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There is a need for systemic improvement in the management of care records in Australia. This has been highlighted by government inquiries, media coverage and research literature relating to the significance of records for those who experience out-of-home care. The Who Am I? project – an interdisciplinary collaboration between historians, social workers and archivists – sought to address this concern and support positive change in 12 participating community service organisations (CSOs) in Victoria. To provide a framework for practice improvement, research archivists on the Who Am I? team designed the Self-Assessment Tool for Archives. Based on an action research methodology and influenced by the Records Continuum, this was an ‘educative intervention’ for the CSOs, as well as the participating archivists.  相似文献   

In the context of Indigenous languages, archival science in Australia continues to move from a theoretical framework of considering record subjects as third parties to a ‘participants model’. In a participants model framework record subjects are considered co-creators and custodians of the intellectual property of the record. However, the shift from theory to practice is still an under-described challenge currently facing archival professionals. This article reports on an experience of applying guidelines developed by First Languages Australia (FLA) and National and State Libraries of Australasia (NSLA) aimed at enhancing the rights of Indigenous Australians over records that contain Indigenous language material. A team of researchers from the State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) Indigenous Services branch and Western Sydney University engaged with four Indigenous language groups to evaluate records containing Indigenous language material held at the SLNSW. On viewing the archival records of Indigenous language material members of community groups expressed a diversity of opinions and suggestions. This feedback was grouped by the authors into the following themes: painful remembrance of the provenance of the archival record, evaluations of the value of the documents, custodianship and use of the language material, and access to the SLNSW records. The authors found that participants in the study substantially shaped the process of implementing the protocols.  相似文献   

The Keepers of Ghosts project began when 10,000 records from a former sign-painting company were rescued from a demolition site in Melbourne’s west. Beginning with the creation of an online archive, the project has since developed into an experimental research program of community outreach involving sign writers, shopkeepers, local history aficionados and people interested in ‘ghost signs’, or the remains of painted advertising signs. Here we discuss the project’s investigation of the use of digital media to informally document and share otherwise-forgotten aspects of urban memory, and the proposition that the interplay between digital and physical archival activities can be harnessed to involve and connect diverse groups with shared interests, both at local and global levels.  相似文献   

The Kven and Sámi peoples of northern Norway have been represented as groups without a voice in public records. Through the project ‘National Minorities in Public Records in Norway,’ however, hundreds of documents written in the Sámi and Kven languages were found inside the public archives. These documents were neither labeled, nor cataloged in any way as non-Norwegian-language documents. This essay raises a number of questions related to how a lack of knowledge has influenced our understanding of ethnic minorities both in archives and in research related to minorities. Furthermore, recent experience leads us to a few more questions concerning the usage of sources. How do Norwegian ministries treat requests for access to official documents less than 60-years old related to the Kven and Sámi peoples? How were documents in minority languages arranged and archived by archival personnel? How can an oppressed collective memory serve as a counter-memory for minorities? How can archival documents change our understanding of minorities? What might archivists do to make minorities more visible in archives? This paper describes my personal experiences and reflections in connection with the project.  相似文献   


Based on a keynote address to the 2018 International Society for First World War Studies conference, the author’s survey of a centenary of archival endeavour comprises four time periods and two themes. It highlights the unique role of the Australian War Memorial and its initial documentation priorities favouring Dr C.E.W. Bean’s official war history, the battlefront and the war dead. A post-centenary open-ended aftermath is also discussed covering processing backlogs, the prospective idea of ‘digital breakthrough’ and the archival implications of ever-widening understandings of the war and its endless aftermaths. The paper ends with an appeal for new voices in researching the documentation of Australia’s Great War experience.  相似文献   

国际档案著录标准化前沿发展是档案著录的本体化。本文界定了档案著录本体基本概念,提出了档案著录本体标准化构建的原则与方法,基于此重点就本体的标准化概念建模与实例化进行了具体探究,为推进档案语义知识组织与智能检索的标准化,为提升档案利用率及其同其他文化遗产的共享集成利用均奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This article highlights the objectives and outcomes of the multi-year Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) research and demonstration project and discusses related developments to establish a large-scale sustainable cooperative for maintaining information about creators of archival collections, leveraging the Encoded Archival Context—Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) standard. The article discusses processes developed to derive EAC-CPF records from existing EAD finding aids, MARCXML records, and original authority records, enrichment of those records from other sources, and the creation of a prototype research resource, providing integrated access to dispersed archival collections and the social-historical context of the collections.  相似文献   

档案行业是以档案信息为中心的事业,建设档案信息资源共享平台与数字档案馆(室),打通档案信息的收集、管理、服务横纵干线,是经略档案事业具有战略性的基础工程。本文就二者的建设现状、相互关系进行探讨,以理清二者所处的现实站位,梳理两项建设间的有机联系,为决策部门科学筹划建设、高效使用资金、获取合理效益提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

‘Innovation’ is one of those words, like ‘challenge', which inspires different reactions in different people. Depending on one's background or job sector, it can either represent an exciting opportunity or a resource‐draining waste of time. Yet innovate we must, to satisfy our markets' increasing expectations, especially in the online environment. Some brand leaders have separate ‘laboratories’ where new features and ideas are developed and floated for feedback. In the absence of such a dedicated space, there are several issues relating to innovation within a publishing organization. This article looks at how these are handled at Wiley–Blackwell in the Compass journals team, and tries to distil some working principles.  相似文献   

Archival systems have been based on the conventional understanding of the relationship between record subjects as third parties and record creators as the principal parties to the record transaction, thus limiting the rights of those captured in and by the record. An alternative approach is a participant relationship model which acknowledges all parties to a transaction as immediate parties with negotiated rights and responsibilities. A number of legal and archival concepts support a participant model of co-creatorship and associated responsibilities in relation to ownership, access and privacy. The application of the participant model to Indigenous Australian record subjects, in particular to records about them held in archival institutions or in creating organisations would enhance Indigenous rights in records. Indigenous claims to ownership over archival sources of Indigenous knowledge can be characterised in the legal concept of a bundle of rights that recognises more than one interest to control, disclose, access and use records. Human rights principles in international and national human rights instruments also support the assertion of Indigenous rights in records. Archival and legal reform is required to fully implement the participant model but a number of archival, ethical and legal strategies would accelerate its implementation. The re-conceptualisation of the record subject as a record co-creator can also be applied to non-Indigenous contexts and therefore has significant archival and legal implications.  相似文献   

档案与数字人文之间的关系日益密切。档案知识服务与档案价值阐释是数字人文理念与技术应用于档案领域的代表性场景,数字人文能增强档案知识服务的技术刚性,延展档案价值阐释的人文柔性。档案化管理能帮助实现数字人文资源对象的全过程管理,保障数字资源的完整性与可用性;维护背景联系有助于构建资源信任,拓展数字人文的价值空间。数字记忆是记忆在数字时代的一种新形态,体现了档案与数字人文在人文—记忆之维与数字—叙事之维的融合共生。从档案与数字人文的双向视角考察二者相互的概念理解、价值意义,分析二者相互建构的实践路径,有助于推动档案与数字人文之间的学科对话,促进学科发展。  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, scholars concerned with post-colonial and indigenous populations have focused on archives as one method of excavating the cultures and lives of marginalized peoples. The limitations of textual and bureaucratic records, combined with the recognition that an archive can consist of interrelated knowledge constructs composed of many different kinds of documentation, have led these scholars to seek ‘archives’ beyond the walls of official buildings. For archivists likewise engaged in documenting post-colonial and other communities, expanding the definitions of what an archive could be, and suggesting new ways of seeing ‘records’, offers the potential of creatively representing and preserving the cultural expressions of these communities. This paper examines carnival as a cultural archive. Carnival, an annual tradition in many Caribbean islands was initially created by both enslaved and freed Africans as a counter-narrative to the festivals of the colonizers. In the US Virgin Islands, carnival began in the eighteenth century when the islands were Danish colonies. It was briefly revived at the beginning of the twentieth century and again in 1952 as an annual public celebration, which it remains today. While carnival produces traditional records, the week-long event also embodies the continuum of a local culture through a variety of non-traditional records that transmit genealogies, folkways, food customs, and history.  相似文献   

近年来,数字资源长期保存领域经历了从基础理论研究、个体实验,到最佳实践的发展过程。继2004年北京、2005年德国、2006年北美成功举办之后,2007年10月11-12日,数字资源长期保存国际会议(iPRES2007)再次回归北京,由国家科技图书文献中心主办,中国科学院国家科学图书馆组织承办。本次会议主题为"数字资源长期保存:项目进展和最佳实践",结合具体项目和实践经验,分别从数字资源长期保存的战略计划与基础设施、相关管理问题、技术研究与实践、认证与评估、教育与培训5个方面进行了介绍,并就面临的问题和下一步发展进行了交流。《现代图书情报技术》杂志作为此次会议协办媒体,组织部分参会论文形成专辑发表,集中反映国内外数字资源长期保存领域重大项目的研究进展以及实施路线,供广大研究人员参考、借鉴。  相似文献   

Analyzing archives and finding facts: use and users of digital data records   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article focuses on use and users of data from the NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), U.S. Who is using archival electronic records, and why are they using them? It describes the changes in use and consequently user groups over the last 30 years. The changes in use are related to the evolution of reference services for electronic records at NARA, as well as to growth in the types of electronic records accessioned by NARA. The first user group consisted mainly of researchers with a social science background, who usually expected to handle the data themselves. The user community expanded when electronic records with personal value, like casualty records, were transferred to NARA, and broadened yet again when a selection of NARA’s electronic records became available online. Archivists trying to develop user services for electronic records will find that the needs and expectations of fact or information seeking data users are different from those of researchers using and analyzing data files.  相似文献   

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