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本文提出了组建图书馆科研团队的必要性,分析了组建图书馆科研团队存在的问题,并从科研团队的学科带头人、研究内容、团队目标、人员规模与成员构成、建立完善管理机制、团队文化建设等方面论述了组建科研团队应注意的问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在科学研究中,科研团队通过学术交流互动推动着科学进步。以计算语言学领域为例,识别科学领域中科研团队的角色并探究其特征。[方法/过程] 通过构建机构作者合作网络,运用社群识别算法发现科研团队,结合论文引用关系构建科研团队引证网络,基于蝴蝶结模型和网络位置理论划分出领导者、中介者、追随者和孤立者等4种角色的科研团队。[结果/结论] 不同角色的科研团队在成员数量、发文量、合作强度等3个方面具有不同的特征。如领导者角色的团队数量最少而平均规模较大,追随者角色团队数量最多而团队规模较小,中介者团队合作密度与团队的发文量之间存在着显著的负相关关系,孤立者角色的团队与其他团队几乎不存在引证和被引关系。  相似文献   

齐静  王强 《图书馆学刊》2023,(1):93-100
综合运用社会网络分析法、网络调研、比较分析等研究方法,捕获中医古籍的文献信息,构建作者合著关系网络。利用Ucinet工具形成中心性和凝聚子群,探索中医古籍研究领域的科研团队。通过网络调研的方式构建了作者实际社会关系网络,并对比分析了社会关系网络与合著关系网络。我国中医古籍科研团队分布较分散,机构间科研实力差距较大;研究内容多为疾病古方文献考证、用药规律分析、知识库构建、古籍数字化等实用性研究,以及本体构建、古籍语言分类、概念实体间语义关系等知识组织类研究;合作模式主要有层级型、多点共中心型、共用点交叉合作型。  相似文献   

大科学时代,科研团队是科学创新活动的主要组织形式,但大量的科研团队并未备案,难以进行全面摸底和分类管理.然而,科研团队是一个复杂系统,本文基于成员角色的结构复杂性分析方法对科研团队结构开展实证研究,选取国内电动汽车领域专利发明人合作网络作为研究对象.首先,基于louvain算法发现科研团队成员;然后,采用基于成员角色的...  相似文献   

科研团队是协同开展科学研究的基本单元,科研团队的人员结构、执行效率、合作方式等都会对科研活动效果产生重要影响。在提出科研项目团队执行特征的分析模型的基础上,以国家自然科学基金项目两个学科的项目团队为例,对以项目形式组建的科研团队的合作特征与人员贡献、产出效率等进行关联分析,归纳不同类型团队在执行项目过程中的特点和优势。研究结论可为科技计划项目科学管理和分类评价等提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以初景利教授等人前瞻性的学科服务理论与实践为指导,学习借鉴国内外高校图书馆学科服务的成功案例,基于笔者所在校部分科研团队开展学科服务的有益尝试,对细化学科服务目标与内容、搭建学科服务团队、优化团队对接方式、构筑网络动态评估体系等关键环节进行探讨,旨在提高学科服务的可操作性,降低学科服务难度,实现图书馆传统服务华丽转身。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]团队协作被认为是解决复杂科学和社会挑战的有效方法之一,通过明晰团队与团队科学的相关概念,系统梳理科研团队学这一新兴交叉领域的发展进程及现状,以期深化相关学者对该领域的认知与理解.[方法/过程]应用科学计量、系统综述、知识图谱等方法,在厘清团队与团队科学相关概念及内涵的基础上,梳理科研团队学的兴起和演化,...  相似文献   

认为对科学环境的研究正从科学图谱呈现阶段转向建模解释阶段,学术网络模型具有丰富的模型揭示能力。将科研团队视为人类社会系统,借助和扩展学术网络模型概念框架,根据多种科研团队相关学术网络模型的内在关联,融合构建出科研团队元网络模型,整合科研团队多维数据,全面揭示科研团队概貌。在此基础上,提出科研团队元网络模型的潜在静态分析应用方向,并进行实例分析,体现元网络模型的揭示能力。  相似文献   

景晶 《图书情报工作》2019,63(17):103-109
[目的/意义]调查与分析我国高校图书馆学科服务团队建设现状和面临的困境,从团队视角提出针对性建议,对提高图书馆创新服务水平具有现实意义。[方法/过程]通过对上海4所高校图书馆访谈和全国52所高校图书馆问卷调查,从学科服务团队构成、专职学科馆员情况、学科服务团队领导者等6个方面分析我国高校图书馆学科服务团队建设现状。[结果/结论]目前学科服务团队人员组建较为合理,团队领导年轻化,决策支持、科研数据支撑、学科态势分析逐步成为学科服务工作的重点。但学科服务团队存在着高校图书馆对学科服务重要性认识存在分歧、学科馆员能力与知识储备面临挑战、学科服务团队建设不足等问题与困境。  相似文献   

面向科研团队的嵌入式学科服务实践探索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随学科服务的深入,与科研团队的嵌入和合作服务日益增多,如何开展与科研团队需求匹配的服务,需要学科馆员予以更多的思考。嵌入式学科服务以嵌入研究过程、支撑科研创新为主要目标,探索学科服务支持科研的方式和内容,如拜访教授、信息专员、学术成果RSS订阅、学科指南、学科专题培训、走入实验室等,以提高高校科研创新的效率,深化学科服务对科研过程的支撑程度。  相似文献   

This paper explores a possible approach to a research evaluation, by calculating the renown of authors of scientific papers. The evaluation is based on the citation analysis and its results should be close to a human viewpoint. The PageRank algorithm and its modifications were used for the evaluation of various types of citation networks. Our main research question was whether better evaluation results were based directly on an author network or on a publication network. Other issues concerned, for example, the determination of weights in the author network and the distribution of publication scores among their authors. The citation networks were extracted from the computer science domain in the ISI Web of Science database. The influence of self-citations was also explored. To find the best network for a research evaluation, the outputs of PageRank were compared with lists of prestigious awards in computer science such as the Turing and Codd award, ISI Highly Cited and ACM Fellows. Our experiments proved that the best ranking of authors was obtained by using a publication citation network from which self-citations were eliminated, and by distributing the same proportional parts of the publications’ values to their authors. The ranking can be used as a criterion for the financial support of research teams, for identifying leaders of such teams, etc.  相似文献   

目的:构建2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文主体的合作网络知识图谱,揭示主要作者、机构和国家,分析其合作模式。方法:用可视化软件Citespace绘制2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文的作者、机构、国家合作网络图谱。结果:核心作者是Graham Nichol、SM Grundy和Hertzel C.Gerstein等,团体内部合作密切,团体间合作极少。核心研究机构是Harvard Univ、Brigham&Womens Hosp、Univ Sydney等,大学成为科研的主要力量。最有影响力的发文国家是美国、英国和加拿大,合作十分密切。结论:2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文主体合作模式有单点型、双核型、发展型和完备型4种。基于地缘和机构属性的合作还处于摸索与探索阶段,应进一步加强地域间,高校、医疗机构、事业单位和科研机构间的合作与交流。  相似文献   


Today’s most pressing scientific problems necessitate scientific teamwork; the increasing complexity and specialization of knowledge render “lone geniuses” ill-equipped to make high-impact scientific breakthroughs. Social network research has begun to explore the factors that promote the assembly of scientific teams. However, this work has been limited by network approaches centered conceptually and analytically on “nodes as people,” or “nodes as teams.” In this article, we develop a “team-interlock ecosystem” conceptualization of collaborative environments within which new scientific teams, or other creative team-based enterprises, assemble. Team interlock ecosystems comprise teams linked to one another through overlapping memberships and/or overlapping knowledge domains. They depict teams, people, and knowledge sets as nodes, and thus, present both conceptual advantages as well as methodological challenges. Conceptually, team interlock ecosystems invite novel questions about how the structural characteristics of embedding ecosystems serve as the primordial soup from which new teams assemble. Methodologically, however, studying ecosystems requires the use of more advanced analytics that correspond to the inherently multilevel phenomenon of scientists nested within multiple teams. To address these methodological challenges, we advance the use of hypergraph methodologies combined with bibliometric data and simulation-based approaches to test hypotheses related to the ecosystem drivers of team assembly.  相似文献   

指出科学合作网络中节点重要性鉴别通常是利用社会网络分析中的节点程度中心性或中介中心性来进行。这类指标并未考虑科学合作网络中的引文特性,因而并不能完全体现节点在合作网络中的重要性。比较和分析科学合作网络中各种节点影响力指标,并在B-rner提出的引用强度指标基础上进一步提出节点合作收益指标,最后以禽流感合作网络为例评测和分析科学合作网络中具有重要意义的节点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为便于机构人才引进,构建领域核心团队识别规范化流程,从核心区域作者确定、团队指导/师承关系判别、团队发刊倾向和团队研究方向4个方面对领域核心团队进行挖掘研究。[方法/过程] 首先,进行数据前期规范;然后,结合作者合著无向二值矩阵与核心-边缘结构分析,划分核心区域作者,综合多维指标对核心区域作者进行适当调整;最后,基于第一作者与其他作者的有向合著网络,识别领域核心研究团队。[结果/结论] 在厘清团队指导/师承关系判别基本流程上,提炼通用性规律,包括:①在"外射星型"拓扑结构的合著团队中,处于中心位置节点有较高概率为导师/指导者,而"内聚星型"拓扑结构合著团队位于网络中心的作者科研能力较强;②在第一作者与其他作者的有向合著网络中,两个节点若同时具备第一作者与通讯作者关系、有相同的所属机构、学术年龄有一定差距,则这两个节点间一定存在指导关系,有较高的概率存在师承关系。  相似文献   

在科研合作日益显著的趋势下,基于作者合作的学术影响力测度研究明显分为两方面:一是用合作这一因素对传统的引用影响力指标进行调整;二是直接测度作者在合作网络中的影响力,并探索与引用影响力指标的相关性。结果表明,作者在合作网络中的中心度指标与其被引次数、h指数、g指数均呈正相关。在科研合作的背景下,要综合评价作者的学术影响力,应将两者结合起来。最后从科学交流模式和作者学术关系的视角,讨论双重测度作者学术影响力的理论依据。  相似文献   

The growing complexity of scientific challenges demands increasingly intense research collaboration, both domestic and international. The resulting trend affects not only the modes of producing new knowledge, but also the way it is disseminated within scientific communities. This paper analyses the relationship between the “degree of internationalization” of a country’s scientific production and that of the relevant citing publications. The empirical analysis is based on 2010-2012 Italian publications. Findings show: i) the probability of being cited increases with the degree of internationalization of the research team; ii) totally domestic research teams tend to cite to a greater extent totally domestic publications; iii) vice versa, publications resulting from international collaborations tend to be more cited by totally foreign publications rather than by publications including domestic authors. These results emerge both at overall and at discipline level. Findings might inform research policies geared towards internationalization.  相似文献   

Incorporating fresh members into teams is considered a pathway to team creativity. However, whether freshness improves team performance or not remains unclear, as well as the optimal involvement of fresh members for team performance. Focusing on team impact, one important dimension of team performance, this study uses a group of authors on the byline of a publication as a proxy for a scientific team and quantifies team impact by citations of a paper authored by this team, i.e., article team impact. We extend an indicator, i.e., article team freshness, to measure the extent to which a scientific team incorporates new members, by calculating the fraction of new collaboration relations established within the team. Based on more than 43 million scientific publications covering more than a half-century of research from Microsoft Academic Graph, this study provides a holistic picture of the current development of article team freshness by outlining the temporal evolution of freshness, and its disciplinary distribution. Subsequently, using a multivariable regression approach, we examine the association between article team freshness and papers’ short-term and long-term citations. The major findings are as follows: (1) article team freshness in scientific teams has been increasing in the past half-century; (2) there exists an inverted-U-shaped association between article team freshness and papers’ citations in all the disciplines and different periods; (3) article team impact is hampered by article team freshness in small-sized teams, while medium-sized and large-sized teams can benefit more from article team freshness before the fraction of new collaboration reaches its turning point. The findings of this study provide implications for the practice of team formation and team management in science.  相似文献   

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