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电子资源使用统计收割标准SUSHI是一个为自动收割COUNTER格式的使用数据而制订的数据采集与传递的标准协议,于2007年成为NISO标准。目前,图书馆和数据库商对如何使用SUSHI仍比较迷茫,并不清楚各自需要做哪些准备工作以实现利用SUSHI自动收割使用数据。2014年2月,中国高校图书馆数字资源采购联盟倡议实现组团数据库使用数据按月自动化收割与规范化管理,重新引发国内图书馆及数据库商对SUSHI的关注。为加深国内图书馆及数据库商对SUSHI的理解与认知,并推进SUSHI的应用,本文梳理国内外SUSHI的实施与应用现状,从SUSHI客户端和服务器端两个层面解析SUSHI实施与应用的具体流程与步骤,并通过剖析英国JUSP和中国DRAA电子资源使用统计模块两个联盟的应用案例,呈现SUSHI应用的具体操作细节,揭开SUSHI实施与应用的神秘面纱。意识层面、技术层面和标准层面的因素推动或阻碍了SUSHI的实施与应用,建议要基于利益相关者来推动SUSHI的实施与应用。参考文献29。  相似文献   

SUSHI-网络电子资源利用与统计数据获取协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUSHI是一个数据采集、传递的标准协议,为图书馆提供了更加高效、方便的获取本馆电子资源利用统计数据的手段。该文详细介绍了该规范的起源、架构、核心内容以及相关应用。  相似文献   

李娜 《图书情报工作》2018,62(15):60-66
[目的/意义]为了解决高校图书馆电子资源使用统计和效益评估缺乏高效、准确、实用的统计方法、工具和实证研究的问题,以电子资源利用绩效分析平台(Electronic Resource Utilization Performance Analysis Platform,ERS)管理和评估外文电子期刊的实践为例,探索电子资源动态管理和评估的方法,为图书馆收集和管理电子资源利用与评估数据提供参考。[方法/过程]主要讨论基于服务器端COUNTER报告数据的电子资源管理与分析系统的基本功能和工作流程,并以上海财经大学图书馆利用ERS进行外文电子期刊的资源管理、引文分析、核心资源与学科资源分析和数据库评估为例,讨论电子资源管理与评估的方法。[结果/结论]以上海财经大学图书馆外文电子期刊的统计分析实践为基础,发现利用基于COUNTER报告数据的电子资源管理与分析平台能够为图书馆的资源采购提供决策支持,为学科服务提供深度的资源揭示,具有一定的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

COUNTER--网络化电子资源使用统计的新标准   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
自《COUNTER实施规范》于2002年3月发布以来,已为越来越多的出版商所采用,作为规范电子资源利用统计数据的采集、报告和传递的标准,图书馆有了更可靠、稳定的依据来评价和比较本馆电子资源的价值和使用情况。文章详细介绍了该规范的起源、核心内容及其发展动向。  相似文献   

电子资源使用统计及其应用初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
越来越多的供应商开始提供符合COUNTER规范的电子资源使用统计报告,使得图书馆能够方便地获得来自不同供应商的遵循相同规范的使用统计。这就为图书馆在电子资源的馆藏评估、采访策略的调整及相关服务的改进等诸多方面工作提供了客观的、可靠的数据,从而可以进一步提高电子资源的管理水平。  相似文献   

电子资源管理标准述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
概述5类电子资源管理的相关标准:链接解析器及知识库标准;作品、展示及检索点标准;统计数据及成本数据标准;许可标准;利用机构标识符进行数据交换的标准。列出ERMI(Electronic Resources Management Initiative)数据元素与电子资源管理标准的对应情况,最后对电子资源管理标准进行评析。  相似文献   

图书馆电子资源的急剧增长带来一系列的管理维护问题,电子资源管理系统应运而生。电子资源管理系统的功能主要有电子资源的订购管理、使用管理、使用统计与评价三方面。在电子资源管理系统的发展和应用过程中存在诸多挑战,如资源整合和一体化服务的挑战、系统整合的挑战、知识产权保护的挑战、系统本地化的挑战等。图书馆在选用电子资源管理系统时可遵循开放性和兼容性原则。  相似文献   

SUSHI(The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative Protocol,标准化的电子资源使用统计获取协议)是基于WEB服务的SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)协议,为获取网络电子资源的用户使用统计报告提供自动化的数据交换方法。论文从基础、技术内涵和实际应用等方面对SUSHI进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

电子资源管理系统的需求与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着图书馆订购的电子资源迅速增长,其管理问题已经放到图书馆的议事日程上.电子资源的授权、访问、管理、利用(统计)等不同于传统的纸本资源,具有其特有的复杂性和生命周期.应运而生的电子资源管理系统(ERM)不仅要提供相应的功能,还要遵循相关的规范,才能满足图书馆的需要.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2002, COUNTER has given hope to many librarians charged with collecting usage data for their online collections. This hope turned to optimism in 2007 with the release of SUSHI (Standardized Usage Harvesting Initiative) as a NISO standard (Z39.93). In 2009 release 3 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Journals and Databases takes effect and with it are some significant advances that will turn hopes and optimism into realities. This article describes the changes and their implications.  相似文献   

Project Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) released its first code of practice in 2002. Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) was introduced in 2007 as a way of automating the harvesting of COUNTER reports. Both initiatives have been well adopted yet there is still confusion about how to implement SUSHI. This column offers a primer for library staff wanting to take advantage of the benefits of SUSHI. It starts with a quick review of both COUNTER and SUSHI, then covers options for SUSHI clients, examines SUSHI configuration requirements, demonstrates how to use SUSHI to obtain a COUNTER report and shows an example of working with a COUNTER Journal Reports in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format to create a spreadsheet with a simple cost-per-use and package analysis. By the end the reader should gain enough knowledge to configure a SUSHI client, successfully harvest COUNTER statistics and to perform some basic analysis on that usage.  相似文献   

The Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) Code of Practice and Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) are two standards whose successful adoption will greatly assist librarians in performing accurate and timely usage analysis of their online collections and thus make more informed collection management decisions. Variations in how these standards have been applied by content providers to their SUSHI and COUNTER implementation are currently impacting their widespread adoption. The standards themselves are not broken—what is needed is concise guidelines on their implementation. This column reviews some of the roadblocks that impede consistent implementation of these standards as well as proposes recommendations that could form the basis of a community profile for these standards.  相似文献   

Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) is the key to automating the harvesting of Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) usage statistics. Whether librarians are aware of it or not, SUSHI is a critical standard for measuring and monitoring the use of library online collections, eliminating hours of painstaking effort that would otherwise be required to locate, retrieve, and load usage reports. However, needs are evolving and standards like SUSHI need to evolve too. In this column I will examine some of the challenges facing SUSHI and how the National Information Standards Organization SUSHI Standing Committee is proactively addressing the challenges with its effort to develop a more flexible and easier-to-implement version of SUSHI.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆服务平台Alma从实践意义上真正实现了印刷、电子和数字资源的统一平台管理,尤其是使电子资源的管理从手工操作转变为平台化管理,探索和研究其电子资源管理的内容、流程和原则对于高质量的管理至关重要。[方法/过程]在实践和应用中不断探索和分析Alma电子资源管理的工作内容、流程和原则,将北京师范大学图书馆的实际情况和平台功能相结合,形成相关的经验和方法,支持图书馆利用Alma管理电子资源的生命周期。[结果/结论]利用下一代图书馆服务平台管理电子资源需有明确的工作原则、内容和流程管理,制定过程中需将本馆实际和平台功能相结合,才能事半功倍,较好地实现对电子资源的管理。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Alma, the next generation library service platform, has truly realized the unified platform management of printing, electronic and digital resources in a practical sense. In particular, electronic resources have been managed by platform instead of manual operation. Exploring and studying the content, process and principles of electronic resource management in Alma are crucial for high-quality management.[Method/process] The work content, process and principles of Alma's electronic resource management were continuously explored and analyzed in usual work, and the actual situation of library and platform functions were also combined, and finally the experience and methods were formed, which can be used to guide and support the library to use Alma to manage the life cycle of electronic resources.[Result/conclusion] The management of electronic resources by using the next generation library service platform requires clear working principles, contents and process management, and the combination of the actual situation of the library and the functions of the platform in the formulation process can achieve twice the result with half the effort and better management of electronic resources.  相似文献   

The article will outline the Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians (NASIG Core Competencies Task Force [July 2013]) and intersect them with the practical everyday working experiences of an e-resources and periodicals librarian. The aim of the article is to convey an understanding of working in a practical library office environment, while being aware of the complexity of the theoretical competencies that are desirable and recommended. While it is aimed mainly at librarians, it should also be of interest to publishers and other vendors as they gain an understanding of what it is that librarians (their customers) do all day.  相似文献   

基于生命周期的电子资源管理系统功能需求探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稂丽萍  叶兰  李洪 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(2):74-77,91
文章从产品考虑与试用、采购、安装与使用、产品维护与评估四个方面分析电子资源生命周期内图书馆员对电子资源管理系统的功能需求,并探讨了电子资源管理系统的其他功能,以期对我国电子资源管理系统的研发起到借鉴与参考作用。  相似文献   

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