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A Reach Index was developed in 2015 to find out the proportion of the Singapore population that the National Library Board (NLB) serves. This Reach Index is intended to ascertain NLB's unique reach among Singapore's resident population over a 12-month period. The composite index comprises five indicators: unique physical visitors to its libraries, active members, participants of its programs and/or exhibitions, users of its digital platforms, and volunteers who assist in library operations and the running of programs. At the end of the exercise, the Reach Index was able to help NLB identify the segments of the population that are well-reached as well as under-reached on an annual basis.  相似文献   


The achievement of social justice, which implies the development of collections and the design of services for different user groups, is an objective present in the mission of public libraries. Since the 1950s, Croatian public libraries have been continuously developing collections and services for different user communities. However, one user community has remained largely unrecognized – LGBTIQ people. Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this paper is to examine the importance of the role of public libraries in the life of the LGBTIQ community in the Republic of Croatia. With a sample of 259 respondents, information behaviors, attitudes and experiences of LGBTIQ people in relation to public libraries have been examined via an online survey. In particular, this study explored the extent to which members of public libraries differ from non-members. The obtained results should contribute to a better understanding of the information needs and behavior of members of sexual minorities and help bring this group of users closer to (Croatian) public libraries by ensuring that libraries more adequately respond to their needs.  相似文献   

This study examines the collective success and Best in the Nation status of Ohio public libraries as indicated by the Hennen American Public Library ratings (HAPLR), the “Star” libraries statistical rankings, and expert suppositions in the trade literature. This study is a phenomenological case study design that utilizes in-depth, semistructured interviews with a purposeful sample of former and current Ohio public librarians. The analysis indicates that equitable state-based funding and organized library autonomy are the overarching drivers in setting the Best in the Nation phenomenon for Ohio public libraries. This phenomenon is abetted by supportive public and professional communities within a hospitable geographic region. Altogether these qualities are the basis of a dynamic ecosystem of success for Ohio public libraries. The sharp funding reduction of 2009, however, has called the sustainability of the Best in the Nation library ecosystem into question. Additionally, the research revealed the specific nature of the phenomenon, which was not initially perceptible.  相似文献   

公共图书馆存在的理由:来自图书馆使命的注解   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
在世界范围内,几份重要的公共图书馆文献都将当代公共图书馆的使命界定为教育、信息服务、文化传播、促进社会和谐、培育信息素养、培养阅读兴趣、扫盲。文章首先考察了这些文献对公共图书馆使命的阐述,然后以经验研究(empmal research)发现为依据,考察了这些使命作为公共图书馆存在理由的有效性。研究发现,这些使命在当代政治和社会话语中经常出现,公众对它们也具有很高的需求,从这个意义上说,它们的确为公共图书馆的合理性提供着有效注解,但信息服务使命目前正受到互联网的挑战,扫盲及培养阅读兴趣的使命正在受到图书馆借阅量下滑趋势的挑战。  相似文献   

This report by the director of a small public library examines multiple issues that face small and rural libraries in the age of big data, high expenses, and limited revenues. The author concludes that small libraries often have quite individual needs that must be met if the library is to be successful in its service mission, especially in this time of rapidly changing technology and a shifting demographic profile.  相似文献   

In 2004 a collaborative, statewide outreach project in Delaware was undertaken where consumer health librarians were embedded in public libraries. In order to explore the effect of the embedded librarians on the quality of health information provision, unobtrusive reference visits were made to half of the public libraries in the state. The query “Do vaccines cause autism?” was posed to library staff; resources provided were recorded. In 67 percent of visits, public library staff provided authoritative health information resources. It appears the embedded librarians had a positive residual effect on the provision of authoritative health resources for addressing an ambiguous query.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):57-73

Public librarians derive the philosophical and ethical principles that guide our practice from transcendent ideals which are also embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This article reviews the foundation of the U.S. public library and key documents that have characterized its development. Recent violations of human rights in U.S. libraries include closure; exclusion of the homeless; refusal to purchase Spanish-language materials; ordinances against gay pride display; and filtering. The importance of the public librarian's commitment to human rights as the ethical basis for library service is defined and discussed.  相似文献   

从图书馆市场营销角度出发,分析新加坡国家图书馆管理局的营销组合策略,包括为顾客提供多元化服务的产品策略,吸引顾客成为长期会员的弹性价格策略,为顾客提供最大化便利的分销策略,以及与公众保持良好信息沟通的促销策略。这些营销策略体现出新加坡图书馆的创新精神和"以顾客为中心"的服务理念,值得我国学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article explains why Library 2.0 is nothing less than a new world order. The author, who is the manager of the Strategic Planning Office of the National Library of Singapore, argues that libraries must stop trying to change the behavior of their users. Instead they must give up control and make use of collaborative tools and technology to engage and share information rather than just provide it. He highlights three areas where change is imperative if libraries are to have a bright future.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探索一条我国基层公共图书馆社会化管理建设的途径。[方法/过程] 利用案例分析法对安徽省芜湖市镜湖区图书馆社会化管理中动因、参与主体、管理内容、资金的提供以及监督评估等各要素进行分析。[结果/结论] 通过与三山区相关数据进行对比分析,明确镜湖区图书馆社会化管理取得的成效。此外,指出其存在管理制度规范缺失、参与机构积极性不高以及评价机制不完善等不足。在镜湖区图书馆社会化管理实践经验的基础上,完善相关法律制度以及评估机制是优化我国基层公共图书馆社会化管理体系的重要方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

国际图联在1997年成立了管理与市场营销委员会,并于2001年设立了国际图联营销奖。论文通过对国际图联营销奖的介绍,结合国际图联营销奖得主新加坡公共图书馆的营销情况,提出对我国图书馆营销的几点建议。  相似文献   

公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了我国公众图书馆意识现状,在分析公众图书馆意识淡薄原因的基础上,探讨了公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识培养的途径。  相似文献   

公共图书馆精神的时代辩护   总被引:190,自引:4,他引:190  
公共图书馆精神的发展经历了平民化、社会教育和民主社会的保障三个阶段。公共图书馆精神实质是保障社会成员获取信息机会的平等,从信息知识角度维护社会公正。“收费对免费”的讨论是对这一精神的挑战。信息时代仍需要公共图书馆机构/制度来维护社会信息公平。公共图书馆精神在中国并没有真正形成,但理论界对之却很淡漠。今天,公共图书馆精神已成为推动图书馆事业发展的动力。参考文献25。  相似文献   

围绕公共图书馆教育、文化、信息服务、促进社会和谐及休闲娱乐五大职能展开论述了我国公共图书馆应开展的基本服务,主要包括培养阅读习惯、扫盲、信息素质教育、支持学校教育、支持终身教育、宣传推广文化、日常信息咨询服务、促进社会融合及为公众提供休闲娱乐等等。参考文献8。  相似文献   

图书馆的评估研究可分为微观评估和宏观评估两种,微观评估主要以单个图书馆作为研究对象,而宏观评估则是以图书馆群体发展总过程的活动为研究对象。文章中提出地区公共图书馆事业评估这一概念,并认为它属于图书馆宏观评估的范畴。地区公共图书馆事业的评估涉及到政府、图书馆、馆员、用户四个主体,文章通过分析四个主体之间的相互关系,构建了地区公共图书馆事业评估指标集合。该指标集合包括政府、环境因素、办馆条件、基础业务建设、用户服务、馆员管理、资金管理六个方面,分有三个层次的指标集合。文章还从该指标集合当中选取部分有可比性的指标构建了一个地区公共图书馆事业评估指标体系的示例。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆经费保障制度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经费是公共图书馆生存和发展的基本保障,围绕经费保障问题形成的制度则是公共图书馆生存和发展的基础性制度。美国公共图书馆事业发达的重要基础在于其经费保障制度及其体系的完善。美国通过联邦、州和地方政府多个层面颁布法律、法规和标准来规定对公共图书馆的拨款事项,实现美国公共图书馆经费增长与国家财政支出增长同步,并取得较好的服务效益。但目前尚存在经费在不同级别政府间分配不公等问题。本文系统分析美国各个层面对公共图书馆经费保障制度的立法基础和法律形式,考察其经费保障体系的实践效果,以期为我国图书馆法关于经费问题的理论与实践研究提供参考。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article challenges the conventional assumptions about the serious decline of public libraries in England. The author asserts that, as shown by the comparative data for the United States and Australian public libraries, it has not been caused by changes in society or technology. Nor has government austerity been the driving force. The loss of public interest originated in the years from 1990 to 2010 when major alterations were made to the ethos of the service. The current budget cuts and moves to ‘hollow out’ and close library services have come because of the consequent fall in public affection.  相似文献   

加拿大公共图书馆一瞥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用印度图书馆学家阮岗纳赞的“图书馆五原则”,检视加拿大公共图书馆标准化的服务体系,并以多伦多公共图书馆流通领域为例,介绍图书经费的来源、热门书籍的确定、逾期图书的罚款处理、馆际互借的操作流程和图书馆员工如何想方设法向成年人、老人和儿童提供精湛和优质服务。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Creating new public programming that showcases new technology is an idea that has great appeal for most public libraries. This article summarizes ideas that emerged from a library planning charrette that was hosted by the Louisville Free Public Library, with the M.I.T. Design Laboratory facilitating. The article also suggests ways in which innovation and experimentation can be implemented at low cost within the bounds of an existing public library infrastructure. The use of open source Internet content resources is recommended as a source of inspiration.  相似文献   

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