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李吉林情境教育体系可以称得上我国基础教育界首次由一线教师创构的教育体系。它是一个完整的教育体系,涵盖了先进深刻的教育思想、科学鲜活的教育理论和灵动高效的教育实践。这一项很“厉害”的贡献得到了教育界诸多领导、专家、学者的积极关注和高度赞扬。作者从解读诸多领导、专家、学者何以如此关注李吉林老师及她的情境教育体系的视角,勾画了李吉林老师四十年如一日,秉持一颗永不消退的纯净童心,以锲而不舍、永不停歇的探索精神在情境教育的园地里不断耕耘、不断收获而描绘出的一幅壮美画卷。  相似文献   

人类儿童期的学习源于对直接经验,即生活的重演和再现,因此是有"情境性"的。而每个人的儿童期是人类"儿童期"的缩影,故此,儿童学习的情境性规定是人类教育起步时烙下的印记。当人类教育进步到学习主要面对间接经验时,儿童的学习情境性规定却依然始终伴随。教育装备的演变依循并见证着这一切。人类学习情境性的本质诉求催生着教育装备的技术革命;教育装备的种种令人炫目的进步演变,正是满足人类从"儿童时代"起就熔铸在学习生命中的"情境编码"指令。  相似文献   

陆平 《教育文化论坛》2012,4(5):120-124
儿童教育家李吉林与南通教育文化密切关联:她在教学中注重撷取南通自然景物和风土人情,开发"野外情境课程",成为情境教育的重要因子之一;李吉林及其情境教育学派的创建离不开南通教育文化的滋养,同时也丰富了当代南通教育文化的内涵。厘析其间的关联性对于我国本土教育理论与实践体系的构建、促进本土教育家的成长具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

王萍 《闽江学院学报》2011,32(4):112-115,133
红色培训具有专业性、产业性和现场性的特点。在教学方式上,红色培训以“重回历史现场”的情境化教学为主,以引导学员主动代入角色,实现寓教于乐;在教学内容上,红色培训注重挖掘红色资源的时代价值;在教育功能上,红色培训在强化德育功能的基础上,拓展其他教育功能,使之成为一种“五育合一”的综合教育方式。今后,思想政治教育工作可通过多种方式,利用和借鉴红色培训的教育成果和经验,提高教育成效。  相似文献   

Interest, motivation and learning: An educational-psychological perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the last few years, researchers have shown a renewed interest in “interest”. Especially in the field of educational psychology many studies have been conducted to analyze how learning and achievement are influenced by motivational and cognitive factors, which are connected with individual and/or situational interests. In this paper, results from empirical research will be presented besides theoretical considerations concerning the interest-construct. Interest has typically been studied as an independent variable. Dependent variables have been either some aspects of learning outcome (knowledge structure, academic achievement) or hypothetical mediators, which probably can be used to explain the interest effects (e.g., learning strategies, attention, emotional experiences). There is also a growing number of studies which try to explore the conditions of interest development within educational settings. Future lines of research will be discussed in light of the demands of educational theory and practice.  相似文献   

内隐学习理论对教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新的学习理论,内隐习惯有自动性、概括性、理解性、情境性及累积效应的特征.这些特征对更新教学观念、探讨教学模式和提高教学质量等提供了诸多的启示.  相似文献   

作为一种新的学习理论,内隐习惯有自动性、概括性、理解性、情境性及累积效应的特征。这些特征对更新教学观念、探讨教学模式和提高教学质量等提供了诸多的启示。  相似文献   

当前,我国中小学教育科研工作组织网络发展良好,专兼职科研队伍持续壮大,教师教育科研素养全面提升,教育科研制度建设日益完善,教育科研活动积极开展的良好局面基本形成;但同时发现,中小学教育科研工作在网络覆盖、区域发展、成果推广、活动成效等方面也存在一些问题。中小学教育科研工作要想上一个新台阶,应进一步健全教育科研网络运行机制、加强专家引领和专业支持、创新教育科研培训机制、搭建教育科研网络平台、完善教育科研制度建设。  相似文献   

Mitigating the situational factors that give rise to state boredom is a consistent challenge facing educators. Despite the growing amount of literature devoted to the construct, the field has yet to arrive at a consensus regarding a clear theoretical or operational definition. Subsequently, inconsistencies exist in the assessment methodologies, research findings lack generalizability, and strategies for mitigation in educational settings remain elusive. In this cross-disciplinary analysis, the extant literature on state boredom is critically reviewed and synthesized, and a two-dimensional definition of state boredom as an unpleasant (subjective), low-arousal (objective) experience is proposed. Findings from the technological advances of the last decade that allow for the objective measurement of physiological states are used to inform recommendations for empirically sound assessment methodologies. Finally, the proposed definition of state boredom and related assessment strategies are discussed with respect to implications for enhancing educational practices.  相似文献   

蒙古族察罕苏力德祭祀仪式从教育方法角度看是一种情景教育法。祭祀仪式情景中进行的教育内容有:自然观教育、民族历史文化教育、社会行为规范和道德教育、族群认同教育。在情景中施教的察罕苏力德祭祀仪式,带给学校教育如下启示:寓情于景,寓教于景;拓展教育环境,实施完整教育;追求多种教育形态共生。  相似文献   

世纪之交,我国出现了专门从事技术本科教育的院校,而技术本科教育当如何发展也引起社会各方面的关注。本文从发展背景、培养目标、培养模式和课程四个维度进行部分国家和地区的技术本科教育比较分析,以期把握技术本科教育发展的基本规律,并为我国的办学实践提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

浙江工贸职业技术学院酒店管理专业为了使学生毕业时能实时进入管理岗位,通过改革调整自己的行为,最后选择拟景教育这一工学结合创新模式以达成目的的路径。通过分区坐标研究工具分析认定:拟景教育模式具有使学校与企业平滑对接的功能,按照这一教育模式进行教育,毕业生“实时”进入企业管理岗位具有较高可行性。  相似文献   

高师公共教育学课程实践教学体系探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师公共教育学的实践教学多年来一直是薄弱点,处在难以实施的尴尬境地。公共教育学实践教学的目标应包括教育实践性知识的积累与生成、教育技能与情境实践能力的提高、教育实践理性精神的培养。在具体实施中,应注重课内实践和课外实践。  相似文献   

教育生活叙事是教育者以具体生活事件为依托,通过讲述自身经历、表达生命意愿,在客观描摹中尽可能地展现教育真实、探索教育经验、阐明教育规律。然而,关于教育生活叙事的理论构建仍处在朦胧不清的阶段。缺失生活叙事的教育教学活动犹如失去水分的蔬果而干枯皱缩、缺乏生机。因此,必须从教育生活叙事的内涵及特征入手,明晰生活叙事的开放思想、真实内容、鲜活情景对教育思想传播的重要作用,进一步创设智慧生成,建构教育生活叙事的情境理论、过程理论、动力理论。  相似文献   

Counselor education, through its formal organization (ACES), is in the process of examining its standards for program accreditation used for the past decade. This discussion examines current educational forces, such as social change, political conditions, and learning process developments as a basis for a new look at the standards for counselor preparation. Based on these influences, four categories of situational and philosophical issues are postulated: educational and psychological assumptions, outcome behaviors of the counselor education graduate, outcomes of counselor education programming, and outcome behaviors of professional guidance personnel. It is recommended that outcomes of counselor education should be considered in performance terms before instructional strategies are developed.  相似文献   

德育视域下隐性教育的情境创设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐性教育将德育的目标内隐于生活之中,将德育的过程寓于情境之中。它是淡化教育者角色身份的环境式、平等式、感悟式的教育,说到底是情境教育。情境教育不等同于一般意义上的环境教育,它是对环境教育的浓缩和升华,体现了教育者的创设意图和创设理念,彰显了德育的魅力和独有的价值。为了提高情境教育的有效性,创设的教育情境要体现目标性、任务性、评判性和全员性的特征,在具体的运用过程中必须关注教育者介入情境的方式、学生融入情境的方式和情境对学生的影响方式。  相似文献   

This article attempts to think of thinking as the essence of critical education. While contemporary education tends to stress the conveying of knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the present‐day information society, the present article turns to the work of Theodor W. Adorno to develop alternative thinking about education, thinking and the political significance of education for thinking. Adorno touched upon educational questions throughout his writings, with growing interest in the last ten years of his life. Education, he argues following Kant, must enable students to think for themselves and to break free of the authority of teachers, parents and other adults. Nevertheless, in his discussions of education Adorno says little about the nature of thinking, and the secondary literature on his educational theory addresses this question only cursorily. Important claims on the nature of thinking do appear elsewhere in Adorno's work. From his early writings up to Negative Dialectics, Adorno is preoccupied with thinking, sketching the outlines of critical‐dialectical thought. Still, these reflections rarely touch upon educational questions, and the Adorno scholarship has yet to establish this link. Unlike studies which read Adorno's educational thought against the backdrop of the history of education and the German Bildung tradition, or in relation to art and aesthetics, the present article brings together Adorno's ideas on education and thinking in an attempt to contribute both to the Adorno scholarship and to the growing field of education for thinking.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory education and special education as two distinct entities within the larger educational system can be readily understood in terms of each program's unique social and historical background. An argument for continued separation of treatment along programmatic lines cannot be supported, however, due to growing evidence that the educational rationale for separate systems does not hold. That is, specific instructional treatments tend not to vary across programs, and particular strategies found to be effective are effective for both compensatory and special education students. Drawing upon a diverse pool of studies, we review the findings on the features of effective instructional practices that help to move the lower quartile of students closer to the mean and that are not setting bound. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of effective instruction research for future research, reform policies, and current educational practices.  相似文献   

The article by Benton and Hoyt provides data that creates an opportunity for a significant discussion concerning the role of educational psychologists in education reform. Education reform in teacher education has three identifiable stages. The first stage is the series of proposals that have been generated by a number of groups implying that education reform efforts will bring about positive change. The second component has been reactions or debates surrounding the proposals and significant changes proposed by national reports. Finally, there have been component parts of the proposals implemented in experimental ways in schools and colleges of education. Clearly, a segment of the educational psychology academic community has been involved in all three phases of education reform, and the need for maintaining a research posture and a demand for documentation of improvement is necessary from all educators—and in particular educational psychologists. The 1980s were the years for proposing and reacting. The years between now and the twenty-first century will be the time of implementation and evaluation of changes. The opportunity is present for active involvement of all interested educational psychologists. The article by Benton and Hoyt is a meaningful article for educational psychologists because it points out our differing opinions and provides some basis for us to understand our differences concerning specific issues in teacher education reform.  相似文献   

质的教育社会学研究的演化发展大致经历了边缘化时期、转折时期和繁荣时期。质的研究不仅为教育社会学的领域增加了情景化、过程性的知识,也为传统的理解引进了新的声音、视角和主题。教育社会学领域引进质的研究方法有其必然性。质的研究与教育社会学的研究具有一定程度的适切性。  相似文献   

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