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The authors created a psychometrically sound instrument that could be used to examine K-12 teachers’ perceptions of arts integration. Ten content experts reviewed the initial survey items for construct-fit and readability. Scores from 354 K-12 teachers were examined for the survey’s initial factor structure through exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Then, scores from 1,072 K-12 teachers were analyzed to complete a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Putting the Arts and the Classroom Together (PACT) data. EFA results indicated a three-factor structure (i.e., value, willingness, and barriers), and CFA results produced model indices showing good fit of the three-factor model. For purposes of examining teachers’ practices in integrating the arts, establishing teacher receptiveness to arts integrated curriculum is important in designing and implementing any professional development program. This survey could be used to establish baseline participant perceptions for staging targeted professional development to support educators in creating appropriate arts integrated curricula.  相似文献   

Teacher's academic optimism: The development and test of a new construct   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this exploratory study of teacher beliefs was twofold: first, to determine whether the construct of academic optimism could be defined and measured as an individual teacher characteristic as it has been at the collective school level, and second, to identify sets of teacher beliefs and practices that were good predictors of academic optimism. With a diverse sample of American elementary teachers, a second-order principal components analysis supported the hypothesis that academic optimism was a general construct composed of efficacy, trust, and academic emphasis. In addition, dispositional optimism, humanistic classroom management, student-centred beliefs and practices, and organizational citizenship behaviour were individually and collectively related to the explanation of a teacher's sense of academic optimism, controlling for SES.  相似文献   

In this article, I assert that giftedness is not a fact of nature or something that educators and psychologists have discovered. Instead, it is a socially constructed concept, something recently invented. I review the evolution of this construction and discuss some of the practical implications of the construct's application in education. Last, I speculate about some of the possible ways in which the construct may evolve in the future.  相似文献   

The role of the teaching hospital in medical education may be a useful model to describe the potential role of the Professional Development School (PDS) for teacher education. For most of the past century, teaching hospitals have been the key clinical training site for medical students. These hospitals offer students exposure to a broad mix of medical conditions, patient care services, and practicing physicians as teachers. The relationships between medical schools and teaching hospitals have been well defined and recognized by accrediting bodies. This model contributes substantially to the status of the U.S. medical education system as one of the best in the world, emulated by many other countries. In this article we describe the evolution of this model, including recent calls for modifications to better match current concepts on physician training and societal health care needs. Lessons from the medical education experience that are relevant to the PDS model and the education of teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

Greg J. Neimeyer is Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.  相似文献   

通过对异步十进制加法、减法计数器的分析 ,进一步设计出既能完成加法计数又能完成减法计数的逻辑电路即可逆计数器 ,并对它进行实验验证  相似文献   

建设以人为本的和谐社会,已成为当代中国的主流意识和发展趋势。根据可持续发展理念,从我校作为联合国教科文组织中国“环境、人口与可持续发展(EPD)教育”实验学校的实际出发,我校着力改革办学机制,积极参加课程和教学改实验,提高教育教学质量和办学效益,构建和谐生态校园,促进学校、教师和学生的可持续发展。  相似文献   

异步二进制可逆计数器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对异步二进制加法,减法计数器的分析,进一步设计出既能完成加法计数又能完成减法计数的逻辑电路即可逆计数器,并对它进行实验验证。  相似文献   

建设高水平开放大学是历史赋予电大的光荣使命与神圣责任,也是电大作为开放大学存在的理由和发展的主题。作为现代远程教育的先行者和主力军,电大必须具有面向全民的胸怀和超越时空的视野,坚持开放理念,发挥自身优势,立足开放教育,放眼终身教育,努力建设高水平开放大学,在发展终身教育、构建学习型社会中发挥骨干和支撑作用。  相似文献   

一、实现农村教育跨越式发展农村学校必须加强信息化建设 实现农村教育跨越式发展,其主要内容:一是要求我们在时代背景和社会基础上跨越,由小农经济的农业社会向知识经济的信息化社会转变,促进农村教育跨越式发展;二足时间上的跨越,缩短农村教育发展的进程,产生飞跃和突变,由服务小农经济转变为服务农村产业经济;三是质量上的跨越.优化农村教育.大幅度提升农村教育的质量和效益,扭转城乡教育差距扩大化的趋势.从而使农村学校能够承担起培养学生、向广大农民宣传先进文化和科学技术、提高农民劳动技能和创业能力的责任.更好地服务于三农。这  相似文献   

确保异步电动机的正常运行,使其在发生断相运行时及时停止电动机,避免造成电动机烧毁事故,除了需对电动机实行常规保护外,还有断相保护。本文对电动机的断相故障原因及断相保护方案等作了论述。  相似文献   

插值法有广泛的应用,而非标准Hermite插值的构造尚无更好的结论.为了对这一问题进一步了解,对文献所提问题从不同角度出发,得到了五种有效方法,大大拓展了文献中的解法.  相似文献   

《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》明确了农村教育在全面建设小康社会中的重要地位,把农村教育作为教育工作中的重中之重,提出加快推进“两基”攻坚,巩固提高普及义务教育的成果和质量:要坚持为“三农”服务,大力发展职业教育和成人教育,深化农村教育改革等一系列措施。  相似文献   

科学发展观是指导我国社会主义和谐社会建设的重要思想,是我们开展各项工作的行为参考,以科学发展观统领学校全局是高等学校推进改革、谋划发展、保持稳定、办好人民满意的高等教育的内在要求,如何将科学发展观用于高校公寓管理的实践,有效解决高校公寓管理中存在的问题,提高公寓管理和服务水平,为学生提供良好的学生生活环境,成为我们当前工作的重点,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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