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一种新颖的教育考试模式——国际高中毕业考试(IB)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
一、IBO与IB考试的由来与发展 美国大学录取新生的考试,包括由美国教育服务处(Educational Tost Sorvice,ETS)举办的“学业成绩测验”(The Ackievomcnt Test,AT)、“学习能力测验”(Scholastic Aptitude Tost,SAT),GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test,GMAT);由美国高等院校测验处(American College Testing ACT)举办的“美国大学入学考试”(American College Tosting Program.ACT)。  相似文献   

This study aims to illuminate how professional interactions among teachers form different types of teacher leadership in schools, which, in turn, shape different levels of teachers’ involvement in activities related to their professional learning community (PLC). To investigate certain patterns of teachers’ interactions that contribute to the formation of teacher leadership and thereby the development of PLC, two international schools that offer a full continuum of three International Baccalaureate (IB) programs were purposively chosen. The schools have similar numbers of students and are located in two different countries in East Asia. Using a mixed-methods research approach, the patterns of teacher professional interactions were first examined using social network analysis. Next, the degree to which teachers in the case study schools enact practices related to PLCs was assessed and compared through a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test. Further, based on findings from social network analysis, in-depth semistructured interviews were conducted with selected key participants to understand the linkage between teacher leadership and teachers’ involvement in their PLC in each case school. From the findings, we propose four conceptual types of teacher leadership that explain how teacher leadership shapes different levels of teachers’ engagement in PLC in the two case schools.  相似文献   

The Learner Profile (LP) frames International Baccalaureate (IB) learning outcomes across the three programme levels and, as such, plays a key role in measuring the success of the rapidly growing number of IB schools in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our aim was to develop an instrument to measure the IBLP and validate the instrument through a series of psychometric procedures. Results showed solid construct validity and measurement reliability, alongside content validity from our Delphi studies and cross-validation with different samples. Given the growing number of IB schools in the Asia-Pacific, we believe that the development of the IBLP questionnaire (IBLPQ) contributes to the international research community and educators interested in exploring the relationship between student outcomes and the LP. Importantly, given the current absence of systematically designed and tested survey instruments to measure the LP, we expect the IBLPQ will become a key initial resource for a wide range of stakeholders.  相似文献   

根据国际预科证书课程体系的新旧两个大纲,笔者从理念和目标、课程组织、课程实施和评价四个方面,结合我国对该课程体系的引进和改造实际,探究了该课程体系中创新素养的理论和培养方式,以期对深化课程改革有所助益。  相似文献   


Possibly the greatest problem now facing citizens and educators is the increasing polarization in society. In this article, I address today’s social and political climate and the challenges it poses to communication and civil discourse. The problem is acute on college and university campuses, as well as in schools. I’ll propose one potential curricular solution, interdisciplinary studies, as a means of opening minds, spurring dialogue, and reducing polarization.  相似文献   

Paul Kidson  Rachel Wilson 《Compare》2019,49(3):393-412
The presence of International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes in Australia has grown significantly over the past decade. Despite this, little critical research exists on the IB in Australia. This article provides an analysis of the IB currently in Australia, outlining the trends in growth across the various IB programmes over the last decade and compares this to international trends, including those of the Asia-Pacific region in which Australia is located. This profile is then contrasted against the profile of research that has been conducted into the IB in Australia during this same period. A discrepancy is apparent between implementation of the IB and critical analysis of that implementation. Much of IB practice in Australia therefore remains unresearched. Suggestions for future research to address this discrepancy are offered.  相似文献   

随着我国对外贸易规模的扩大,外贸工作岗位分工越来越细,每个岗位的用人要求也有所不同.高职教育是基于工作过程培养人才,因此,高职国际经济与贸易专业的课程应该根据各个外贸业务环节的特点及从业岗位的具体要求加以设计.结合学生全面发展的需要,以职业需求为中心,与学生发展要求相结合,是职业教育课程目标改革的关键.  相似文献   

课程是国际学校的灵魂和赖以存在的基础,也是国际学校倡导国际理解、提倡相互尊重、相互学习、取长补短、共同进步的全球价值取向的具体体现。香港国际学校因其所处的特殊历史和文化背景在其课程设置方面体现了鲜明的个性和特征,可将其概括为:“混杂”性、倾“西方”性、全纳性、国际性和享受性。  相似文献   

国际文凭课程起始于欧洲,正兴盛于美国.通常它被认为是私立的精英教育,唯独在美国有大批公立学校开设.本文梳理了国际文凭课程在美国的发展路径,探讨了课程发展的特点、兴盛的原因以及引发的争议.国际文凭课程在美国的成功不是偶然的,它同美国的教育制度和教育现有着必然的联系,应对我国高中教育改革有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

This paper explores two of the tensions Tarc identifies in the history of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: firstly, between its design for meritocratic competition and its internationalist vision and, secondly, between the IB as a global commodity and its localised interpretations. Using data from three case studies of Australian schools offering both the IB Diploma and the local government curriculum, and student responses to an online survey across 26 such schools, the analysis shows how choices behind the IB's growing popularity foreground strategies for optimising meritocratic competition. Framed through Bourdieu's concepts of field and ‘rules of the game’, the analysis shows how students act on their own comparative analyses of each curriculum to optimise their chances to access desirable university pathways within the local rules of the game for university placement. Schools are shown to offer the IB Diploma to recruit and retain academically ambitious students by pooling their relative advantage in different local ecologies. Students are shown to carefully evaluate the benefits and costs of the IB choice. The conclusion reflects on how the choice of the IB Diploma for meritocratic advantage by some might change conditions for others not choosing it.  相似文献   

国际中小学信息技术课程比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学信息技术课程已经成为全球范围内基础教育改革的热点研究课题。文章首先从信息技术课程的实施方式、课程目标及课程内容三个方面对世界主要国家的中小学信息技术课程现状进行了比较,然后又提出并进一步分析了中小学信息技术课程的演进模型。  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的深入,校本课程的开发与建设越来越受到人们的重视。教师成为校本课程开发主体之一,校本课程开发的过程也成为教师专业发展的过程。四川省成都市龙泉驿区第五小学校(简称"龙泉五小")非常重视教师专业发展,充分发挥教师的主体作用,鼓励教师参与校本课程的开发与建设,相继开发了"生活阅读"课程、节庆课程、创客课程等一系列校本课程。"生活阅读"课程最能体现龙泉五小校本课程理念。"生活阅读"是在特定的阅读场域中,以阅读为手段、以回归生活为走向、以意义建构为旨归,通过挖掘生活元素、链接生活世界、体验生活实践,让学生感受真实的生活、体验丰富的情感、获取意义建构,从而实现思想的交流、智慧的启迪、灵魂的感悟和精神的成长。"生活阅读"课程分为"阅书""阅事""阅人"三大板块。"阅书"重视输入与积累,为学生终身学习打下文化基础;"阅事"重视输出与运用,引导学生密切联系生活实际,达到学以致用;"阅人"强调认识与理解,让学生找到自我发展的方向。学校基于"生活阅读"课程开展了丰富多彩的阅读活动,将文本与生活、与课程活动连接起来,用生活化的活动对阅读成果进行展示与表达,充分体现校本课程的育人功能。本刊《特设专栏》围绕"小学校本课程的开发及实践"这一主题特别组稿10篇,展示龙泉五小校本课程开发及实践的过程与成果,以获"抛砖引玉"之效。  相似文献   

《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》是新一轮课程改革的重大成果,解读其结构可以得出,历史必修模块与选修模块是一种“并联 并联”的形式,那么,这种形式带来的巨大选择空间必然对我们的选课与选课指导以及课程编排带来挑战。从微观的角度对高中历史选课与课程编排的具体实施进行探讨,对于我国高中新课程的顺利实施是有意义的。  相似文献   

课程多样化是普通高中多样化发展的途径之一,实现课程多样化的重要因素是课程的校本开发和实施。普通高中综合实践课程和校本课程是培育学校课程开发能力的最佳平台。文章研究了海南省普通高中综合实践课程和校本课程的实施情况,发现开设有校本课程的学校只占到1/3左右,课程门数少,且活动化;综合实践课程开设形式化,时间上不能得到保证。综合实践活动和校本课程实施情况与学校课程领导有很大关系。  相似文献   

In this study we analyse the relationship between Mexican students’ enrolment in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) and their college preparedness using a case-study methodology. We found that from the Mexican schools that offer the IB DP, most IB students are fairly successful in their college applications, such that the majority enrols at among the most well-regarded post-secondary institutions in Mexico. The possibility that IB DP grades and/or examination records might help boost students’ college admissions options does not seem to be a primary motivating factor for students’ IB DP enrolment. Rather, we found that students enrol in the IB DP because they think it will help prepare them to successfully handle college-level work. Students and educators believe that various aspects of the IB DP prepare them for college-level work, including the Theory of Knowledge course, the Extended Essay and the Creativity, Action and Service programme.  相似文献   

在职业学校开设综合课程,是提高学生全面素质特别是科学文化素质的紧迫需要,也是学校课程改革和教材建设的必然要求。综合文科和综合理科应是职业学校普遍开设的综合课程,它的建设应遵循综合性原则、系统性原则、科学性原则和实用性原则。  相似文献   

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