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This article arises from fieldwork in a school of the German minority in South Jutland, Denmark. The minority exists as a result of frontier changes between Germany and Denmark, most recently in 1920. A referendum held in that year as a result of the Treaty of Versailles left a cultural and linguistic minority which, by today, has its own school system, political party, and cultural rights.  相似文献   

School Choice as a Bounded Ideal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
School choice is most often viewed through the lens of provision: most of the debate on the issue searches for desirable ways to offer vouchers, scholarships or other tools that provides choice as a way to achieve equality and/or freedom. This paper focuses on the consumer side of school choice, and utilises behavioural economics as well as ethnographic and network studies to consider ways to structure choice which respond to actual cognitive and social processes of choice. These empirical studies give scholars and policy-makers who grapple with school choice a perspective that should affect the principled design of these programs as well as their execution. The paper considers the ways in which actual choice processes should affect current visions of school choice. It concludes with recommendations concerning the design of choice sets and the accessibility of information regarding choice, which together can assist school choice policies in better fulfilling their promise of equality and freedom.  相似文献   

本文从介绍日本校区制的历史沿革与发展入手,对日本政府在教育领域推行以新自由主义思潮及市场化原理为导的学校选择政策作了深入的描述与剖析。作者指出,学校选择制在教育现场并未得到积极响应和实施,其原因在于加大“差距”及损害大多数民众利益的学校选择政策,在根本上违背了平等与多样性的原则。  相似文献   

学校道德教育与生活世界脱离是造成学校德育困境的主要原因。生活世界是学校道德教育鲜活的“教育场”;回归生活世界是学校道德教育的应然选择,学校道德教育应从生活实际出发,在生活中关注德育主体的现实需要,培养生活中的德育主体。  相似文献   

For the past half century, the American public school system has been on the receiving end of a considerable amount of criticism. People of faith have often been at the forefront of expressing that criticism. Attached to their criticism religious people have often called for school choice programs that include faith-based schools as the centerpiece of their ideas for reform. However, this article asserts that these reform ideas are often prepounded with little regard for the possible diadvantages of school choice. The author calls for a more balanced approach to assessing the costs and benefits of potential school choice programs.  相似文献   


Concerned that public schooling leads to mediocrity rather than meritocracy, many middle-class parents are seeking other options such as private schools, alternative public schools, and charter schools to develop their children's academic, creative, and athletic talents. Based on a mixed method investigation of school choice among parents (N = 1,871) in the two largest cities in the Province of Alberta, this paper examines the logic, values, and concerns that inform parental decision-making and the impact of social class differentiation in the process of selection of elementary schools. Issues surrounding the placement of gifted students in various school options are discussed.  相似文献   


We conducted a randomized factorial experiment to determine how displaying school information to parents in different ways affects what schools they choose for their children in a hypothetical school district. In a sample of 3,500 low-income parents of school-aged children, a small design manipulation, such as changing the default order in which schools were presented, induced meaningful changes in the types of schools selected. Other design choices such as using icons to represent data, instead of graphs or just numbers, or presenting concise summaries instead of detailed displays, also led parents to choose schools with higher academic performance. We also examined effects on parents’ understanding of the information and their self-reported satisfaction and ease of use. In some cases, there were trade-offs. For example, representing data using only numbers maximized understanding, but adding graphs maximized satisfaction at the expense of understanding.  相似文献   

学习化社会的来临给制度化的学校教育带来了前所未有的冲击与挑战。正规化、阶段化、精英化、标准化的学校教育开始受到来自四面八方的指责与批评。新的时代背景要求学校教育对这些问题做出积极的回应。因此,学校教育正处在十字路口,改造与创新势在必行。  相似文献   

学校改进需要学校管理者的理性抉择。在学校改进的路径上,选择渐进还是跨越,涉及学校改进能否收到可持续性的效果;在学校改进的动力上,如何争取资源支持并对资源进行有效整合,涉及学校改进怎样策划未来的发展战略;在学校改进的评价上,是检测静态的结点还是动态的序列,涉及学校改进怎样营建激励机制。学校改进是一个系统工程,手段与目的永远统一于培养人的质量。  相似文献   

美国择校中的学券制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为增强信息服务功能,本刊从今年起新设“教育信息与动态专栏”,每期介绍一些最新的教育改革、教育研究和教育动态信息。本期为读者提供了目前美国基础教育改革的热点问题“学券制”的基本情况,并列出了一些相关网站的有关资料,以便读者研究之用。  相似文献   

"学校是个小社会"似乎是一个大家习以为常的命题.但是,学校真的是个小社会吗?本文将对此命题进行辨析,揭示出它作为学术命题和大众性的命题所指向的两种不同的内涵,指出在大众话语中其所蕴涵的关于学校教育的错误价值选择,并分析其产生的深层次原因.在此基础上,笔者分析指出学校和社会是两种不同的群体模式,提倡学校采取其应有的价值选择.  相似文献   

日本战后严格的教育政策导致了僵化的教育制度,因此受到了社会广泛的批判.为了改变旧状,日本政府决定推行"选择学校的弹性化",以择校制度来激发公立学校的活性和吸引力.2000年东京都品川区的教育改革拉开了日本实施择校制度的序幕.在以东京都品川区为例详细描写和总结了日本择校制度的具体实践后,提出了以"疏"代"堵"来解决我国择校问题的思路.  相似文献   

Consider the following argument for school choice, based on an appeal to the virtues of the market: allowing parents some measure of choice over their particular children's education ultimately serves the interests of all children, because creating a market mechanism in state education will produce improvements through the same pressures that lead to greater efficiency and quality when markets are deployed in more familiar contexts. The argument fails, because it is committed to a principle of equal concern, which (after analysis) implies that a market in education is acceptable only if it is right to hold children disadvantaged by their parents' poor market choices substantively responsible for the fact. Since that claim is untenable, the market‐based argument for school choice not only fails, but also turns out to rely on principles which in fact condemn the very policy it was supposed to support.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of interdistrict choice plans over the past decade, the policy assumptions underlying their adoption have been subjected to very little empirical research. This study situates school choice within one metropolitan region, Denver, and examines the ways in which choice patterns relate to existing patterns of stratification between school districts. This regional focus offers insight into the patterns of interdistrict choice and the influence these patterns have on equity within a metropolitan region. Findings from this study indicate that relatively higher income students were more likely to take advantage of interdistrict choice, and that choice was more often used by students to exit from a less advantaged context (as measured by socioeconomic status) to a relatively more advantaged one. The article concludes with recommendations for policymakers in designing more equity-minded choice policies.  相似文献   

School desegregation in Chicago was derived from the implementation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This article follows the formation of this policy to its implementation in Chicago. First, the federal government used the Civil Rights Act to garner school desegregation. Then, the Chicago Board of Education created desegregation plans for Chicago Public Schools which included school choice options. Finally, the article uses the oral histories of 68 graduates of three Chicago public high schools to demonstrate how the policy was utilized. The entire process reveals the continuation of institutional racism as school desegregation in Chicago was effectively limited as only a few Black and Latino students benefited from school desegregation.  相似文献   

A total curriculum programme designed for the purpose of a general education for all has a number of distinctive features. These features are briefly outlined as a basis for a national framework for curriculum and assessment, from which the structuring of pupils’ choices is made clear.


建设教师发展学校:学校发展的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设教师发展学校主要是建设新型学校。培养新型教师,创新教师教育。河南师大附中通过专家引领、课题带动、集体备课、课例研讨、教师论坛、青年沙龙、网络沙龙等措施,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

School choice advocacy is dominated by perspectives that reflect a tendency to regard public schooling as a private service commodity. In recent years, numerous works of Anglo‐American political philosophy, sociology and legal theory have attempted to restore a conception of public schooling as an institution that cultivates civic virtue. Counterintuitively, these works also endorse prudently regulated school choice as a means of honouring public purposes while accommodating pluralism within liberal democracies. Four such recent works help outline the salient dimensions of this perspective and the disputes within it. While not a political panacea, this perspective ought to inform public deliberations about school choice and public education generally in Anglophone nations.  相似文献   

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