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The positive impact on children's educational trajectories when effective home-school partnerships are established has been extensively documented. This article shares findings from a 13-month research study in a rural, southern community in South Carolina that sought to investigate the nature of the “partnerships” formed between educators and families, while challenging stereotypes and misperceptions that prevent such partnerships from unfolding. In doing so, the researcher makes visible the experiences of Black families, students, and schools in communities rarely studied—poor, rural Black communities in the southern United States. The researcher uses the actual words of the teachers and parents to make visible the disjunctive interpretations about one of the major themes from the study, parental involvement as relationships. Finally, the researcher offers implications for educators and parents as they do the work necessary to form relationships that really benefit students.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - Although home education is a growing phenomenon in many Western countries, it is almost non-existent in the Netherlands. Under Dutch educational law, children...  相似文献   

由对抗到妥协:宪政的平衡性探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
宪政的平衡性是指宪政各构成要素在运作过程中依据既定的制度设置和程序规则在对峙、制约的基础上呈现出的相对稳定、共存的状态。“对抗”与“妥协”是其中最重要的两个要素。早期英国及西欧国家出现的“对抗性权力”,对宪政的生成具有重要意义,正是“对抗性权力”的发展才逐步确立了宪政制度。  相似文献   

史晶 《海外英语》2013,(8X):198-199
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber is a quintessential Hemingway tale of one man’s attempt to overcome an in ternal struggle by mastering the external world. Francis Macomber discovers his own bravery and strength when he ignores his self-consciousness and relies on instinct. This essay will examine Hemingway’s code and how it confronts nada thus analyze Macomber’s change from innocent to suffering to aware.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the policy issue of expanding schooling in a post-apartheid South Africa. The Project of placing about two million children of school-going age in school is viewed as central to the rebuilding of South Africa. The paper argues that this project should be located within the peculiar history of this country's educational underdevelopment. Challenging the constraining influence of the New Right context should be central in conceptualising the provision of expanded school access. Access policy should be based on a notion of educational development that is linked to the overall socioeconomic development of this society. The view is promoted in this paper that a policy of quantitative expansion of schooling should not ignore the quality of such schooling.  相似文献   

尼采以权力意志为教育立法,力图从根本上改造现代教育,由此确立了冲突中生成的师生观。在他看来,师生是有着权力意志的独立个体,而权力意志追求自我强盛的本能赋予师生斗争的合法性,对抗成为了师生自我超越的一种方式。在教育活动中,教师引导学生反抗自己,学生则在认识和肯定自我的同时摆脱教师的依赖,进而获得本真的自由。这种辩证的师生观具有肯定与否定的二重性,天然带有乌托邦色彩,但在审视当前学校教育实践中的师生交往时亦有一定启迪。  相似文献   

Frances Hunt 《Compare》2011,41(1):43-58
The notion of ‘student citizen’ is implicit in a range of national and provincial policy documents in South Africa, with citizenship promoted as both an expected outcome of schooling and an encouraged practice within schools. This paper provides an account of how policy on student citizenship was translated differently into practice in four secondary schools in Cape Town, each with a different former racial categorisation under apartheid. It argues that student engagement with citizenship varied considerably between the schools and in many cases was significantly different from the policy framework. Influencing factors included staff–student relations, socio‐historical contexts and how diversity was played out in the schools.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a significant growth in the number of international students. In several developed countries the inflow of foreign tertiary students has become a significant source of income for higher education (HE) providers and the economy as a whole. This net inflow of foreign students has been indirectly and, more recently, directly encouraged by government policies in these countries. However, this ‘trade’ in HE is unbalanced, with low‐income countries being significant net ‘importers’ of HE. Here we review the theoretical and empirical literature to reassess the impact of this growth of international students on the extent and pattern of global income inequality. We conclude that the benefits from the growth of trade in HE accrue predominantly to developed countries, with the costs being disproportionately borne by the poorest countries. Analysis is presented explaining why national and pan‐national policies are unlikely to rectify this imbalance.  相似文献   

一、何谓在家教育? “在家教育”,英文为home schooling,在国内,有人译作“家校”,但这种翻译显然不足以表达home schooling作为一种教育模式的活动意蕴。因此,我们认为将之译作“在家教育”更为恰当。 1.在家教育与家庭教育的区别 所谓在家教育是指学生不到学校接受一定的课程内容和教学时间,而是以家庭为中心,并由父母依需要对儿童进行教导的一种  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore some experiences of early Caribbean migrants, while offering comparisons between two similar school systems, namely England and Jamaica. The paper employs the autoethnographical method (auto/ethno/graphy), which is a study of self in context. Using the tool of memory, the autobiographical investigation of one set of migrant experiences confirms the commonality of educational systems and underscores the efficiency of colonial administration in managing the same lack of opportunities in two settings. The individual account of schooling in England revealed the impact and influence of family and the beginning of the racist practices that eventually became entrenched. However, the account also revealed the unplanned and casual opportunities that did arise for a child to navigate her way through the system. As the discriminatory practices hardened with time and legislation, there was increased alienation and the search by younger migrants for a better way of belonging through ‘home’ and community. The paper obliquely searches for the common grounds and routes shared by later migrants and descendants of migrants. The final aim of the paper has been to remind teachers of the wider possibilities for narratives in classroom encounters.  相似文献   

“家庭学校”是当今美国一种重要的教育选择形式。文章介绍了美国“家庭学校”教育的许多有益经验,期望能对我国家庭教育与学校发展有所启示。这些经验包括:学习美国家庭学校运动快速发展进程中的务实与包容精神,促进中国教育的多元化发展;借鉴美国家庭学校进程中法律冲突的权力认定方式,对我们当前类似教育矛盾进行合理的法理分析;美国家庭学校教育主张自主、自由和超前的学习模式,启发我们教育要真正满足每个学生的特殊需要,促进孩子的多元化智力发展;美国家庭学校教育中家长对儿童教育的全权负责态度,撼动我国家长对教育“卸责”应有的反思;美国家庭学校重视重塑宗教信仰及伦理道德教育,启发我们教育应该重视弘扬中华民族的传统美德,提升学生的民族传统文化素养;借鉴美国家庭学校解决孩子社会化问题,提高家庭学校教学效果的模式,有效整合家庭与学校、家庭与社会教育的资源,增强当前教育的有效性。  相似文献   

随着高校与教师之间的纠纷日渐增多,传统的司法诉讼和校内层级申诉方式的弊端日益凸显。20世纪90年代以来,替代性纠纷解决机制逐渐成为美国高等学校解决内部纠纷的优先选项,主要有调解、监察和仲裁三种类型。不同类型的纠纷适用不同的替代性纠纷解决机制且遵循相应的程序要求,处理结果具有合同效力。机构中立、人员专业、程序规范、优势互补是替代性纠纷解决机制的特点。要在传统法律救济方式的基础上寻求突破和创新,我国可借鉴美国高等教育领域替代性纠纷解决机制的有益经验,充分发挥调解和仲裁等非诉讼方式的优势,引导纠纷双方从对抗走向对话,形塑和谐公正的教育环境。  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that South Africa has achieved universal basic education. Through an analysis of the 2001 census and two national enrolment datasets rather than statistical projections, this study re-examines this assumption and provides new estimates of enrolment levels in primary, basic and secondary education. Using GER, NER, and ASER indicators, disaggregated by gender and province, the study shows that access to education in South Africa is not as widespread as published sources note. While statistics show that national access levels are lower than prevailing estimates, the relatively high levels of access in some of the most disadvantaged provinces suggest the need to re-evaluate assumptions about targets for universal access for developing regions. In addition, the analysis reveals South Africa’s unexpected and provocative gendered patterns of access and participation.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that South Africa has achieved universal basic education. Through an analysis of the 2001 census and two national enrolment datasets rather than statistical projections, this study re-examines this assumption and provides new estimates of enrolment levels in primary, basic and secondary education. Using GER, NER, and ASER indicators, disaggregated by gender and province, the study shows that access to education in South Africa is not as widespread as published sources note. While statistics show that national access levels are lower than prevailing estimates, the relatively high levels of access in some of the most disadvantaged provinces suggest the need to re-evaluate assumptions about targets for universal access for developing regions. In addition, the analysis reveals South Africa’s unexpected and provocative gendered patterns of access and participation.  相似文献   

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