for both professions in the decision to digitise, the implications for expenditure of public funds and questions of digitisation and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

姚倩雯 《兰台世界》2020,(1):58-61,64
知识服务是数字档案服务的发展趋势,而档案大数据时代给数字档案馆的知识服务带来了新的机遇。通过对全国各省级档案门户网站及其工作者进行咨询调查,对我国档案大数据背景下的数字档案馆知识服务现状和发展的弊端进行剖析,探讨其原因,并提出可行性的建议,在自己学习的同时为数字档案馆知识服务实践起到参考作用。  相似文献   

档案的本质属性是原始记录性,这在档案学界已经形成基本共识,但该思想理论绝非尽善尽美,“一切文献都具有原始记录性说”的产生意味着传统“原始记录性说”固有缺陷的暴露。本文以文件(档案)的形成活动与文件(档案)的制作活动为主线,结合“一切文献都具有原始记录性说”的形成及影响,分析了传统“原始记录性说”的固有缺陷,并对其进行适度地补正和发展,最后阐述了原始记录性在电子文件时代的适用性。  相似文献   

互联网以及信息技术的进步和发展,对各行各业造成了冲击,在信息化大潮的冲击之下,各行业的生产、工作方式都发生了翻天覆地的变化。其中,传统档案已经转变为网络数字化档案存储形式,管理方式也发生了巨大的转变。高校档案记录着学校教学活动、科研活动、党政管理以及其他各项活动。本文在数字化背景下分析高校声像档案的管理与利用,着重分析声像档案的特点以及使用价值,以期为高校做好声像档案管理提供参考。  相似文献   

高校档案馆作为数字人文学术实践的场所之一,其档案资源的组织利用为数字人文研究提供了助力。借鉴开放档案倡议,探讨了高校开放档案的内涵、分类与价值,结合数字人文演进历程与核心特征,分析了高校档案馆如何满足数字人文研究不同层次需求,进而从资源采集、语义描述和知识展示三个层面提出面向数字人文的高校开放档案资源组织策略,并进一步从知识服务、协助育人、数字文创三个方面阐述了高校开放档案资源的利用模式。  相似文献   

The Germaine Greer Archive was created by Greer in the 1970s to document her career and provide-counter evidence against false claims about her work and personal life. Later attempts to address gaps in the archive in relation to her television career were hampered by the poor record keeping of production companies and film and television archives. The archive documents both an attempt to create a complete record and the deliberate creation of a counter-narrative through arrangement and juxtaposition of records.  相似文献   

渠诚 《档案管理》2008,(5):21-23
以“档案形成在前”学说的角度看来.档案馆中的部分“档案”并非真正意义的档案.而是被赋予档案信息的文件。档案是对历史事件的最为直接的记录.而历史事件的记录又大多是关于人的言行的记录.档案因此具有记录支配社会活动的人的观念与动机的价值。分析出档案的这种价值.对未来的档案实践工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   

以数字人文为目标,开展声像档案资源开发利用,需要了解数字人为的含义及其满足这一目标的基础设施建设等内容。本文探讨了声像档案在现有管理方式下信息利用的主要阻碍与壁垒,面向数字人文,除了满足声像档案藏与用等基本功能,还需要满足人文领域研究。在分析声像档案用户需求和特征的基础上,提出面向数字人文的声像档案资源组织方法,构建从数字采集到精准服务利用的模型,透过数字人文的蓬勃发展,拓宽数字声像档案在人文学科的大量应用。  相似文献   

英国的档案数字化建设项目起步较早且成果显著,在当前数字战略发展背景下,对英国档案数字化项目进行研究,对于促进我国推行档案大数据建设具有重要的参考意义。本文通过对英国档案数字化建设的典型项目Archives Inspire项目和Archives Unlocked项目进行分析,得出了英国档案数字化建设项目的主要特征为重视建设数字技术的开发与应用、注重数字人才的培养和注重数字档案资源的公开利用,并针对我国档案大数据建设现状提出了加强项目建设、加强人才培养、加强技术应用、加强法制建设等建议,以期为我国推进档案大数据建设提供新思路。  相似文献   

文书档案连锁法并不是简单的“三个统一”,而是民国时期文书档案改革的深化,其目标设计有实现文书处理与档案管理的双重意义,不仅要满足于行政效率的提高,更要促进行政事务的发展,所以既有分类、登记、编号和归档的改变,更有档案随文附送服务的设想与努力.文书档案连锁法确立的原则、方向和价值影响深远,这种探索精神散发出永恒的魅力.  相似文献   

沈蕾 《档案学研究》2020,34(4):38-42
"批存"是指批示或批准将文件材料留存备查,最初在清代和民国时期,"批存"的方式是在不需要回文答复的公文上批"存"字,新中国成立以后又出现了结案后整卷批存的方式,并被规定为文件归档工作环节之一,成为一种制度。虽然它曾经在归档工作中被弱化,但我国当今的政治制度以及档案工作理论体系下,它仍然应该是保障归档文件质量的重要环节,并可以成为文档一体化、前端控制理论落地的有效措施。  相似文献   


Exploring new sources on the Great War a hundred years after it ended is a unique and exciting experience for any First World War historian. The very nature of the documents that we are dealing with in the present case makes it even more thrilling: hundreds of investigation and prosecution files documenting the invasion and occupation of Belgium, produced by both military and civil jurisdictions in an effort to prosecute war criminals. These fascinating records – repatriated to Belgium from Moscow in 2002 – offer new material on issues such as the German atrocities and everyday life under the occupation, but they also provide highly valuable insights into the history of international criminal law. This exploratory article will trace the unexpected trajectory of these archives, contextualise their creation and highlight some of the treasures they contain. In doing so, this article will attempt to discuss the thorny issue of archive repatriation and the questions this raises from an archival and historical perspective. It also seeks to show that the establishment of an International Criminal Court, despite the fact that it is now being called into question more than ever before, rests on solid and far-reaching historical foundations.  相似文献   

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