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The purpose of this article is to illustrate Professor William L. Boyd's insights into the political ecology of schooling and his contributions and collaboration with others concerned about ensuring the well-being of students, families, and communities. Over his career, Boyd investigated the subtle and complex organizational constraints to school-linked coordinated services, including examining the reasons for the unrelenting resistance of public organizations to change, despite repeated efforts to reform them. We trace the history of the community schools movement and explore the influential, and at times prophetic, scholarly contributions of William L. Boyd to the research and discussion on the effectiveness, challenges, and future promise of this reform strategy. We hope that current and future researchers can learn from and build on his scholarship to develop new pathways to improve the lives of at-risk children.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年里,比较教育领域发生了重要的变化.受比较教育学者的论述和不同语言及文化等背景因素的影响,世界上不同地区的比较教育领域具有各自不同的特点.本文主要关注世界比较教育学会联合会(WCCES)的作用,介绍了WCCES的运作形式以及随着时间的流逝其面对的某些压力及转变.  相似文献   

生涯教育:基础教育不可或缺的领域   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从世界基础教育发展的趋势看,基础教育除了使学生学会读、写、算和日常生活所需要的技能之外,还要培养学生学会解决问题和学会实践,增强寻求就业机会的能力和公民意识。在现有的基础教育框架不变的情况下,满足青少年对教育的基本需求,重要的途径是在中小学增加生涯教育课程,对学生进行生涯辅导。生涯教育会使学生在知识的学习与个体自我觉察、社会、工作之间建立起积极的联系,会使学生在丰富知识学习和塑造完美个性的同时增强未来进入社会的适应能力。  相似文献   

高校应把思想政治教育贯穿于《毛泽东思想概论》教学的全过程,对大学生加强中国革命和建设理论教育、党情国情与理想信念教育、思想品德教育。同时教师应注意提高自身的素质和能力,注意采用灵活多样的教学方法和手段,有效地进行思想政治教育。  相似文献   

William Boyd's contributions to the education field's understanding of the political nature of school leadership are formidable. In this article, I describe the growth and development, over a roughly 30-year time span, of his key insight that successful school leaders should have the capabilities of a political strategist and that the actualization of this capacity is related to school leaders’ political and policy context. The perennial question of “who governs education” was central to Boyd's work and his various answers are important touchstones for today's educational leaders.  相似文献   

This paper argues that America's current concern with educational reform arise from a change in social goals. However, while education is seen as having a powerful role, inadequate resources, competing demands and a decentralised system hinder substantive reform. The many reform reports are seen as requiring more critical evaluation.  相似文献   

本文根据美国《教育周刊》教育研究中心最近发表的一项教育政策影响因素专家调查报告,简要介绍了近十年来对美国教育政策制定产生了重大影响的研究项目、机构、个人和信息源,并提出四点分析。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,西方公共教育制度发生了一系列变革,改革的动力主要来自社会环境的变迁,而并非是教育内部的自觉.本文便试图从教育外在价值的角度,循着西方教育制度变革的生发轨迹,分析在不同时期左右政府政策的主导价值取向的主要理论资源的性质及特点,提出由教育功能、功用到功效构成了20世纪西方公共教育政策价值取向演进的一条基本逻辑线路.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics education can be broadly defined as the teaching and learning of the use of computer and information technology, along with mathematical and statistical analysis for gathering, storing, analyzing, interpreting, and integrating data to solve biological problems. The recent surge of genomics, proteomics, and structural biology in the potential advancement of research and development in complex biomedical systems has created a need for an educated workforce in bioinformatics. However, effectively integrating bioinformatics education through formal and informal educational settings has been a challenge due in part to its cross-disciplinary nature. In this article, we seek to provide an overview of the state of bioinformatics education. This article identifies: 1) current approaches of bioinformatics education at the undergraduate and graduate levels; 2) the most common concepts and skills being taught in bioinformatics education; 3) pedagogical approaches and methods of delivery for conveying bioinformatics concepts and skills; and 4) assessment results on the impact of these programs, approaches, and methods in students’ attitudes or learning. Based on these findings, it is our goal to describe the landscape of scholarly work in this area and, as a result, identify opportunities and challenges in bioinformatics education.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,美国对华实行贸易禁运。以朝鲜战争为标志,并且和美援相挂钩,迫使盟国实行比巴统还要严格的中国差别的贸易控制政策。后在巴统内盟国的反对下,仍坚持对华差别政策。“中国差别”的实行可使我们从另一个角度来了解美国的对华政策。  相似文献   

A new approach to Israel education has emerged to counteract what has been a tendency to romanticize Israel by avoiding criticism; it presumes that Israel engagement has much to offer a meaningful Jewish identity, but only when encountered critically, taking into account Israel’s many complexities. However, prevailing scholarly trends may not provide a clear stance on which to base critique and academic criticism may raise hard questions about the very idea of a Jewish and democratic state. This article addresses these concerns by offering a conceptual framework for scholarly study of Israel called “Mature Zionism” in which to ground a critical engagement with Israel that is genuinely educational.  相似文献   

澳大利亚职业生涯教育的"蝴蝶模型":介绍及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚职业生涯的蝴蝶模型源于洛仑兹的蝴蝶吸引子和职业生涯的混沌理论,关注职业生涯教育中计划之外的意外事件。该模型由简洁的双圈图及操作步骤组成,主要具有三方面特点:设计与实施中学生本位思想的贯穿与融合;职业生涯教育微观领域的延展与推进;对传统职业生涯教育方式的挑战与革新。其对我国职业院校职业生涯教育的启示是:构建具有本土特色的职业生涯教育体系;创新职业生涯教育的方式方法;提高职业生涯教育师资队伍专业化水平。  相似文献   

西方社区教育的"生涯性"对于21世纪西方教育的发展有着重要的意义,具有激发民众人性的积极作用,其闪现出的对人性的尊重,对我国职业教育的改革与发展有一定的借鉴意义。目前,我国的职业教育的发展驶入了"快车道",职业教育的"生涯性"对于个人发展的重要性正逐步显现。但总体来看,职业教育在人的全面发展方面所具有的重要作用并没有完全彰显,西方社区教育的"生涯性"特点值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

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