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将学校信息化领导力简单视为校长的信息化领导力或学校信息化建设的执行力是当前信息化实践领域的两种典型误区。本文在综合考察国际信息化领导力的研究进展及我国教育信息化建设的现状后,分析了教育信息化和学校信息化的关系,提出了学校信息化领导力的概念和信息化领导的结构,并分析了在中小学中信息化领导力与创新变革的关系。最后,文章还分析了学校信息化建设的动力系统和约束条件。  相似文献   

Stories of leadership successes follow a familiar structure: A charismatic leader, often the CEO or school principal, takes over a struggling school, establishing new goals and expectations and challenging business as usual within the organization. This leader creates new organizational routines and structures that with time transform the school's culture, contributing in turn to greater teacher satisfaction, higher teacher expectations for students, and improved student achievement.  相似文献   

分布式领导——西方学校领导再造探研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分布式领导概念提出于20世纪90年代中后期,它基于对传统领导观念的突破,从领导方式、形态、范围等角度再造了学校领导。文章通过系统分析比较分布式领导定义,了解其研究状况和尚待研究的领域,阐述实施过程中的动力与阻力因素,从而反思国内学校领导实践和理论研究的现状及其发展。  相似文献   

Advances in information and communication technology are changing organisations, including those in educational settings. Old practices are being altered, and new practices, spaces and possibilities created. The changes are such that it is timely to consider whether our current leadership conceptions remain useful. In non‐educational sectors there is an emerging body of opinion and empirical research that is focusing on what is termed “e‐leadership”. Whilst e‐leadership is a recently constructed concept, with considerable conceptual ambiguity, there are significant differences in leading technology‐mediated environments. These environments appear to place greater emphasis on the ability of leaders to cope with paradoxes and dilemmas and the associated behavioural complexity, to communicate with team members and establish an appropriate social climate and to be able to convey exemplary interpersonal skills through the associated technology. There is a greater emphasis on dispersed leadership. In some situations, such as anonymous groups, formal leadership may be detrimental to group performance. More research is needed, but even at the early stage of the development of e‐leadership it is clear that leadership in technology‐mediated environments needs to be carefully considered. As more examples of these environments are developed in educational settings, e­‐leadership will become an important part of our view of educational leadership.  相似文献   

随着领导研究的推进,教师领导作为学校变革的新动力得到了研究者和实践者的广泛关注.本文从教师领导的定义、角色丛以及领导功能三个方面探讨了教师领导的丰富内涵,并认为学校内的教师领导功能是通过跨层级关系、托管关系、对等关系、权利分离关系以及友谊关系等分布式机制得以实现的.  相似文献   

教师领导研究是近30年来英、美、澳等国兴起的基于分布式领导的一种领导理论。目前。关于教师领导的定义有30余种,诸多学者对教师领导的性质、功能、影响教师领导的条件以及如何产生与支持教师领导等方面做了研究,在理论上取得了很大进展。但教师领导研究尚存在一些颇有争议的问题。  相似文献   

This article critically reviews two bodies of literature that potentially share common concerns, yet rarely overlap: distributed leadership and educational micropolitics. Alternative explanations for the split between these two analytical approaches to school organization are explored in sections on problem framing, methodology, and the marketplace of educational research and publishing. The article concludes that the separation between explorations of educational micropolitics and distributed leadership is both consequence and reflection of an increasingly prevalent managerialism required in the current policy context, which emphasizes smoothing out micropolitical conflict rather than examining it or learning from it.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed an exponential growth in the use of technology in our daily life. Notwithstanding its phenomenal influence, the use of technology in education remains sporadic and disjointed. The promise that technology will bring deep-seated changes in the way that educators teach and students learn remains, disappointedly, elusive. This paper argues that the lack of systemic frame of reference may have explanatory power over such less than impressive performance of ICT in education. Tracing the trajectory of Singapore’s ICT-related policies in the educational sector, this paper adopts the complexity lens to study the systemic policy changes that are imbued in the different stages of Singapore’s ICT-based reforms. In particular, the paper delves into the three constructs of complexity theory: self-organisation, coevolution and fitness landscape. By juxtaposing the interdependencies of these three concepts against the backdrop of Singapore’s educational landscape, the paper contends that the complexity theory perspective has the potential to help policymakers understand the dynamic and complex nature of reforms so as to devise multi-faceted solutions that will address the concerns of all key stakeholders in the learning ecology. Implications for policymaking are also discussed.  相似文献   

Findings of a study on the practice of school management learned through mentoring reveal that leading surfaced prominently as the prime aspect of what could be learned through formal mentoring and could be put into practice on the job. These principals, who have the opportunity to learn through mentoring, suggest their learning and practice of leading primarily through relating with people. The three features involved are: leading through relating with people actively, promoting trust in relating with people, and serving as worthy models in their dedication to service. As such, the learning of leading through formal mentoring could be of significance in the professional development of aspiring principals. It highlights a known practice of leading, learned through leadership mentoring, for an unknown future. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

“分布式领导“这一术语产生于2泄纪90年代中后期,它突破了单向的、静态的、线性的领导观念,从多向的、动态的、流动的角度再造了学校领导.从分布式领导实践的视角考察学校有效领导力,可以理解为在领导中采用一种针对行为的方法,在结构、状态和设计方面,将校长、教师和他们的状态互动的个体领导行为进行集合,以促进组织目标的实现.  相似文献   

学校改进中的校长领导力提升是当前学校变革与发展的诉求。要落实"教育规划纲要"成功实现学校改进,就要在校长领导力开发过程中,主动寻求新的领导理论支撑,架构一种分布式领导模式,将校长培养成一名分布式领导者,这可为解决教育管理实践中存在的问题开拓一个新视角。  相似文献   

This paper examines and analyses where and how information and communication technologies (ICT) are integrated in Singapore schools to engage students in higher-order thinking activities. Taking the activity system as a unit of analysis, the study documents the actual processes and sociocultural elements that engage students in higher-order thinking. By employing methods such as observations, focus group discussions with students, and face-to-face interviews with teachers, ICT-coordinators and principals, an account of how the activity systems within and between classrooms, and the schools are generated. Based on the analysis of the data from 10 schools, issues in the learning environment are discussed: Necessary (classroom management and orienting activities) and sufficient conditions (scaffolding activities and supporting school policies) for effective ICT integration in the classroom. The account also highlights the constraints of time and lack of knowledge and experience in the contexts that the teachers are working under, and how these constraints are addressed by supporting school policies in the larger sociocultural setting of the school. This account provides a sample of pedagogical and sociocultural issues that are discussed over the course and at the end of the project. Like a good guidebook, the study sensitizes the audience to what is likely to happen given a particular objective, constraint, or design.  相似文献   

分布式领导与学校管理变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较系统地介绍了20世纪80年代以来,在国际上颇具影响的分布式领导理论.对该理论的内涵、产生背景、实践模式和作用作了详尽论述,并分析了该理论对当前我国学校管理的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

When we look at school management in Singapore, is there a distinctive characteristic that acts as a cultural imperative which shapes the working patterns and lives of school principals? As part of an international comparative study of the principalship, we sought to gain insights into the typical thinking and behaviours of four school principals. Using a cultural analysis model to examine power relationships, relationships with colleagues, gender issues and tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty, we concluded that these leaders' lives were far from routine and were characterized' by paradox. They used a range of cultural ‘tools’ as a way of trying to sustain stability in an erratic and fast-changing system. Thriving amidst the complexities and chaos of their jobs suggested a unique characteristic, something that might best be described as ‘Singaporeanness’.  相似文献   

新课程倡导的是新的学习方式,传统的课堂控制已不适应时代发展的要求,需要新的课堂领导作支持。而课堂领导的策略有:尊重学生的主体地位,重建多元互动的课堂教学;关注学生的个体差异,满足学生的学习需要;实施多元开放的学生行为管理;构建民主互动、和谐、自由、安全的课堂氛围。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,信息技术的使用范围越来越广泛,这对与之相关的英语教学也提出了更高的要求。文章主要对信息技术型高校英语专业人才培养模式改革与创新进行分析,并由此指出培养信息技术型英语专业人才不但要确保学生学习全面,而且要对传统的高校教学方法及教学模式进行改革,以此保障学生具备较强的社会竞争力。  相似文献   

刘幼玲 《中学教育》2011,8(2):61-65
国外将分布式学校领导概括为权力分布、能力分布、影响分布、目标和愿景分布以及责任分布等五个实践要素。分布式学校领导往往通过组织形式执行,组织结构与组织文化是决定其成功与否的重要条件。笔者基于上述分析,对未来研究提出了三点展望,为后续学者提供一些理论参考。  相似文献   

英国英格兰教育改革与学校信息技术教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
普及信息技术教育是英国实现整体教育改革和社会信息化的重大突破性综合举措。英格兰在建设信息化学习资源,提高信息技术教育的标准,促进教师信息素养的提高,推进ICT与课程整合等方面齐头并进,在改革的曲折与理念冲突中,教育理论与实践得到创新发展,社会向信息化的转型逐步实现。英格兰的学校信息技术教育进程反映其新世纪教育改革的重要特点。  相似文献   

分布式领导因强调"领导并非集中在居于正式职位上的个体"而为越来越多的研究者、政策制定者和实践者所接纳。本文认为,应该采用一种渐变调适的视角对其加以理解。分布式领导是一个从正式领导向非正式领导不断卷入的渐变过程,需要重新理解正式领导及组织架构在分布式领导实践中的作用;分布式领导实践须与学校实际情境结合,根据学校发展对领导力的需求和组织成员的准备状态进行调适。  相似文献   

苏格兰针对本地区的学校分布、自然地理、人口密度、行政机制等区域特点,采取了富有创新意识的教育改革政策和实施策略。通过信息与传播技术的普及,将学校教学质量提高与社区的建设发展有机结合,使得整个社区和谐发展,实现学校的系统改革与宏观社会整体环境的共同改善,建设一个体现最大公益性的社会,为每一位公民创造良好的教育机会和终身学习的条件。  相似文献   

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