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在我国,艾滋病感染者遭遇就业歧视的主要原因在法律层面上是由于法出多门、立法层次较低、内容不完善、法律可操作性不强、执法监督力度不够,从而法律不能充分保障艾滋病感染者的就业权利;在社会层面上,由于人们缺乏对艾滋病的正确认识,对艾滋病及其感染者心存疑虑和恐惧,因而表现出对艾滋病感染者的排斥和歧视。  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that education policy on HIV and AIDS is policy about life. As such, the contexts and the realities of teachers and learners in the classroom need to be embedded in the policy. We make a case that HIV and AIDS policy needs to extend beyond the prevention mode to one that includes care and support in the policy context. Through the stories of three HIV positive teachers in Zimbabwean primary schools, we show the real people and the real bodies that inhabit the classrooms where policy seeks to find expression. In so doing we illustrate that policy on HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe is blind to the lives and contexts of teachers and learners.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process involved in creating a community-based training curriculum designed to build capacity and foster new knowledge in support of HIV/AIDS education. Highlighted are the challenges and triumphs incurred while working with community and academic partners to ensure the production of an adaptable curriculum designed to accommodate diverse teaching and learning styles. The curriculum provides teachers, community leaders and peer educators with knowledge and skills to competently deliver HIV/AIDS information, regardless of previous training in sexual health education. Educators are encouraged to adapt the curriculum according to community/classroom needs. Also highlighted is the need for creating further opportunities that enable teachers, community practitioners and researchers to collaborate around issues that influence learners' lives.  相似文献   

People living with HIV/AIDS will likely require services from mental health professionals to address the complex psychosocial effects of the illness. In the United States, counseling students are not likely to be well prepared to serve clients affected by HIV/AIDS, and little is known about their HIV-related knowledge and attitudes. The present study assessed the moral development, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS among a national sample of counseling students in the United States. Results indicated that students held biases toward people living with HIV/AIDS and that their attitudes toward HIV/AIDS were inversely related to their level of moral development.  相似文献   

This paper qualitatively compares the responses concerning knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention methods that were obtained from two cross-culturally different samples of students who were of a sexually active age. Canadian and Zimbabwean education students were sampled. The responses are presented and analyzed with the main purpose of placing the findings in the context of Balmer's (1991) proposal of a unified theory for HIV/AIDS counselling. The major focus of this paper is on HIV/AIDS infection prevention strategies. The differences in responses across the two groups sampled suggest that it would be important to begin individual and group-based prevention strategies with exploration of individual levels of knowledge. Finally, implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

For many young people in England, the move into continuing education involves a transfer from the school where they were educated to a further education college. For those with high‐functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome, this can be a challenging process. Past research has demonstrated some of the problems that these young people can encounter. This article by Wendy Mitchell and Bryony Beresford, both based in the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York, adds to the evidence base by describing how best to support these young people, focusing specifically on ‘young person endorsed’ practice. Data are gleaned from qualitative interviews with 18 young people with high‐functioning autism/Asperger's syndrome. Findings reveal that young people welcomed the involvement of practitioners; however, specific forms of help and knowledge were particularly valued. In addition, it was parents, as opposed to professionals, who typically emerged as the most significant and valued source of support. Implications for practice are discussed, including the support needs of parents.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in meeting the goals of the Education for All agenda, certain groups of young people are particularly vulnerable to exclusion and underachievement, including children with HIV/AIDS, children living in poverty, and children with disabilities. HIV/AIDS has reduced many young people’s rights to access education, to live a full and healthy life, and to have a life as a child. This article focuses on attempts to continue to empower young people to protect themselves from HIV by exploring the dynamics around HIV-related education in schools, in particular by examining the role that young people’s knowledge can play in improving curricula and thus reducing HIV/AIDS rates. The authors draw on qualitative research in a total of eight schools in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. Preliminary findings suggest that pupil consultation and dialogue can be used to inform thinking on the curriculum for HIV education.  相似文献   

With the increased occurrence of HIV and AIDS among children, the education system of countries is particularly burdened as these children survive into adulthood and beyond, as anti-retroviral regimens are increasingly effective in prolonging life. One of the most challenging problems presented to educators, when confronted with the growing HIV/AIDS school population, is the planning of education programmes based on these children's information-processing strengths, but also taking into account HIV/AIDS related cognitive restraints. An education-focused response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic requires a clear understanding of medical and neuropsychological effects of HIV/AIDS-related illness on cognition and residual learning difficulties, as well as a clear understanding of the educational needs of these learners. The impact of medical conditions such as HIV encephalopathy or encephalitis (also know as the AIDS dementia complex), subcortical dementia, cranial calcifications, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), cerebrovascular disease, progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML), white matter disease, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, meningitis and ophthalmic problems leading to educational difficulties are discussed. From this information we propose an instructional delivery framework for children with HIV/AIDS and argue the importance of addressing the educational needs of this growing population of children. A broad multidisciplinary approach is essential if we are to understand the complexity of the pandemic and respond to it.  相似文献   

Continuing education programs for health care professionals who practice in geriatrics are an important part of improving the health care provided to older adults. Programs utilizing active forms of learning that mimic the clinical environment are more successful at changing the behavior of health care professionals than traditional didactic styles of teaching. Problem-based learning methods allow learners to identify their own areas of strength and weakness and to work toward improvement in a manner best suited to their needs. This article describes an interdisciplinary team of educator-clinicians in geriatrics who developed clinical case studies embodying these approaches as one method of improving the learning process for adult health care providers. An actual sample case study is presented as an illustration of the principles embodied in this process. Lessons learned from the development and use of these case studies are summarized in the context of improving the quality of continuing education programs for health care professionals in geriatric practice.  相似文献   

自1985年我国发现第一例艾滋病病例以来,艾滋病患者长期处于社会排斥与社会隔离之中,他们饱受歧视与压抑,成为丧失部分权利和地位的"身份受损"群体——污名群体.本研究对北京市某高校部分学生进行了抽样调查,认为对艾滋病知识的掌握、成长阶段以及影响性知识、艾滋病知识获取的主客观因素显著干预高校学生对于艾滋病患者的态度,并指出艾滋病的"内部可控性"和"消极符号化含义"对延续艾滋病患者群体污名化处境具有负面作用.  相似文献   

Rural Development Professionals (RDPs) are key actors in processes of social change for people living with HIV/AIDS in rural areas. This article reports on the filming of a series of workshops and courses for RDPs in Ghana, India, Tanzania and Zambia. In this article the filming and the films are analyzed as tools for learning and social change for different audiences. Analyzing the production and consumption processes shows the interconnectedness of the filming and learning during the courses. The results indicate that the films contribute to improved rural development professionalism in the context of HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Three decades since the onset of HIV/AIDS, 33.2 million people worldwide are infected and prevalence in Kenya is on the rise. This paper contributes to discussions about HIV/AIDS education and draws on the health promotion approach and the emancipatory theory of Paulo Freire. Freire argued that through dialogue people unveil their world. The researchers used the method of dialogue to facilitate parents' and teachers' reflections on sexuality education for the children. The dialogues seemed to facilitate some reflection and showed the attitudes of the community to matters that impact on sexuality education (e.g. gender and sexuality). This paper illustrates how dialogic processes can be useful to the process of constructing realistic and contextually relevant HIV/AIDS education. The challenges for the researcher as an outsider are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the consequences of an expansion of domestic university places in Australia after 2009 for inequalities in access to tertiary education. I focused on how different individual-level socioeconomic factors were influencing not only the likelihood of continuing education at the tertiary level but also a type of institution one studies at. Thus, I simultaneously analyse vertical and horizontal dimensions of inequalities in access. The expansion has not dramatically changed the differentiated access within different socioeconomic groups. However, the influence of parental education and secondary school context on continuing education has weakened. But those who have benefited the most are young people from upper service class. They not only approach near-universal access faster than other social classes but also improve their relative chances to study at the most prestigious institutions. Controlling for academic ability at the age of 15 showed that socioeconomic background continuous to matter after that age. This means that student-oriented equity policies undertaken closer to the point of transition to tertiary education have a capacity to decrease educational inequalities. Results are discussed against the background of the current higher education policy trends regarding equity in access.  相似文献   

HIV and AIDS infections are becoming an increasing problem all over the world. The education systems of developing countries are particularly burdened with the increased occurrence of the disease among children. The central nervous system is one of the major are as of the body that HIV/AIDS affects. Because scholastic performance is linked closely to the functioning of the brain, it is important to know which areas of the brain are affected by the virus and how the illness manifests, in order to provide an appropriate educational programme for these children. By understanding the weaknesses of HIV/AIDS children within the educational system, educators can focus on their strengths in order to provide these children with a well-structured and effective education. In this article, two researchers from the University of Pretoria, Dr Drienie (H) Naudé, Professor of Educational Psychology, and Dr Resia (E) Pretorius, senior lecturer in the Department of Anatomy, suggest that the receptive language abilities of children with AIDS and HIV infection might be less affected than their expressive and non-verbal skills. From this information, the authors propose an instructional delivery framework for children with HIV/AIDS. Specific recommendations focus on reading, arithmetic/mathematics, handwriting instruction and the use of computers. The aims of this programme are to assist teachers who might be confronted with the learning needs of children with HIV/AIDS and to promote a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the educational needs of this growing population of children.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mainly qualitative study into company strategies for HIV/AIDS information, education and communication (IEC) strategies in the Botswana workplace. The authors argue that HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention strategies in Botswana need a new approach. The research proposal hypothesized that IEC strategies need to take account of adult education theory that promotes the active involvement of learners in developing their own curriculum. It also proposed that an Africa‐centric gender perspective should be incorporated into future IEC materials. That is, the particular cultural position of women and their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection in Botswana needs to be theorized as an issue of power. Integrated with this issue is the argument that it is not always appropriate to try to persuade women to take the initiative in preventing infection when culturally they have no power to do so. The paper therefore critiques some of the adult education and feminist arguments for empowerment that do not take account of existing male power positions within the Botswana social framework. Using new educational material that derived from the research findings the authors argue for a dual strategy towards behavioural change; one that takes account of the current health crisis, but also one which uses a radical pedagogical approach that engages with ‘where people are at’.  相似文献   

Youth-sensitive policies are gradually gaining recognition in Africa. The release of the recent publication Children in Ghana by the Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs (MOWAC) and UNICEF-Ghana attests to the value the country places on young people's perspectives. Guided by Richardson's conceptual framework on sexual citizenship, this paper draws on four sets of focus group discussions, informal conversations and interviews with 24 young people aged between 14 and 19 (seven young men and 17 young women), all of whom were living on the streets of a city in Ghana. It shows how young people navigate sexuality in a context of poverty and in an era of HIV/AIDS. It argues that the young women's demonstration of a sense of agency, evident in the midst of violence and insecurity, contradicts the notion of childhood sexual innocence. These experiences challenge the view that human rights and sex education are sufficient strategies to address young people's transitions to a safe adulthood within impoverished contexts.  相似文献   

This paper describes current trends in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It looks at issues and strategies involved in educating women about HIV/AIDS in the context of the global pandemic, focusing particularly on Canada and Vietnam. These strategies are essential steps in preventing the spread of HIV and in caring for those who have already developed AIDS. The strategies identified include the formulation of public policy within Canada, Vietnam, and the UK which would strive to eliminate inequality and discrimination, while at the same time positioning HIV/AIDS education within a gender‐sensitive perspective. Other educational strategies include teaching women how to practise negotiated safety while understanding the power dynamics within which safer sex must occur, being sensitive to local cultures and moving away from individualistic programmes towards programmes that focus on structural inequalities.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa has prompted a need for extensive efforts to educate citizens of all ages about the disease and ways of coping with its impact. This paper describes the process of developing an HIV/AIDS education curriculum for Takalani Sesame, an educational media project for young South African children. The process began with formative research with adults and children, and extensive discussions with HIV/AIDS health specialists. Guided by the research and advice from specialists, a team of educators developed a comprehensive curriculum that the Takalani Sesame production team will use to create HIV/AIDS education messages for television, radio and outreach materials for children ages 3-7 and the adults who care for them.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa has prompted a need for extensive efforts to educate citizens of all ages about the disease and ways of coping with its impact. This paper describes the process of developing an HIV/AIDS education curriculum for Takalani Sesame, an educational media project for young South African children. The process began with formative research with adults and children, and extensive discussions with HIV/AIDS health specialists. Guided by the research and advice from specialists, a team of educators developed a comprehensive curriculum that the Takalani Sesame production team will use to create HIV/AIDS education messages for television, radio and outreach materials for children ages 3-7 and the adults who care for them.  相似文献   


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is steadily increasing among the baby boom population. Among this population, there is a gap between knowledge and behavioral choices. HIV risk perception is multifaceted and shaped by different sociodemographic factors. Baby boomers’ perception of risk and sociocognitive determinates that impact their decision to practice safe sex was examined using a correlational study design. A hierarchical multiple linear regression (HMLR) model from 48 participants aged 50–70 living in the South revealed that level of education, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention behavioral skills, and HIV prevention information predicted the intent to practice safe sex. Findings account for 58.3% of the total amount of the variance explained by the two model predictors. The results are consistent with findings in the literature that suggest older adults who have more HIV prevention information and behavioral skills are more inclined to practice safe sex.  相似文献   

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