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生活在美国的华人华侨已逾130万,很多华人父母不愿看到在它文化环境中成长的子女丧失自己的民族语言和文化传统,于是自发举办中文学校.本文介绍了美国中文学校的产生、发展和现状,较为详细地论述了美国中文学校的运行状况.  相似文献   

This article summarizes findings and lessons learned about implementing school improvement grant (SIG) initiatives in rural areas of the United States. The study examines state-level survey data based on the proportion of rural schools receiving SIG funds in the fall of 2010 in each state. In addition, the authors summarize related findings from rural-focused state and district case study work. The state survey showed that, regardless of the proportion of rural SIG schools, participating state officials (N = 46) reported providing similar supports to districts, such as technical assistance and increased monitoring and data review. However, fewer states with larger proportions of rural SIG schools believed these supports were important for improving schools. Among states with larger proportions of rural SIG schools, significantly fewer reported that replacing principals through SIG was key to improving student achievement. The case study data confirmed and elaborated on the survey findings.  相似文献   

This paper explains how organizations otherthan schools and governing agencies affect thescope and pace of change in American education.In particular, the paper discusses a set oforganizations operating in what can be calledthe school improvement ``industry' in the UnitedStates, that is, a group of organizationsproviding schools and governing agencies withinformation, training, materials, andprogrammatic resources relevant to problems ofinstructional improvement. The paper shows howthe structure and functioning of theseorganizations explain patterns of change inAmerican education – including why schools inthe United States experience wave after wave ofinnovation and reform while at the same timemaintaining a stable core of instructionalpractices.  相似文献   

"特许"中的"管制"--特许学校改革中政府的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特许学校是美国公立学校体系改革的主要方案,经过近10年的探索,已获得不同政治派别和利益群体的认可.特许状本质上是学校与政府间的"合同",但这个"合同"却包含着"特许权设计"的诸多细节,体现了美国各级政府对特许学校的立法、政策、监管等诸多法律和行政行为.通过特许权授予,在解决对公立学校直接行政管理低效问题的同时,实现了行政与市场手段的匹配.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,针对农村学校合并所带来的各种问题,以及考虑到农村小学校所具有的一些优势,美国政府开始通过提供资金支持、加强教师队伍建设和学校合作等措施来扶持一些需要保留的农村小规模学校,取得了积极的效果。借鉴美国相关的经验,我国应该在正确认识农村小学校作用的基础上,合理把握农村小学校恢复与保留的原则,为农村小学校提供充足的经费支持和加强教师队伍建设,以及加强农村小学校之间的合作等,以满足农村学生的教育需求。  相似文献   

美国择校制度产生至今已有三十年了,其成果是显而易见的,文章通过追溯美国择校制度从无到有的发展,以特许学校为例,从微观角度去看美国择校制度在现实生活中是如何发展前进的,试图从中找到一些经验和方法能为我国所用。希望不仅能对处理我国择校现象有所帮助,而且对我国基础教育改革有所参考。  相似文献   

Comprehensive schoolwide initiatives like integrated multitiered systems of support (I-MTSS) and universal design for learning (UDL) present opportunities for large-scale impact on improving teacher instructional practices and, therefore, student outcomes. Specifically, implementing I-MTSS and UDL concurrently presents an opportunity to enhance and improve universal instruction for all students. This mixed-methods study explored current Tier 1 practices in elementary schools across the United States. Findings revealed that I-MTSS and UDL are perceived as being implemented concurrently. In addition, school personnel identified specific barriers to implementation.  相似文献   

This chapter provides an overview of three major reform proposals offered recently as strategies for the renewal and improvement of educational practice in the United States. Proposals selected for analysis include site-based management, greater freedom of choice for parents selecting schools for their children, and the adoption of accountability standards tied to the demonstration of effectiveness through reviewing student performance on mandated student achievement tests. It has been assumed that schools will improve if these measures are adopted. The chapter looks at these concepts and questions the impact that the wholesale acceptance of such practice will have on the role and function of school principals  相似文献   

James Comer's educational philosophy and his ideas for school reform place child development and human relationships at the center of school change. These ideas, and the School Development Program (SDP) that he founded in 1968, have had considerable influence on school reform and school improvement strategies in the United States and abroad. The notion of creating and maintaining a caring and supportive community, in which the climate of the school supports the total development of the child, is fast becoming a universal aspect of school reform. Many schools across the country are now placing a greater focus on the nature and quality of their climate and on changing climate factors to enhance the development of their students. The result of this progression is that traditional evaluations comparing Comer SDP schools with other schools as non-SDP controls are no longer effective as an approach to studying SDP effects. A more meaningful and practical form of evaluation must now be utilized to pay closer attention to the quality of SDP implementation, the relationships between faithful replication of the SDP process and intervening and distal outcomes, and the varied contextual factors that can facilitate or restrain implementation.  相似文献   

美国多元办学模式及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国公立学校发展过程中暴露出的种种弊端 ,已经严重阻碍美国基础教育的发展。近几十年来 ,在公立学校体制内部引入竞争机制成为美国学校改革的重要内容 ,出现了一些极富特色的新型学校。  相似文献   

农村中学英语教师专业化建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村中学英语教师专业化建设是关乎农村教师整体素质提高的重要工作。为了进一步了解江西农村中学英语教师的专业化建设,本课题组成员分别从赣北、赣中、赣南随机抽取三所农村中学的英语教师进行访谈和问卷调查,对其结果进行分析、整理、总结,发现农村中学英语教师的专业化建设中存在的问题并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

二战后,美国普及教育阶段的城乡差距和种族歧视依然严重.为了应对这一挑战,美国掀起了农村"学校合并"的运动高潮,大规模合并农村学校,重组学区,提升农村学校的"规模效益"、学术内涵和教育质量.20世纪60年代,在教育机会均等理论思潮的影响下,美国农村普及教育在价值取向上发生了转折,开始追求城乡各类学校学生的教育机会均等,从而步入"多元均等"的发展路径.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding on school culture in the United States and Turkey. In this quantitative investigation, data were collected using the “School Culture Inventory” from 157 teachers in ?zmir, Turkey and 161 teachers in the United States. The findings show that both countries have a positive culture. A positive school culture enhances academic achievement, and culture is perceived more positively in medium SES schools in Turkey and low SES schools in the USA in terms of socioeconomic status (SES). The US schools rated higher in terms of improvement culture and the teaching culture while Turkish schools rated higher in terms of teacher collaboration.  相似文献   

作为一种在线学校评估方式,综合性评价是美国近年来出现的一种对高中学校进行评价的新方式,由全美非营利性第三方评估机构"好学校"(Great Schools)于2017年最先推出。其基本理念是:学生增值是衡量一所学校更准确的指标,应为家长提供学校的质量和优势方面的信息以及反映家长认为有意义的东西。评估由学生进步(学术进步)评定、大学准备评定、平等性评定、考试成绩评定等四大"主题评定"构成。其特点包括评价的内容强调针对性、评价的重点突出"为学生增值"和为弱势群体服务、评价过程与结果强调透明性与动态性、评价方法追求持续改进性,对深化新时代我国高中学校评价改革具有启发意义。  相似文献   

沈伟 《教师发展研究》2020,4(1):116-124
杜威的若干思想为发展乡村教师、改良社会提供了有益的视角,理解其关于教师发展的思想,必须超越单纯的技术论。在杜威的社会改良思想中,教师应促进适当的社会生活的形成,教师的培养应以中小学为中心,中小学是检验和证明教育原则的实验室。这一思想经陶行知的发展,成为中国乡土社会培养具有“农夫的身手、科学的头脑和改造社会的精神”的教师之有力途径,并进一步在美国服务学习中实现未来教师课程学习与国民责任的统一。鉴于此,需以科学精神与科学方法培养具有探究品质的乡村教师,这蕴含着发展乡村师资、改进乡土社会的承诺。  相似文献   

以一年或者更短的间隔为期,通过对学生进行标准化测试的方法,收集反映学生学习程度以及学校、教师教学能力的相关数据,是当前美国学校教育改革中的一个重要内容。文章以美国加利福尼亚州为例,考察了上述改革的实施情况,认为在《不让一个孩子掉队》(NCLB)法案推动下,相应的“学校文化”正在逐渐形成,即教师、学生和家长都开始认识到标准化测试在学生学业进步中的重要作用,成绩不好的学生也可以从中得到他们需要的帮助。在此过程中,一些在测试中成绩不佳的学校,可以以标准化测验的成绩为依据,转而雇佣职业素质更佳的校长与教师。然而,学校问责制对标准化测试的过分依赖也产生了一系列问题,如学校在有限的学科里减少与测试无关的课程安排,或者由于测试成绩不佳而惩罚一些在提高学生成绩方面能力有限的学校,包括那些学生大多是穷孩子或者移民后裔的学校。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国中小学在进行大规模"小班化"教育改革的同时,也在进行学校"小型化"改革的研究与尝试。美国中小学"小型化"改革的经验与具体做法对我国中小学改革具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

美国全纳教育的发展、实施策略及问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
美国全纳教育经历了30年的发展,从最初的一种教育理念发展为波及全美中小学的教育改革运动。全纳教育取得的成功使其成为当代美国基础教育改革的重要成果和标志之一。回顾美国全纳教育的兴起与发展、分析美国全纳教育的实施策略及其存在的问题对我国当前的基础教育改革具有特殊的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


The State of Alaska, by some measures the United States’ most rural state, has long supported correspondence schools, a popular school choice option available to all students statewide and used primarily by homeschooled students. This paper first explores Alaska correspondence schools in historical context, and then quantifies capture rate, enrollment by race/ethnicity, grade distributions, and cohort graduation rates for the years 2010–17. Findings include a steady increase in the proportion of Alaskan students enrolled in correspondence schools between 2010 and 2017; disproportionate enrollment of Alaskan students identified as White in correspondence schools between 2010 and 2017; enrollment peaks in late high school during 2014–17; and significantly lower 4- and 5-year cohort graduation rates among students enrolled in correspondence schools compared to those enrolled in traditional public schools.  相似文献   

Low-performing schools in rural settings can face challenges common to all struggling schools, such as low student motivation and maintaining a qualified teaching staff. However, aspects of rural schools’ settings, such as the distance from urban areas and the commute between the schools and the students’ and teachers’ homes, can exacerbate the challenges that rural schools face. This article focuses on the experiences of nine rural schools that were part of a study for the U.S. Department of Education on the school improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. In particular, it examines how respondents in the rural schools perceived that the schools’ rural setting influenced the schools’ challenges and improvement actions and presents findings on the recruitment and retention of teaching staff, an activity integral to school improvement efforts under SIG.  相似文献   

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