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吴子牧是中国矿业大学天津时期、北京时期的主要领导人,为为学校在20世纪50年代初的建设和发展作出了重大贡献。他懂得高等教育规律,办学有方,具有很高的领导水平和领导艺术,受到全院师生员工的崇敬和爱戴。  相似文献   

周恩来的风格和领导艺术,内容广博精深,现仅就作个方面论述:①照顾多数,不可跑得太前,也不可落在运动后面;②团结各种力量,和同盟者一道干;③要使群众不感觉我们是在领导;④照顾全局,通透运筹;⑤抓住中心,推动全盘;⑥审时度势,通权达变;⑦协调矛盾,求同存异;⑧原则坚定,策略灵活。周恩来高尚风格和杰出的领导艺术,是中华民族优秀传统文化和西方先进思想相结合的结晶,是党和国家宝贵的精神财富,内涵十分丰富,有待深入研究。认真学习、研究和应用周恩来的领导艺术,将更快更好地推进我国各项事业向前发展。  相似文献   

This article develops and tests the argument that leadership behavior in organizations can best be understood within a contingency technology-environment model. The major premise of this model is that one of the most influential intervening factors between organizational performance and leadership behavior is either the technology that the organization utilizes or the environment with which the organization interacts. Building upon this premise and the work of Kuhn (1970), four hypotheses are tested concerning the relationship between the effectiveness of natural science and social science departments in American universities using factor analysis. The data supports the conclusion that differential leadership styles are predictable in different scientific fields.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings of a study in information communication technology (ICT) implementation, on the principal's leadership style in relation to other factors that influence implementation. The principal's leadership style is perceived—on the basis of the characteristics of the context where the study was conducted—as a personal quality, rather than a change/transformational leadership behaviour or related to the principals' positional authority. The study employed firstly a large‐scale survey based on which case studies of four schools were selected for further research. The findings have implications for practice, more specifically, for principals' training and for the support provided to schools for embedding ICT. The paper draws on an institutionalist implementation approach to describe the principals' role in theorising the concept of ICT in education.  相似文献   

A large number of new community college presidents will be hired in the next 5 years due to vacancies. New leaders must be prepared to lead their institutions through the challenges facing community colleges. Forty-one community college presidents in North Carolina participated in our research (70.7% response rate). We found that community college presidents’ perceptions of their management styles all fall within the “team management” orientation according to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton, 1964). We then examined the financial management challenges faced by community college presidents and found empirical evidence regarding how community college presidents rank six of the most critical financial challenges identified in the literature. Presidents’ rankings of the six most critical financial challenges showed that the three most pressing concerns are maintaining student access during times of increasing educational costs, managing enrollment during times of decreasing state funding, and lowering costs without damaging academic quality.  相似文献   

河南省目前农村的基层组织的领导方式,既有计划经济体制的某些传统,又附带着新时期以来的改革痕迹,呈现出多种领导方式并存的格局。因此,创新农村基层组织领导方式,关系到农村地区的稳定和发展。  相似文献   

我国的大众传媒的迅速发展,人们开始越来越关注广播电视给人们带来的积极影响。通过对广播电视中传播语言促进人们在口语上的表达能力,本文就是在围绕广播电视传播语言语体特点和风格分析,分析当前我国广播电视的现状,在传播语言方面有哪些特点值得人们学习,在学习的过程中促进我们自身语言的发展。  相似文献   

Currently there is much interest in the research literature concerning sex differences for communicator style. This study investigated differences between males' and females' self‐perceptions on Norton's (1983) Communicator Style Construct and on the Social Style Profile (Buchholz, Lash brook & Wenberg, 1976). Forty‐three males and 42 females completed these measures as volunteers in a classroom setting. The results indicated that males' and females' self‐report responses do not differ significantly across these measures. An exploratory cluster analysis of communicator style provided a heuristic for future research.  相似文献   

This article introduces a quantitative research into how the leadership team members of 49 basic education schools in the city of Vantaa, Finland, experienced the realisation of strategic leadership in their leadership teams' work. The data were collected by a survey of 24 statements, rated on a five-point Likert scale, and analysed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The only variant explaining the differences in experiencing the realisation of strategic leadership in the leadership teams' work statistically, almost significantly, was the leadership team membership.  相似文献   

法律的出现是因为生产力的发展和人的自私本能。法律不是国家的产物,相反,国家是法律的必然结果。人的自私本能也促使最初法律内容的确定,它们是公平、诚信的道德总结、公权和原始宗教礼仪。  相似文献   

翻译是一种复杂的跨文化交际活动,必然会受到目的语语境中各种因素的影响和制约.文章旨在探索目的语语言的民族风格对翻译的影响,指出目的语语言的民族风格是造成原文文体风格在翻译中失落、变形的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

Leadership gained a lot of attention during the past decades because of school principals' growing responsibilities and the accountability-driven context they work in. However, reviews providing a general overview of effective school leadership theories and effective professional development are rare. The present review was conducted to summarise the existing literature and discover lacunae in school leadership research in preschools, primary and secondary schools. 75 studies focusing on leadership theories, characteristics of effective school leadership and school leaders’ professional development were included and analysed. The present article provides an overview of main leadership theories such as instructional leadership, situational leadership, transformational leadership, distributed leadership and Leadership for Learning. Second, the article focuses on the characteristics of effective school leadership and lastly, the review offers features of effective professional development activities for school principals.  相似文献   

领导执行力是将部门和个人的系统、制度、组织、文化和操作办法由决策转化为结果的能力,即"正确的做事"的能力。针对实践中因为领导执行力不佳存在的许多困境,构建由"业务"、"目标"、"激励"和"沟通"四极组成的领导执行力模型对提高领导科学发展能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

平淡风格与绚烂风格的计算统计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选择梁实秋的《北平的冬天》与余光中的《听听那冷雨》两篇同属怀乡题材的散文作为对比分析的文本 ,通过“解剖麻雀”的方式 ,以统计分析与计算分析的科学方法 ,细密而微地归纳出“平淡”与“绚烂”两种语言风格法的具体差异 ,总结出这两种风格类型的修辞特征 ,并由此推衍出这两种语言风格建构时所要遵循的修辞基本原则。不仅与前此的语体修辞研究的“印象式”的非科学研究模式划清了界线 ,也为中国修辞学和汉语语言风格研究的科学化奠下了一块基石  相似文献   

在全面建设小康社会的历史进程中,党必须加强自身建设,这是中国共产党顺应时代步伐,永葆先进性的根本要求.加强党的作风建设是重中之重,坚持党要管党与从严治党的方针,坚决克服党内存在的各种消极腐败现象.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated what occurs inside charter schools with respect to instructional leadership, teaching, and learning. To address this gap in the literature, this case study examines two major issues: how the principals at four charter schools enact instructional leadership in their respective schools, and what barriers the principals encounter when enacting instructional leadership at their school sites. The results highlight three main categories of instructional leadership practices: developing a school mission, managing curriculum and instruction, and promoting school climate and culture. In addition, the data reveal that while the principals attempted to engage in instructional leadership, they encountered barriers related to budgeting and staffing. The paper broadens the scholarly understanding of instructional leadership in schools with high levels of autonomy.  相似文献   

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