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杨萍 《外国教育研究》2003,30(10):24-26
近十多年来,美国家庭学校迅速增加,甚至在一些州家庭学校学生已经超过公立学校学生。这不容忽视的现象无疑对公立教育是一种挑战。文章对美国家庭学校的特点、兴起原因、优势及其对公立学校的威胁进行了述评。  相似文献   

一、何谓在家教育? “在家教育”,英文为home schooling,在国内,有人译作“家校”,但这种翻译显然不足以表达home schooling作为一种教育模式的活动意蕴。因此,我们认为将之译作“在家教育”更为恰当。 1.在家教育与家庭教育的区别 所谓在家教育是指学生不到学校接受一定的课程内容和教学时间,而是以家庭为中心,并由父母依需要对儿童进行教导的一种  相似文献   

“家庭学校”是当今美国一种重要的教育选择形式。文章介绍了美国“家庭学校”教育的许多有益经验,期望能对我国家庭教育与学校发展有所启示。这些经验包括:学习美国家庭学校运动快速发展进程中的务实与包容精神,促进中国教育的多元化发展;借鉴美国家庭学校进程中法律冲突的权力认定方式,对我们当前类似教育矛盾进行合理的法理分析;美国家庭学校教育主张自主、自由和超前的学习模式,启发我们教育要真正满足每个学生的特殊需要,促进孩子的多元化智力发展;美国家庭学校教育中家长对儿童教育的全权负责态度,撼动我国家长对教育“卸责”应有的反思;美国家庭学校重视重塑宗教信仰及伦理道德教育,启发我们教育应该重视弘扬中华民族的传统美德,提升学生的民族传统文化素养;借鉴美国家庭学校解决孩子社会化问题,提高家庭学校教学效果的模式,有效整合家庭与学校、家庭与社会教育的资源,增强当前教育的有效性。  相似文献   

Home Schooling and the Question of Socialization   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

在家上学的合法性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在家上学是否违法存在三种看法,文章援引我国《教育法》、《义务教育法》、《义务教育法实施细则》和《未成年人保护法》等法律法规的具体规定,就义务教育制度中的"义务"主体和"义务"内容、义务教育的实现方式及管理要求逐项进行分析后认为:在家上学从理论上讲是成立的,从法律上说是合乎法理的;之所以现实中它的出现会引发争议,以致很多人认为它违法,主要是因为在当今社会它还属于新鲜事物,还没有先例,也还没有具体的管理措施;提出要使在家上学在现实中合法化,需要政府、家庭、社会各方面共同做出努力。  相似文献   

This is a perilous time for the dream and promise of education. With Betsy DeVos heading the Department of Education, some states are already making moves to privatize education. Arizona is promising $5,000 per child for parents to spend as they like. What kind of private school charges only $5,000? I worry about the kind of education that middle-class and working-class kids will get in the kind of privatized schools they'll be sent to.  相似文献   

This paper addresses public concern over the extent to which the school has supplanted parental responsibilities for the sex education of their children. This concern is investigated through a series of interviews with parents of adolescent children. I argue that rather than focus on an opposition between the intrusive school and the private domestic unit, the problem with sex education is located within the domestic unit as parents had difficulties in initiating discussion on sexual matters. Far from being intrusive, most parents saw the school as a crucial source of information and support. Parents operated confidently at a more informal level of sex talk within the home. Findings suggest that although parents admit to a degree of anxiety, through the family routine parents were able to ‘normalise’ sex talk within the home and gain insights into their children's sexual awareness.  相似文献   

对涌现在美国的居家教学现象进行了数学分析,从而为这一特殊的教学现象的理论研究开辟了一个新的方向.本文的家用函数最大化模型表明妇女时间的应用在居家教学中起着本质的作用.  相似文献   

就法律文本而言,当前我国义务教育阶段“在家上学”的合法性问题的核心是对“入学”这一义务教育法定形式的解释.根据扩大解释的法律解释方法,“入学”可理解为“进入义务教育内容的学习过程”,从而“在家上学”的法律性质可界定为“法益”.从权利关系来看,儿童的教育利益最大化是教育活动的应然目标,父母教育权与国家教育权的分配也应当以此为基础.“在家上学”是家长以个性化方式积极履行父母教育权并保障子女受教育权利的活动,具有法理上的正当性,能够成为学校教育的辅助形式而存在,并在家庭和政府的合作间不断成熟.应当完善相关法律法规,进一步明确公民“在家上学”的合法性,并将其纳入政府的有效管理之中.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - Although home education is a growing phenomenon in many Western countries, it is almost non-existent in the Netherlands. Under Dutch educational law, children...  相似文献   

美国的“在家教育”已成为较为普遍的现象。各州通过“在家教育”立法对父母的教育权进行了法律上的肯定与保护,这种基于立法的保护与管理,对“在家教育”的学生和家长权利的维护有着重大的意义,也有利于这种教育活动的良性发展。事实证明,合法化的“在家教育”对于学生和教育的发展都有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

也谈在家上学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,“在家上学”虽属自发产生的个别现象,其影响却不可低估。它既对公办学校提出了挑战。也是对义务教育法的挑战。  相似文献   

I've always wanted to use drama methods in my sophomore lit class, but I don't know where to start

History is full of dramatic events, but how can I get teenagers to willingly take on roles and act things out?

Everything I read tells me that involving students in learning through drama is effective and enjoyable, but nothing tells me how to do it  相似文献   

西方学校教育面临现代性伦理问题,即学校是为个人自由而教育,还是为社会团结而教育的道德两难困境。了解这一问题,有助于我们理解和把握当前我国学校教育改革的价值取向。  相似文献   

This essay explores what it takes to work toward a future of equitable pedagogy and schooling through the presentation of a short ethnographic play entitled The Card (2004). The play is 1 of 5 critically performed ethnographies written to engage pre-service teacher education students in thinking about social justice in education. The essay begins with a discussion of how critical performed ethnography works as an example of "engaged pedagogy" and the ways in which its form and content can promote anti-oppression teacher education. This discussion is followed by the presentation of the play. The Card tells the story of Roberto Rodriguez, a high school teacher, who comes out as a gay man when he tries to help a student being bullied. Embedded in the ethnographic play are the kinds of social practices and beliefs needed to achieve an educational future that recognises social difference and strives for equity. Following the play, a short commentary discusses these practices and beliefs in a more explicit way. The essay concludes with a brief discussion of the questions and issues a recent performance of The Card raised for other teacher educators. This discussion allows for the examination of how the play encourages readers, performers, and spectators to both recognise and respond to social difference in ways that will move schools toward a more equitable future.  相似文献   

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